Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

And, you don't ask anybody to issue a birth certificate if an agency requests it, you simply show yours, whether it be original or copy, and that would be your proof. You don't understand how it works.

I haven't been asked for my birth certificate since I got my passport decades ago. For jobs- for my license with the government- nada.

But if I were asked for a birth certificate- then I would go get a certified copy of my original- which is on file just like President Obama's- and my certified copy would be acceptable and legal..

And no one would care about what happened to whatever birth certificate I had decades ago.

Most people keep their birth / citizenship certificates in a safe, with other important documents, such as passports, deeds, wills, jewelry etc. So Obama must not have had his own in 2007 then, which adds to the suspicion, as to why not. However, he never stated either way.

Let me break this down:
  • Most people keep their birth / citizenship certificates in a safe, with other important documents, such as passports, deeds, wills, jewelry etc- most people don't have a safe- this is just your speculation again
  • So Obama must not have had his own in 2007 then, which adds to the suspicion, as to why not. However, he never stated either way- suspicion of what- by whom? There is no requirement that he had kept his copy for 40 years or knew where it was- nor is there anyone but you asking what happened to a copy he might have had sometime up to 40 years previously.
And as you have already said- you won't believe anything he says anyway.

You are as lost as the 9/11 Truthers.
So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.

I don't have a story. I am following the clues and the facts.

Fact is Hawaii has produced something but not Obama. Now why is that?

You ignore the facts.

The fact is that Hawaii has the original birth certificate.
The fact is that Obama has produced his birth certificate- twice now for the American people.
The fact is that the State of Hawaii has confirmed that the BC's he has shown are correct.
The facts are quite clear- you ignore the facts.
So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

, where was Obama's past original or certified birth certificate, and why hasn't he said anything about it's status?

Why would he?

No one- literally no one- is asking about a document that may have been lost 40 years ago but you.

President Obama has been elected twice.
Americans have seen copies of his legal birth certificate, which have been confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Your obsession is even less popular than 9/11 Truthers.

Why would Obama not show his own original or certified copy, when asked if he was born abroad? Your question is bizzare.

Why would he show you something when you demand it here on the boards? No reason at all.

But of course President Obama has shown his own certified copy twice now- in 2007 and in 2011.

That you refuse to accept them is not President Obama's problem.

what about pre 2007. Any news? Let me know. Thanks.

Don't know- don't care.

You are as doomed as 9/11 Truthers.
You said it perfectly- and this is really the Birther mantra

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations

What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

It isn't circumstantial that Obama had a birth certificate, otherwise he would not be issued a U.S. Passport.

Which, repeated a 5th time for the desperately, willfully ignorant....can be acquired with a certified copy.

Yet you are insisting that Obama has an original. Prove it. Remembering of course, that a certified copy can get you a passport.

You don't understand how it works.

No, that would be you that doesn't understand how it works. We're the one's slowly and carefully explaining to you that a certified copy can get you a passport.

The only time you "ask" is if yours is missing or lost, and that's when you go down to the vital records dept. of the city / county you were born in, and request they issue you another certified copy.

Which Obama did......and the State of Hawaii provided.

And you ignored. For no reason. You still haven't explained to us why you're ignoring every document issued by the State of Hawaii and every Hawaiian state official.

You just do.....'because'. Apparently even you don't know why. And your willful ignorance isn't evidence.
So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

, where was Obama's past original or certified birth certificate, and why hasn't he said anything about it's status?

Why would he?

No one- literally no one- is asking about a document that may have been lost 40 years ago but you.

President Obama has been elected twice.
Americans have seen copies of his legal birth certificate, which have been confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Your obsession is even less popular than 9/11 Truthers.

Why would Obama not show his own original or certified copy, when asked if he was born abroad? Your question is bizzare.

Why would he show you something when you demand it here on the boards? No reason at all.

But of course President Obama has shown his own certified copy twice now- in 2007 and in 2011.

That you refuse to accept them is not President Obama's problem.

what about pre 2007. Any news? Let me know. Thanks.

And why are you ignoring the State of Hawaii, the certified copy of his birth certificate they gave him, and every Hawaiian official to speak on the topic?

When you figure that out, let us know. Thanks.
So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.

I don't have a story. I am following the clues and the facts.

Obvious bullshit. You ignore the clues and the facts. You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii. And you still have provided no explanation for this obtuse act of willful ignorance.

You've ignored the certified copy of Obama's birth certificate prepared by the State of Hawaii.

