Trump shafts the coal country Trumpbots.

This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.
If you don't have a job, then you can't afford Obamacare.
:eusa_shifty:It's only Real News if you can pass a junior high school reading and comprehension test.

Did voters such as these know they were voting for this? After all, Trump promised countless times throughout the campaign to repeal the Affordable Care Act, didn’t he? If they are complaining about this now, don’t they have only themselves to blame?

No. I’m going to argue that, while Trump did repeatedly vow repeal, these voters were absolutely right to conclude that he would not leave them without the sort of federal protections they enjoy under Obamacare. That’s because Trump did, in fact, clearly signal to them that this would not happen.

Even if that is accurate (it is the Daily Caller) - it still doesn't prove that regulations are aimed at closing mines.

I linked to something earlier in the thread as to what is causing the decline in coal and regulations are only part of the problem. Cheap energy costs, cleaner cheaper natural gas, and problems with "clean coal technology" are part of it as well as regional issues in some of the coal producing states.
How many would volunteer to have fly/bottom ash piled in their backyards?

The house we moved to after I was born had a coal furnace and a bin that held a ton of coal. The only soot was in closed registers...maybe a couple tea spoons in a number of years. Nobody in our family got black-lung.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

Yes we know. You want them to lose their jobs and live off the government. It's not shocking they didn't support that
The coal miners are all for living off the gummit. Trump explicitly or implicitly said he'd continue handouts. That's the issue.

As to coal v. natl gas, it's not a black white issue. Even before Obama coal's outlook was not so hot because natl gas was CLEANER, so when gas prices came down, it's hardly surprising that energy companies don't want to invest in coal, with it's higher costs for complying with even W regulations. And breathing is good.

However, Obama increased regulations to combat global warming. And THAT caused many coal energy plants to close, because bringing them into compliance was not cost effective. So, while the plants would probably have closed anyway due to obsolescence, they closed sooner than they might have.
No Such thing as man-made global warming… Shit for brains

Lovely to see a world leading climatologist giving his opinion...

No wait, are you a climatologist?
Didn't this come up a couple weeks ago?

Anyway I'm sure I already said this but it's still true. Nobody in any of the hard hit areas of the economy gives two shits about obiecare. When your sitting in a home that gets closer to foreclosure everyday while your truck is being repo'd and the kids are down to rationing the Top Ramen the last thing on your mind is obiecare. It's one of those worthless limo-liberal bullshit stories. When you aren't able to afford the basics WTF does healthcare you can't afford to pay for matter?

Even if that is accurate (it is the Daily Caller) - it still doesn't prove that regulations are aimed at closing mines.

I linked to something earlier in the thread as to what is causing the decline in coal and regulations are only part of the problem. Cheap energy costs, cleaner cheaper natural gas, and problems with "clean coal technology" are part of it as well as regional issues in some of the coal producing states.

You didn't read my link....if you had you'd have seen what 7,500 coal miners to lose their jobs since the Kenyan moved into the WH...he and Biden both promised to bankrupt coal and you know it. The industry was working on turning coal into liquid fuel before they got hit by the EPA. Trump will put things right....that's what frightens you.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia
Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.
How many would volunteer to have fly/bottom ash piled in their backyards?

The house we moved to after I was born had a coal furnace and a bin that held a ton of coal. The only soot was in closed registers...maybe a couple tea spoons in a number of years. Nobody in our family got black-lung.
My grandparents lived in a coal heated home for my entire life they were around for. Go down to the basement, shovel the hopper full, be warm. No black lung, no piles of ash everywhere. The only rule about the coal was don't play in it, especially in your good clothe's. There will be hell to pay if that happens.
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

"automation"? in a coal mine?

We don't need coal like we used to but the rest of the world does....ever heard of exports? Hello?
Coal exports are down, because of natural gas. See my earlier posts.
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

"automation"? in a coal mine?

