Trump says they were all merely suggestions.

Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

So what is his position on guns….

You can say its X but you also say he’s willing to negotiate on that.

So he has no position at all.

If I were a gun owner, I’d be worried. Seems like he’s willing to listen to talk about bans and registration.
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

One of the reasons I stopped listening to ANY political speeches is the way that EVERY politician pretended that they were operating in a vacuum and that between the time they made their promise and the time they would enact their policies, that nothing would change and that there were NO other players or factors that might effect the actual result.

Trump has given us, the same as EVERY other politician an idea of his start position as he, hopefully will attempt to govern.

The difference is that he isn't insulting our intelligence by pretending to be all powerful and all knowing.

You have no intelligence to insult.
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

Excuse me but he got popular with you people because he said he was going to build a wall, halt Muslim refugee influx, yada yada yada, now everything is negotiable? Hell, THAT is the typical politician. No principles, just which ever way the wind blows that's what we do? Fuck that, it's basically "I'll do whatever I need to to get elected". He's turned into the typical politician.

Nothing he has said has suddenly indicated that he is okay with unregulated Muslim immigration or illegal immigrants. This is a stupid complaint about him.


So now is your messiah going to allow the “muzzles” as you call them in?

I guess the wall is negotiable too????
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

So what is his position on guns….

You can say its X but you also say he’s willing to negotiate on that.

So he has no position at all.

If I were a gun owner, I’d be worried. Seems like he’s willing to listen to talk about bans and registration.

I AM a gun owner and I'm quite confident that a Republican President will never seek to ban or register guns.

Disarming the American people is strictly a liberal goal.
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

So what is his position on guns….

You can say its X but you also say he’s willing to negotiate on that.

So he has no position at all.

If I were a gun owner, I’d be worried. Seems like he’s willing to listen to talk about bans and registration.

I AM a gun owner and I'm quite confident that a Republican President will never seek to ban or register guns.

Disarming the American people is strictly a liberal goal.

Interesting you didn’t say “Donald Drumpf” or his alter ego Donald Trump. I guess you can’t trust him.
Everything is negotiable (according to you).
Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

One of the reasons I stopped listening to ANY political speeches is the way that EVERY politician pretended that they were operating in a vacuum and that between the time they made their promise and the time they would enact their policies, that nothing would change and that there were NO other players or factors that might effect the actual result.

Trump has given us, the same as EVERY other politician an idea of his start position as he, hopefully will attempt to govern.

The difference is that he isn't insulting our intelligence by pretending to be all powerful and all knowing.

You have no intelligence to insult.

And yet, I had something intelligent to say on the topic and you had nothing to offer but a personal attack.

Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

So what is his position on guns….

You can say its X but you also say he’s willing to negotiate on that.

So he has no position at all.

If I were a gun owner, I’d be worried. Seems like he’s willing to listen to talk about bans and registration.

I AM a gun owner and I'm quite confident that a Republican President will never seek to ban or register guns.

Disarming the American people is strictly a liberal goal.

Interesting you didn’t say “Donald Drumpf” or his alter ego Donald Trump. I guess you can’t trust him.
Everything is negotiable (according to you).

Whoa. "Drumpf"?

Is that more of that "intelligence" I keep hearing about?

Trump: Anything I say now 'is a suggestion'

Calling into "Fox & Friends," Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about saying his proposed ban on Muslims entering the country was "just a suggestion" earlier this week.

"Yeah. It was a suggestion," Trump said. "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president. Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."


I suggest he shows us his tax returns.

So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

So what is his position on guns….

You can say its X but you also say he’s willing to negotiate on that.

So he has no position at all.

If I were a gun owner, I’d be worried. Seems like he’s willing to listen to talk about bans and registration.

I AM a gun owner and I'm quite confident that a Republican President will never seek to ban or register guns.

Disarming the American people is strictly a liberal goal.

Interesting you didn’t say “Donald Drumpf” or his alter ego Donald Trump. I guess you can’t trust him.
Everything is negotiable (according to you).

I assumed that the reader was smart enough to know that the Republican candidate for President would be a Republican President if elected. Obviously in your case I assumed wrong.
So when he claims to be pro gun now, well that and everything else he says is going to flip.
He hasn't flipped on any topic.

