Trump Says Oh Hell NO To Islamic Refugees

I am the one who is pro American. Pro a!erican means stop wasting resources on bombing and invading Muslim countries which gets our soldiers killed and creates a refugee crises and VA crises.
I am the one who is pro American. Pro a!erican means stop wasting resources on bombing and invading Muslim countries which gets our soldiers killed and creates a refugee crises and VA crises.
Should we wait until they hijack some airliners and crash them into a few NYC skyscrapers?
Please specify who they is. We can't declare war and then carpet bimb a few hundred million people without consequence on the premise that 1 day 11 people might hijack another plane.

Also, the 9/11 terrorists killed 3500ish people in NYC? OK how many americans, Iraqis, and Afghanis has the Bush/Obama war killed
First one has to ask the question ""Does a dead islamic savage matter? I say no.
Since 2002 we have taken in 130,000 Iraqi's and almost 88,000 Somalis.

This is just refugees that can get naturalization.
YOU have a choice. NASA or world welfare, it's YOUR future they are spending.

I want nasa and science institutions to be funded. That means more scientist and a stronger middle class!

Explain this relationship between Nasa, scientists and a stronger middle-class.
Money spent on education or NASA or rebuilding our cities benefits US. Welfare to savages benefits nobody but the savages.

We already spend more per capita on our students than any other in the world, yet have mediocre results to show for it. How much do we need to spend?

The problem isn't money, the problem is union tenured teachers and low expectations.

Our cities should be able to rebuild themselves without the federal government getting involved. We are 18 trillion in debt and growing. We are broke, and don't have the money to spend anywhere.
Since 2002 we have taken in 130,000 Iraqi's and almost 88,000 Somalis.

This is just refugees that can get naturalization.
YOU have a choice. NASA or world welfare, it's YOUR future they are spending.

I want nasa and science institutions to be funded. That means more scientist and a stronger middle class!

Explain this relationship between Nasa, scientists and a stronger middle-class.
Money spent on education or NASA or rebuilding our cities benefits US. Welfare to savages benefits nobody but the savages.

We already spend more per capita on our students than any other in the world, yet have mediocre results to show for it. How much do we need to spend?

The problem isn't money, the problem is union tenured teachers and low expectations.

Our cities should be able to rebuild themselves without the federal government getting involved. We are 18 trillion in debt and growing. We are broke, and don't have the money to spend anywhere.
Step 1, stop making hellfire missles. Step 2 stop making drones to carry the missles. Step 3 rake in the money saved
Since border security is an issue of defense, any deportation or wall building plan should come from defense spending.
I am the one who is pro American. Pro a!erican means stop wasting resources on bombing and invading Muslim countries which gets our soldiers killed and creates a refugee crises and VA crises.
I am the one who is pro American. Pro a!erican means stop wasting resources on bombing and invading Muslim countries which gets our soldiers killed and creates a refugee crises and VA crises.
Should we wait until they hijack some airliners and crash them into a few NYC skyscrapers?
Please specify who they is. We can't declare war and then carpet bimb a few hundred million people without consequence on the premise that 1 day 11 people might hijack another plane.

Also, the 9/11 terrorists killed 3500ish people in NYC? OK how many americans, Iraqis, and Afghanis has the Bush/Obama war killed

'They' are the Islamist Jihadist that have declared war on the US and all non-Muslims on the planet.

I suggest a 1,000 to 1 ratio would be about right, or until they agree to stop sending suicide bombers into crowded marketplaces places of worship and cutting off the heads of Christians and other non-Muslims.
YOU have a choice. NASA or world welfare, it's YOUR future they are spending.

I want nasa and science institutions to be funded. That means more scientist and a stronger middle class!

Explain this relationship between Nasa, scientists and a stronger middle-class.
Money spent on education or NASA or rebuilding our cities benefits US. Welfare to savages benefits nobody but the savages.

We already spend more per capita on our students than any other in the world, yet have mediocre results to show for it. How much do we need to spend?

The problem isn't money, the problem is union tenured teachers and low expectations.