Automated mining - Wikipedia

Study shows 96% of some mining jobs can be automated |

You're welcome.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia
Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

Macho miners who won't wear their masks in the heat of the summer.....textile workers in the Carolinas got brown lung from breathing cotton want to ban cotton too? :cuckoo:
How many would volunteer to have fly/bottom ash piled in their backyards?

The house we moved to after I was born had a coal furnace and a bin that held a ton of coal. The only soot was in closed registers...maybe a couple tea spoons in a number of years. Nobody in our family got black-lung.
My grandparents lived in a coal heated home for my entire life they were around for. Go down to the basement, shovel the hopper full, be warm. No black lung, no piles of ash everywhere. The only rule about the coal was don't play in it, especially in your good clothe's. There will be hell to pay if that happens.

Yep, my Pop would load that furnace up and night and the old house (kinda drafty) kept us warm as toast. No thermostat but he knew how many shovels would keep us warm but not too warm. I know a guy in Dixon, Missouri who still heats his place with a coal furnace.

Even if that is accurate (it is the Daily Caller) - it still doesn't prove that regulations are aimed at closing mines.

I linked to something earlier in the thread as to what is causing the decline in coal and regulations are only part of the problem. Cheap energy costs, cleaner cheaper natural gas, and problems with "clean coal technology" are part of it as well as regional issues in some of the coal producing states.

You didn't read my link....if you had you'd have seen what 7,500 coal miners to lose their jobs since the Kenyan moved into the WH...he and Biden both promised to bankrupt coal and you know it. The industry was working on turning coal into liquid fuel before they got hit by the EPA. Trump will put things right....that's what frightens you.

And what caused them to lose their jobs?

Natural Gas

Interesting chart posted here showing a pretty much straight loss in coal jobs since 1948, with a brief upsurge in the 70's that didn't even come close to the old figures meanwhile production was at a higher rate from 1980 on than any preceding years.
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia
Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

Macho miners who won't wear their masks in the heat of the summer.....textile workers in the Carolinas got brown lung from breathing cotton want to ban cotton too? :cuckoo:
Make the work places safer. OH no. Can't do that. That's "regulation".
And what caused them to lose their jobs?

Natural Gas

Interesting chart posted here showing a pretty much straight loss in coal jobs since 1948, with a brief upsurge in the 70's that didn't even come close to the old figures meanwhile production was at a higher rate from 1980 on than any preceding years.

That proves you didn't read my link...why ask for proof if you won't look at it? So Obama's war on coal is just my imagination, right?

The situation for coal miners would likely get worse if Obama’s Clean Power Plan is fully implemented. The EIA predicts the plan would more than double the number of coal plants shutting down over the next five years. The shutdowns have a cascading effect, causing coal production to collapse by more than 30 percent over the next decade.

Read more: The Stunning Effects Of Obama’s War On Coal, In One Chart
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Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia
Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.

Macho miners who won't wear their masks in the heat of the summer.....textile workers in the Carolinas got brown lung from breathing cotton want to ban cotton too? :cuckoo:
Make the work places safer. OH no. Can't do that. That's "regulation".

Have you ever worked in a factory....yes or no?
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia
Across Appalachia, coal miners are suffering from the most serious form of the deadly mining disease black lung in numbers more than 10 times what federal regulators report, an NPR investigation has found.

The government, through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, reported 99 cases of "complicated" black lung, or progressive massive fibrosis, throughout the country the last five years.

But NPR obtained data from 11 black lung clinics in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which reported a total of 962 cases so far this decade. The true number is probably even higher, because some clinics had incomplete records and others declined to provide data.
When I was younger I worked construction, and someone got killed on almost every big job I worked on. I don't recall any sniveling left wingers crying over dead construction workers. At this same time the "comparable worth" theory was making the rounds in academia. According to this theory, a secretary, who has no training other than how to type and who sits in a nice clean heated office all day, is entitled to make same money as a construction worker who has to work outside in 10 degree weather lift thousands of pounds in a day and risk his life and limb.

Liberal concern about working people is a fraud. They don't give a damn about working people unless doing so advances their other agenda issues.
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