You've ignored both birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers in 1961 citing Obama's birth in Hawaii.

You've ignored the Registar of Hawaii who confirmed that the LFBC image on the White House website matches their original vital records. Twice.

You've ignored Obama's press conference on the matter, insisting he's never spoken on the matter.

You've ignored the where images of the 2007 COLB are still sitting there, ready to be viewed.

You've ignored the Director of the Department of Health in Hawaii confirming that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital records.

You've ignored the State Department, your own sources, and the CDC on certified copies of birth certificates being used for passports. don't give a fuck about the clues or the evidence.
You're just gonna polish your little turd of a conspiracy. A turd backed by nothing but your imagination. A turd contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Fact is Hawaii has produced something but not Obama. Now why is that?

You're lying your ass off. Obama posted an image of his LFBC on the white house website and held a press conference on the issue. Both of which you know, birther. Obama sent a certified copy of the birth certificate to the pictures of it still online right now. Which you also know, birther.

If your argument had actual merit, why lie? And if you're going to lie....why make it obtuse, stupid lies that are so easily disproven.
So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.
ockham again... that's fine.

you forgot seattle... in there somewhere. it could still be there is/was no certificate at all... which would explain the pdf and all the song and dance surrounding it's sudden appearance.
people are very suspicious, amidst a flurried backdrop of "transparency". sorry man, i remain unconvinced, and that was before benghazi.
Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

And, you don't ask anybody to issue a birth certificate if an agency requests it, you simply show yours, whether it be original or copy, and that would be your proof. You don't understand how it works.

I haven't been asked for my birth certificate since I got my passport decades ago. For jobs- for my license with the government- nada.

But if I were asked for a birth certificate- then I would go get a certified copy of my original- which is on file just like President Obama's- and my certified copy would be acceptable and legal..

And no one would care about what happened to whatever birth certificate I had decades ago.

Most people keep their birth / citizenship certificates in a safe, with other important documents, such as passports, deeds, wills, jewelry etc. So Obama must not have had his own in 2007 then, which adds to the suspicion, as to why not. However, he never stated either way.

Let me break this down:
  • Most people keep their birth / citizenship certificates in a safe, with other important documents, such as passports, deeds, wills, jewelry etc- most people don't have a safe- this is just your speculation again
  • So Obama must not have had his own in 2007 then, which adds to the suspicion, as to why not. However, he never stated either way- suspicion of what- by whom? There is no requirement that he had kept his copy for 40 years or knew where it was- nor is there anyone but you asking what happened to a copy he might have had sometime up to 40 years previously.
And as you have already said- you won't believe anything he says anyway.

You are as lost as the 9/11 Truthers.
your premise has an American BC ?

Curiously, when Obama found the article about Obama Sr.'s departure, he found it "folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms." Later in Dreams, in a passage heretofore overlooked, Obama unwittingly reveals that there may have been problems with that birth certificate.

Read more: Articles: What Obama Has Said about His Own Birth
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i really like the composite girlfriend.
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So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.

I don't have a story. I am following the clues and the facts.

Obvious bullshit. You ignore the clues and the facts. You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii. And you still have provided no explanation for this obtuse act of willful ignorance.

You've ignored the certified copy of Obama's birth certificate prepared by the State of Hawaii.

You've ignored both birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers in 1961 citing Obama's birth in Hawaii.

You've ignored the Registar of Hawaii who confirmed that the LFBC image on the White House website matches their original vital records. Twice.

You've ignored Obama's press conference on the matter, insisting he's never spoken on the matter.

You've ignored the where images of the 2007 COLB are still sitting there, ready to be viewed.

You've ignored the Director of the Department of Health in Hawaii confirming that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital records.

You've ignored the State Department, your own sources, and the CDC on certified copies of birth certificates being used for passports. don't give a fuck about the clues or the evidence.
You're just gonna polish your little turd of a conspiracy. A turd backed by nothing but your imagination. A turd contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Fact is Hawaii has produced something but not Obama. Now why is that?

You're lying your ass off. Obama posted an image of his LFBC on the white house website and held a press conference on the issue. Both of which you know, birther. Obama sent a certified copy of the birth certificate to the pictures of it still online right now. Which you also know, birther.

If your argument had actual merit, why lie? And if you're going to lie....why make it obtuse, stupid lies that are so easily disproven.

