Trump shafts the coal country Trumpbots.

Talk about a deceptive thread title.
Donald trump hasn't done anything yet. How has he screwed coal country? Especially by keeping campaign promises, if he does.
I remember growing up in a small town in Western Colorado where the snow was black. Anyone with any type of lung problems had to move out of the area. Small children had to be kept indoors when it got bad. It was from the local Sugar Beet Factory. They were told that they had to go to Natural Gas to stay in business so they tore out all the coal feeders from the burners (they melted them down) and installed Natural Gas Jets. Then Natural Gas went sky high for a few years and they said they couldn't stay in business. In order to keep using Coal, they had to install the proper scrubbers that made Coal unprofitable. The Factory closed down and it devistated the community. It was the main source of income and labor. Today, the town has about the same population and the air is fit to breath. England and China have yet to figure that out and you can see what it's doing both places.

The only way that coal is viable is if the proper scrubbers are used.

I will say this is a good post, Where I grew up it was the same. Coal has to be burned in an efficient way to be viable, But the BTU return per dollar is better than any fuel. The waste also has to be handled properly. The coal from Powder river absin is some of the cleanest burning in the continental US with proper mixture it can be used with the eastern mined coal to achieve almost the same BTU and much less output of sulfur Dioxides too. The process of pulverizing the coal to minute particles and high pressure introduction and extreme burn temperatures made the burn much cleaner too. As stated the oshit-ma administration regulated the coal industry out, Probably so he could set up the "Green energy initiative" to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to his comrades, and the dnc. slime ass gore took 100 million dollars (NET 98 good return on 2 mil) out of JUST one of the companies that got a billion or so when it went belly up as it was designed to do by the dnc and the government thieves in office. Don't you figure That paid the bill for all of the next elections and put lots in the pockets of the players.

It's more than that. You simplify it. It's not the powdering it that you have to worry about, it's the CO2, Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon it belches out the stacks. It takes Scrubbers to trap these and the Scrubbers are expensive to buy and maintain. When they find a cheap way to do that then coal takes over with a vengence. But not until then.
CO2 regulations will cease to exist....PM2.5 will cease to exist....

Coal will rule....the democrat war on coal is over....

And we go back to the time when the air was fit to breath only a few days a month. I have seen the before and after shots of Pittsburg where it showed the 1950s V the 1980s. I doubt if the ones that live there want to go back to the "Good Old Days".
Your fake news tell you this?
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.
It's the democrats regulations....and they are over now....
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

Yes we know. You want them to lose their jobs and live off the government. It's not shocking they didn't support that
I remember growing up in a small town in Western Colorado where the snow was black. Anyone with any type of lung problems had to move out of the area. Small children had to be kept indoors when it got bad. It was from the local Sugar Beet Factory. They were told that they had to go to Natural Gas to stay in business so they tore out all the coal feeders from the burners (they melted them down) and installed Natural Gas Jets. Then Natural Gas went sky high for a few years and they said they couldn't stay in business. In order to keep using Coal, they had to install the proper scrubbers that made Coal unprofitable. The Factory closed down and it devistated the community. It was the main source of income and labor. Today, the town has about the same population and the air is fit to breath. England and China have yet to figure that out and you can see what it's doing both places.

The only way that coal is viable is if the proper scrubbers are used.

I will say this is a good post, Where I grew up it was the same. Coal has to be burned in an efficient way to be viable, But the BTU return per dollar is better than any fuel. The waste also has to be handled properly. The coal from Powder river absin is some of the cleanest burning in the continental US with proper mixture it can be used with the eastern mined coal to achieve almost the same BTU and much less output of sulfur Dioxides too. The process of pulverizing the coal to minute particles and high pressure introduction and extreme burn temperatures made the burn much cleaner too. As stated the oshit-ma administration regulated the coal industry out, Probably so he could set up the "Green energy initiative" to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to his comrades, and the dnc. slime ass gore took 100 million dollars (NET 98 good return on 2 mil) out of JUST one of the companies that got a billion or so when it went belly up as it was designed to do by the dnc and the government thieves in office. Don't you figure That paid the bill for all of the next elections and put lots in the pockets of the players.

