Trump shafts the coal country Trumpbots.

This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.
And just what the fuck does automation have to do with shit?

Haven't you been reading?

The main cause of job loss in manufacturing not moving jobs overseas, it's increased automation. Companies have been coming back to the US, but not the vast numbers of well paying jobs that used to keep American workers employed. Same with coal - automation has reduced the amount of man power.

In 2005 the highest amount of coal was mined at one of the lowest employment....
Wyoming's a much larger's employer of coal jobs... dip shit
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

I don't believe you are that stupid, so I'll choose to consider that you posted it without believing it.

So coal miners fucked up by voting for Trump?

Uh, I think that's the OP's point.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

Yes we know. You want them to lose their jobs and live off the government. It's not shocking they didn't support that
The coal miners are all for living off the gummit. Trump explicitly or implicitly said he'd continue handouts. That's the issue.

As to coal v. natl gas, it's not a black white issue. Even before Obama coal's outlook was not so hot because natl gas was CLEANER, so when gas prices came down, it's hardly surprising that energy companies don't want to invest in coal, with it's higher costs for complying with even W regulations. And breathing is good.

However, Obama increased regulations to combat global warming. And THAT caused many coal energy plants to close, because bringing them into compliance was not cost effective. So, while the plants would probably have closed anyway due to obsolescence, they closed sooner than they might have.
No Such thing as man-made global warming… Shit for brains
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. I also live in coal country.


Awesome pics!!! Thanks!!!! Progress is awesome....

Try living there. Oh wait. You don't.
I lived in coal country....and I live there now, no black snow ever though....:lol:

So do I.

It wasn't outsiders who fought against mountain top removal - it was locals.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. It also displaces rural communities. I also live in coal country.



"Look, Sonnie" Thank you for that. That's like telling an ugly girl she's a beautiful woman.

In Colorado, we don't allow this type of mining. We think more of our mountains than you do. I don't care what Ladybird Johnson said, strip mining is just too terrible to the mountains.

If they only heard the part about coal, and not where Trump REPEATEDLY said he was getting rid of Obamacare then fuck them, they deserve it.
Well, I thought that was the thing about the Plum blog. Trump waffled. He'd say "repeal Obamacare, but keep the good parts."

And I saw a vanity fair or esquire piece the Hillary and the dems pretty much let him get away with it.
Coal is booming for two basic reasons...

1. It's clean
2. It blows the alternatives out of the water....
You must be smoking some of that coal to bleev that bullshit.
What bullshit child?
You started your post with a false premise: Coal is not booming. It's declining.

And it is getting blown out of the water by natural gas. See posts 24, 42, and 45, rube.
Oh my friend, but it is.....what type of engineer are you?
This is a retard's idea of "booming":

U.S. coal exports declined 23% in 2015, as coal imports remained steady - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

U.S. Coal Mine Closures Continue - Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis

Coal's demise threatens Appalachian miners, firms as production moves West

open pit mining is the best for coal, endless supply of it in Wyoming... fact
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.
And just what the fuck does automation have to do with shit?

Haven't you been reading?

The main cause of job loss in manufacturing not moving jobs overseas, it's increased automation. Companies have been coming back to the US, but not the vast numbers of well paying jobs that used to keep American workers employed. Same with coal - automation has reduced the amount of man power.

In 2005 the highest amount of coal was mined at one of the lowest employment....
Wyoming's a much larger's employer of coal jobs... dip shit

I moved there for a job in the natl gas boom of the early 80s. The coal miners stayed put cause the gummit and unions paid them not to work.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. It also displaces rural communities. I also live in coal country.



"Look, Sonnie" Thank you for that. That's like telling an ugly girl she's a beautiful woman.

In Colorado, we don't allow this type of mining. We think more of our mountains than you do. I don't care what Ladybird Johnson said, strip mining is just too terrible to the mountains.
That's why there should be continued Coal mining in Wyoming there's nothing to lose there...
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

Yes we know. You want them to lose their jobs and live off the government. It's not shocking they didn't support that
The coal miners are all for living off the gummit. Trump explicitly or implicitly said he'd continue handouts. That's the issue.

As to coal v. natl gas, it's not a black white issue. Even before Obama coal's outlook was not so hot because natl gas was CLEANER, so when gas prices came down, it's hardly surprising that energy companies don't want to invest in coal, with it's higher costs for complying with even W regulations. And breathing is good.

However, Obama increased regulations to combat global warming. And THAT caused many coal energy plants to close, because bringing them into compliance was not cost effective. So, while the plants would probably have closed anyway due to obsolescence, they closed sooner than they might have.
No Such thing as man-made global warming… Shit for brains

By your reasoning there's no such thing as God either.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. I also live in coal country.


Awesome pics!!! Thanks!!!! Progress is awesome....

