Trump Says He Supports Slashing Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint’

When Republicans start telling you Social Security is 'immoral'

1. Commend them for telling us how they really feel

2. Remind yourself why we must never ever ever allow them to be in charge in Washington.
And what relevance has this in any way to the message? The money is gone regardless.

If the government doesn't default, the children will have to be taxed real good. This is a wet dream for a regressive akin to you, but for everyone else, it's a complete disaster.

When you mortgage a house, do you not spend the money ON the house?
I would imagine the answer to that question is 50/50 so what's your point?

People here are saying that the money borrowed from SS is GONE. Of course it's GONE. It's gone like the money you borrowed to buy your house, or your car, or the money you borrowed on your credit card this month.

Yes the money itself is gone, it's been replaced by an obligation to repay the amount plus interest.

Don't you people have any clue how borrowing money works? Jesus!
So Clinton's three lock box was a lie?

The way finance and money works for NYCarbineer/regressives is the following:

1. Write yourself a loan from your retirement fund
2. Go buy a million dollar vacation trip with the "borrowed" money.
3. Pretend your retirement fund is fine, since after all you have this loan from yourself

Enron would have liked to hire him for the bookkeeper's role, I am sure.

It's not a loan from yourself. SS is a separate entity with specific dedicated funding.
For millions of retirees who get most of their income and worked all their lives and depend on SS this must be a wake up call,even for the older rightwing supporters of trump

Now watch the attacks on the stories sources instead of the content

'Social Security has been called the third rail of American politics: Touch it and you die. And if that is indeed the case, then Donald Trump might want to start picking out a nice casket.

Bloomberg is reporting that when the GOP nominee met with Paul Ryan on May 12, he told the House Speaker that he does indeed favor cutting Social Security, but he’s afraid to say so publicly because it would doom his chances in November. Bloomberg cites an unnamed source who was in the room when the meeting was held.'

According to the source, Trump told Ryan:

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it. But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’

Trump Says He Supports Slashing Social Security From A 'Moral Standpoint'

REVEALED: GOP Insider Just Leaked Donald Trump's Secret Plan To Slash Social Security

Trump Campaign: Maybe We’ll Cut Social Security After All

Surprise, Surprise. Trump's Been Lying About His Opposition To Cutting Social Security

A Trump presidency would threaten programs like Social Security. Here's how we know.

The Hidden Social Security Bombshell in Donald Trump's Debt Proposal -- The Motley Fool
Most on the reckless, irresponsible right have been trying to ‘get rid’ of Social Security ever since the program was ruled Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

This is particularly idiotic given the Great Recession, when millions of Americans lost their savings through no fault of their own, and where Social Security will be their primary source of income when they can no longer work.

That this is even being made an ‘issue’ illustrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are.

The biggest elephant in this room is that the Republicans want to enable Wall Street to get their hands on SS's money.
When you mortgage a house, do you not spend the money ON the house?
I would imagine the answer to that question is 50/50 so what's your point?

People here are saying that the money borrowed from SS is GONE. Of course it's GONE. It's gone like the money you borrowed to buy your house, or your car, or the money you borrowed on your credit card this month.

Yes the money itself is gone, it's been replaced by an obligation to repay the amount plus interest.

Don't you people have any clue how borrowing money works? Jesus!
So Clinton's three lock box was a lie?

The way finance and money works for NYCarbineer/regressives is the following:

1. Write yourself a loan from your retirement fund
2. Go buy a million dollar vacation trip with the "borrowed" money.
3. Pretend your retirement fund is fine, since after all you have this loan from yourself

Enron would have liked to hire him for the bookkeeper's role, I am sure.

It's not a loan from yourself. SS is a separate entity with specific dedicated funding.

SS fund is not an entity of the government?

The amount of mental gymnastics you are willing to perform in order to cover a lie is surreal.

It says "PAY AS YOU GO" in their god damn site. That means no money invested. Are you following?
I would imagine the answer to that question is 50/50 so what's your point?

People here are saying that the money borrowed from SS is GONE. Of course it's GONE. It's gone like the money you borrowed to buy your house, or your car, or the money you borrowed on your credit card this month.

Yes the money itself is gone, it's been replaced by an obligation to repay the amount plus interest.

