"Trump ‘sent’ supporters on path to Jan. 6 violence" Jack Smith new filing

Actually they intentionally understaffed the police and then agitated a peaceful crowd. It's an old tactic. Lincoln goaded the South into attacking Fort Sumter to justify the Civil War. FDR goaded the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor in order to justify entering WWII. George Bush let 9/11 happen in order to justify the war on Iraq.
Yeah, and the moon landing was fake, the Earth is flat, and Mr. Trump is a patriot.
Trump hasn't committed any crimes, so yes it is, dumbfuck..

Most of the country is wishing Trump was still in office.
He's charged with 91 felonies, jerkoff. Are you that stooopid?

We know you MAGA hafwits swallow Trump's nonstop tears & wailing, but tough shit. If it was someone other then your orange messiah you'd be calling for a hanging, MAGA hypocrit.
The heat is being turned up. People thought the initial indictment was it. Was all the prosecution had. The latest information on court filings regarding the Trump cases, is looking more and more like Mr. Trump will face prison if convicted. And it looks like convictions are coming. Mr. Trump has to be panicking. But then again, does he have the type of feelings like panic that like normal people do, or is he the pure sociopath people paint him as (based on a history of his words and actions), the type of sociopath that only has feelings around themselves with disregard for all others.

Mr. Trump keeps making political statements even in the civil case. It appears that to him it's all about politics, ignoring the breaking of laws. Politics. Politics. Politics. It's what his daddy and Roy Cohen taught him. How to navigate around the world of politics and use people as pawns, as fodder in self created battles with society.

This guy deanrd had it straight:

Prosecuting criminals & traitors like Trump is not "police state", moron.

This Country needs to be protected from a menace like Trump.
Traitor? Link us up to Trump being charged with treason, Vermin.
He's charged with 91 felonies, jerkoff. Are you that stooopid?
Everyone with a brain knows these indictments are bullshit.

We know you MAGA hafwits swallow Trump's nonstop tears & wailing, but tough shit. If it was someone other then your orange messiah you'd be calling for a hanging, MAGA hypocrit.
The delusion of progs is beyond imagination.
Oh really? Is that why he got his ass handed back to him in 2020? BEFORE, he did the perp walk.
That occured because the shut downs allowed progs to change the election laws and also because of an onslaught or prog propaganda.
The heat is being turned up. People thought the initial indictment was it. Was all the prosecution had. The latest information on court filings regarding the Trump cases, is looking more and more like Mr. Trump will face prison if convicted. And it looks like convictions are coming. Mr. Trump has to be panicking. But then again, does he have the type of feelings like panic that like normal people do, or is he the pure sociopath people paint him as (based on a history of his words and actions), the type of sociopath that only has feelings around themselves with disregard for all others.

Mr. Trump keeps making political statements even in the civil case. It appears that to him it's all about politics, ignoring the breaking of laws. Politics. Politics. Politics. It's what his daddy and Roy Cohen taught him. How to navigate around the world of politics and use people as pawns, as fodder in self created battles with society.

This is the thread that should be moved to conspiracy theories you fucking morons.
"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."
said trump.

Transcript of Trump's Jan 6 speech...

A part where it seems what Trump thinks is fighting...

"And you have to get your people to fight. And if they don't fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don't fight. You primary them. We're going to."


"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."



"But we've done it quickly and we were going to sit home and watch a big victory and everybody had us down for a victory. It was going to be great and now we're out here fighting."

Seems to me right there Trump's definition of fighting is standing around in a group being angry at Mother government. The world's stupidist laywer would have zero problem connecting those dots. Gosh, Mr. dudmuck, you're stupider than the world's stupidest lawyer.


"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

Some bull-$h!t politically motivated prosecutor is gonna have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt that in this case, that day, that speech that when Trump said "fight" he meant "overthrow The Mighty US of A." Chris Christie doesn't stretch that much trying to put on a sock.

Said prosecutor is also gonna have to prove that when Trump said to protest peacefully and patriotically he actually meant the exact opposite.

I get it, Mr. duhmuck, you hate that reality, legal precedent, The King's English, the law and all that involves gets in the way of your kind cheating in elections so ya'll can be the boss of me and send me to one of Shrillary's reeducation camps.

Or are you just mad that Trump didn't wink when he went...

The heat is being turned up. People thought the initial indictment was it. Was all the prosecution had. The latest information on court filings regarding the Trump cases, is looking more and more like Mr. Trump will face prison if convicted. And it looks like convictions are coming. Mr. Trump has to be panicking. But then again, does he have the type of feelings like panic that like normal people do, or is he the pure sociopath people paint him as (based on a history of his words and actions), the type of sociopath that only has feelings around themselves with disregard for all others.

Mr. Trump keeps making political statements even in the civil case. It appears that to him it's all about politics, ignoring the breaking of laws. Politics. Politics. Politics. It's what his daddy and Roy Cohen taught him. How to navigate around the world of politics and use people as pawns, as fodder in self created battles with society.


So the theory is is trump, just by using rhetoric, indirectly caused his supporters to attack the capitol? And that somehow makes him guilty of causing the riot?

I mean, again, show me a politician that doesn’t speak in rhetoric Should we indict the whole of Washington DC?
So the theory is is trump, just by using rhetoric, indirectly caused his supporters to attack the capitol? And that somehow makes him guilty of causing the riot?

I mean, again, show me a politician that doesn’t speak in rhetoric Should we indict the whole of Washington DC?
Confused? Go read the indictments. Trump January 6 Indictment: Read The Full Document

The basis for these charges are laid out in the document as follows:

Trump allegedly knew that he lost the election and made deliberately false claims
The co-conspirators allegedly launched a seven-state strategy to press local and state officials to overturn the results
They allegedly tried to get the Justice Department to pressures states.
The co-conspirators allegedly pressured then Vice President Mike Pence to try to do something they knew was unconstitutional.
Regarding Jan. 6, Trump and his unindicted co-conspirators allegedly exploited the disruption by redoubling efforts to levy false claims of election fraud and convince Members of Congress to further delay the certification based on those claims.
The Democrat filth sent America on a path of destruction when they used the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts to steal the 2020 Presidential election.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
Confused? Go read the indictments. Trump January 6 Indictment: Read The Full Document

The basis for these charges are laid out in the document as follows:

Trump allegedly knew that he lost the election and made deliberately false claims
The co-conspirators allegedly launched a seven-state strategy to press local and state officials to overturn the results
They allegedly tried to get the Justice Department to pressures states.
The co-conspirators allegedly pressured then Vice President Mike Pence to try to do something they knew was unconstitutional.
Regarding Jan. 6, Trump and his unindicted co-conspirators allegedly exploited the disruption by redoubling efforts to levy false claims of election fraud and convince Members of Congress to further delay the certification based on those claims.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump gave a speech reminding the America people that the Democrat filth stole the 2020 Presidential election.

There was a four hour protest against the blatantly stolen election with 1/10,000 the damage that was done to DC during the BLM protest.

The Democrat filth, after illegally stealing the election and getting into power, used the Federal government to punish all those Patriots that said anything about the the stolen election. That is what happens as country becomes a Banana Republic.
So the theory is is trump, just by using rhetoric, indirectly caused his supporters to attack the capitol? And that somehow makes him guilty of causing the riot?

I mean, again, show me a politician that doesn’t speak in rhetoric Should we indict the whole of Washington DC?
He called all those people to DC that day. He and other speakers that morning riled them up into a frenzy and then sent them off to the Capitol while Congress was counting the EC Votes. Like the GOP leader in the Senate said:

"There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.

The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.

And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

"President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn't get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."

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