Trump says to cancel order to new Airforce 1 for him.. Too much money.

Let's put this in perspective. Four billion dollars is more than the GDP of the following nations: Eritrea, Cayman Islands, Andorra, Curaçao, Guyana, Maldives, Burundi, Aruba, Greenland, Liberia, Lesotho, Bhutan, Cape Verde, San Marino, Central African Republic, Belize, Djibouti, Seychelles, Saint Lucia, Somalia, Zanzibar, Antigua and Barbuda, Guinea-Bissau, Solomon Islands, Sint Maarten, British Virgin Islands, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, The Gambia, Samoa, Vanuatu, Turks and Caicos Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Comoros, Dominica, Tonga, São Tomé and Príncipe, Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, Anguilla, Palau, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Kiribati, Montserrat, and Tuvalu.

Lets put this in perspective, this item is ~0.004% of the budget hole Trump's policies will cause. That budget hole is about half of America's GDP.

Lets also put this in context - President needs a new plane, so the question is not to spend or not to spend on a plane, but how much to spend, given that the old one is 30 years old now.
You really have a difficult time understanding things like this, don't you?

B-52s were designed to fly missions all over the world and is a long range bomber. With training and mission requirements it logs up the air miles and it is now .about 70 years old and the government stills keeps it in the air because it is mission capable. AF1 is still mission capable.

I think you're having trouble understanding how much more use the two 747's get then some 70+ B-52's do. There aren't any any B-52 Airframes that old still in active service for starters, so stop saying that. Secondly it's not like the B-52 is constantly flying around the world, like most military Aircraft their based as close to any theater as they can be so where as Airforce One is constantly going back and forth between the united states and far flung nations...the B-52 is not.

All this is MOOT mind you, because you're a liar, the damned mechanics are quoted as saying both Aircraft take "Heroics" to keep in the air, that means they're falling apart. But I guess you know better then the men tasked with the keeping planes flying, that know more about Avionics then you or I ever will.

The friggin AF1 is a over built flying taxi to get a President from one place to another for governmental purposes.

Spoken like someone who has no idea what he's talking about. Airforce one has to fly the President around in as close to 100% safety as we can get, its got extensive countermeasures and safety features for a reason, no one can even ponder the idea of trying to shoot that plane down. It has to be a mobile Command Center in case of emergencies, you can't play with shit that serious and be caught flat footed, it could mean the end of the United States and I mean REALLY mean the end of the United States. None of this alarmist, Liberal or Conservative hate bullshit.

Obama has put more miles on the air frame than was necessary for legitimate government

Oh shut the hell up, Obama hasn't put anymore miles on the damned plane then any other President. God you're such an ass, Presidents have always gone to Campaign, Fundraise and vacation. If all you want to do is Bitch about Obama and call his family names like a damned Child, fine, but don't try to pretend like you can hold an intelligent conversation at the same time.

If we can keep our brave Air Force pilots flying the aging B-52s

Except we don't have B-52 Mechanics saying they're falling apart? A mission split between two Aircraft is going to be harder on those 2 then a mission split between 70 or more, and the expense of keeping all the extremely advanced equipment in AF-1 is more expensive regardless.
$4 billion here, $4 billion there and pretty soon it adds up to real money.

Nobody in the Obama administration gave a shit about debt. Maybe Trump will be different and start actually worrying about it.

That is bullshit, Obama signed sequestration and for years and years was pushing for a Grand Deal. Congress didn't want to touch it because it would mean pain for each political side. His healthcare reform law was fully paid for.

Deficits have fallen BIGLY under Obama.


In total, Obama's polices have added about 2 Trillion dollars of new debt big chunk of which is extension of Bush's tax cuts. Compared to about ~5 trillion for Bush's policies and expected average of about 7.5 Trillion dollar policy Trump is proposing now.

Obama is a model of solvency compared to where Republicans are heading us.

Like with everything else he had done so far, Trump is all glitzy bullshit and no serious substance.

When did the Republicans take over Congress (the people that spend our money) again?
$4 billion here, $4 billion there and pretty soon it adds up to real money.

Nobody in the Obama administration gave a shit about debt. Maybe Trump will be different and start actually worrying about it.

That is bullshit, Obama signed sequestration and for years and years was pushing for a Grand Deal. Congress didn't want to touch it because it would mean pain for each political side. His healthcare reform law was fully paid for.

