Trump says you'll let him get away with murder

Trump's supporters are pretty much morally bankrupt; they would support him no matter what. This is why Hillary wins.

Good Lord woman! As a Hillary supporter, you need to post a warning before replying with something like that!!!

I could have been seriously injured when my Hypocrisy Meter exploded...

You feel comfortable with the President of your Country mocking handicapped persons?


I can see him, after he sends 30,000 troops into the middle east--he said he was going to "take their (ISIS) oil" so I'm not making that up--some come back with PTSD like Palin's son. When he and his wife are in the residence, he mocks the PFC from Moline who has PTSD in the same way.... You really want this type of man as the CIC of your son or daughter. Or if they get captured...remember "He likes soldiers who don't get caught".

If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

I don't think he insulted anyone's integrity. I think he bragged about their devotion.

It's a combination of the two -- he insulted their devotion is what he did.

Of course with that clown insults are like, take a number. Mexicans, women, the disabled, Muslims, Scottish landowners, Penn Jilette and several rival individuals have already been served, so the line moves quickly.

He's saying, if he opened fire on his audience at one of his own rallies the survivors would just drool and be like, "what a man, he's got my vote".

And in this case he's probably right.

I'm sure that Trump appreciates you translating for him. You knowing exactly what he was thinking when he said it.
And yet Hillary Clinton will win the nomination of the Democratic party even after decades of BS she's said and done,
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

I don't think he insulted anyone's integrity. I think he bragged about their devotion.

Man, mah bitch so devoted to me I can pimp slap her twice a day, shove a gun up dat cooch n make dat hoe watch me pop mah shit down some otha bitch's throat n she still won't leave me.

Just because it's "bragging about devotion" does not mean it's not also insulting the devotee.
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

I don't think he insulted anyone's integrity. I think he bragged about their devotion.

Man, mah bitch so devoted to me I can pimp slap her twice a day, shove a gun up dat cooch n make dat hoe watch me pop mah shit down some otha bitch's throat n she still won't leave me.

Just because it's "bragging about devotion" does not mean it's not also insulting the devotee.

Really moron? Fail, try again.
That is,of course, subjective.

Either way the man's ego overrides his brain too often.

I disagree. Trump's ego is what has fueled him through his entire life in the absence of intelligence. It's one of those situations where a fish climbs a tree because it's too stupid to know that it can't.
They will vote for her because of her policies and history. Both of which are golden compared to anyone the GOP could offer up as a candidate or a surrogate for their candidate.
She is a failure.
Failure as a wife.
Failure as first lady.
Had to move to a state that would give her a senate seat.
Failure as a president candidate in 2008.
Failure as secretary of state.

Fascinating cartoonish version of history you have. Represented the nation very well in all of her multiple federal level postings. Calling her a "failure as a wife"....pretty sick but hey, you're a conservative so that you're saying sick repulsive things is second nature.

So by definition; you guys nominated 2 failures the last two times out?

As I said, liberals are smarter than conservatives; you guys prove it every day.
I you can't keep your husband from fucking anything that walks. Your a failure as a wife, or a complete dumbass for letting it happen over and over again. Either way it doesn't look good.
and this has to do w/ Politics exactly how hack boi? You are one of the primary culprits on this forum "dumbing it down". Thanks for nothing.

As to the OP (thats what we're supposed to address jknowgood ;) ) Trump knows his followers are fueled by hate and fear so they won't leave his side regardless of his remarks AND the fact he has no plans on how he is going to accomplish his lofty goals
Yes, Trump was just running his mouth to make liberals shit themselves and he was successful once again. Nothing like Joy Behar saying she would vote for a rapist if he had a d beside his name. Now that's just sick.
Actually she didn't say that.... she was much clearer and precise, and didn't mention D's/democrats at all...

That isn't the media, that is your Messiah.

You libs looked to Obama as your Messiah.

Trump is the leader of a populist revolt against a corrupt and ineffective regime.

Now we know you're not serious.

Trump is a snake oil salesman, a con man, and a fraud – he's clearly not a serious candidate and he's fooled a third of republicans in to believing he is.

And there is no “populist revolt against a corrupt and ineffective regime,” it's instead a minority of partisan republicans 'angry' that they've lost the last two presidential elections – nothing more.

Your dismissal of Trump, at this late date, is absurd.

This is certainly a populist revolt.

And you should keep dismissing the anger of the people. It will only make us more angry.
I'm completely serious.

The media has a lot to answer for the way they have betrayed their professional responsibilities and their nation.

Fuck them. They deserve worse than to be mocked.

Do you also know who deserves to be mocked?

Handicapped people!

Thank God Trump has the balls to finally mock people with handicaps.


Yes, that's what we need in a President.

He mocked a reporter.

I'm fine with that.

So are nearly half the American people according to the Trump vs Hillary polls.
Maybe so, but Obama has already admitted he is a bad shot...

Oh, we're talking about TRUMP?!

Let's be serious...the stupid thing is not that Trump would say something so ridiculous...that's what he does. What is more stupid is the anal political atmosphere that has people disecting and taking seriously every word, every statement candidates this.

Everyone needs to take a breath and take a step back from the 'nutbag' ledge so when the candidates / media 'jumps' they don't takes us with them.
I'm completely serious.

The media has a lot to answer for the way they have betrayed their professional responsibilities and their nation.

Fuck them. They deserve worse than to be mocked.

Do you also know who deserves to be mocked?

Handicapped people!

Thank God Trump has the balls to finally mock people with handicaps.


Yes, that's what we need in a President.

He mocked a reporter.

I'm fine with that.

So are nearly half the American people according to the Trump vs Hillary polls.


He mocked a reporter's disability.
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.
It's true. And if it was a minority he shot you might as well just call off the primary and save everyone a whole lot of time and money because Trump would have locked up the nomination.
Why do you assholes always inject race? WHY
Minorities, not race. Trump uses minorities as scapegoats and objects of ridicule, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, and the disabled. He has to prove he's different than other politicians by doing what no other politician would stoop to do by violating social norms and just plain common decency. I'm not sure why his fans see that as the qualities of a good president.
And yet Hillary Clinton will win the nomination of the Democratic party even after decades of BS she's said and done,
I dont think so. Bernie shouldnt be a contender. But he is. Hillary is the msot unliked candidate out there.
Trump is second, by the way.
The only thing thats going to stop Hillary from winning is jail time and we both know she will slither out of that.
thing is that Trumps words are good on the military , war fighting , immigration , the border wall , guns so I don't care what he thinks about cripples Toro . Besides that I think that the crippled guy attacked the Trump first didn't he ??

Pismoe is a retard.

It is sad but not surprising that the GOP is crumbling. Absolutists are destined to failures in systems based on compromise. However, it is a bit surprising that they are willing to piss it all away for this guy:

If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

That's nothing.

Hillary says that she could lie, cheat, and be responsible for the death of service men over seas and still beat Trump to the White House.
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.
It's true. And if it was a minority he shot you might as well just call off the primary and save everyone a whole lot of time and money because Trump would have locked up the nomination.
Why do you assholes always inject race? WHY
Minorities, not race. Trump uses minorities as scapegoats and objects of ridicule, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, and the disabled. He has to prove he's different than other politicians by doing what no other politician would stoop to do by violating social norms and just plain common decency. I'm not sure why his fans see that as the qualities of a good president.

and you use them to spread lies like you are in this post. Trump doesn't use minorities. that's the Democrat party. not only minorities but homosexuals, children, womeeeen, etc. because like you they can't win without dirty lies and dirty politics.

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