Trump says Hillary started the Birther Movement. Not True!

He is such a Birther.

He whines about how he believes Obama is a total liar- and how he can't believe anything he says.

And then demands that Obama explain why Obama has not released a document that only Roudy says he must have.

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations.

You said it perfectly- and this is really the Birther mantra

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations

What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport.

And as the State Department website makes clear, a certified copy meets those requirements....explicitly contrary to your claims. Even your own source VISA HQ cites certified copies.

You ignore your own source, the State of Hawaii, the State Department, and the CDC. And cling to your little turd of a story, backed by nothing.

You were saying about ignorant?

Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place.

Obviously. As affirmed by the State of Hawaii citing the original vital documents......4 times. Each time recognizing Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

You simply ignore Hawaii, any official from the Department of Health of Hawaii, the Registrar of Hawaii, and make up your own batshit, citing yourself. what? Your willful ignorance isn't a standard of evidence. Its an excuse for it.
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So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

The evidence doesn't say one way or the other. What is proven is that he got a certified copy in 2007...the State of Hawaii affirms he got a certified copy. And the State of Hawaii affirms that they have the original vital documents. And that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Just shredding your entire argument.

As for your 'decision', its meaningless. The moment you made up an 'original birth certificate held by Obama', you proved that evidence isn't your standard. A fact you've reiterated repeatedly by ignoring your own source, ignoring the State Department, ignoring the CDC, and of course, ignoring every Hawaii State Offical and document produced by Hawaii.

You simply don't let evidence effect your beliefs. A rational person does.

Original birth certificates are issued to US born individuals as well.

Prove that Obama has an original birth certificate.

Easy. He would have had to have an original or certified copy pre 2007 in order to get US passport, a govt. job, etc. Where is that pre 2007 birth certificate, and / or what is it's status?

Says who? The State Department recognizes that certified copies are considered original birth certificates. As does your source, Visa HQ.

So you're ignoring both the State Deparment and the CDC, and Hawaii, and your own source. And instead, make shit up you can't support.

Prove Obama has an original birth certificate. You citing your imagination isn't evidence.'re fucked. As you still have no rational justification for ignoring the State of Hawaii.
He is such a Birther.

He whines about how he believes Obama is a total liar- and how he can't believe anything he says.

And then demands that Obama explain why Obama has not released a document that only Roudy says he must have.

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations.

You said it perfectly- and this is really the Birther mantra

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations

What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.
Your bizarre personal opinion does not constitute a fact.

You have shown you to be as wrong and uninformed in this thread as every Birther is.

If as you claim you actually work with birth certificates, I cannot imagine how many clients you have screwed over because of your ignorance.

My opinion is based on fact, that Obama asked the state to issue a copy, which occurred in 2007.

Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

And he never showed or mentioned anything about an original or copy that he may have had in the past. So where's his original or copy that was used to get a passport, apply for govt. jobs, etc. Did he not have one ever? Why not show your's to show that it matches the state records?

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

, where was Obama's past original or certified birth certificate, and why hasn't he said anything about it's status?

Why would he?

No one- literally no one- is asking about a document that may have been lost 40 years ago but you.

President Obama has been elected twice.
Americans have seen copies of his legal birth certificate, which have been confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Your obsession is even less popular than 9/11 Truthers.
That doesn't negate the fact that U.S. Born citizens are issued an original. You are simply wrong and uninformed.

Your bizarre personal opinion does not constitute a fact.

You have shown you to be as wrong and uninformed in this thread as every Birther is.

If as you claim you actually work with birth certificates, I cannot imagine how many clients you have screwed over because of your ignorance.

My opinion is based on fact, that Obama asked the state to issue a copy, which occurred in 2007.

Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

And he never showed or mentioned anything about an original or copy that he may have had in the past. So where's his original or copy that was used to get a passport, apply for govt. jobs, etc. Did he not have one ever? Why not show your's to show that it matches the state records?

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.
Your bizarre personal opinion does not constitute a fact.

You have shown you to be as wrong and uninformed in this thread as every Birther is.

If as you claim you actually work with birth certificates, I cannot imagine how many clients you have screwed over because of your ignorance.

My opinion is based on fact, that Obama asked the state to issue a copy, which occurred in 2007.

Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

And he never showed or mentioned anything about an original or copy that he may have had in the past. So where's his original or copy that was used to get a passport, apply for govt. jobs, etc. Did he not have one ever? Why not show your's to show that it matches the state records?

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
Anyone who thinks the Clinton's EVER get their own hands dirty is sadly mistaken. EVERYONE knows the Clintons had their own 'surrogate attack dogs' that waged the 'ugly wars' for them. One of the authors of the original Politico article that claimed the 1st 'birther' mention came from the Clinton CAMP stated he tracked the story to within the Clinton Campaign's 'surrogate' groups but that it was never directly linked back to Hillary's primary campaign. Nothing, as everyone knows, never was. That's not how they operate / operated.

Similar stories have been told about how the Clintons indirectly silenced women who were accusing bill of sexual mis-conduct. The women had their tires slashed, received threatening phone calls, etc but OF CORSE NEVER directly from anyone directly involved with the Clintons. That would be stupid, and one thing the Clintons have never been is stupid.