Obama posted a copy of his LFBC issued in 2007? That's the one he obtained from the state. That isn't a revelation.
Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.

I don't have a story. I am following the clues and the facts.

Obvious bullshit. You ignore the clues and the facts. You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii. And you still have provided no explanation for this obtuse act of willful ignorance.

You've ignored the certified copy of Obama's birth certificate prepared by the State of Hawaii.

You've ignored both birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers in 1961 citing Obama's birth in Hawaii.

You've ignored the Registar of Hawaii who confirmed that the LFBC image on the White House website matches their original vital records. Twice.

You've ignored Obama's press conference on the matter, insisting he's never spoken on the matter.

You've ignored the where images of the 2007 COLB are still sitting there, ready to be viewed.

You've ignored the Director of the Department of Health in Hawaii confirming that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital records.

You've ignored the State Department, your own sources, and the CDC on certified copies of birth certificates being used for passports. don't give a fuck about the clues or the evidence.
You're just gonna polish your little turd of a conspiracy. A turd backed by nothing but your imagination. A turd contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Fact is Hawaii has produced something but not Obama. Now why is that?

You're lying your ass off. Obama posted an image of his LFBC on the white house website and held a press conference on the issue. Both of which you know, birther. Obama sent a certified copy of the birth certificate to the pictures of it still online right now. Which you also know, birther.

If your argument had actual merit, why lie? And if you're going to lie....why make it obtuse, stupid lies that are so easily disproven.

Obama posted a copy of his LFBC issued in 2007? That's the one he obtained from the state. That isn't a revelation.

No- in 2008 Barack Obama provided a copy of his certified birth certificate.

In 2011 President Obama provided two certified copies of his long form birth certificate for reporters to see, and posted a copy online.

The State of Hawaii confirmed that they had provided the copy- and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

No revelation at all- its the reason why no rational people are asking for Barack Obama's birth certificate. reports that while the issue was raised by diehard Clinton supporters in 2008, there is nothing to link Clinton, her campaign or her staff to the issue.

More: Donald Trump Just Won't Give Up His Birther Fantasy In Colbert Interview

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

It is certainly interesting, and perhaps historically and politically relevant, that “birther” advocacy may have originated with supporters of Hillary Clinton — especially since many view it as an exclusively right-wing movement. But whether those theories were advocated by Clinton and/or her campaign or simply by Clinton “supporters” is an important distinction. Candidates are expected to be held accountable for the actions of their campaigns. Neither Cruz nor Trump, whose campaign did not respond to our request for backup material, provides any compelling evidence that either Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with starting the so-called birther movement.

More: Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

So, there it is. There is no evidence to support Trump's claim.
If Hillary's people did this then she is responsible. Just like Chris Christie was held responsible when his people stopped traffic on the bridge. You can't have it both ways dumbass.
As demonstrated so elegantly by Obama being elected to a second term?
Really? you want to go there? The GOP owns the house and the senate and no one...I mean no one is talking about that reversing in the next election. Also if the Dems run Hillary or Biden the GOP will own the oval office. Obama has been extremely destructive to the United States Of America but he has been even more destructive to the DNC. By the way check the state houses too...the GOP won that battle last November as well. Read more Skylar and stay away from MSNBC and PBS.
Of course the Clintons did. They're the most corrupt devious motherfuckers in the country. Trump nailed it.
So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.
ockham again... that's fine.

Occam obliterates your silly batshit narrative. As an 18 year old girl being driven to the hospital by her parents is far simpler and more plausible than your insanely elaborate, wildly complicated and utterly evidence free international Kenyan spy adventure spanning 50 years.

you forgot seattle... in there somewhere. it could still be there is/was no certificate at all... which would explain the pdf and all the song and dance surrounding it's sudden appearance.

Save that the State of Hawaii has already confirmed that there is a certificate, that the State of Hawaii holds it and that it confirms Obama was born in Hawaii. Nixing your imaginary narrative.

people are very suspicious, amidst a flurried backdrop of "transparency". sorry man, i remain unconvinced, and that was before benghazi.

I'm not quoting Obama. I'm quoting the State of Hawaii. And they contradict you.

In any contest between you and the State of Hawaii on original vital documents held by the State of Hawaii, its the same winner every time.

Not you.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.

I don't have a story. I am following the clues and the facts.

Obvious bullshit. You ignore the clues and the facts. You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii. And you still have provided no explanation for this obtuse act of willful ignorance.