Don't you people have any clue how borrowing money works? Jesus!
So Clinton's three lock box was a lie?

The way finance and money works for NYCarbineer/regressives is the following:

1. Write yourself a loan from your retirement fund
2. Go buy a million dollar vacation trip with the "borrowed" money.
3. Pretend your retirement fund is fine, since after all you have this loan from yourself

Enron would have liked to hire him for the bookkeeper's role, I am sure.

It's not a loan from yourself. SS is a separate entity with specific dedicated funding.

SS fund is not an entity of the government?

The amount of mental gymnastics you are willing to perform in order to cover a lie is surreal.

It says "PAY AS YOU GO" in their god damn site. That means no money invested. Are you following?

The SS Trust Fund earns 100 billion a year in interest income.

btw, if you buy a US Treasury bill, for the interest income, where do think the interest payment comes from?
People here are saying that the money borrowed from SS is GONE. Of course it's GONE. It's gone like the money you borrowed to buy your house, or your car, or the money you borrowed on your credit card this month.

Yes the money itself is gone, it's been replaced by an obligation to repay the amount plus interest.

Don't you people have any clue how borrowing money works? Jesus!
So Clinton's three lock box was a lie?

The way finance and money works for NYCarbineer/regressives is the following:

1. Write yourself a loan from your retirement fund
2. Go buy a million dollar vacation trip with the "borrowed" money.
3. Pretend your retirement fund is fine, since after all you have this loan from yourself

Enron would have liked to hire him for the bookkeeper's role, I am sure.

It's not a loan from yourself. SS is a separate entity with specific dedicated funding.

SS fund is not an entity of the government?

The amount of mental gymnastics you are willing to perform in order to cover a lie is surreal.

It says "PAY AS YOU GO" in their god damn site. That means no money invested. Are you following?

The SS Trust Fund earns 100 billion a year in interest income.

btw, if you buy a US Treasury bill, for the interest income, where do think the interest payment comes from?

From the government, which the fund is a part of, you indoctrinated idiot.

Let the site educate you since it's clear that you are lacking the brain function to understand what "pay as you go" means otherwise:

"While you work, you pay Social Security taxes. This tax money goes into a trust fund that pays benefits to those who are currently retired, to people with disabilities, and to the surviving spouses and children of workers who have died. Each year you work, you’ll earn credits to help you become eligible for benefits when it’s time for you to retire. Find all the benefits SSA offers by visiting"

Do you now understand... there is no fund with loads of assets ready to be cashed lying around. It would be an accounting fabrication to think so. In order to do so the government would have to borrow a bunch of money, just as if there was no fund (which there isn't, in any practical sense). On a positive note, Enron did hire someone as bright in accounting as yourself, so maybe, just maybe you have a prospect of landing a job some day.
There are conflicting rumors that...

1. Democrats have periodically raided Social Security to pay for welfare handouts

2. Republicans have periodically raided Social Security to pay for wars or tax cuts

Is any of that true?
There are conflicting rumors that...

1. Democrats have periodically raided Social Security to pay for welfare handouts

2. Republicans have periodically raided Social Security to pay for wars or tax cuts

Is any of that true?

Both can be considered true and untrue depending on your view.

In any real sense there is no fund, but the excess retirement payments people paid in sure was spent by republicans AND democrats, without any considerations for how the kids are going to afford paying for the nightmare.

The fund has unfunded obligations to the tune of 20 trillion.
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The elderly tend to vote GOP. The GOP wants to swindle the elderly.

Stands to reason they would nominate the King of all Swindlers to represent their party.
There are conflicting rumors that...

1. Democrats have periodically raided Social Security to pay for welfare handouts

2. Republicans have periodically raided Social Security to pay for wars or tax cuts

Is any of that true?

Both can be considered true and untrue depending on your view.

In any real sense there is no fund, but the excess retirement payments people paid in sure was spent by republicans AND democrats, without any considerations for how the kids are going to afford paying for the nightmare.
The GOP's goal is to see elderly Americans eating cat food and living in piano boxes until ill health causes them to die. To those younger Republicans, wait until it happens to you. Will it have been worth supporting the GOP?
There are conflicting rumors that...

