"Trump ‘sent’ supporters on path to Jan. 6 violence" Jack Smith new filing

So the theory is is trump, just by using rhetoric, indirectly caused his supporters to attack the capitol? And that somehow makes him guilty of causing the riot?

I mean, again, show me a politician that doesn’t speak in rhetoric Should we indict the whole of Washington DC?
It's obvious you have been conditioned to reject any criticisms of Mr. Trump that you encounter. People like you belittle the seriousness of Mr. Trump's constant outbursts of rage, and demonetization and his calls for violence - calls masked in other words ('Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?').

and...the charge is not that Mr. Trump 'indirectly' caused anything. The charge is that he directly caused the attack. Here again, I'm forced to remind people of Charles Manson, and what he actually did and did not do, and how he was prosecuted and found guilty. People like you are using the Charlie Manson defense to marginalize Mr. Trump's involvement in crimes.

and...it's not about others (the 'But Ma, Little Johnnie did it too' defense).
Confused? Go read the indictments. Trump January 6 Indictment: Read The Full Document

The basis for these charges are laid out in the document as follows:

Trump allegedly knew that he lost the election and made deliberately false claims

You friggin people need to read your own press. Ever cents Trump came down the escalator ya'll been going on and on about how Trump is so arrogant, clinically narcissistic, everything he owns is gilded, the best, the best house, golf course, the prettiest daughter, the Master deal maker, a killer hair-do and tan...

Ya'll been saying he truly believes all this. PMSNBC has spent hours on commentary disguised as journalism spewing this swill. Ya'll go on to say that his blatant egotism shows he truly believes he is the smartest man alive (I am but I digress) and that he thinks he wins everything. Ya'll say that proves he's nuts.

Until it comes to the election. Then THIS time he knows he lost. Your gonna have to prove that Trump knew he lost the election and his INTENT was to usurp power. Good luck with that.

I bet my shiny new 7/8 wrench with the sticker still on it that to this day deep down in Trump's cold, dark heart he thinks he won. THAT would be consistent with what ya'll been saying about him all along.

No doubt Trump is an arrogant boob. Dude couldn't act presidential even if George Washington rose from the grave and taught him how. He's got no filter, he'd tell Jesus to get a haircut. I don't care, Trump lowered the federal income taxes of all who actually pay federal income taxes and that is issue #1 for me as lower taxes spurs the American economy. I care about what got done and not what was said. For you liberals perception is reality. More than once a liberal has asked me if I would put up with Trump's arrogance for the sake of the American economy. That would be a hard yes. Ya'll liberals are just mad that after Trump's tax cuts your rich neighbor only pays a hundred times your tax rate instead of a thousand. The politics of envy communes the liberal and Trump don't play that game. Liberals want other people's hard earned $h!t and to pass around other people's cash for good ol' fashioned vote buying. You don't get that with Trump and that's probably the #1 reason ya'll hate him so. Eh, I'm going on now but it's typed and can't be taken back. Nuff said.
Marchimedes sure babbles a lot.

I suggest a little light reading...

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Confused? Go read the indictments. Trump January 6 Indictment: Read The Full Document

The basis for these charges are laid out in the document as follows:

Trump allegedly knew that he lost the election and made deliberately false claims
The co-conspirators allegedly launched a seven-state strategy to press local and state officials to overturn the results
They allegedly tried to get the Justice Department to pressures states.
The co-conspirators allegedly pressured then Vice President Mike Pence to try to do something they knew was unconstitutional.
Regarding Jan. 6, Trump and his unindicted co-conspirators allegedly exploited the disruption by redoubling efforts to levy false claims of election fraud and convince Members of Congress to further delay the certification based on those claims.

But none of that is what we were talking about, or at least what I was responding to, which was specifically about the riot.
He called all those people to DC that day. He and other speakers that morning riled them up into a frenzy and then sent them off to the Capitol while Congress was counting the EC Votes. Like the GOP leader in the Senate said:

"There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.

The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.

And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

"President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn't get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."

Yep, trump spoke in some rhetoric that day, that’s for sure, and he did energize the crowd, I’m sure they were energized, but what you dont have is any instruction, from trump or anyone else on his team, suggesting anyone riot at the capitol. In fact, the only instruction he gave that day was the exact opposite of what happened.

