Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

Terrorists and spies getting automatic Green cards just because college? That's a retarded idea, morons.

Kick youselves in the ass for me, pls.
We have how many million the last a-hole allowed to waltz across the border? If they have nothing to offer they should be deported. If they do, however, that is another matter. Vet them and put them to use. Those from hostile nations - China, some middle eastern countries, obviously, not. Kick YOURSELF for an overly simplistic view of the problem. Trump does this as well, speaks without thinking, so a statement like "give everyone a green card" is not as simple as it sounds.

Any of that depends on someone other than the uni-party being in office, however, as mass migration has been allowed on a global scale, wreaking utter havoc on the West. The real issue is who is supporting that mass movement and why. Until we know that, and shut this down hard, and get rid of the globalist A-holes at the root of this, the problem only continues to get worse.
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Perhaps it’s time for you to get back to discussing the topic instead of getting upset at me for making accurate generalizations.
Perhaps you should address the topic instead of speaking in a generalization, you know, a stereotype. Addtessing stereotypes you made, is on topic
Not if we elect trump and kick some butts out of congress

If you elect Trump, the Republican donors will fill their meat processing plants with illegals who will rush the border, looking for jobs.

Illegal immigration went UP every year under Donald Trump, until 2020, and the only reason it went down in 2020 was because of covid. Look at it go down, down, down while Obama was in office, and right back up again, when Trump was elected, until 2020.

You believe too many fantasies. Trump is bleeding voters like a ruptured aorta.

We’ll see

I dont know how many fake votes the dems will stuff into the ballot box

But otherwise I think we can win a fair election
If you elect Trump, the Republican donors will fill their meat processing plants with illegals who will rush the border, looking for jobs.

Illegal immigration went UP every year under Donald Trump, until 2020, and the only reason it went down in 2020 was because of covid. Look at it go down, down, down while Obama was in office, and right back up again, when Trump was elected, until 2020.

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Illegal immigration is a democrat voter base.

The meat packing plants are owned by democrats
We’ll see

I dont know how many fake votes the dems will stuff into the ballot box

But otherwise I think we can win a fair election
Excuse, excuses! The truth is you have a felon for a candidate and his biggest plus, he’s a successful businessman, has been proven over and over again to be false.

Excuse, excuses! The truth is you have a felon for a candidate and his biggest plus, he’s a successful businessman, has been proven over and over again to be false.

We cant hold the election here

I think you are wrong, but who knows?

We’ll see in november
This is not a terrible idea. It’s stupid that we spend money educating foreign students and then kick them out of the country.
why should WE be spending ANY money to educate FOREIGN students?

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