Deficits have fallen BIGLY under Obama.


In total, Obama's polices have added about 2 Trillion dollars of new debt big chunk of which is extension of Bush's tax cuts. Compared to about ~5 trillion for Bush's policies and expected average of about 7.5 Trillion dollar policy Trump is proposing now.

Obama is a model of solvency compared to where Republicans are heading us.

Like with everything else he had done so far, Trump is all glitzy bullshit and no serious substance.

When did the Republicans take over Congress (the people that spend our money) again?

Stop. It's embarrassing. That is not how budgets and spending works.
$4 billion here, $4 billion there and pretty soon it adds up to real money.

Nobody in the Obama administration gave a shit about debt. Maybe Trump will be different and start actually worrying about it.

That is bullshit, Obama signed sequestration and for years and years was pushing for a Grand Deal. Congress didn't want to touch it because it would mean pain for each political side. His healthcare reform law was fully paid for.

Deficits have fallen BIGLY under Obama.


In total, Obama's polices have added about 2 Trillion dollars of new debt big chunk of which is extension of Bush's tax cuts. Compared to about ~5 trillion for Bush's policies and expected average of about 7.5 Trillion dollar policy Trump is proposing now.

Obama is a model of solvency compared to where Republicans are heading us.

Like with everything else he had done so far, Trump is all glitzy bullshit and no serious substance.

When did the Republicans take over Congress (the people that spend our money) again?

Stop. It's embarrassing.

Yep, and there is something we can both agree on.
$4 billion here, $4 billion there and pretty soon it adds up to real money.

Nobody in the Obama administration gave a shit about debt. Maybe Trump will be different and start actually worrying about it.

That is bullshit, Obama signed sequestration and for years and years was pushing for a Grand Deal. Congress didn't want to touch it because it would mean pain for each political side. His healthcare reform law was fully paid for.

Deficits have fallen BIGLY under Obama.


In total, Obama's polices have added about 2 Trillion dollars of new debt big chunk of which is extension of Bush's tax cuts. Compared to about ~5 trillion for Bush's policies and expected average of about 7.5 Trillion dollar policy Trump is proposing now.

Obama is a model of solvency compared to where Republicans are heading us.

Like with everything else he had done so far, Trump is all glitzy bullshit and no serious substance.

When did the Republicans take over Congress (the people that spend our money) again?

They took over in 2010.
You really have a difficult time understanding things like this, don't you?

B-52s were designed to fly missions all over the world and is a long range bomber. With training and mission requirements it logs up the air miles and it is now .about 70 years old and the government stills keeps it in the air because it is mission capable. AF1 is still mission capable.

I think you're having trouble understanding how much more use the two 747's get then some 70+ B-52's do. There aren't any any B-52 Airframes that old still in active service for starters, so stop saying that. Secondly it's not like the B-52 is constantly flying around the world, like most military Aircraft their based as close to any theater as they can be so where as Airforce One is constantly going back and forth between the united states and far flung nations...the B-52 is not.

All this is MOOT mind you, because you're a liar, the damned mechanics are quoted as saying both Aircraft take "Heroics" to keep in the air, that means they're falling apart. But I guess you know better then the men tasked with the keeping planes flying, that know more about Avionics then you or I ever will.

The friggin AF1 is a over built flying taxi to get a President from one place to another for governmental purposes.

Spoken like someone who has no idea what he's talking about. Airforce one has to fly the President around in as close to 100% safety as we can get, its got extensive countermeasures and safety features for a reason, no one can even ponder the idea of trying to shoot that plane down. It has to be a mobile Command Center in case of emergencies, you can't play with shit that serious and be caught flat footed, it could mean the end of the United States and I mean REALLY mean the end of the United States. None of this alarmist, Liberal or Conservative hate bullshit.

Obama has put more miles on the air frame than was necessary for legitimate government

Oh shut the hell up, Obama hasn't put anymore miles on the damned plane then any other President. God you're such an ass, Presidents have always gone to Campaign, Fundraise and vacation. If all you want to do is Bitch about Obama and call his family names like a damned Child, fine, but don't try to pretend like you can hold an intelligent conversation at the same time.

If we can keep our brave Air Force pilots flying the aging B-52s

Except we don't have B-52 Mechanics saying they're falling apart? A mission split between two Aircraft is going to be harder on those 2 then a mission split between 70 or more, and the expense of keeping all the extremely advanced equipment in AF-1 is more expensive regardless.