Yall just used to dealing with typical politicians who have a particular view and refuse to negotiate , and thus we end up with two sides trying to bully each other. Trump is a business man and as he has said, a good negotiation is when both sides leave a little happy and a little unhappy.

Odd that a candidate who's willing to modify his stances in order to get things done is being mocked. I personally don't like dictatorships.

So what is his position on guns….

You can say its X but you also say he’s willing to negotiate on that.

So he has no position at all.

If I were a gun owner, I’d be worried. Seems like he’s willing to listen to talk about bans and registration.

I AM a gun owner and I'm quite confident that a Republican President will never seek to ban or register guns.

Disarming the American people is strictly a liberal goal.

Interesting you didn’t say “Donald Drumpf” or his alter ego Donald Trump. I guess you can’t trust him.
Everything is negotiable (according to you).

I assumed that the reader was smart enough to know that the Republican candidate for President would be a Republican President if elected. Obviously in your case I assumed wrong.

Still…everything is negotiable with Drumpf….
Trump is pro gun. One of his sons was bragging about going deer hunting all weekend in Ohio. That was horsecrap because at the time the season had been closed for over 2 weeks. I understand he was just making the pro gun point, but still, lie and get caught looking stupid? I'm a member of the NRA, dumbasses is the last thing gun owners need.
So what is his position on guns…..

Trump not only supports an AWB, he also believes in background checks and waiting periods to buy a gun.

Donald Trump: I support the ban on Assault Weapons.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.
Paulie said (on Fox last night) no candidate agrees with the GOP 100%, but during the meeting with Trump they reached about 80%, and he's confident they can come closer together in future meetings....


Fuck the GOP, asshole.
And those are Trump's sentiments also.

Trump '16
Pro abortion. Pro gun ban. Pro singler payer healthcare.

Yup. Sounds like a Republican we want for President, all right!
So what is his position on guns…..

Trump not only supports an AWB, he also believes in background checks and waiting periods to buy a gun.

Donald Trump: I support the ban on Assault Weapons.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.

Don’t confuse them with quotes from Drumpf….he’s flexible. In 2004, that was out of style. Today it’s the new black.
Trump not only supports an AWB, he also believes in background checks and waiting periods to buy a gun.

There should be background checks before you buy a gun, dumbass. That's precisely WHY good, honest, Americans carry weapons legally.
It's the idiot criminal (usually BLACK) "nut jobs" in your fucked up no-gun-zones, robbing, gang-banging and killing.
Not us, sorry.
We're abiding by the law, asshole - background check approved to carry!
Trump is again fucking right.

Trump '16
It's the idiot criminal (usually BLACK) "nut jobs" in your fucked up no-gun-zones, robbing, gang-banging and killing.
Not us, sorry.
And we just can't figure out why the darkies won't vote Republican.

Oh, that's right. It's "because gifts". :lol:

I'm so glad to hear Trump supporters explain why they like him so much.
The smart ones will vote for Trump. Why wouldn't they? Any idiot - less you for the time being - can see the Democrats haven't done shit for them since LBJ was president. DC public schools, for example, are the worst in America. 80 percent of those in prison are black. They're killing each other on the streets of once great cities by the tens of thousands!

Yet, one sits in the Oval Office with a stupid grin.
And he's one of the dumber ones in the race.

So it's apparent, the guvmint's EO efforts don't apply to everyone, just those with money, and they have been a miserable failure.
And we just can't figure out why the darkies won't vote Republican.

The smart ones will vote for Trump.
Nope. The smart ones would not vote at all.

They sure as shit aren't going to vote for a party which clearly HATES them the way you do.

By the way, the Democratic party's goal is to make EVERYONE dependent on government, not just blacks. You sound incredibly stupid and racist when you single out blacks.

You're a shitty spokesman for blacks -

Black Republican group endorses Donald Trump -
The smart ones will vote for Trump.

Nope. The smart ones would not vote at all.

They sure as shit aren't going to vote for a party which clearly HATES them the way you do.

By the way, the Democratic party's goal is to make EVERYONE dependent on government, not just blacks. You sound incredibly stupid and racist when you single out blacks.

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