Trump shafts the coal country Trumpbots.

Trump fed the coal workers a big heaping serving of bullshit. He's not going to be able to save their jobs. Trump's Chumps have been fooled into bleeving it has something to do with regulation, but it doesn't.

But for every job lost in the coal industry, there have been, and will continue to be, bigger gains in the natural gas industry. It won't be long until Trump and his Chumps are dead silent about coal and claiming credit for the increase in natural gas jobs which has been going on for some time now.
And those younger guys who coulda been coal miners can move to where natl gas is being produced and have .... jobs. The older guys who aren't physically able to do that, or the guys who have disabilities, are doubly shafted by Trump. The jobs aren't coming back and he explicitly or implicitly lied about offering similar econ protection as the dems offered.

Problem with your statement is that there aren't many jobs in natural gas right now. I like in Gas Country and drilling is shut down because of low gas prices. Our local Halliburton closed up shop ad laid off around 400 employees. All the drilling companies eiither mothballed their rigs or moved to Texas and N. Dakota. But now they are shut down. little to no drill anywhere. I read sometime back that the international companies, and the wealthier companies moved their rigs overseas.

When drilling comes back, and it will eventually, it's going to take some time to get back to full swing.

p.s. I got some of this information from my neighbor that is a Halliburton Superintendent.

Low gas and oil prices save working people in a myriad of ways, but causes workers in that field to struggle to pay even those low prices.

They are trying to finish a NG pipeline to Oregon where it is to be converted to LNG and shipped to Japan. Japan is almost begging for it. This creates jobs in Colorado and Oregon. If you want to get behind something, this would be it.
I will say this is a good post, Where I grew up it was the same. Coal has to be burned in an efficient way to be viable, But the BTU return per dollar is better than any fuel. The waste also has to be handled properly. The coal from Powder river absin is some of the cleanest burning in the continental US with proper mixture it can be used with the eastern mined coal to achieve almost the same BTU and much less output of sulfur Dioxides too. The process of pulverizing the coal to minute particles and high pressure introduction and extreme burn temperatures made the burn much cleaner too. As stated the oshit-ma administration regulated the coal industry out, Probably so he could set up the "Green energy initiative" to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to his comrades, and the dnc. slime ass gore took 100 million dollars (NET 98 good return on 2 mil) out of JUST one of the companies that got a billion or so when it went belly up as it was designed to do by the dnc and the government thieves in office. Don't you figure That paid the bill for all of the next elections and put lots in the pockets of the players.

It's more than that. You simplify it. It's not the powdering it that you have to worry about, it's the CO2, Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon it belches out the stacks. It takes Scrubbers to trap these and the Scrubbers are expensive to buy and maintain. When they find a cheap way to do that then coal takes over with a vengence. But not until then.
CO2 regulations will cease to exist....PM2.5 will cease to exist....

Coal will rule....the democrat war on coal is over....

And we go back to the time when the air was fit to breath only a few days a month. I have seen the before and after shots of Pittsburg where it showed the 1950s V the 1980s. I doubt if the ones that live there want to go back to the "Good Old Days".
Your fake news tell you this?

Fake news? How about a lifetime of living in Coal Country and watching it snow black snow. The Snow is white once again and we need to keep it that way. You reject science as much as the other side only pays attention to the science that agrees with their views.
There is no such thing as black snow in Wyoming and they are still mining there...
It's more than that. You simplify it. It's not the powdering it that you have to worry about, it's the CO2, Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon it belches out the stacks. It takes Scrubbers to trap these and the Scrubbers are expensive to buy and maintain. When they find a cheap way to do that then coal takes over with a vengence. But not until then.
CO2 regulations will cease to exist....PM2.5 will cease to exist....

Coal will rule....the democrat war on coal is over....

And we go back to the time when the air was fit to breath only a few days a month. I have seen the before and after shots of Pittsburg where it showed the 1950s V the 1980s. I doubt if the ones that live there want to go back to the "Good Old Days".
Your fake news tell you this?

Fake news? How about a lifetime of living in Coal Country and watching it snow black snow. The Snow is white once again and we need to keep it that way. You reject science as much as the other side only pays attention to the science that agrees with their views.
There is no such thing as black snow in Wyoming and they are still mining there...

If Wyoming were to have to qualify like the other states for population it wouldn't be a state.
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

Automation? You have no idea what you're taking about. I'm from coal country. My grandfather was a coal miner and two of my cousins are mine engineers. Automation has NOTHING to do with it. Obama regulation is 100% to blame.

Do you also think they are stupid and didn't understand that Repeal Obamacare meant Repeal Obamacare?

It's no wonder the Democrats lost. The think Americans are so stupid they can't understand English.

I'm in coal country. I'm in an energy producing state.