It's more than that. You simplify it. It's not the powdering it that you have to worry about, it's the CO2, Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon it belches out the stacks. It takes Scrubbers to trap these and the Scrubbers are expensive to buy and maintain. When they find a cheap way to do that then coal takes over with a vengence. But not until then.
CO2 regulations will cease to exist....PM2.5 will cease to exist....

Coal will rule....the democrat war on coal is over....

And we go back to the time when the air was fit to breath only a few days a month. I have seen the before and after shots of Pittsburg where it showed the 1950s V the 1980s. I doubt if the ones that live there want to go back to the "Good Old Days".
Your fake news tell you this?

Fake news? How about a lifetime of living in Coal Country and watching it snow black snow. The Snow is white once again and we need to keep it that way. You reject science as much as the other side only pays attention to the science that agrees with their views.
I will say this is a good post, Where I grew up it was the same. Coal has to be burned in an efficient way to be viable, But the BTU return per dollar is better than any fuel. The waste also has to be handled properly. The coal from Powder river absin is some of the cleanest burning in the continental US with proper mixture it can be used with the eastern mined coal to achieve almost the same BTU and much less output of sulfur Dioxides too. The process of pulverizing the coal to minute particles and high pressure introduction and extreme burn temperatures made the burn much cleaner too. As stated the oshit-ma administration regulated the coal industry out, Probably so he could set up the "Green energy initiative" to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to his comrades, and the dnc. slime ass gore took 100 million dollars (NET 98 good return on 2 mil) out of JUST one of the companies that got a billion or so when it went belly up as it was designed to do by the dnc and the government thieves in office. Don't you figure That paid the bill for all of the next elections and put lots in the pockets of the players.

It's more than that. You simplify it. It's not the powdering it that you have to worry about, it's the CO2, Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon it belches out the stacks. It takes Scrubbers to trap these and the Scrubbers are expensive to buy and maintain. When they find a cheap way to do that then coal takes over with a vengence. But not until then.
CO2 regulations will cease to exist....PM2.5 will cease to exist....

Coal will rule....the democrat war on coal is over....

And we go back to the time when the air was fit to breath only a few days a month. I have seen the before and after shots of Pittsburg where it showed the 1950s V the 1980s. I doubt if the ones that live there want to go back to the "Good Old Days".
Your fake news tell you this?

Fake news? How about a lifetime of living in Coal Country and watching it snow black snow. The Snow is white once again and we need to keep it that way. You reject science as much as the other side only pays attention to the science that agrees with their views.

Please stop....your ignorance is too funny....
Automation? You have no idea what you're taking about. I'm from coal country. My grandfather was a coal miner and two of my cousins are mine engineers. Automation has NOTHING to do with it. Obama regulation is 100% to blame.

What a sap you are. It has nothing to do with regulation, and everything to do with cheaper natural gas.

Cheap Natural Gas To Spark Another Wave Of Coal Plant Retirements

“Cheap natural gas is killing coal.” While that headline has been written dozens of times over the last few years, it continues to be true. In fact, natural gas has become even cheaper over the past year, and the slow death of coal is poised to accelerate.

Cheaper Natural Gas Lets Nucor Factory Rise Again on Bayou

Lower-priced natural gas has energized many parts of the country and the economy. Chemical and fertilizer companies, which use gas as both a feedstock and energy source, say lower prices have reduced costs and made the U.S. a more competitive manufacturing location.

Market Trends — Electricity
The relatively low cost of natural gas makes the dispatching of existing natural gas plants more competitive with coal plants and, in combination with relatively low capital costs, makes plants fueled by natural gas an alternative choice for new generation capacity.

U.S. forecasts natural gas boom through 2040

America's energy boom will continue for decades, and natural gas will replace coal as the largest source of U.S. electricity by 2035, the Department of Energy forecast today.

You can't be this stupid. Ever see a LNG carrier shipping natural gas across the ocean? Not cheap. On the other hand, any cargo ship can carry coal...and that was exactly what was happening...U.S. exports its greenhouse-gas emissions — as coal. Profitable coal.

...until OBAMA REGULATION struck again.