Our cities should be able to rebuild themselves without the federal government getting involved. We are 18 trillion in debt and growing. We are broke, and don't have the money to spend anywhere.
Step 1, stop making hellfire missles. Step 2 stop making drones to carry the missles. Step 3 rake in the money saved

Step 4, not be ready for battle in the event we need to launch military operations.
I think we are not doing enough. We should settle some of the refugees that wish to live peacefully in our nation. We had a hand in this and we should take responsibility for our role. These people should be welcomed with open arms and hearts.
Trump Says Oh Hell NO To Islamic Refugees, Not surprisingly the majority of Americans feel the same way.
So what is the big surprise that Trump's numbers keep going up? He is the only candidate of either party that has expressed the same view as the majority of Americans.
It would be great to see an honest poll on how Amerucans feel about the U.S. taking on at least 10,000 Syrians.

Once again, Trump has the balls to speak what mainstream America is thinking.
And the others can't figure out why he continues to lead in the polls.
What is the difference between the anti-science and anti-investment idiots and koran reading idiots that Obama is going to bring into our country? Both of them at the end of teh day will destroy our ability to compete as a first world technological nation.
Good to see Trump come around on this issue. Had he pushed for us to take in refugees it would have been an example of very poor judgment.
He is saying what Americans HAVE been saying. A poll talked about in the video has him beating Hillary by 5. I expect that will grow now.

The most recent poll has Trump tied with Hillary and doing worse against the Democrats than all the other Republican candidates.
Good to see Trump come around on this issue. Had he pushed for us to take in refugees it would have been an example of very poor judgment.
He is saying what Americans HAVE been saying. A poll talked about in the video has him beating Hillary by 5. I expect that will grow now.

The most recent poll has Trump tied with Hillary and doing worse against the Democrats than all the other Republican candidates.
The poll they quote in the video has Trump beating Hillary by 5.
I am the one who is pro American. Pro a!erican means stop wasting resources on bombing and invading Muslim countries which gets our soldiers killed and creates a refugee crises and VA crises.
So in effect you are saying that America has bombed all over Africa, from Libya to South Sudan, Ghana, Somalia, Yemen and the list goes on and on; including those who are hired mercenaries coming out of certain regions of the Middle Eastern, African and Arab nations to destroy the peoples and destabilize whole countries? Radicals are coming from all of these regions and you seem to be saying it is fault of the Americans for all this. Utter bullshit. The radical Islamism Muslims have been destroying anything that gets in their way for power and greed for centuries, even the Muslims belonging in the same race and religion that have desired to live peaceably.

Now if you want to say certain banksters are supporting this global people migration melt down you may have something there. When you do that you need to include the ones (banksters) who are scattered through all the nations that formerly have had and do hold the money exchanges that includes those in China, Saudi's and other Arab nations, Russia, countries in Europe and Americas and a few in the African continent too. Average American work'n Joe red, white, black, green or whatever has not had much say in the bullshit that is being forced upon them.

To the UN leaders and Economic guru's at the summit leaders these people migrating people are not more than "stock". Yep that is correct just like livestock to be herded and routed where ever the few think that they should be. Some of the "stock" are also willing to become "ravaging wolves" to help herd the "stock" where ever the Elitist want to buildup new inventories and merchandise.

You can of course take the time to research part of that from the 2013 typical "stock" migrations here at this website. Since 2014 and 2015 the illegal migration has became totally out of control and even the "stock" counters cannot keep up at this point.

Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World

Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World

Dang'it we Americans must have started the heavy migration out of the Philippines too!

Migrants that came out of the Philippines 2013
I am the one who is pro American. Pro a!erican means stop wasting resources on bombing and invading Muslim countries which gets our soldiers killed and creates a refugee crises and VA crises.
So in effect you are saying that America has bombed all over Africa, from Libya to South Sudan, Ghana, Somalia, Yemen and the list goes on and on; including those who are hired mercenaries coming out of certain regions of the Middle Eastern, African and Arab nations to destroy the peoples and destabilize whole countries? Radicals are coming from all of these regions and you seem to be saying it is fault of the Americans for all this. Utter bullshit. The radical Islamism Muslims have been destroying anything that gets in their way for power and greed for centuries, even the Muslims belonging in the same race and religion that have desired to live peaceably.

Now if you want to say certain banksters are supporting this global people migration melt down you may have something there. When you do that you need to include the ones (banksters) who are scattered through all the nations that formerly have had and do hold the money exchanges that includes those in China, Saudi's and other Arab nations, Russia, countries in Europe and Americas and a few in the African continent too. Average American work'n Joe red, white, black, green or whatever has not had much say in the bullshit that is being forced upon them.

