Trump Says He Supports Slashing Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint’

There are conflicting rumors that...

1. Democrats have periodically raided Social Security to pay for welfare handouts

2. Republicans have periodically raided Social Security to pay for wars or tax cuts

Is any of that true?


When you look at the amount of actual excess contribution, it is not sufficient to pay for the subsidies that the government has made to the system. The Trust Fund is mostly interest and interest on interest. Let me know if you want to see the data.
The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

Forbes published an article of mine on the SS Trust Fund. It takes a hefty dump on those who question the reality of the Trust Fund.

Is The Social Security Trust Fund Real Or Fiction? Who Cares?

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