Trump Says Obama Born In America, Period. Democrats Scream "HOW DARE YOU!!!!"

Sorry, but we've seen way too many RINO's manipulating their states in the past to not think this is just another example of it.
We had a GOP governor in TN, CA had a GOP governor, and NYC had a GOP mayor and none of them could be called conservative.

Your signature makes me sad. That poor cow. lol
I had to put him on ignore as I couldn't stand to look at it.
Charlotte and Mecklenburg County is run by Commies. The last 2 Republican mayors became Congressional rep and Governor. Check on how many Commie Democrat mayors, city council and county commissioners have been jailed for corruption and other crimes. 'Course, some of them escape punishment and wind up in Congress, like Harvey Gant.

Be that as it may, the redistricting process was controlled by the GOP. You lost your Republican Congressional representative as a result of their redistricting efforts.
A combination of the two is more like it. I know that Republicans are not blameless.
Sorry, but we've seen way too many RINO's manipulating their states in the past to not think this is just another example of it.
We had a GOP governor in TN, CA had a GOP governor, and NYC had a GOP mayor and none of them could be called conservative.

Your signature makes me sad. That poor cow. lol
I had to put him on ignore as I couldn't stand to look at it.

That's a little dramatic, but whatever. I do love cows, though. lol
Charlotte and Mecklenburg County is run by Commies. The last 2 Republican mayors became Congressional rep and Governor. Check on how many Commie Democrat mayors, city council and county commissioners have been jailed for corruption and other crimes. 'Course, some of them escape punishment and wind up in Congress, like Harvey Gant.

Be that as it may, the redistricting process was controlled by the GOP. You lost your Republican Congressional representative as a result of their redistricting efforts.
A combination of the two is more like it. I know that Republicans are not blameless.

No doubt. Hells bells, you should see how the districts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are laughably drawn.

I give you the PA 12th:

Trump has been reading from a made up script for 5 years.

He now has said Obama was born in the US "period" and won't answer 'why.'

Trump will have to buy his own air time from now until he answers the questions, because the reporters won't cover him unless he answers the question.
The media is going run daily en masse why Trump's accusation against Clinton is a lie.

They never learn. All Clinton needed to do is admit she made an error on the email server. All Trump needs to do is say he was using the birfer card as a weapon.

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


Of coarse this is the usual behavior when someone doesn't say I am sorry...

Charlotte and Mecklenburg County is run by Commies. The last 2 Republican mayors became Congressional rep and Governor. Check on how many Commie Democrat mayors, city council and county commissioners have been jailed for corruption and other crimes. 'Course, some of them escape punishment and wind up in Congress, like Harvey Gant.

Be that as it may, the redistricting process was controlled by the GOP. You lost your Republican Congressional representative as a result of their redistricting efforts.
A combination of the two is more like it. I know that Republicans are not blameless.
The establishment is making alot of money off of us, and they all seem to be in on it.
They are literally rolling in cash......and they're scared that Trump will put an end to it because he's an outsider.
“Obama campaign manager David Plouffe accused the Clinton campaign Monday of ‘shameful offensive fear-mongering’ by circulating a photo as an attempted smear,” the Politico reported in February of 2008. “Plouffe said in a statement: ‘On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election. This is part of a disturbing pattern that led her county chairs to resign in Iowa, her campaign chairman to resign in New Hampshire, and it’s exactly the kind of divisive politics that turns away Americans of all parties and diminishes respect for America in the world,’ said Plouffe.”

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


Of coarse this is the usual behavior when someone doesn't say I am sorry...

No need to apologize to someone who's this dishonest.

Obama and his wife were too busy insulting Trump yesterday to even hear an apology even if he offered one. If anything, it wouldn't be accepted and it would just give them even more of an excuse to act self-righteous.

Yesterday she called him every name in the book and Barack was busy bad-mouthing the press for going to easy on him.

It's friggen pathetic.
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Charlotte and Mecklenburg County is run by Commies. The last 2 Republican mayors became Congressional rep and Governor. Check on how many Commie Democrat mayors, city council and county commissioners have been jailed for corruption and other crimes. 'Course, some of them escape punishment and wind up in Congress, like Harvey Gant.

Be that as it may, the redistricting process was controlled by the GOP. You lost your Republican Congressional representative as a result of their redistricting efforts.
A combination of the two is more like it. I know that Republicans are not blameless.
The establishment is making alot of money off of us, and they all seem to be in on it.
They are literally rolling in cash......and they're scared that Trump will put an end to it because he's an outsider.
Agree and I've been saying since trump registered to run that every Democrat and RINO is terrified. Especially the RINOs.
The media is going run daily en masse why Trump's accusation against Clinton is a lie.

They never learn. All Clinton needed to do is admit she made an error on the email server. All Trump needs to do is say he was using the birfer card as a weapon.
Clinton needs to apologize for starting the Birther movement in '08.
The media is going run daily en masse why Trump's accusation against Clinton is a lie.

They never learn. All Clinton needed to do is admit she made an error on the email server. All Trump needs to do is say he was using the birfer card as a weapon.
Clinton needs to apologize for starting the Birther movement in '08.

I wish that they would stop with the crap that doesn't even really matter, and move on to how they are going to run the country.... the election is 6 weeks away..geeeeeezzzz ...


I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


I just wanted to point out, in case no one has, that your photo in your signature line of the cop beating an animal is not a horse, and it is obviously not dead.
Lol...Trump says you're wrong...and to think, after all that time believing his bullshit now he's abandoned it and made you look like a fool. Haha
You mean like the Hildebeast did with queers marriage? Like her Trump evolved enough to take this issue OUT of subversive Democrat control....Snap. another dead issue for you scumbags!

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


I just wanted to point out, in case no one has, that your photo in your signature line of the cop beating an animal is not a horse, and it is obviously not dead.
You have a gift for noticing the obvious.....obviously.

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


I just wanted to point out, in case no one has, that your photo in your signature line of the cop beating an animal is not a horse, and it is obviously not dead.
You have a gift for noticing the obvious.....obviously.

I apologize. There are some liberals on here that would try to milk a bull at every opportunity if they needed milk.
Trump lies again and claims Clinton started the Obama birther thing.
Both (working with CNN's Jake Tapper) and PolitiFact have refuted the suggestion on multiple occasions. But the revisionist telling that Clinton was somehow involved persists, thanks in large part to Trump. He has peddled it for years and is now promoting it to deflect attention from his own leading role in advancing the lie.
No, Hillary Clinton did not -
Of course, the simple-minded Trumpsters think everyone else lies but not Donald Trump.
Is there anything that Trumpsters believe in, that is the actual truth? That is the question.

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