It is hilarious to see you Moon Bats bitch about Trump trying to save the American taxpayers some money and actually get some value for the contacts that are issued.

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for Obama who has been the most fiscally irresponsible President this country ever had.

I suspect that due to Trump's attempt at fiscal responsible that we will get the airplanes but at a lower cost to the taxpayers.

Then we can listen to you Moon Bats bitch about that.
Let's give Trump a bi-plane to get around in!

We don't have to give him anything. He has his own airplane. A very nice one.
Even better. Let him fly around on a private jet at his own expense. I'm sure it has everything he needs to protect him from EMP and Stingers.

Maybe we should do that for every President. Even assholes like this Obama shithead that used AF1 to fly to the filthy Democrat fundraisers, campaign for Crooked Hillary and to send his bugga bugga ho wife off to Africa for vacations.
You really have a difficult time understanding things like this, don't you?

B-52s were designed to fly missions all over the world and is a long range bomber. With training and mission requirements it logs up the air miles and it is now .about 70 years old and the government stills keeps it in the air because it is mission capable. AF1 is still mission capable.

I think you're having trouble understanding how much more use the two 747's get then some 70+ B-52's do. There aren't any any B-52 Airframes that old still in active service for starters, so stop saying that. Secondly it's not like the B-52 is constantly flying around the world, like most military Aircraft their based as close to any theater as they can be so where as Airforce One is constantly going back and forth between the united states and far flung nations...the B-52 is not.

All this is MOOT mind you, because you're a liar, the damned mechanics are quoted as saying both Aircraft take "Heroics" to keep in the air, that means they're falling apart. But I guess you know better then the men tasked with the keeping planes flying, that know more about Avionics then you or I ever will.

The friggin AF1 is a over built flying taxi to get a President from one place to another for governmental purposes.

Spoken like someone who has no idea what he's talking about. Airforce one has to fly the President around in as close to 100% safety as we can get, its got extensive countermeasures and safety features for a reason, no one can even ponder the idea of trying to shoot that plane down. It has to be a mobile Command Center in case of emergencies, you can't play with shit that serious and be caught flat footed, it could mean the end of the United States and I mean REALLY mean the end of the United States. None of this alarmist, Liberal or Conservative hate bullshit.

Obama has put more miles on the air frame than was necessary for legitimate government

Oh shut the hell up, Obama hasn't put anymore miles on the damned plane then any other President. God you're such an ass, Presidents have always gone to Campaign, Fundraise and vacation. If all you want to do is Bitch about Obama and call his family names like a damned Child, fine, but don't try to pretend like you can hold an intelligent conversation at the same time.

If we can keep our brave Air Force pilots flying the aging B-52s

Except we don't have B-52 Mechanics saying they're falling apart? A mission split between two Aircraft is going to be harder on those 2 then a mission split between 70 or more, and the expense of keeping all the extremely advanced equipment in AF-1 is more expensive regardless.

It is hilarious to see you Moon Bats bitch about Trump trying to save the American taxpayers some money and actually get some value for the contacts that are issued.

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for Obama who has been the most fiscally irresponsible President this country ever had.

I suspect that due to Trump's attempt at fiscal responsible that we will get the airplanes but at a lower cost to the taxpayers.

Then we can listen to you Moon Bats bitch about that.

I won't claim to be an airplane expert especially when it comes to cost. But this story takes me back to a job I had years ago teaching music part-time.

One of my students worked at a factory that made fasteners for the space shuttle. They would charge the government over $150.00 for each bolt, and you can imagine how many bolts and screws are in the space shuttle.

According to him, most of the costs were government red tape. Each bolt had to have a 150 page documentation to describe the manufacturing process, testing, preparation and things like that. If government found one problem with that document, they would reject it and demand a new one from scratch.

I found his work fascinating so we discussed it for a while. At the end of our conversation, I asked him what the difference was between the bolts they make for the space shuttle, and the one I could buy in a hardware store for less than a dollar? His reply is that they were the exact same bolts. They are made no better or worse. A bolt is a bolt after all.

Yes, that was years and years ago, but I wouldn't doubt if things changed all that much when it comes to government. If anything, it probably got worse.
Let's give Trump a bi-plane to get around in!