1. Democrats have periodically raided Social Security to pay for welfare handouts

2. Republicans have periodically raided Social Security to pay for wars or tax cuts

Is any of that true?

Both can be considered true and untrue depending on your view.

In any real sense there is no fund, but the excess retirement payments people paid in sure was spent by republicans AND democrats, without any considerations for how the kids are going to afford paying for the nightmare.
The GOP's goal is to see elderly Americans eating cat food and living in piano boxes until ill health causes them to die. To those younger Republicans, wait until it happens to you. Will it have been worth supporting the GOP?

And that's why the old vote for them?

I suppose the democrat plan of having everyone on cat food is even worse.
There are conflicting rumors that...

1. Democrats have periodically raided Social Security to pay for welfare handouts

2. Republicans have periodically raided Social Security to pay for wars or tax cuts

Is any of that true?

No one 'raids' Social Security. SS does what almost every major investor does, they buy US treasury securities.
As Reagan used to say, "here we go again". First of all, Trump was never even alleged to have used the word "slashed" in this context. The word was created by someone named Andrew Bradford to enhance a fraudulent argument and picked up by the rest of the lazy liberal clones. The 2nd thing is that the whole freaking article is based on a 3rd hand report allegedly from an unidentified and unverified informant who allegedly overheard a private conversation between Trump and the House Speaker. It's a typical example of dishonest "journalism" that we used to call "yellow journalism" from a desperate left wing and unfortunately there is a lot of it around and we are likely to see a lot more of it before November.
You DO realize that SS was NEVER supposed to be a long-term program, that the President who signed it warned that if allowed to be made permanent politicians would use it as a slush fund / mis-use it, right?!

SS hasn't been misused.
It funded the democrats Vietnam war.

I know the lie you're trying to propagate.

SS invests in US bonds. Just like any other US creditor.

Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
You DO realize that SS was NEVER supposed to be a long-term program, that the President who signed it warned that if allowed to be made permanent politicians would use it as a slush fund / mis-use it, right?!

SS hasn't been misused.
It funded the democrats Vietnam war.

I know the lie you're trying to propagate.

SS invests in US bonds. Just like any other US creditor.

Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

SS hasn't been misused.
It funded the democrats Vietnam war.

I know the lie you're trying to propagate.

SS invests in US bonds. Just like any other US creditor.

Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
SS hasn't been misused.
It funded the democrats Vietnam war.

I know the lie you're trying to propagate.

SS invests in US bonds. Just like any other US creditor.

Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!


Further the fund represents only the excess money that was paid into SS. Even if that was not spent and invested instead, most of your money paid in would still be gone.
There are conflicting rumors that...

1. Democrats have periodically raided Social Security to pay for welfare handouts

2. Republicans have periodically raided Social Security to pay for wars or tax cuts

Is any of that true?

Neither are really true.

Proceeds from SS have been used to fund general government spending, but that's no different than the government issuing Treasury securities to fund spending.
It funded the democrats Vietnam war.

I know the lie you're trying to propagate.

SS invests in US bonds. Just like any other US creditor.

Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.
I know the lie you're trying to propagate.

SS invests in US bonds. Just like any other US creditor.

Yes, and I invest my retirement money in my own bonds too... then go on a spending spree and everything is fine. I have my own bond!

You idiot, those bonds funded the war, and now your retirement money is gone.

It really is difficult to come by people as idiotic as NYCarbineer. Truly the special kind...

The money isn't "gone." The government still owes the recipients of SS the amount promised.

You misunderstand the nature of SS. SS acts like a government bond fund that isn't marked-to-market.
If I am $20+ trillion in debt and I owe you $100 that I was SUPPOSED to set aside for you but spent, dude, your money is GONE!

Just because you are a bad credit risk doesn't mean the US gov is.
MY social security - my money that was set aside for me - being stolen and spent by the federal govt is the problem.

I am in the green and operate on a balanced budget and have not had my credit rating down-graded. I am not the risk. The fed govt, trillions in the hole run by fiscally irreponsible / criminal politicians is the proven bad risk.

There is no "your social security money set aside". It was all spent by design.

And this is on reason why Trump has a problem with the program just as any moral person should.
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