Trump says: "Merry Christmas" at Michigan rally.

What Trump said was "you are allowed to say Merry Christmas again". It wasn't a presidential edict but rather a wink and a nod and an acknowledgement to Christians that everything is O.K. again and they wouldn't be treated like 2nd class citizens. The crowd went wild.

Obama said "Merry Christmas" more times that I can remember.
Every year multiple times at multiple setting during his entire Presidency. Many Trump cultists are just retarded. search for obama saying merry christmas.
I think you are confusing Ramadan with Christmas.
I think you are just confused...
What Trump said was "you are allowed to say Merry Christmas again". It wasn't a presidential edict but rather a wink and a nod and an acknowledgement to Christians that everything is O.K. again and they wouldn't be treated like 2nd class citizens. The crowd went wild.

Obama said "Merry Christmas" more times that I can remember.
Every year multiple times at multiple setting during his entire Presidency. Many Trump cultists are just retarded. search for obama saying merry christmas.
I think you are confusing Ramadan with Christmas.
Perhaps. Are they pronounced the same?
Well they might be in some people's minds.
If someone really wants to piss off a progressive, wish them a merry Christmas… Fact
What Trump said was "you are allowed to say Merry Christmas again". It wasn't a presidential edict but rather a wink and a nod and an acknowledgement to Christians that everything is O.K. again and they wouldn't be treated like 2nd class citizens. The crowd went wild.

Obama said "Merry Christmas" more times that I can remember.

Try this link scrooge.

Here’s a Video of President Obama Saying “Merry Christmas” Over and Over and Over
What Trump said was "you are allowed to say Merry Christmas again". It wasn't a presidential edict but rather a wink and a nod and an acknowledgement to Christians that everything is O.K. again and they wouldn't be treated like 2nd class citizens. The crowd went wild.

Obama said "Merry Christmas" more times that I can remember.

Try this link scrooge.

Here’s a Video of President Obama Saying “Merry Christmas” Over and Over and Over
That was all fake news.
If someone really wants to piss off a progressive, wish them a merry Christmas… Fact
Not me. I'll smile, say thanks and wish you a Merry Christmas right back!

You really need to stop believing all the shit hannity tells you to believe.
What Trump said was "you are allowed to say Merry Christmas again". It wasn't a presidential edict but rather a wink and a nod and an acknowledgement to Christians that everything is O.K. again and they wouldn't be treated like 2nd class citizens. The crowd went wild.

Obama said "Merry Christmas" more times that I can remember.

Try this link scrooge.

Here’s a Video of President Obama Saying “Merry Christmas” Over and Over and Over
That was all fake news.
You're an idiot who can't be helped.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Ramadan, Blessed Bodhi Day. Wonderful Winter Solstice, Outstanding Omisoka and a Freakin' Fun Festivus Day!

About time people can come out from under their rocks and be excited about celebrating religion rather than feeling an Atheist will lecture them on how their feelings are hurt. I have many stories on this topic growing up in a very diverse Toronto. Here are a couple :D

I recall years ago in Toronto I was on the public transit late one night and two transit workers were laughing it up on the sparse subway platform. It was near Christmas, maybe the 23rd or 24th and I was wondering what the commotion was about as it was just myself and these two. Anyways, one of the guys was wearing a Santas hat and yells to the other worker "Merry Christmas pal, even though I'm Jewish" and he goes to hug the other employee. The other guy says, "hey a Happy Hanukkah to you too". They were both in a great mood and I couldn't help but smile at this small example of religious unity. Neither of them shy about it and having a laugh.

At a major corporation I worked at, there was a lady who was walking around giving out Christmas Cards, the guy I worked beside was openly Muslim, she handed him a Christmas Card and he sheepishly thanked her, trying to be polite. At the time I wasn't particularly religious, but I said thank you. She then boldly asked me if I believed in God, this is at work! hah.

I was honest and told her, "well, I am a big believer in science (my beliefs have altered since then, but regardless), more Agnostic I suppose, on the fence about God, or certainly a particular God". I was honest though not rude. She looked at me cold faced and said "you are going to hell you know". I looked at her and calmly replied "thanks for making that call on behalf of God". She slithered away. It never impacted our working relationship, nor was I even offended at the entire incident. Looking back in the whole process of life as it unfolds, these are the experiences I rather enjoy, they are certainly at least memorable to the otherwise mundane social interactions.

Bottom line, as far as I am concerned people have to stop taking offense to someone elses beliefs. Noone is forcing you to believe anything, so stop trying to police peoples expressions. Saying "Merry Christmas", "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Ramadan" isn't going to convert you, send you to hell or alter your life, no need to be afraid.
What Trump said was "you are allowed to say Merry Christmas again". It wasn't a presidential edict but rather a wink and a nod and an acknowledgement to Christians that everything is O.K. again and they wouldn't be treated like 2nd class citizens. The crowd went wild.

Obama said "Merry Christmas" more times that I can remember.

Try this link scrooge.

Here’s a Video of President Obama Saying “Merry Christmas” Over and Over and Over
That was all fake news.

NO, it was not.
Heathen liberals and their PC bullshit has been routed by the great president elect Trump. Trump told the left to cram PC up their ass.
Uh no. I know many actual Heathens/Pagans/Creators/Atheists who have ZERO problem with christmas and all of its extras the music,plays,scenes etc etc. Its the social justice warrior libtard that causes problems. I am not a christian and I have ZERO problem with christmas and all of its extras that go with it.

Most people have ZERO problem with it. It's the Religious nuts and their persecution complex that are making such a big deal of it.

Obama asks God to bless America on a regular basis, do you consider Obama a religious nut?
He's also said Merry Christmas a boatload of times, do you consider him Santa Claus?

Are you a moron? You fail at being clever, stick to being a liberal drone you don't have the intelligence to rise much further.

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