Trump Says He Supports Slashing Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint’

You DO realize that SS was NEVER supposed to be a long-term program, that the President who signed it warned that if allowed to be made permanent politicians would use it as a slush fund / mis-use it, right?!
a retirement program wasn't supposed to be long term :cuckoo:
SS as a retirement program was not meant to be used to support six adult kids for life of alcohol and drug abusers and that is a portion of what has been stripping the funds out of it. Those payments were made by employees and their employers for the employee had long term security when they reached the age or inability to work.
For millions of retirees who get most of their income and worked all their lives and depend on SS this must be a wake up call,even for the older rightwing supporters of trump

Now watch the attacks on the stories sources instead of the content

'Social Security has been called the third rail of American politics: Touch it and you die. And if that is indeed the case, then Donald Trump might want to start picking out a nice casket.

Bloomberg is reporting that when the GOP nominee met with Paul Ryan on May 12, he told the House Speaker that he does indeed favor cutting Social Security, but he’s afraid to say so publicly because it would doom his chances in November. Bloomberg cites an unnamed source who was in the room when the meeting was held.'

According to the source, Trump told Ryan:

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it. But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’

Trump Says He Supports Slashing Social Security From A 'Moral Standpoint'

REVEALED: GOP Insider Just Leaked Donald Trump's Secret Plan To Slash Social Security

Trump Campaign: Maybe We’ll Cut Social Security After All

Surprise, Surprise. Trump's Been Lying About His Opposition To Cutting Social Security

A Trump presidency would threaten programs like Social Security. Here's how we know.

The Hidden Social Security Bombshell in Donald Trump's Debt Proposal -- The Motley Fool

The only issue i care about is trump hates the cop killing animals and clinton supports them.
Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.
The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Of the money you paid into the "fund", some was spent by the government, and some was spent on existing retirees. None is left. Fact.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?
Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?

They have invested into many investment assets. But certainly NOT their own bonds, that would be illegal you MORON!

If private entity attempted to do that, they would be charged for conducting a ponzi scheme... the perpetrators would be quickly moved to a prison cell.

Get this over your skull, there is nothing left, it has all been spent. It is extremely simple, if only you didn't have an IQ of a monkey.
Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?
SS is (supposed to be) a fund, not an insurance policy / slush fund.

If the goal is to set aside everyone's money for THEM later in life, why do libs oppose individual retirement funds / accounts THEY CAN'T TOUCH?!
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?

They have invested into many investment assets. But certainly NOT their own bonds, that would be illegal you MORON!

If private entity attempted to do that, they would be charged for conducting a ponzi scheme... they perpetrators would be quickly moved to a prison cell.

US treasuries are not SS's own bonds. You are too stupid to cope with.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?
SS is (supposed to be) a fund, not an insurance policy / slush fund.

If the goal is to set aside everyone's money for THEM later in life, why do libs oppose individual retirement funds / accounts THEY CAN'T TOUCH?!

You can have all the individual retirement accounts you want.
There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.

There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?

They have invested into many investment assets. But certainly NOT their own bonds, that would be illegal you MORON!

If private entity attempted to do that, they would be charged for conducting a ponzi scheme... they perpetrators would be quickly moved to a prison cell.

US treasuries are not SS's own bonds. You are too stupid to cope with.

Are you again saying that SS is not an entity of the government?

Nope, it is. And the money is gone, that is a mathematical FACT, you idiot.

In order to get the money, the government will have to raise taxes or issue new bonds - just as if nothing existed inside any funds. If you attempt to loan money from your left hand to the right the assets and liabilities cancel out. Yes, we know you can't do any accounting, but try to keep up.
There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?

They have invested into many investment assets. But certainly NOT their own bonds, that would be illegal you MORON!

If private entity attempted to do that, they would be charged for conducting a ponzi scheme... they perpetrators would be quickly moved to a prison cell.

US treasuries are not SS's own bonds. You are too stupid to cope with.

Are you again saying that SS is not an entity of the government?

Nope, it is. And the money is gone, that is a mathematical FACT, you idiot.