U.S. Strikes Deal to Block Coal Plants Worldwide

Now, what were you saying again, butthurt Hillaryite?
Coal exports are only 7 percent of what we mine, dumbass.

And then there's this:

How much coal does the U.S. export and import? | American Geosciences Institute
Coal exports have decreased since 2012 as U.S. coal production has declined, mostly because cheaper natural gas has decreased the demand for coal as a fuel for electricity generation

Natural gas, not regulation. Retard.

Again, due to regulation.

Army Corps of Engineers blocks giant coal export terminal at Cherry Point

US extends crackdown on coal overseas

Coal Exports Contradict Obama’s Climate Pledge, Critics Say

Obama announces moratorium on new federal coal leases

If natural gas was actually killing coal, Obama wouldn't have to do anything. The fact that he works so hard to kill coal totally undermines your argument. If you were smarter, you would have seen that.
The hippies have been working just as hard to stop LNG terminals, retard.

Indigenous land defenders block LNG terminal construction

Congressmen make move to block Fall River LNG terminal

Obama isn't a run of the mill hippie...he's the President...and he has made it his mission to kill coal. If coal was really dying from market factors, he should have left it alone. He didn't...because it wasn't. Obama worked to kill coal with regulation, not market factors. You know it and I know it. Pretending otherwise in the face of all the contradictory evidence make you look foolish and partisan.
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

Automation? You have no idea what you're taking about. I'm from coal country. My grandfather was a coal miner and two of my cousins are mine engineers. Automation has NOTHING to do with it. Obama regulation is 100% to blame.

Do you also think they are stupid and didn't understand that Repeal Obamacare meant Repeal Obamacare?

It's no wonder the Democrats lost. The think Americans are so stupid they can't understand English.

I'm in coal country. I'm in an energy producing state.

Prove Obama's regulation is 100% to blame. Regulations make a convenient scapegoat, but are only a minor part of the problem. Instead of attacking the regulations (which ignores the real problem) and promising a return of jobs that won't come back - we should be retraining our workforce and improving our infrastructure to attract industries that can offer better paying jobs than burger flipping.

What's to blame is:
Competition from cleaner and cheaper energy (natural gas)
Competition from areas where it's easier and cheaper to extract coal than Appalachia.
Regulatory pressures

Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying

Why have Kentucky and West Virginia lost 38,000 coal jobs since 1983? For one, coal mining has become increasingly automated in recent decades, particularly as companies have shifted to techniques such as mountaintop-removal mining, which are less labor intensive. (An EPA crackdown on mountaintop removal in 2009 actually led to a small bump in coal employment in West Virginia.)

Another big problem for Appalachia's coal industry has been competition from cheaper, low-sulfur coal out West — particularly from Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

On top of everything else, Central Appalachia's coal now appears to be running out, as many of the thick, easy-to-mine seams have vanished. The Energy Information Administration estimates that coal production in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia will soon be just half of what it was in 2008, plunging from 234 million tons down to 112 million tons in 2015.​

No Matter What Trump Says, Coal Mining Jobs Are Not Returning To West Virginia

TRUMP: 'We’re going to get those miners back to work ... the miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.'

Well, no, they're not, for three very good reasons. Firstly, clean coal doesn't work and there's serious doubt that it ever will. And even if clean coal can be made to work it will always be easier to perform the same trick with the CO2 emissions from using natural gas instead. But perhaps technological explanations aren't convincing.

Secondly, there's easier coal out there than those Appalachian mines like the strip mining out west for example. Once mines have closed you don't reopen them if cheaper alternatives exist. You might keep running them because of sunk costs, but you don't start again when cheaper alternatives are elsewhere. But okay, maybe technical stuff from the world of mining also isn't convincing.

The third reason is the killer: economics. Fracking has made natural gas cheaper than coal for power generation. Thus new generations of power plants are going to be gas ones, not coal. And refurbs and life extensions of coal plants aren't going to happen for the same reason. There's just not going to be anything like the same market for thermal coal in the future.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. It also displaces rural communities. I also live in coal country.


This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

Automation? You have no idea what you're taking about. I'm from coal country. My grandfather was a coal miner and two of my cousins are mine engineers. Automation has NOTHING to do with it. Obama regulation is 100% to blame.