To the UN leaders and Economic guru's at the summit leaders these people migrating people are not more than "stock". Yep that is correct just like livestock to be herded and routed where ever the few think that they should be. Some of the "stock" are also willing to become "ravaging wolves" to help herd the "stock" where ever the Elitist want to buildup new inventories and merchandise.

You can of course take the time to research part of that from the 2013 typical "stock" migrations here at this website. Since 2014 and 2015 the illegal migration has became totally out of control and even the "stock" counters cannot keep up at this point.

Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World

Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World

Dang'it we Americans must have started the heavy migration out of the Philippines too!
View attachment 50068
Migrants that came out of the Philippines 2013

Blah blah bla!!! Blablabala bla bla,blaaaa bla,bla!!!!
And in conclusion...Bla,blahblah BLAH BLAH!!!!!
Thank you and goodnight.
European and American leaders do not have the best interests of their own people in mind. I empathize with the Migrant situation but there is absolutely no way to guard against the "Trojan Horse" attack that would certainly be coming. You may say "Oh there wouldn't be that many" but I would remind you that it took only 20 of those Mutherf*krs to kill 3000 Americans.
I am the one who is pro American. Pro a!erican means stop wasting resources on bombing and invading Muslim countries which gets our soldiers killed and creates a refugee crises and VA crises.
So in effect you are saying that America has bombed all over Africa, from Libya to South Sudan, Ghana, Somalia, Yemen and the list goes on and on; including those who are hired mercenaries coming out of certain regions of the Middle Eastern, African and Arab nations to destroy the peoples and destabilize whole countries? Radicals are coming from all of these regions and you seem to be saying it is fault of the Americans for all this. Utter bullshit. The radical Islamism Muslims have been destroying anything that gets in their way for power and greed for centuries, even the Muslims belonging in the same race and religion that have desired to live peaceably.

Now if you want to say certain banksters are supporting this global people migration melt down you may have something there. When you do that you need to include the ones (banksters) who are scattered through all the nations that formerly have had and do hold the money exchanges that includes those in China, Saudi's and other Arab nations, Russia, countries in Europe and Americas and a few in the African continent too. Average American work'n Joe red, white, black, green or whatever has not had much say in the bullshit that is being forced upon them.

To the UN leaders and Economic guru's at the summit leaders these people migrating people are not more than "stock". Yep that is correct just like livestock to be herded and routed where ever the few think that they should be. Some of the "stock" are also willing to become "ravaging wolves" to help herd the "stock" where ever the Elitist want to buildup new inventories and merchandise.

You can of course take the time to research part of that from the 2013 typical "stock" migrations here at this website. Since 2014 and 2015 the illegal migration has became totally out of control and even the "stock" counters cannot keep up at this point.

Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World

Maps of Immigrants and Emigrants Around the World

Dang'it we Americans must have started the heavy migration out of the Philippines too!
View attachment 50068
Migrants that came out of the Philippines 2013

Blah blah bla!!! Blablabala bla bla,blaaaa bla,bla!!!!
And in conclusion...Bla,blahblah BLAH BLAH!!!!!
Thank you and goodnight.
Glad to hear you are logging off for the evening!!!
Donald Trump has taken a stand on this invasion of our country by islamic savages and that stand is NO. He has spoken to the fact we have our own problems to sort out. He has spoken to the fact that the other Arab countries will NOT take them. Rich countries VERY rich countries.

America NEEDS to take care of it's citizens FIRST. And we have somebody standing up for that. GO TRUMP!

Donald Trump: No "Syrian refugees" to the US, put Americans first

Trump said HELL YES the day before---he said HELL NO

Presidential front-runner Donald Trump says that the United States will have to accept some of the refugees fleeing the chaos in Syria.

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump said he does worry that some in the group could be terrorists and said a screening process will be needed.

"But something has to be done," he said. "It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem."

His words likely sound in contrast to some of the critics of his illegal immigration policy. Trump proposes building a large wall across the U.S.-Mexico border and has said all illegal immigrants should leave the country, then apply to re-enter legally.

Trump told O'Reilly that the rise in Europe of Middle Eastern immigrants has made the continent "a much different place.

"I'm not sure that's what they want," he added, but stressed that the refugees can't be ignored on humanitarian grounds.
Trump: US Must Accept Some Mideast Refugees



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