Bottom line, though, who gives a rat's arse...this is SO 'yesterday'!
My opinion is based on fact, that Obama asked the state to issue a copy, which occurred in 2007.

Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

And he never showed or mentioned anything about an original or copy that he may have had in the past. So where's his original or copy that was used to get a passport, apply for govt. jobs, etc. Did he not have one ever? Why not show your's to show that it matches the state records?

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.

well as always i hope you are right, that he hasn't hidden anything. i just don't see how it all adds up to chicago purity. and that was before the benghazi political coverup. they manipulated and flat out lied about so much of it... for the election... so we'll see. i think the whole administration is corrupt, front to back. but then i might be one of the few that thinks snowden is a traitor to America.
My opinion is based on fact, that Obama asked the state to issue a copy, which occurred in 2007.

Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

And he never showed or mentioned anything about an original or copy that he may have had in the past. So where's his original or copy that was used to get a passport, apply for govt. jobs, etc. Did he not have one ever? Why not show your's to show that it matches the state records?

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.

well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.
Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.

well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.
Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations.

You said it perfectly- and this is really the Birther mantra

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations

What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

It isn't circumstantial that Obama had a birth certificate, otherwise he would not be issued a U.S. Passport.

The only circumstance Obama gets a U.S. Passport, even though he is born abroad is through his mother, who was a U.S. Citizen.

Otherwise there would be no other way on earth he gets a passport, without his parents showing his proof of citizenship, which would be the birth certificate.

And, you don't ask anybody to issue a birth certificate if an agency requests it, you simply show yours, whether it be original or copy, and that would be your proof. You don't understand how it works. The only time you "ask" is if yours is missing or lost, and that's when you go down to the vital records dept. of the city / county you were born in, and request they issue you another certified copy.
You said it perfectly- and this is really the Birther mantra

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations

What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

And, you don't ask anybody to issue a birth certificate if an agency requests it, you simply show yours, whether it be original or copy, and that would be your proof. You don't understand how it works.

I haven't been asked for my birth certificate since I got my passport decades ago. For jobs- for my license with the government- nada.

But if I were asked for a birth certificate- then I would go get a certified copy of my original- which is on file just like President Obama's- and my certified copy would be acceptable and legal..

And no one would care about what happened to whatever birth certificate I had decades ago.
My opinion is based on fact, that Obama asked the state to issue a copy, which occurred in 2007.

Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

And he never showed or mentioned anything about an original or copy that he may have had in the past. So where's his original or copy that was used to get a passport, apply for govt. jobs, etc. Did he not have one ever? Why not show your's to show that it matches the state records?

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

, where was Obama's past original or certified birth certificate, and why hasn't he said anything about it's status?

Why would he?

No one- literally no one- is asking about a document that may have been lost 40 years ago but you.

President Obama has been elected twice.
Americans have seen copies of his legal birth certificate, which have been confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Your obsession is even less popular than 9/11 Truthers.

Why would Obama not show his own original or certified copy, when asked if he was born abroad? Your question is bizzare.
You said it perfectly- and this is really the Birther mantra

Absolutely. Demanding an explanation for a source he's already sworn he'll ignore. And of course, ignoring any official from the State of Hawaii or any document produce by Hawaii because its not the source he's sworn he'll ignore.

Its a perfect circle of bullshit. His argument is literally that he will only accept verification and information from sources he will ignore.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. Its something that has to be bred into you over generations

What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

It isn't circumstantial that Obama had a birth certificate, otherwise he would not be issued a U.S. Passport.

Having just served on a jury, I am quite comfortable about the distinction between circumstantial evidence and direct evidence.

Direct evidence would be President Obama saying he had once had another birth certificate- or his mother having had said that.

Circumstantial evidence is when circumstances are such to lead you to a logical conclusion- i.e. a birth certificate is required for a passport (in most circumstances) therefore circumstantial evidence would lead us to believe that at one time prior to 2007, Barack Obama had another legal birth certificate in his possession.

Now he has 3 legal birth certificates in his possession- all of which reflect the information on the original in Hawaii.
What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

And, you don't ask anybody to issue a birth certificate if an agency requests it, you simply show yours, whether it be original or copy, and that would be your proof. You don't understand how it works.

I haven't been asked for my birth certificate since I got my passport decades ago. For jobs- for my license with the government- nada.

But if I were asked for a birth certificate- then I would go get a certified copy of my original- which is on file just like President Obama's- and my certified copy would be acceptable and legal..

And no one would care about what happened to whatever birth certificate I had decades ago.

Most people keep their birth / citizenship certificates in a safe, with other important documents, such as passports, deeds, wills, jewelry etc. So Obama must not have had his own in 2007 then, which adds to the suspicion, as to why not. However, he never stated either way.
What mantra is that? Asking what happened to Obama's OWN birth certificate, not the one the state issued in 2007 makes one a birther? Ha ha ha.