Do you also think they are stupid and didn't understand that Repeal Obamacare meant Repeal Obamacare?

It's no wonder the Democrats lost. The think Americans are so stupid they can't understand English.

I'm in coal country. I'm in an energy producing state.

Prove Obama's regulation is 100% to blame. Regulations make a convenient scapegoat, but are only a minor part of the problem. Instead of attacking the regulations (which ignores the real problem) and promising a return of jobs that won't come back - we should be retraining our workforce and improving our infrastructure to attract industries that can offer better paying jobs than burger flipping.

What's to blame is:
Competition from cleaner and cheaper energy (natural gas)
Competition from areas where it's easier and cheaper to extract coal than Appalachia.
Regulatory pressures

Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying

Why have Kentucky and West Virginia lost 38,000 coal jobs since 1983? For one, coal mining has become increasingly automated in recent decades, particularly as companies have shifted to techniques such as mountaintop-removal mining, which are less labor intensive. (An EPA crackdown on mountaintop removal in 2009 actually led to a small bump in coal employment in West Virginia.)

Another big problem for Appalachia's coal industry has been competition from cheaper, low-sulfur coal out West — particularly from Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

On top of everything else, Central Appalachia's coal now appears to be running out, as many of the thick, easy-to-mine seams have vanished. The Energy Information Administration estimates that coal production in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia will soon be just half of what it was in 2008, plunging from 234 million tons down to 112 million tons in 2015.​

No Matter What Trump Says, Coal Mining Jobs Are Not Returning To West Virginia

TRUMP: 'We’re going to get those miners back to work ... the miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.'
Well, no, they're not, for three very good reasons. Firstly, clean coal doesn't work and there's serious doubt that it ever will. And even if clean coal can be made to work it will always be easier to perform the same trick with the CO2 emissions from using natural gas instead. But perhaps technological explanations aren't convincing.

Secondly, there's easier coal out there than those Appalachian mines like the strip mining out west for example. Once mines have closed you don't reopen them if cheaper alternatives exist. You might keep running them because of sunk costs, but you don't start again when cheaper alternatives are elsewhere. But okay, maybe technical stuff from the world of mining also isn't convincing.

The third reason is the killer: economics. Fracking has made natural gas cheaper than coal for power generation. Thus new generations of power plants are going to be gas ones, not coal. And refurbs and life extensions of coal plants aren't going to happen for the same reason. There's just not going to be anything like the same market for thermal coal in the future.
You lost the war on get the hell out of our way....
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. I also live in coal country.


Awesome pics!!! Thanks!!!! Progress is awesome....
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. I also live in coal country.



Mountain top removal will destroy our state.
This story is Fake News. How many times did Trump vow to repeal and replace Obamacare? One hundred times? Five hundred times? A thousand times? No one who voted for Trump didn't know he was going to get rid of Obamacare. And it is ignorant for you to believe it, much less post it.

It's not "fake news". People are genuinely worried. They should have thought it through before voting for coal. jobs that are never going to come back beause of frigging automation.

Automation? You have no idea what you're taking about. I'm from coal country. My grandfather was a coal miner and two of my cousins are mine engineers. Automation has NOTHING to do with it. Obama regulation is 100% to blame.

Do you also think they are stupid and didn't understand that Repeal Obamacare meant Repeal Obamacare?

It's no wonder the Democrats lost. The think Americans are so stupid they can't understand English.

I'm in coal country. I'm in an energy producing state.

Prove Obama's regulation is 100% to blame. Regulations make a convenient scapegoat, but are only a minor part of the problem. Instead of attacking the regulations (which ignores the real problem) and promising a return of jobs that won't come back - we should be retraining our workforce and improving our infrastructure to attract industries that can offer better paying jobs than burger flipping.

What's to blame is:
Competition from cleaner and cheaper energy (natural gas)
Competition from areas where it's easier and cheaper to extract coal than Appalachia.
Regulatory pressures

Here’s why Central Appalachia’s coal industry is dying

Why have Kentucky and West Virginia lost 38,000 coal jobs since 1983? For one, coal mining has become increasingly automated in recent decades, particularly as companies have shifted to techniques such as mountaintop-removal mining, which are less labor intensive. (An EPA crackdown on mountaintop removal in 2009 actually led to a small bump in coal employment in West Virginia.)