Prove Obama's regulation is 100% to blame. Regulations make a convenient scapegoat, but are only a minor part of the problem. Instead of attacking the regulations (which ignores the real problem) and promising a return of jobs that won't come back - we should be retraining our workforce and improving our infrastructure to attract industries that can offer better paying jobs than burger flipping.

What's to blame is:
Competition from cleaner and cheaper energy (natural gas)
Competition from areas where it's easier and cheaper to extract coal than Appalachia.
Regulatory pressures

Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying

Why have Kentucky and West Virginia lost 38,000 coal jobs since 1983? For one, coal mining has become increasingly automated in recent decades, particularly as companies have shifted to techniques such as mountaintop-removal mining, which are less labor intensive. (An EPA crackdown on mountaintop removal in 2009 actually led to a small bump in coal employment in West Virginia.)

Another big problem for Appalachia's coal industry has been competition from cheaper, low-sulfur coal out West — particularly from Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

On top of everything else, Central Appalachia's coal now appears to be running out, as many of the thick, easy-to-mine seams have vanished. The Energy Information Administration estimates that coal production in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia will soon be just half of what it was in 2008, plunging from 234 million tons down to 112 million tons in 2015.​

No Matter What Trump Says, Coal Mining Jobs Are Not Returning To West Virginia

TRUMP: 'We’re going to get those miners back to work ... the miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.'
Well, no, they're not, for three very good reasons. Firstly, clean coal doesn't work and there's serious doubt that it ever will. And even if clean coal can be made to work it will always be easier to perform the same trick with the CO2 emissions from using natural gas instead. But perhaps technological explanations aren't convincing.

Secondly, there's easier coal out there than those Appalachian mines like the strip mining out west for example. Once mines have closed you don't reopen them if cheaper alternatives exist. You might keep running them because of sunk costs, but you don't start again when cheaper alternatives are elsewhere. But okay, maybe technical stuff from the world of mining also isn't convincing.

The third reason is the killer: economics. Fracking has made natural gas cheaper than coal for power generation. Thus new generations of power plants are going to be gas ones, not coal. And refurbs and life extensions of coal plants aren't going to happen for the same reason. There's just not going to be anything like the same market for thermal coal in the future.
Wyoming is producing coal, natural gas and oil… A win, win for everybody.
Trump fed the coal workers a big heaping serving of bullshit. He's not going to be able to save their jobs. Trump's Chumps have been fooled into bleeving it has something to do with regulation, but it doesn't.

But for every job lost in the coal industry, there have been, and will continue to be, bigger gains in the natural gas industry. It won't be long until Trump and his Chumps are dead silent about coal and claiming credit for the increase in natural gas jobs which has been going on for some time now.
And those younger guys who coulda been coal miners can move to where natl gas is being produced and have .... jobs. The older guys who aren't physically able to do that, or the guys who have disabilities, are doubly shafted by Trump. The jobs aren't coming back and he explicitly or implicitly lied about offering similar econ protection as the dems offered.

Problem with your statement is that there aren't many jobs in natural gas right now. I like in Gas Country and drilling is shut down because of low gas prices. Our local Halliburton closed up shop ad laid off around 400 employees. All the drilling companies eiither mothballed their rigs or moved to Texas and N. Dakota. But now they are shut down. little to no drill anywhere. I read sometime back that the international companies, and the wealthier companies moved their rigs overseas.

When drilling comes back, and it will eventually, it's going to take some time to get back to full swing.

p.s. I got some of this information from my neighbor that is a Halliburton Superintendent.

Low gas and oil prices save working people in a myriad of ways, but causes workers in that field to struggle to pay even those low prices.

Boom and bust though is the story of the energy sector and it's also the bust cycle that is putting pressure on coal. A lot of our Geology graduates are finding themselves out of jobs and coming back for grad school.
Drill baby drill... mine baby mine.
In rural states it hurts no one that way... only helps the economy. Fact
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

Automation? You have no idea what you're taking about. I'm from coal country. My grandfather was a coal miner and two of my cousins are mine engineers. Automation has NOTHING to do with it. Obama regulation is 100% to blame.

Do you also think they are stupid and didn't understand that Repeal Obamacare meant Repeal Obamacare?

It's no wonder the Democrats lost. The think Americans are so stupid they can't understand English.

I'm in coal country. I'm in an energy producing state.

Prove Obama's regulation is 100% to blame. Regulations make a convenient scapegoat, but are only a minor part of the problem. Instead of attacking the regulations (which ignores the real problem) and promising a return of jobs that won't come back - we should be retraining our workforce and improving our infrastructure to attract industries that can offer better paying jobs than burger flipping.

