Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

I disagree. Its not a particularly bad idea.

Lots of people send their kids here to get educated and then bring them back to their home country to reap the benefits of that education. An automatic greencard would encourage those young people to stay and let the US reap the benefits of their education.

There would need to be plenty worked out, but as a broad stroke policy, its not bad.
Were it STEM grads, I could somewhat see the utility....But with the idiotic degrees that are being dealt out today, no fuckin' way.

This is not Trump being a "nice guy"

I disagree with Both of you. This will encourage INCREASED tuition for ALL. This is another scam to
A. Fleece the US students of money by raising tuition
B. Make the colleges and educators more money
here is how it benefits High Tech...
No longer will they have a lottery for H1B.. No more expensive "sponsoring" or Visas..

This is all about saving money for Silicon Valley and this is why you saw a bunch of the CEO's get behind Trump and make big contributions

this is NO different than Trump telling the oil companies "give me 1B for my campaign"
We’ll see

I dont know how many fake votes the dems will stuff into the ballot box

But otherwise I think we can win a fair election
Illegal immigration is a democrat voter base.

The meat packing plants are owned by democrats

Ahh…, the conspiracies are neverending! The problem couldn’t be that Trump is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, Top Secret document thief, election manipulator, bankrupt businessman, corporate fraudster and on and on, could it? :dev3:

Ahh…, the conspiracies are neverending! The problem couldn’t be that Trump is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, Top Secret document thief, election manipulator, bankrupt businessman, corporate fraudster and on and on, could it? :dev3:

You mean the New Banana Republic waging lawfare against the opposition candidate
why should WE be spending ANY money to educate FOREIGN students?
Luring the best and brightest from around the world has been a major economic benefit for the country as a whole.

We have by far the best universities out of the entire world.
Luring the best and brightest from around the world has been a major economic benefit for the country as a whole.

We have by far the best universities out of the entire world.
the highest cost (for a reason) as well.
sure, let them get educated somewhere else and then bring them in on an H1B
Ahh that would be great...

So all these foreign students come in and get the best jobs with no student debt. They will rise up through the companies and get the best salaries.

Next all the top jobs will be held by foreigners and the US Citizens can be the more working class jobs, now where can we see something going wrong with that?

Mean while the rest of the world is bringing in workers who are doing jobs locals don't want to do... Trump wants to bring in people to take the jobs Americans want to do...
exactly. I am thinking I am not going to vote for Trump.
This is not contrary to Trump's often-stated preference on immigration. He wants immigration to be MERIT-BASED. He DOES NOT want to be flooded with uneducated future welfare recipients and criminals.

If foreigners come here for college (presumably not majoring in Ethnic Studies), pay for college and graduate, they would be good candidates for MERIT admission.

Which is what Trump prefers.

The Left constantly accuses Trump of being ANTI-IMMIGRANT, which is complete, obvious, and utter bullshit.
the highest cost (for a reason) as well.
sure, let them get educated somewhere else and then bring them in on an H1B
Not really. The ROI is immense.

Don’t be short sighted. This is a huge deal to the economy.
Trump is the one trying to create s banana republic. Just read Project 2025. By the time you want to complain, it’ll be too late.

When are libs gonna learn?

Any game you invent MAGAs can learn to play
Not really. The ROI is immense.

Don’t be short sighted. This is a huge deal to the economy.
Get your fucking head examined
Trump wants to bring in people to take the jobs Americans want to do...
Get your fucking head examined
Trump wants to bring in people to take the jobs Americans want to do...
Oh no! Americans might have to compete for the job the want? The horror.
Trump is floating a policy that foreign students who come here for college and graduate with a degree should automatically receive a green card upon graduation. I’m curious what Trump’s supporters think about this proposal.

This will make me think twice about voting for Trump. He wants to bring in people to do the jobs that Americans want to do.
And why should they come here to do the job they can do in their home country?
Why wouldn’t we want our economy to benefit from their talents instead of their home country?

This makes our economy stronger. In fact, it’s one of the biggest things that sets us apart from the rest of the world.

Don’t ruin this with your nativist bullshit.
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