Another big problem for Appalachia's coal industry has been competition from cheaper, low-sulfur coal out West — particularly from Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

On top of everything else, Central Appalachia's coal now appears to be running out, as many of the thick, easy-to-mine seams have vanished. The Energy Information Administration estimates that coal production in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia will soon be just half of what it was in 2008, plunging from 234 million tons down to 112 million tons in 2015.​

No Matter What Trump Says, Coal Mining Jobs Are Not Returning To West Virginia

TRUMP: 'We’re going to get those miners back to work ... the miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.'
Well, no, they're not, for three very good reasons. Firstly, clean coal doesn't work and there's serious doubt that it ever will. And even if clean coal can be made to work it will always be easier to perform the same trick with the CO2 emissions from using natural gas instead. But perhaps technological explanations aren't convincing.

Secondly, there's easier coal out there than those Appalachian mines like the strip mining out west for example. Once mines have closed you don't reopen them if cheaper alternatives exist. You might keep running them because of sunk costs, but you don't start again when cheaper alternatives are elsewhere. But okay, maybe technical stuff from the world of mining also isn't convincing.

The third reason is the killer: economics. Fracking has made natural gas cheaper than coal for power generation. Thus new generations of power plants are going to be gas ones, not coal. And refurbs and life extensions of coal plants aren't going to happen for the same reason. There's just not going to be anything like the same market for thermal coal in the future.
You lost the war on get the hell out of our way....

The market disagrees with you.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. I also live in coal country.


Awesome pics!!! Thanks!!!! Progress is awesome....

Try living there. Oh wait. You don't.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

Yes we know. You want them to lose their jobs and live off the government. It's not shocking they didn't support that
The coal miners are all for living off the gummit. Trump explicitly or implicitly said he'd continue handouts. That's the issue.

As to coal v. natl gas, it's not a black white issue. Even before Obama coal's outlook was not so hot because natl gas was CLEANER, so when gas prices came down, it's hardly surprising that energy companies don't want to invest in coal, with it's higher costs for complying with even W regulations. And breathing is good.

However, Obama increased regulations to combat global warming. And THAT caused many coal energy plants to close, because bringing them into compliance was not cost effective. So, while the plants would probably have closed anyway due to obsolescence, they closed sooner than they might have.
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. I also live in coal country.



Mountain top removal will destroy our state.
You'll never even know it happened when they are done....stupid fucktard liberal....
From the OP link:

Which raises a question: Did voters such as these know they were voting for this? After all, Trump promised countless times throughout the campaign to repeal the Affordable Care Act, didn’t he? If they are complaining about this now, don’t they have only themselves to blame?

No. I’m going to argue that, while Trump did repeatedly vow repeal, these voters were absolutely right to conclude that he would not leave them without the sort of federal protections they enjoy under Obamacare. That’s because Trump did, in fact, clearly signal to them that this would not happen.
Fake news
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

You are wrong. I live in Coal Country and the mining isn't the problem. It's the burning of it that is without the proper scrubbers. Find a cheaper and better way than the existing scrubbers and coal will make one hell of a comeback. I like to be able to go outside 365 days a year instead of some of the days, myself.

Look, sonny, I know about scrubbers - but mountaintop removal mining is an atrocity. It's a major polluter of air and water. I also live in coal country.


Awesome pics!!! Thanks!!!! Progress is awesome....

Try living there. Oh wait. You don't.
I lived in coal country....and I live there now, no black snow ever though....:lol:
Just the mining of coal is polluting the environment - especially air and water. Mountaintop mining is an atrocity.

Yes we know. You want them to lose their jobs and live off the government. It's not shocking they didn't support that

That is not true at all. We oppose false promises of "bringing back" jobs that aren't going to come back in anywhere near the numbers we once had. We SUPPORT doing whatever we can to bring in new jobs, new industries, retrain our workforce and put more people to work with jobs that have a future. What's so hard to understand about that?

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