Trump Sends Out Memorial Day Message

You can't debunk Spanky Trump's rant on live tv & his attacks on McCain & other POW's & vets. And I believe John Kelly before I believe Trump's W.H. asslickers who's job hangs on them lying for him.

How you making out removing that imprint of Trump's ass from your face or is it a badge of honor?
Quickly moves to insults when you begin losing the argument. The American people will never forget the unforgivable sin where the leftist were trying to do horrendous things by teaching unbelievable subject's or subject matter to school children. That alone should cause your people to lose elections for year's and year's to come. FACT !!
Of course you don't mention his first message, wouldn't expect anything more from you losers.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump, shared an image showing himself saluting a grave and said, "We can never replace them. We can never repay them, but we can always remember. Today, that is what we are doing - we remember."

Donald Trump's Memorial Day message compared to Joe Biden's
When is the freaking IDIOT ever going to understand how INNAPROPRIATE it is for civilians like him to play like they're saluting things?
It's just another clear photo-op.
Reminds me of those MAGAt idiots who thunk they look "patriotic" in U.S. Flag pattern clothing.
No you don't. You just look idiotic and disrespectful.
It's their job not to get captured.
Well Trump was referring to a certain one that was captured (not all of them), so he for the families name sake and feelings didn't mention the name of the rotten politician he was referring too, but we all know who he was referring too. The leftist also know who he was referring too, but they are broadening the dig in hopes (yet again), to cause Trump trouble by falsely accusing him of hating all vet's with their created political lying bull shite.

Trumps biggest problem is that when he's politically attacked, he sets his horns and scrapes that hoof across the dirt readying himself for the charge or the attack back. He does so against the other bull for whom thought that he was up for the battle until the chit hit the fan. The rest of the herd looks on in horror as Trump rubs the other bull's nose in the cow chit while the prancy one's try to come to the poor bull's rescue.

That purdy much sums it all up. Hey if don't want the horns, then don't piss off the bull right libbys ?
Yeah, Trump at his worst
See how easy they can bring people into their bubble. They piss the man off to no end, and then he's expected to be normal ?
Biden can be the most disrespectful idiot to our military, to the American Black's, and to his co-equal branches, but cricket's as soon as a tiny Crack forms in the Trump cement that they've been using a sledge hammer trying to break. Don't let them get to you Frank.
See how easy they can bring people into their bubble. They piss the man off to no end, and then he's expected to be normal ?
Biden can be the most disrespectful idiot to our military, to the American Black's, and to his co-equal branches, but cricket's as soon as a tiny Crack forms in the Trump cement that they've been using a sledge hammer trying to break. Don't let them get to you Frank.

There's no fucking excuse for turning Memorial Day into a rant about NY Judges.

If Trump were serious AT ALL about holding domestic enemies to account, rolling back the Deep State and pushing back the Progressive Jihad he missed his chance in 2017.

Fucking painful to hear him rant like this ON MEMORIAL DAY!

Biden and the dems can be assholes 24/7/365, I expect that; but I expect more from us
He could have said something like

Take the time to honor the sacrifices of our heroes who gave their lives in defence of our nation, our freedoms, our Constitution and our way of life -- which is now under assault here at home
It's their job not to get captured.
Like McCain & others who were seriously wounded when their plane went down, asswipe?

Or how about POW'S going as far back as the Revolutionary War? Were they supposed to "off" themselves before they were captured, you idiot?

Congragulations on your award for the most craven braindead post so far this year.
And it was exactly as you'd expect. Not a word about the people who the holiday is for, the ones who died in service to the country, but all about him and his endless narcissism.

Did you intentionally skip this one? Or just ignorant?


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