What's to blame is:
Competition from cleaner and cheaper energy (natural gas)
Competition from areas where it's easier and cheaper to extract coal than Appalachia.
Regulatory pressures

Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying

Why have Kentucky and West Virginia lost 38,000 coal jobs since 1983? For one, coal mining has become increasingly automated in recent decades, particularly as companies have shifted to techniques such as mountaintop-removal mining, which are less labor intensive. (An EPA crackdown on mountaintop removal in 2009 actually led to a small bump in coal employment in West Virginia.)

Another big problem for Appalachia's coal industry has been competition from cheaper, low-sulfur coal out West — particularly from Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

On top of everything else, Central Appalachia's coal now appears to be running out, as many of the thick, easy-to-mine seams have vanished. The Energy Information Administration estimates that coal production in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia will soon be just half of what it was in 2008, plunging from 234 million tons down to 112 million tons in 2015.​

No Matter What Trump Says, Coal Mining Jobs Are Not Returning To West Virginia

TRUMP: 'We’re going to get those miners back to work ... the miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.'
Well, no, they're not, for three very good reasons. Firstly, clean coal doesn't work and there's serious doubt that it ever will. And even if clean coal can be made to work it will always be easier to perform the same trick with the CO2 emissions from using natural gas instead. But perhaps technological explanations aren't convincing.

Secondly, there's easier coal out there than those Appalachian mines like the strip mining out west for example. Once mines have closed you don't reopen them if cheaper alternatives exist. You might keep running them because of sunk costs, but you don't start again when cheaper alternatives are elsewhere. But okay, maybe technical stuff from the world of mining also isn't convincing.

The third reason is the killer: economics. Fracking has made natural gas cheaper than coal for power generation. Thus new generations of power plants are going to be gas ones, not coal. And refurbs and life extensions of coal plants aren't going to happen for the same reason. There's just not going to be anything like the same market for thermal coal in the future.
Wyoming is producing coal, natural gas and oil… A win, win for everybody.

It's in how you do it. If you want, you can dig down a few thousand feet with your earth movers and just dip the oil out. Much like strip mining for coal. Your Strip Mining has harmed Colorado and Utah that won't allow strip mining and you have to actually go underground after the coal. The price of coal goes down to the point that real coal mining is unprofitable. And it pretty well prevents the investing in technology to make burning coal as clean as natural gas.

Your ideas are worse than the Regulations in place. Are you aware that it's not the Feds that do most of the regulating but the states?
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

Automation? You have no idea what you're taking about. I'm from coal country. My grandfather was a coal miner and two of my cousins are mine engineers. Automation has NOTHING to do with it. Obama regulation is 100% to blame.

Do you also think they are stupid and didn't understand that Repeal Obamacare meant Repeal Obamacare?

It's no wonder the Democrats lost. The think Americans are so stupid they can't understand English.

I'm in coal country. I'm in an energy producing state.

Prove Obama's regulation is 100% to blame. Regulations make a convenient scapegoat, but are only a minor part of the problem. Instead of attacking the regulations (which ignores the real problem) and promising a return of jobs that won't come back - we should be retraining our workforce and improving our infrastructure to attract industries that can offer better paying jobs than burger flipping.

What's to blame is:
Competition from cleaner and cheaper energy (natural gas)
Competition from areas where it's easier and cheaper to extract coal than Appalachia.
Regulatory pressures

Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying

Why have Kentucky and West Virginia lost 38,000 coal jobs since 1983? For one, coal mining has become increasingly automated in recent decades, particularly as companies have shifted to techniques such as mountaintop-removal mining, which are less labor intensive. (An EPA crackdown on mountaintop removal in 2009 actually led to a small bump in coal employment in West Virginia.)

Another big problem for Appalachia's coal industry has been competition from cheaper, low-sulfur coal out West — particularly from Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

On top of everything else, Central Appalachia's coal now appears to be running out, as many of the thick, easy-to-mine seams have vanished. The Energy Information Administration estimates that coal production in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia will soon be just half of what it was in 2008, plunging from 234 million tons down to 112 million tons in 2015.​

No Matter What Trump Says, Coal Mining Jobs Are Not Returning To West Virginia

TRUMP: 'We’re going to get those miners back to work ... the miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.'
Well, no, they're not, for three very good reasons. Firstly, clean coal doesn't work and there's serious doubt that it ever will. And even if clean coal can be made to work it will always be easier to perform the same trick with the CO2 emissions from using natural gas instead. But perhaps technological explanations aren't convincing.

Secondly, there's easier coal out there than those Appalachian mines like the strip mining out west for example. Once mines have closed you don't reopen them if cheaper alternatives exist. You might keep running them because of sunk costs, but you don't start again when cheaper alternatives are elsewhere. But okay, maybe technical stuff from the world of mining also isn't convincing.

