Trump says they were all merely suggestions.

I don't believe he has changed. I never believed he ever intended to do any of the things he said he was going to do. I said long ago that Trump would betray his supporters. I still believe that and I believe we are beginning to see it.

What we are seeing is face saving by some of the Establishment that is coming to grips with their loss.

Trump is helping them with some conciliatory comments.

He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up with those who hate him.

And Donald Trump is no one's fool.[/QUOTE]
Is John Miller going to be President ?
I don't believe he has changed. I never believed he ever intended to do any of the things he said he was going to do. I said long ago that Trump would betray his supporters. I still believe that and I believe we are beginning to see it.

What we are seeing is face saving by some of the Establishment that is coming to grips with their loss.

Trump is helping them with some conciliatory comments.

He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up with those who hate him.

And Donald Trump is no one's fool.
Is John Miller going to be President ?[/QUOTE]

You messed up the quotes.

I believe Trump WILL do the things he says.

I think he is smart enough to realize that his legacy will be based on how well he serves his supporters.
I challenge any Trump supporter to produce any statement by Trump saying BEFORE Cruz dropped out, that any of the things he ran on we're "merely suggestions".

I challenge you to convince me that you care about any of this, or that ANYTHING Trump says would generate a positive response from you.

Trump could say the weather is nice, and you would claim it was proof that he was a bad person.

That is a lame assed dodge. The fact is that he is waffling in the promises he made to win the primary. Dodge all you want to, it's a fact you cannot get away from.

You are right about one thing, I don't care that he has changed it. I never believed any of it anyway. I will vote for him because he is running against Hillary, but YOU SHOULD care, he isn't going to do the things you want him to.

Trump started this campaign as the most "extreme" guy on Trade, Immigration and Foreign Policy.

That is what drove his meteoric rise though the Nomination process.

Neither of us, Predfan, believe that he has changed.

You don't.

I don't.

He was very clear then. Now he is being a little softer, even a little mealy mouthed.

In an order to build some bridges and provide some face saving to/for the Establishment types who's ass he has kicked.

He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up to those that hate him.

And Donald Trump is no one's fool.

I don't believe he has changed. I never believed he ever intended to do any of the things he said he was going to do. I said long ago that Trump would betray his supporters. I still believe that and I believe we are beginning to see it.

What we are seeing is face saving by some of the Establishment that is coming to grips with their loss.

Trump is helping them with some conciliatory comments.

He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up with those who hate him.

And Donald Trump is no one's fool.

We shall see.
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.
the man is a 2 faced vile liar who will say anything to please his group of under educated republicans,,,he won't show his returns because they might show he gives shit to charity and his wealth is nowhere close to what he says it is
I don't believe he has changed. I never believed he ever intended to do any of the things he said he was going to do. I said long ago that Trump would betray his supporters. I still believe that and I believe we are beginning to see it.

What we are seeing is face saving by some of the Establishment that is coming to grips with their loss.

Trump is helping them with some conciliatory comments.

He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up with those who hate him.

And Donald Trump is no one's fool.
Is John Miller going to be President ?

You messed up the quotes.

I believe Trump WILL do the things he says.

I think he is smart enough to realize that his legacy will be based on how well he serves his supporters.[/QUOTE]
drumpf serves no one but himself
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

Um, Trump has flipped on almost every topic. it's what gives so many people heartburn about voting for him.
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

Um, Trump has flipped on almost every topic. it's what gives so many people heartburn about voting for him.
and his charity amounts to giving free golf time on trump golf addelson will help the self funded liar out with up to 100,million bucks ,,we all know casino owners are indifferent to anything but the common
...What we are seeing is face saving by some of the Establishment that is coming to grips with their loss. Trump is helping them with some conciliatory comments. He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up with those who hate him. And Donald Trump is no one's fool.
Yes. I'd say this is an accurate assessment.

Politicians are, by nature, bullshitters

Trump - as a business tycoon is - by nature, a bullshitter.

Trump can probably out-bullshit the establishment partisan hacks whom we see trying so desperately to hang onto power.

In all probability, Trump will do this by seeming to soften or cave-in on several issues to some extent or another, but never completely, and never explicitly.

He would then wait until he has been sworn-in, and then move to re-animate those aspects of his agenda that have lain dormant in the interim.

It doesn't require an advanced degree in PoliSci to conure-up that very real prospect.
Last edited:
...What we are seeing is face saving by some of the Establishment that is coming to grips with their loss. Trump is helping them with some conciliatory comments. He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up with those who hate him. And Donald Trump is no one's fool.
Yes. I'd say this is an accurate assessment.

Politicians are, by nature, bullshitters

Trump - as a business tycoon is - by nature, a bullshitter.

Trump can probably out-bullshit the establishment partisan hacks whom we see trying so desperately to hang onto power.

In all probability, Trump will do this by seeming to soften or cave-in on several issues to some extent or another, but never completely, and never explicitly.

