Trump Sends Out Memorial Day Message

Would you rather he lie like the Biden crime family ......

I mean There Are Norms

No one can afford anything, my adult kids, with professional jobs and college degrees, can't afford a house. But HEY, Biden reads the right words off the Teleprompter before falling asleep at the Memorial Day ceremony so that's good enough for them.

I hate it here, really.
Care to comment on Trump's opinion of POW's, Admiral Rocksinyourhead?
Since your verbal diarrhea was debunked years ago, there's no need to Clap Sufferer. That was debunked by people who were actually there, including people that are not friends of Trump.
No there isn’t.

That was the goal all along right? To attempt to elevate Trump--the despicable pervert--by trying to lower everyone else (left or right). Correct?

Am I on ignore, Corny? Should we have this conversation then, oh moral one?
The problem is that so much of the country loves that. Adores it. Wants to be led by it.

I had no idea this country was so miserable.

What do these fantasies do for you, other than make you a hero in your own head?

It's not working on anyone else, do you realize this? No one thinks you're a hero here, not even your "moderate" friends.
The problem is that so much of the country loves that. Adores it. Wants to be led by it.

I had no idea this country was so miserable.

To be clear, Mac: the country just wants to live without going broke. That's it. Normal, mentally sound people are not hung up on every little word Trump posts on Truth Social and they don't care. They don't even know what that IS, but they do know the Dems have been gaslighting them and ruining everything for DECADES.

While you all clutch pearls and cry about "norms" and stuff.

Your need to feel superior is pathological.
The problem is that so much of the country loves that. Adores it. Wants to be led by it.

I had no idea this country was so miserable.

Mac, honest question. Were you all over the board clutching pearls in 2008 when women were literally fainting at Obama rallies with fake Greek columns?
Okay well Mac's not gonna answer because he thinks that me being frustrated is some kind of win for him. This is the state of this forum and I fear, America itself. Macs and co throwing poop on the wall, watching it run down and saying, hey, I win.

I was once asked to moderate this zoo, can you imagine? It has always been insane, but Trump has broken so many people that I would NEVER. I have not donated a single red cent in a long time, nor will I ever again. (You all can ban me, I don't care.) And it's not the "Trumpers" here who are crazy, for the most part. It's the Macs and etc--posters who were fairly reasonable before Trump broke them. People can and will tear down our cities over TDS if/when Trump wins and Mac and Taz will be here crying about Truth Social, I swear. I mean even now, look at what we have devolved to--dragging our political opponents to court over fake charges, real banana republic stuff--and these folks either cheer for it or shrug. Trump will be gone after four years, even if elected. But these banana republic tactics as a means of attacking political opponents. How to explain to complete dunderheads that this is monumentally worse than a few offensive words on a platform no one sees except overwrought liberals?
Trump being sued for sexual assault is more tragic than soldiers being killed in battle
Using courts and Federal agencies to attack political opponents makes them turn over in their graves.

Your use as Govt as a weapon is a clear and present danger to this country.
The problem is that so much of the country loves that. Adores it. Wants to be led by it.

I had no idea this country was so miserable.
We must force equality everywhere from Prog views. Reading about the violence on the south jersey boardwalks is so great. And the Prog voters who stay there for weekends and vacations can go screw themselves. Keep it up. Revenge rules!
Tsk tsk. Another TDS thread from you and whine when challenged.

The Lawfare is being run by dirt bags. Against political opponents.
You got that right.
Hopefully they are gone for good.

Gaetz, Bannon Say Shock Troops Should Take Control If ...​

Business Insider › News › Politics

Dec 9, 2021 — Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon said an 'army of patriots' and 'shock troops' should take over the government if Trump runs and wins in 2024 · Rep.

Steve Bannon Wants 4000 Shock Troops To Deconstruct ...​

UPROXX › viral › steve-bannon-shock-troops...

Jul 25, 2022 — Steve Bannon and Donald Trump are essentially openly plotting to 'deconstruct' the US government.

Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will ...​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story

Nov 13, 2023 — Trump's extreme rhetoric is being compared to Hitler and Mussolini after he vowed to "root out" his political opponents, who he said "live ...

Trump Says He'd Have 'No Choice' But to Lock Up Political ...​

National Review › news › trump-says-h...

Aug 30, 2023 — Former president Donald Trump recently said he'd have "no choice" but to lock up his political opponents if he wins the 2024 presidential ...

You want a banana?
Dec 9, 2021 — Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon said an 'army of patriots' and 'shock troops' should take over the government if Trump runs and wins in 2024 · Rep.
Not much there to see (or hear)

They were not proposing anything illegal
You got that right.
Hopefully they are gone for good.

Gaetz, Bannon Say Shock Troops Should Take Control If ...

View attachment 953108
Business Insider › News › Politics
Dec 9, 2021 — Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon said an 'army of patriots' and 'shock troops' should take over the government if Trump runs and wins in 2024 · Rep.

Steve Bannon Wants 4000 Shock Troops To Deconstruct ...

View attachment 953109
UPROXX › viral › steve-bannon-shock-troops...
Jul 25, 2022 — Steve Bannon and Donald Trump are essentially openly plotting to 'deconstruct' the US government.

Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will ...

View attachment 953105
ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story
Nov 13, 2023 — Trump's extreme rhetoric is being compared to Hitler and Mussolini after he vowed to "root out" his political opponents, who he said "live ...

Trump Says He'd Have 'No Choice' But to Lock Up Political ...

View attachment 953107
National Review › news › trump-says-h...
Aug 30, 2023 — Former president Donald Trump recently said he'd have "no choice" but to lock up his political opponents if he wins the 2024 presidential ...
They're getting closer to just coming out and saying it.

I assume they'll finally do so if he wins.
How can one not read Trump’s tweet and not come away with the opinion that Trump is a psycho and demented.
It just shows the hit job you people have done on him and his family, and all in hopes to elevate the radical leftist agenda to levels unseen or experienced before in this country. Trump has been in you people's way, and so the war on Trump and conservatism began back in 2016.

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