Ya know, for all of you that talk about the “loyal maga base” all the time, then why is it that all those people disobeyed the only actual directive trump issued that day? Trump said be peaceful…they weren’t peaceful…so much for his loyal fan base doing everything he says.

In fact, the only person who was suggesting any kind of illegal activity…was Epps….who you all let off with a slap on the wrist…

I know..coded language, right? Does that mean everyone who said “riots are the voice of the voiceless” and “all we saw were peaceful protests” should be accused to causing all of those riots in 2020? Ya know, cause they didn’t condemn them, so their coded message must have been support of them.

Tell you what, let’s make a trade, you can off the table if we can take every leftist in Congress who “encouraged” those riots..off the table. Deal?
It's obvious you have been conditioned to reject any criticisms of Mr. Trump that you encounter. People like you belittle the seriousness of Mr. Trump's constant outbursts of rage, and demonetization and his calls for violence - calls masked in other words ('Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?').

and...the charge is not that Mr. Trump 'indirectly' caused anything. The charge is that he directly caused the attack. Here again, I'm forced to remind people of Charles Manson, and what he actually did and did not do, and how he was prosecuted and found guilty. People like you are using the Charlie Manson defense to marginalize Mr. Trump's involvement in crimes.

and...it's not about others (the 'But Ma, Little Johnnie did it too' defense).

No..you’re wrong. I don’t really care what happens to trump, and I’ve said I’m just not a fan of him, I just don’t like the vendetta the left has been in for the last 7 years.

I just don’t agree with the lefts characterization of that days events, you all have blown it out of proportion and context. But it’s all part of your “get trump at all costs” agenda.

You look at trump speech that day, omit sections of it, and then try to say “he INFERED for them to riot”.. I simply look at the speech, and his actual words, and I see language that every single politician in DC uses, and trumps actual call for peace that day.

Was he a shithead for not coming out right away and trying to stop it? Yeah, but that doesn’t mean that he intended that to happen, perhaps he was being some kind of opportunist..who knows, but, it would make zero sense to have all his supporters go riot at the capitol, get arrested and then turn his back on them, when he knows full well that their efforts that day would amount to nothing. Did people really think that a couple hundred people, a handful of whom were armed with sticks, were really going to barge their way into the capitol building that day and seize control of the government?? That’s just silly. Nobody thought that was going to happen..so why would he ask them to do it, when he knows it will just land them in jail.

There’s just no upside for him to get them to riot.
That occured because the shut downs allowed progs to change the election laws and also because of an onslaught or prog propaganda.
Progs tampered with votes changing the results & screwing Trump but no other GOP candidates, right fool?
No..you’re wrong. I don’t really care what happens to trump, and I’ve said I’m just not a fan of him, I just don’t like the vendetta the left has been in for the last 7 years.

I just don’t agree with the lefts characterization of that days events, you all have blown it out of proportion and context. But it’s all part of your “get trump at all costs” agenda.

You look at trump speech that day, omit sections of it, and then try to say “he INFERED for them to riot”.. I simply look at the speech, and his actual words, and I see language that every single politician in DC uses, and trumps actual call for peace that day.

Was he a shithead for not coming out right away and trying to stop it? Yeah, but that doesn’t mean that he intended that to happen, perhaps he was being some kind of opportunist..who knows, but, it would make zero sense to have all his supporters go riot at the capitol, get arrested and then turn his back on them, when he knows full well that their efforts that day would amount to nothing. Did people really think that a couple hundred people, a handful of whom were armed with sticks, were really going to barge their way into the capitol building that day and seize control of the government?? That’s just silly. Nobody thought that was going to happen..so why would he ask them to do it, when he knows it will just land them in jail.

There’s just no upside for him to get them to riot.

Well he did hold rallys with 'Lock her up" attacking everyone in sight and the media. Then starting on inauguration day lying and trashing Obama and everyone else. Don't forget his late into the night , angry, nasty Tweets .. all before he was elected.

You outrage is manufactured

awareness ignorance Machiavelli.jpg

may as well be an apologist for every crook and bastard ever lived

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