He would then wait until he has been sworn-in, and then move to re-animate those aspects of his agenda that have lain dormant in the interim.

It doesn't require an advanced degree in PoliSci to conure-up that very real prospect.
He can bullshit your dumbass repubs but that's all----- not dems not foreign leaders the vile pos is an accident waiting to happen
...What we are seeing is face saving by some of the Establishment that is coming to grips with their loss. Trump is helping them with some conciliatory comments. He would have to be a fool to betray his base in order to suck up with those who hate him. And Donald Trump is no one's fool.
Yes. I'd say this is an accurate assessment.

Politicians are, by nature, bullshitters

Trump - as a business tycoon is - by nature, a bullshitter.

Trump can probably out-bullshit the establishment partisan hacks whom we see trying so desperately to hang onto power.

In all probability, Trump will do this by seeming to soften or cave-in on several issues to some extent or another, but never completely, and never explicitly.

He would then wait until he has been sworn-in, and then move to re-animate those aspects of his agenda that have lain dormant in the interim.

It doesn't require an advanced degree in PoliSci to conure-up that very real prospect.
He can bullshit your dumbass repubs but that's all----- not dems not foreign leaders the vile pos is an accident waiting to happen
Good thing for me that I'm not a dumbass Pub, eh?

Republican bullshit artists...

Democratic bullshit artists...

Independent bullshit artists...

Populist bullshit artists...

obama sat at the heels of Wright and Ayers and you guys said shit from so long ago didn't matter.

So, right back at ya.

How did those attacks work for you in 2008 and 2012...Trump has this image as a "tell it like it is " dude...he is self puffing chicken shit who ran from reporters

Derp, they didn't. Just like dredging up shit from Trump's past wont work now.

Speaking of chicken shits ... remember when obutthead called for a boycott on Fox news?

I have a suggestion ..


He cannot show his tax returns because he is being audited. Get some new marching orders from your left wing nut handlers.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Are you lying or just ignorant. I really want to know.

Listen up moron, no one said there was a law. As he stated, he was advised by his lawyers not to show his returns because he was under audit. Now, take your ignorance away and go and fuck up some other thread.
Now you're just making shit up.
obama sat at the heels of Wright and Ayers and you guys said shit from so long ago didn't matter.

So, right back at ya.

How did those attacks work for you in 2008 and 2012...Trump has this image as a "tell it like it is " dude...he is self puffing chicken shit who ran from reporters

Derp, they didn't. Just like dredging up shit from Trump's past wont work now.

Speaking of chicken shits ... remember when obutthead called for a boycott on Fox news?

You mean like Republicans dredging up fake scandals from Clinton's past?

Like I said. To Republicans, Trump is "teflon".
obama sat at the heels of Wright and Ayers and you guys said shit from so long ago didn't matter.

So, right back at ya.

How did those attacks work for you in 2008 and 2012...Trump has this image as a "tell it like it is " dude...he is self puffing chicken shit who ran from reporters

Derp, they didn't. Just like dredging up shit from Trump's past wont work now.

Speaking of chicken shits ... remember when obutthead called for a boycott on Fox news?

You mean like Republicans dredging up fake scandals from Clinton's past?

Like I said. To Republicans, Trump is "teflon".

Just like clinton and obama are to Ds.
obama sat at the heels of Wright and Ayers and you guys said shit from so long ago didn't matter.

So, right back at ya.

How did those attacks work for you in 2008 and 2012...Trump has this image as a "tell it like it is " dude...he is self puffing chicken shit who ran from reporters

Derp, they didn't. Just like dredging up shit from Trump's past wont work now.

Speaking of chicken shits ... remember when obutthead called for a boycott on Fox news?

You mean like Republicans dredging up fake scandals from Clinton's past?

Like I said. To Republicans, Trump is "teflon".

Just like clinton and obama are to Ds.
Actually, both Obama and Clinton have been criticized by Democrats. Do keep up.
obama sat at the heels of Wright and Ayers and you guys said shit from so long ago didn't matter.

So, right back at ya.

How did those attacks work for you in 2008 and 2012...Trump has this image as a "tell it like it is " dude...he is self puffing chicken shit who ran from reporters

Derp, they didn't. Just like dredging up shit from Trump's past wont work now.

Speaking of chicken shits ... remember when obutthead called for a boycott on Fox news?

speaking of chicken shits look at your posting

Benghazi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
obama sat at the heels of Wright and Ayers and you guys said shit from so long ago didn't matter.

So, right back at ya.

How did those attacks work for you in 2008 and 2012...Trump has this image as a "tell it like it is " dude...he is self puffing chicken shit who ran from reporters

Derp, they didn't. Just like dredging up shit from Trump's past wont work now.

Speaking of chicken shits ... remember when obutthead called for a boycott on Fox news?

speaking of chicken shits look at your posting

Benghazi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Calm down and take a stress pill, Dave.

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