You've ignored the certified copy of Obama's birth certificate prepared by the State of Hawaii.

You've ignored both birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers in 1961 citing Obama's birth in Hawaii.

You've ignored the Registar of Hawaii who confirmed that the LFBC image on the White House website matches their original vital records. Twice.

You've ignored Obama's press conference on the matter, insisting he's never spoken on the matter.

You've ignored the where images of the 2007 COLB are still sitting there, ready to be viewed.

You've ignored the Director of the Department of Health in Hawaii confirming that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital records.

You've ignored the State Department, your own sources, and the CDC on certified copies of birth certificates being used for passports. don't give a fuck about the clues or the evidence.
You're just gonna polish your little turd of a conspiracy. A turd backed by nothing but your imagination. A turd contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Fact is Hawaii has produced something but not Obama. Now why is that?

You're lying your ass off. Obama posted an image of his LFBC on the white house website and held a press conference on the issue. Both of which you know, birther. Obama sent a certified copy of the birth certificate to the pictures of it still online right now. Which you also know, birther.

If your argument had actual merit, why lie? And if you're going to lie....why make it obtuse, stupid lies that are so easily disproven.

Obama posted a copy of his LFBC issued in 2007? That's the one he obtained from the state. That isn't a revelation.

No- in 2008 Barack Obama provided a copy of his certified birth certificate.

In 2011 President Obama provided two certified copies of his long form birth certificate for reporters to see, and posted a copy online.

The State of Hawaii confirmed that they had provided the copy- and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

No revelation at all- its the reason why no rational people are asking for Barack Obama's birth certificate.

So the copy Obama provided is the one he obtained in 2008. No news on any original or certified that he may have had from before. Very interesting.
As demonstrated so elegantly by Obama being elected to a second term?
Really? you want to go there? The GOP owns the house and the senate and no one...I mean no one is talking about that reversing in the next election. Also if the Dems run Hillary or Biden the GOP will own the oval office. Obama has been extremely destructive to the United States Of America but he has been even more destructive to the DNC. By the way check the state houses too...the GOP won that battle last November as well. Read more Skylar and stay away from MSNBC and PBS.

All signs point to a Democratic President being elected in this next election.

Be sure to thank Trump for his helping the DNC.
Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.

I don't have a story. I am following the clues and the facts.

Obvious bullshit. You ignore the clues and the facts. You've ignored the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii. And you still have provided no explanation for this obtuse act of willful ignorance.

You've ignored the certified copy of Obama's birth certificate prepared by the State of Hawaii.

You've ignored both birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers in 1961 citing Obama's birth in Hawaii.

You've ignored the Registar of Hawaii who confirmed that the LFBC image on the White House website matches their original vital records. Twice.

You've ignored Obama's press conference on the matter, insisting he's never spoken on the matter.

You've ignored the where images of the 2007 COLB are still sitting there, ready to be viewed.

You've ignored the Director of the Department of Health in Hawaii confirming that Hawaii holds Obama's original vital records.

You've ignored the State Department, your own sources, and the CDC on certified copies of birth certificates being used for passports. don't give a fuck about the clues or the evidence.
You're just gonna polish your little turd of a conspiracy. A turd backed by nothing but your imagination. A turd contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Fact is Hawaii has produced something but not Obama. Now why is that?

You're lying your ass off. Obama posted an image of his LFBC on the white house website and held a press conference on the issue. Both of which you know, birther. Obama sent a certified copy of the birth certificate to the pictures of it still online right now. Which you also know, birther.

If your argument had actual merit, why lie? And if you're going to lie....why make it obtuse, stupid lies that are so easily disproven.

Obama posted a copy of his LFBC issued in 2007? That's the one he obtained from the state. That isn't a revelation.

No- in 2008 Barack Obama provided a copy of his certified birth certificate.

In 2011 President Obama provided two certified copies of his long form birth certificate for reporters to see, and posted a copy online.

The State of Hawaii confirmed that they had provided the copy- and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

No revelation at all- its the reason why no rational people are asking for Barack Obama's birth certificate.

So the copy Obama provided is the one he obtained in 2008. No news on any original or certified that he may have had from before. Very interesting.


No- thats not what I said.

Read the State of Hawaii's website for something other than your speculation.
Of course the Clintons did. They're the most corrupt devious motherfuckers in the country. Trump nailed it.

Wait- for the last 7 years you have been saying that about Obama.

Apparently for you its just whoever the Democrat of the moment.

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