We don't have to give him anything. He has his own airplane. A very nice one.
Even better. Let him fly around on a private jet at his own expense. I'm sure it has everything he needs to protect him from EMP and Stingers.

Maybe we should do that for every President. Even assholes like this Obama shithead that used AF1 to fly to the filthy Democrat fundraisers, campaign for Crooked Hillary and to send his bugga bugga ho wife off to Africa for vacations.
Yeah. No other President ever used Air Force One to get to fundraisers and campaign for other candidates and go on vacation.

Obama was the first.

I am not kidding when I say you tards must have been in comas until January 2009.

Or diapers.
Let's give Trump a bi-plane to get around in!

We don't have to give him anything. He has his own airplane. A very nice one.
Even better. Let him fly around on a private jet at his own expense. I'm sure it has everything he needs to protect him from EMP and Stingers.

Maybe we should do that for every President. Even assholes like this Obama shithead that used AF1 to fly to the filthy Democrat fundraisers, campaign for Crooked Hillary and to send his bugga bugga ho wife off to Africa for vacations.
Yeah. No other President ever used Air Force One to get to fundraisers and campaign for other candidates and go on vacation.

Obama was the first.

I am not kidding when I say you tards must have been in comas until January 2009.

Or diapers.

I didn't say Obama was the only one that used the airplane for non government business. I said that we should not allow anybody to use one for vacations or campaign trips or anything having to do with partisan politics.

If an asshole like Obama flies to LA to raise money for the filthy ass Democrat Party from the Limousine Liberals then he should reimburse us taxpayers for the cost of security, provide his own transportation and have his time deducted from his paycheck.
Yeah. No other President ever used Air Force One to get to fundraisers and campaign for other candidates and go on vacation.

Obama was the first.

I am not kidding when I say you tards must have been in comas until January 2009.

Or diapers.

I guess that would all depend on what their views about presidential vacations and trips were. Here is what Obama's views were many years ago:

You really have a difficult time understanding things like this, don't you?

B-52s were designed to fly missions all over the world and is a long range bomber. With training and mission requirements it logs up the air miles and it is now .about 70 years old and the government stills keeps it in the air because it is mission capable. AF1 is still mission capable.

I think you're having trouble understanding how much more use the two 747's get then some 70+ B-52's do. There aren't any any B-52 Airframes that old still in active service for starters, so stop saying that. Secondly it's not like the B-52 is constantly flying around the world, like most military Aircraft their based as close to any theater as they can be so where as Airforce One is constantly going back and forth between the united states and far flung nations...the B-52 is not.

All this is MOOT mind you, because you're a liar, the damned mechanics are quoted as saying both Aircraft take "Heroics" to keep in the air, that means they're falling apart. But I guess you know better then the men tasked with the keeping planes flying, that know more about Avionics then you or I ever will.

The friggin AF1 is a over built flying taxi to get a President from one place to another for governmental purposes.

Spoken like someone who has no idea what he's talking about. Airforce one has to fly the President around in as close to 100% safety as we can get, its got extensive countermeasures and safety features for a reason, no one can even ponder the idea of trying to shoot that plane down. It has to be a mobile Command Center in case of emergencies, you can't play with shit that serious and be caught flat footed, it could mean the end of the United States and I mean REALLY mean the end of the United States. None of this alarmist, Liberal or Conservative hate bullshit.

Obama has put more miles on the air frame than was necessary for legitimate government

Oh shut the hell up, Obama hasn't put anymore miles on the damned plane then any other President. God you're such an ass, Presidents have always gone to Campaign, Fundraise and vacation. If all you want to do is Bitch about Obama and call his family names like a damned Child, fine, but don't try to pretend like you can hold an intelligent conversation at the same time.

If we can keep our brave Air Force pilots flying the aging B-52s

Except we don't have B-52 Mechanics saying they're falling apart? A mission split between two Aircraft is going to be harder on those 2 then a mission split between 70 or more, and the expense of keeping all the extremely advanced equipment in AF-1 is more expensive regardless.

It is hilarious to see you Moon Bats bitch about Trump trying to save the American taxpayers some money and actually get some value for the contacts that are issued.

Of course you are the same idiots that voted for Obama who has been the most fiscally irresponsible President this country ever had.

I suspect that due to Trump's attempt at fiscal responsible that we will get the airplanes but at a lower cost to the taxpayers.

Then we can listen to you Moon Bats bitch about that.