Barack Obama's own birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Asking where the original is, after the State of Hawaii has told you, is part of the Birther Mantra to always rely upon speculation, innuendo and lies- and ignore any official documents or sources.

Don't be ignorant. Obama and / or his parents must had a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport. Obviously the birth certificate mentions US as country / place of birth otherwise he would not have been issued a US passport in the first place. I am just interested in seeing that birth certificate and comparing that, to the one that was presented to the public in 2007 by the state. I am also interested in why Obama asked the state to issue a certified copy, and didn't present his own, nor has he mentioned that if he had / has one in his possession. Very strange and perplexing.

You have the market cornered on ignorant.

Circumstantial evidence is that Obama or his parents at one time had a legal birth certificate copy. And circumstantial evidence indicates that in 2007 that he no longer did.

Nothing strange or perplexing about that at all. As I mentioned- I don't have any copy of my BC- and I don't need one. If I wanted one, I would do what Senator Obama did- request one from the agency that has the original.

Which he did.

The only thing strange and perplexing is your obsession over a document there is no need for him to have.

It isn't circumstantial that Obama had a birth certificate, otherwise he would not be issued a U.S. Passport.

Having just served on a jury, I am quite comfortable about the distinction between circumstantial evidence and direct evidence.

Direct evidence would be President Obama saying he had once had another birth certificate- or his mother having had said that.

Circumstantial evidence is when circumstances are such to lead you to a logical conclusion- i.e. a birth certificate is required for a passport (in most circumstances) therefore circumstantial evidence would lead us to believe that at one time prior to 2007, Barack Obama had another legal birth certificate in his possession.

Now he has 3 legal birth certificates in his possession- all of which reflect the information on the original in Hawaii.

Not pre 2007 though.
Your claim is that Obama has an original. If its a 'fact', it will be remarkably easy to prove.

If you're talking about of your ass about a topic you clearly don't understand, then you'll just give us excuses why you can't.

I won't hold my breath.

First off, absolute bullshit. His COLB is still on the White House website. He gave a press conference on the topic in April of 2011.

Making your claims either useless ignorance, or naked lies. Either renders you a piss poor source.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Second, you've already insisted that you don't believe Obama. Making your babble about what 'obama said' more hysteric nonsennse. As you've already committed to ignoring the very source you're demanding.

That's crazy.

Third, the State of hawaii already affirmed his place of birth as Hawaii. You simply ignore the State of Hawaii for no particular reason. And make up whatever batshit you wish. That's not an argument. That's imagination.

So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

, where was Obama's past original or certified birth certificate, and why hasn't he said anything about it's status?

Why would he?

No one- literally no one- is asking about a document that may have been lost 40 years ago but you.

President Obama has been elected twice.
Americans have seen copies of his legal birth certificate, which have been confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Your obsession is even less popular than 9/11 Truthers.

Why would Obama not show his own original or certified copy, when asked if he was born abroad? Your question is bizzare.

Why would he show you something when you demand it here on the boards? No reason at all.

But of course President Obama has shown his own certified copy twice now- in 2007 and in 2011.

That you refuse to accept them is not President Obama's problem.
So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

i think that might be my job. ;)

you guys still don't get it though, the story just doesn't add up.

Sure it does. His mother being driven about 15 miles down the highway to the hospital to give birth to her first child. And done.

The batshit nonsense involving Kenya, international travel, forged documents, secret passports, and hundreds of miles of dirt road travel from Mombasa to western Kenya....only to be flown back to the US with no record?

That shit doesn't add up.
well... who drove her at least ?? and to which hospital.

Her parents presumably, whom she lived with. To the closest hospital that delivered babies....about 15 miles down the road.

Compare that to the absolute hair-brained idiocy of the birther argument where a girl who was only 18 somehow flew 11,000 miles to Kenya in the early 60s in a trip that would have taken at least 24 hours each way.....for some reason.....then drove 400 miles across the dirt roads of Western Kenya to deliver her baby in a small village...then took her baby back across 400 miles of dirt roads to Mombasa then flew another 24 hours to travel the 11,000 miles back to Hawaii.....then somehow had birth certificates forged that showed that her baby was born at a local hospital in Hawaii.

Occam's Razor, my friend. Your story is shit.

I don't have a story. I am following the clues and the facts.

Fact is Hawaii has produced something but not Obama. Now why is that?
So Obama never held an original or certified copy, prior to 2007? I'll make my decision when I see or hear what Obama says about his own birth certificate.

So you are ignoring every point Skylar made?

, where was Obama's past original or certified birth certificate, and why hasn't he said anything about it's status?

Why would he?

No one- literally no one- is asking about a document that may have been lost 40 years ago but you.

President Obama has been elected twice.
Americans have seen copies of his legal birth certificate, which have been confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Your obsession is even less popular than 9/11 Truthers.

Why would Obama not show his own original or certified copy, when asked if he was born abroad? Your question is bizzare.

Why would he show you something when you demand it here on the boards? No reason at all.

But of course President Obama has shown his own certified copy twice now- in 2007 and in 2011.

That you refuse to accept them is not President Obama's problem.

what about pre 2007. Any news? Let me know. Thanks.

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