Try living there. Oh wait. You don't.
I lived in coal country....and I live there now, no black snow ever though....:lol:

You live in the mining part of the process and very little population. Decades ago, we went to Hydro Electric Power instead of Coal in the two valleys here. The reason? Black Snow from burning unprocessed coal. Colorado has been slowly either shutting down coal burning plants or requiring them to convert to Natural Gas. Funny, a Natural Gas Electric Plant produces more electricity so it's a win win in cleaner air, no strip mining and cost.

So keep stripping your mountains until they are all gone. Strip Mining isn't really mining. You are just hauling off the countryside. We still mine here.
Trump fed the coal workers a big heaping serving of bullshit. He's not going to be able to save their jobs. Trump's Chumps have been fooled into bleeving it has something to do with regulation, but it doesn't.

But for every job lost in the coal industry, there have been, and will continue to be, bigger gains in the natural gas industry. It won't be long until Trump and his Chumps are dead silent about coal and claiming credit for the increase in natural gas jobs which has been going on for some time now.
And those younger guys who coulda been coal miners can move to where natl gas is being produced and have .... jobs. The older guys who aren't physically able to do that, or the guys who have disabilities, are doubly shafted by Trump. The jobs aren't coming back and he explicitly or implicitly lied about offering similar econ protection as the dems offered.

Problem with your statement is that there aren't many jobs in natural gas right now. I like in Gas Country and drilling is shut down because of low gas prices. Our local Halliburton closed up shop ad laid off around 400 employees. All the drilling companies eiither mothballed their rigs or moved to Texas and N. Dakota. But now they are shut down. little to no drill anywhere. I read sometime back that the international companies, and the wealthier companies moved their rigs overseas.

When drilling comes back, and it will eventually, it's going to take some time to get back to full swing.

p.s. I got some of this information from my neighbor that is a Halliburton Superintendent.

Low gas and oil prices save working people in a myriad of ways, but causes workers in that field to struggle to pay even those low prices.

If they only heard the part about coal, and not where Trump REPEATEDLY said he was getting rid of Obamacare then fuck them, they deserve it.
Well, I thought that was the thing about the Plum blog. Trump waffled. He'd say "repeal Obamacare, but keep the good parts."

And I saw a vanity fair or esquire piece the Hillary and the dems pretty much let him get away with it.

Wtf is a plum blog? None of your post makes any sense.
Pennsylvania is coal country...not that I expect you soft handed liberals to know that. Tell them how stupid they are, I'm sure they will be just raring to vote for you in the future.

Coal is dying for two basic reasons:
1. It's dirty.
2. It can't compete with alternatives.
Coal is booming for two basic reasons...

1. It's clean
2. It blows the alternatives out of the water....

Funny. Only a liar or retard would believe such nonsense! You have zero credibility! Never trust a rabbit holding a pistol.
What type of engineer are you?

I'm not an engineer - but I'm an MBA who has been the Manager of Purchasing, Contracts, and Warehousing for a major coal-burning electric utility. Ever heard of Dominion Resources? BTW, my son is an engineer and I've worked closely with many for several years. I was also born and raised in coal country. That's why I know you're either a liar or retard - maybe both.
Then you would know without coal, "coal country" is dead… Fact

If they only heard the part about coal, and not where Trump REPEATEDLY said he was getting rid of Obamacare then fuck them, they deserve it.
Well, I thought that was the thing about the Plum blog. Trump waffled. He'd say "repeal Obamacare, but keep the good parts."

And I saw a vanity fair or esquire piece the Hillary and the dems pretty much let him get away with it.

Wtf is a plum blog? None of your post makes any sense.
See the OP
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.
Washington Redskin
It does not matter in Wyoming there's nothing to lose there.. dip shit
Trump fed the coal workers a big heaping serving of bullshit. He's not going to be able to save their jobs. Trump's Chumps have been fooled into bleeving it has something to do with regulation, but it doesn't.

But for every job lost in the coal industry, there have been, and will continue to be, bigger gains in the natural gas industry. It won't be long until Trump and his Chumps are dead silent about coal and claiming credit for the increase in natural gas jobs which has been going on for some time now.
And those younger guys who coulda been coal miners can move to where natl gas is being produced and have .... jobs. The older guys who aren't physically able to do that, or the guys who have disabilities, are doubly shafted by Trump. The jobs aren't coming back and he explicitly or implicitly lied about offering similar econ protection as the dems offered.

Problem with your statement is that there aren't many jobs in natural gas right now. I like in Gas Country and drilling is shut down because of low gas prices. Our local Halliburton closed up shop ad laid off around 400 employees. All the drilling companies eiither mothballed their rigs or moved to Texas and N. Dakota. But now they are shut down. little to no drill anywhere. I read sometime back that the international companies, and the wealthier companies moved their rigs overseas.

When drilling comes back, and it will eventually, it's going to take some time to get back to full swing.

p.s. I got some of this information from my neighbor that is a Halliburton Superintendent.

Low gas and oil prices save working people in a myriad of ways, but causes workers in that field to struggle to pay even those low prices.
But there are jobs in maintaining current extraction and transportation of gas. True, the new exploration is in the dumps.

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