I won't claim to be an airplane expert especially when it comes to cost. But this story takes me back to a job I had years ago teaching music part-time.

One of my students worked at a factory that made fasteners for the space shuttle. They would charge the government over $150.00 for each bolt, and you can imagine how many bolts and screws are in the space shuttle.

According to him, most of the costs were government red tape. Each bolt had to have a 150 page documentation to describe the manufacturing process, testing, preparation and things like that. If government found one problem with that document, they would reject it and demand a new one from scratch.

I found his work fascinating so we discussed it for a while. At the end of our conversation, I asked him what the difference was between the bolts they make for the space shuttle, and the one I could buy in a hardware store for less than a dollar? His reply is that they were the exact same bolts. They are made no better or worse. A bolt is a bolt after all.

Yes, that was years and years ago, but I wouldn't doubt if things changed all that much when it comes to government. If anything, it probably got worse.

Actually, I found the prices at SERVMART to be fairly close to what the prices were for the same things out in the civilian stores. (SERVMART is where we got supplies like forms, paper, pens, computers, etc.). And, I started going on SERVMART runs in the early 90's.

The things that cost so much on AF1 are the things that they won't tell you about and that you don't see. Hardening electronics so that they can withstand an EMP pulse ain't cheap, it takes special materials and such. Same thing with installing flare and chaff systems onboard so that they can defend against a missile attack. And that's before you start talking about stuff like satellite video and audio communications, various radars and other things.
Let's give Trump a bi-plane to get around in!

We don't have to give him anything. He has his own airplane. A very nice one.
Even better. Let him fly around on a private jet at his own expense. I'm sure it has everything he needs to protect him from EMP and Stingers.

Maybe we should do that for every President. Even assholes like this Obama shithead that used AF1 to fly to the filthy Democrat fundraisers, campaign for Crooked Hillary and to send his bugga bugga ho wife off to Africa for vacations.
Yeah. No other President ever used Air Force One to get to fundraisers and campaign for other candidates and go on vacation.

Obama was the first.

I am not kidding when I say you tards must have been in comas until January 2009.

Or diapers.

I didn't say Obama was the only one that used the airplane for non government business. I said that we should not allow anybody to use one for vacations or campaign trips or anything having to do with partisan politics.

If an asshole like Obama flies to LA to raise money for the filthy ass Democrat Party from the Limousine Liberals then he should reimburse us taxpayers for the cost of security, provide his own transportation and have his time deducted from his paycheck. did you feel about all the flight time that Reagan and Jr. used during their presidencies?
The things that cost so much on AF1 are the things that they won't tell you about and that you don't see. Hardening electronics so that they can withstand an EMP pulse ain't cheap, it takes special materials and such. Same thing with installing flare and chaff systems onboard so that they can defend against a missile attack. And that's before you start talking about stuff like satellite video and audio communications, various radars and other things.

I think the real question is does this heavily indebted country with dismal economic growth really need something as elaborate as this monstrosity that the AF1 has evolved into being? I mean does it really need a surgical center and room to carry the press?

The government should provide a reliable and secure mode of transportation for the President. I don't think it needs to be a fleet of luxury 747s.

I also don't think the President should be allowed to use government transportation for vacations or for personal business like party fund raisers. Certainly not for campaigning.
We don't have to give him anything. He has his own airplane. A very nice one.
Even better. Let him fly around on a private jet at his own expense. I'm sure it has everything he needs to protect him from EMP and Stingers.

Maybe we should do that for every President. Even assholes like this Obama shithead that used AF1 to fly to the filthy Democrat fundraisers, campaign for Crooked Hillary and to send his bugga bugga ho wife off to Africa for vacations.
Yeah. No other President ever used Air Force One to get to fundraisers and campaign for other candidates and go on vacation.

Obama was the first.

I am not kidding when I say you tards must have been in comas until January 2009.

Or diapers.

I didn't say Obama was the only one that used the airplane for non government business. I said that we should not allow anybody to use one for vacations or campaign trips or anything having to do with partisan politics.

If an asshole like Obama flies to LA to raise money for the filthy ass Democrat Party from the Limousine Liberals then he should reimburse us taxpayers for the cost of security, provide his own transportation and have his time deducted from his paycheck. did you feel about all the flight time that Reagan and Jr. used during their presidencies?

The same. Any more questions?

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