If the money is gone, why in the last two years was SS able to use interest income along with the year's payroll tax revenue to make those year's payouts?

Is the money gone that you have invested?
There is over 2 trillion "set aside", you idiot.

"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?

They have invested into many investment assets. But certainly NOT their own bonds, that would be illegal you MORON!

If private entity attempted to do that, they would be charged for conducting a ponzi scheme... they perpetrators would be quickly moved to a prison cell.

US treasuries are not SS's own bonds. You are too stupid to cope with.

Are you again saying that SS is not an entity of the government?

Nope, it is. And the money is gone, that is a mathematical FACT, you idiot.

In order to get the money, the government will have to raise taxes or issue new bonds - just as if nothing existed. If you attempt to move an asset from your left hand to the right, the assets and liabilities cancel out. Yes, we know you can't do any accounting, but try to keep up.

The money can't be gone unless US treasuries have become worthless.

Do you own any?
I appreciate the govt's concerns for my welfare at retirement age, but I have proven I can manage my money better than they can.

Just give me the money I have put in, stop TAKING any more of my money, and let me opt out of the program. Don't even give me the interest I dhould / could have earned on all yhat money all these years. I will even sign a contract saying they can let me die rather than give me any of anyone else's money if I fall into need.

They still won't do it... because the money I put into it is needed to fund someone else's SS check because THEIR money is GONE.
Well then if it cant work trump should put that in his platform...but he wont because hes not any more trustworthy than clinton. They are both corporate puppets in a country where corporate influence is slowly killing the middle class. This year i abstain my vote. A corporatocracy run amok whining and crying like little sniveling babies about regulations.
"Set aside" = spent by government. So no...

Also the liabilities top 20 trillion, so that's nothing right there.

It's clear you refuse to understand simple accounting/finance, because you are an ideologically brainwashed idiot. These people will literally claim that gravity works upwards before abandoning their regressive ideology.

Do you have car insurance? Does your insurance company have money 'set aside' in case they need to pay you a major claim?

Where do you guess they have that money?

They have invested into many investment assets. But certainly NOT their own bonds, that would be illegal you MORON!

If private entity attempted to do that, they would be charged for conducting a ponzi scheme... they perpetrators would be quickly moved to a prison cell.

US treasuries are not SS's own bonds. You are too stupid to cope with.

Are you again saying that SS is not an entity of the government?

Nope, it is. And the money is gone, that is a mathematical FACT, you idiot.

In order to get the money, the government will have to raise taxes or issue new bonds - just as if nothing existed. If you attempt to move an asset from your left hand to the right, the assets and liabilities cancel out. Yes, we know you can't do any accounting, but try to keep up.

The money can't be gone unless US treasuries have become worthless.

Do you own any?

Can someone explain already, how is this level of stupidity even possible? You need to get evaluated immediately. It's extraordinary accident of nature that someone can possibly be able to write but yet be as ignorant. That, or we are dealing with the hallmark of Marxist brainwashing.

Do you understand, it doesn't matter how many bonds of its own creation the government owns, the government can generate an INFINITE AMOUNT of its own bonds at will. My own debt obligations in my hands are worthless, and will not in any way help me pay for my retirement bills. Assets cancel with liabilities...

I won't be repeating this, since it's been stated quite a few times now already. If you prefer to be an ignorant brainwashed retard, so be it. However, even if the government had responsibly invested all of the excess payments, that would still amount to very little. So... your argument is a non-point regardless.
Last edited:
SS hasn't been misused.
It funded the democrats Vietnam war.

I know the lie you're trying to propagate.

SS invests in US bonds. Just like any other US creditor.

Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!


The government does not "set aside" any money. They never have.

When you buy a government bond, the money you give them is likewise "gone." The government always spends the money they take, including from the $10 trillion or so they raise from Treasury securities.
If the govt gave people the OPTION of keeping their money and investing yourself versus having it SEIZED from their bank accounts there would be no SS.

No one has ever taken me up on my offer ..maybe they will now...