The third reason is the killer: economics. Fracking has made natural gas cheaper than coal for power generation. Thus new generations of power plants are going to be gas ones, not coal. And refurbs and life extensions of coal plants aren't going to happen for the same reason. There's just not going to be anything like the same market for thermal coal in the future.
Wyoming is producing coal, natural gas and oil… A win, win for everybody.

It's in how you do it. If you want, you can dig down a few thousand feet with your earth movers and just dip the oil out. Much like strip mining for coal. Your Strip Mining has harmed Colorado and Utah that won't allow strip mining and you have to actually go underground after the coal. The price of coal goes down to the point that real coal mining is unprofitable. And it pretty well prevents the investing in technology to make burning coal as clean as natural gas.

Your ideas are worse than the Regulations in place. Are you aware that it's not the Feds that do most of the regulating but the states?
Wyoming is a great place to do both mining and drilling... there's really nothing to lose there. Fact
Drill baby drill... mine baby mine.
In rural states it hurts no one that way... only helps the economy. Fact

I can see it now. The entire Eastern side of Wyoming is carted off. That's one hell of a fill dirt. Other states might want the dirt. It could be a new business until that part of Wyoming is below sea level.
Drill baby drill... mine baby mine.
In rural states it hurts no one that way... only helps the economy. Fact

I can see it now. The entire Eastern side of Wyoming is carted off. That's one hell of a fill dirt. Other states might want the dirt. It could be a new business until that part of Wyoming is below sea level.
It would be fine, there's nothing to see and do in eastern Wyoming that's for sure...
If there was not coal mining, oil drilling and Fracking in Wyoming there would be no reason to live there… fact
The fact remains, fossil fuels are here to stay… Renewable green energy is decades away from being feasible, economical and reliable… Fact
Here's a link from a well known piss source for the pseudocons, so you know it must be true: U.S. Has Lost 191,000 Mining Industry Jobs Since September 2014

Here's how natural gas jobs have been doing:


That graph does not apply today because oil and gas jobs have drastically declined since late 2014.

I am getting my information from lack of local jobs, a son that works/ed in the oil patch in Odessa Texas, and a man I used to work for that moved his company to N. Dakota to work in the Bakken. I hear that there are a few jobs in Pennsylvania but I don't know for sure. There may be jobs on the offshore rigs in the Gulf, but bets are that those people are hanging on to them,

All aspects of the energy industry are in dire straits at the moment.
How many would volunteer to have fly/bottom ash piled in their backyards?

Uses, Benefits and Drawbacks of Fly Ash in Construction

"The fly ash produced by coal-fired power plants provide an excellent prime material used in blended cement, mosaic tiles, and hollow blocks among others.

Fly ash can be an expensive replacement for Portland cement in concrete although using it improves strength, segregation, and ease of pumping concrete. The rate of substitution typically specified is 1 to 1 ½ pounds of fly ash to 1 pound of cement. Nonetheless, the amount of fine aggregate should be reduced to accommodate fly ash additional volume.

Fly Ash Applications

Fly ash can be used as prime material in blocks, paving or bricks; however, one the most important applications is PCC pavement. PCC pavements use a large amount of concrete and substituting fly ash provides significant economic benefits. Fly ash has also been used for paving roads and as embankment and mine fills, and it's gaining acceptance by the Federal government, specifically the Federal Highway Administration."

Uses, Benefits and Drawbacks of Fly Ash in Construction

Post fail
You'll see.

Trump won't be able to save those coal jobs, and it won't be long before his Chumps are dead silent about it.

Book it.

Democrats might not care too much for the Coal Industry but they do care about Coal Miners.....

Trumpbots care enough about the Coal Industry to lie to Coal Miners...

Increasing Coal production is not going to bring the jobs back, Coal is more expensive than gas... Solar and Wind is increasin
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

"automation"? in a coal mine?

We don't need coal like we used to but the rest of the world does....ever heard of exports? Hello?
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

We don't need coal like we used to but the rest of the world does....ever heard of exports? Hello?

That doesn't address the major problems driving the coal industry down. Hell, if exports were the solution you guys wouldn't be carping about regulations.
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

We don't need coal like we used to but the rest of the world does....ever heard of exports? Hello?

That doesn't address the major problems driving the coal industry down. Hell, if exports were the solution you guys wouldn't be carping about regulations.

The regulations are aimed at closing the need to get out more. :eusa_angel:
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

We don't need coal like we used to but the rest of the world does....ever heard of exports? Hello?

That doesn't address the major problems driving the coal industry down. Hell, if exports were the solution you guys wouldn't be carping about regulations.

The regulations are aimed at closing the need to get out more.

Prove it.

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