Trump sets up National Vetting Center to investigate new immigrants


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is a step in the right direction but it would be better to just flat out ban ANYONE from shithole countries . Why spend taxpayer money to vette people from africa or central america or most of asia when we know 99% are illiterate, unskilled, disease-ridden trash.?

Trump stands up National Vetting Center to investigate new immigrants

feb 6 2018 WASHINGTON — President Trump signed an order Tuesday establishing a one-stop shop for investigating new immigrants to the United States, giving shape to a long-promised policy of "extreme vetting."

The National Vetting Center will be run by the Department of Homeland Security with assistance from the intelligence community and the departments of State, Justice and Defense.

Its mission: To "collect, store, share, disseminate, and use" a broad range of information about people who seek to enter the United States, with a goal of identifying people who may be a threat to national security or public safety.

"This is yet another step towards knowing who is coming to the United States — that they are who they say they are and that they do not pose a threat to our nation," said Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a statement.
We don't need any immigrants at all. Ban immigration for 75 years.
Interesting. Maybe libs would jump on board if we told them it would limit population growth and reduce harmful gases. Plus wages would go up, especially for minorities. We need better branding.

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