Like SS? Then go with ne to the bank, let's open a joint bank account. Every month money is taken out of your pay. YOU never get to touch it....until I tell you that you can.
I can raise the age limit any time I want. I dictate how much you get each month. And when you die I get whatever is left, not your family.

That way you can draw 2 'SS' checks. Who is up for it?

If offered this deal, given a choice, no sensible person would sign up for it.
You DO realize that SS was NEVER supposed to be a long-term program, that the President who signed it warned that if allowed to be made permanent politicians would use it as a slush fund / mis-use it, right?!

Do you have a source for that statement?

FDR certainly expected the program to be around 30 years later. He required that the program be self-sustaining by 1965.
For millions of retirees who get most of their income and worked all their lives and depend on SS this must be a wake up call,even for the older rightwing supporters of trump

Now watch the attacks on the stories sources instead of the content

'Social Security has been called the third rail of American politics: Touch it and you die. And if that is indeed the case, then Donald Trump might want to start picking out a nice casket.

Bloomberg is reporting that when the GOP nominee met with Paul Ryan on May 12, he told the House Speaker that he does indeed favor cutting Social Security, but he’s afraid to say so publicly because it would doom his chances in November. Bloomberg cites an unnamed source who was in the room when the meeting was held.'

According to the source, Trump told Ryan:

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it. But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’

Trump Says He Supports Slashing Social Security From A 'Moral Standpoint'

REVEALED: GOP Insider Just Leaked Donald Trump's Secret Plan To Slash Social Security

Trump Campaign: Maybe We’ll Cut Social Security After All

Surprise, Surprise. Trump's Been Lying About His Opposition To Cutting Social Security

A Trump presidency would threaten programs like Social Security. Here's how we know.

The Hidden Social Security Bombshell in Donald Trump's Debt Proposal -- The Motley Fool

Here is Trump's response to AARP :

"As was stated above, I will work with Congress to ensure we have a pro-growth agenda in place. If we are able to sustain growth rates in GDP that we had as a result of the Kennedy and Reagan tax reforms, we will be able to secure Social Security for the future. As our demography changes, a prudent administration would begin to examine what changes might be necessary for future generations. Our goal is to keep the promises made to Americans through our Social Security program." Emphasis added

He isn't going to suggest changing SS prior to the election. Afterwards he may decide he is prudent.
For millions of retirees who get most of their income and worked all their lives and depend on SS this must be a wake up call,even for the older rightwing supporters of trump

Now watch the attacks on the stories sources instead of the content

'Social Security has been called the third rail of American politics: Touch it and you die. And if that is indeed the case, then Donald Trump might want to start picking out a nice casket.

Bloomberg is reporting that when the GOP nominee met with Paul Ryan on May 12, he told the House Speaker that he does indeed favor cutting Social Security, but he’s afraid to say so publicly because it would doom his chances in November. Bloomberg cites an unnamed source who was in the room when the meeting was held.'

According to the source, Trump told Ryan:

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it. But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’

Trump Says He Supports Slashing Social Security From A 'Moral Standpoint'

REVEALED: GOP Insider Just Leaked Donald Trump's Secret Plan To Slash Social Security

Trump Campaign: Maybe We’ll Cut Social Security After All

Surprise, Surprise. Trump's Been Lying About His Opposition To Cutting Social Security

A Trump presidency would threaten programs like Social Security. Here's how we know.

The Hidden Social Security Bombshell in Donald Trump's Debt Proposal -- The Motley Fool
If major changes, including cuts to SS, aren't made, Social Security is going to run out of money, anyway? Right? So if anyone tackles it, they're dead, but if they don't, Social Security dies. Nice.

SS will not have sufficient resources to pay for all of its promises. How the public reacts to the event no one knows.

The 3rd rail of politics only works when 50% of the public expects to be dead before the consequences arrive. Today it is about 55% of Americans expect to retire after the consequences have already arrived. Soon enough, they are dead if they don't touch SS. The how is the problem. You have to appease 50% of the public and that is going to be hard.

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