Trump should not run again in 2024

After his massive failure being President (not to mention his terrilbe 46 year record of always getting things wrong) I don't think Potatohead should run in 2024.
First, you spelled it wrong.

The term is o'muerta. That is why I could not find it.

Second, are you a member of a Mexican drug cartel?

I am sorry to hear about your friend being sick.
I used the old spelling from back when. And I realize that people who are younger than I am depend on current modern spelling. Mexican drug cartel? No. My ancestry includes people who arrived on Plymouth Rock in 1619 and includes people who greeted them. Both of my male grandparents were protestant church ministers, one ancestor rode with Teddy Roosevelt's rough riders, and others fought the battle of San Jacinto. The American Native peoples my grandmother was from were mistreated by the Mexican invasions before they made deals with the Texicans to colonize the area between the length of the Sabine River and the Rio Grande hundreds of miles west. My Father and Brother were members of the Marines, CIA, and U.S. Navy, and served 40 years combined and were retired with honors. They say my Master CPO brother could take apart and put back together a phantom jet blindfolded, and he taught others to do so in total blackness of night aboard ship without making any noise or using lights to avoid detection by enemies. I'm very proud of him, but he died 8 years ago, and his cancer likely had its origin in the kind of chemicals used to do aboard ship aeronautic maintenance in wartime. I totally miss my older brother. His favorite place was when his Admiral treated him to a posh visit to Australia when they were in the area. He got royal treatment, he confided to me, years after that happy time for him was going on. The Navy has a way of rewarding their finest with treats like that, even if they spend all their time getting grimy by making sure the airplanes were totally safe before letting one of the young airmen fly them. It was a night and day operation for sailors like my brother.

Drug cartel? Sir, I have never taken an illegal substance in my entire life, and I live the most boring of lives. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes, and I usually only take half of my prescribed medicines even when I endured 15 years of fibromyalgia pain until we moved back home to Texas where a new doctor diagnosed and set up a surgery for parathyroid surgery. They were producing too much calcium in the blood instead of monitoring it, so half of them were removed and got rid of the fibromyalgia pain. Good night sir, and go with God. And the next time you use the F word on me you are going to be placed on my iggy list permanently.
I used the old spelling from back when. And I realize that people who are younger than I am depend on current modern spelling. Mexican drug cartel? No. My ancestry includes people who arrived on Plymouth Rock in 1619 and includes people who greeted them. Both of my male grandparents were protestant church ministers, one ancestor rode with Teddy Roosevelt's rough riders, and others fought the battle of San Jacinto. The American Native peoples my grandmother was from were mistreated by the Mexican invasions before they made deals with the Texicans to colonize the area between the length of the Sabine River and the Rio Grande hundreds of miles west. My Father and Brother were members of the Marines, CIA, and U.S. Navy, and served 40 years combined and were retired with honors. They say my Master CPO brother could take apart and put back together a phantom jet blindfolded, and he taught others to do so in total blackness of night aboard ship without making any noise or using lights to avoid detection by enemies. I'm very proud of him, but he died 8 years ago, and his cancer likely had its origin in the kind of chemicals used to do aboard ship aeronautic maintenance in wartime. I totally miss my older brother. His favorite place was when his Admiral treated him to a posh visit to Australia when they were in the area. He got royal treatment, he confided to me, years after that happy time for him was going on. The Navy has a way of rewarding their finest with treats like that, even if they spend all their time getting grimy by making sure the airplanes were totally safe before letting one of the young airmen fly them. It was a night and day operation for sailors like my brother.

Drug cartel? Sir, I have never taken an illegal substance in my entire life, and I live the most boring of lives. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes, and I usually only take half of my prescribed medicines even when I endured 15 years of fibromyalgia pain until we moved back home to Texas where a new doctor diagnosed and set up a surgery for parathyroid surgery. They were producing too much calcium in the blood instead of monitoring it, so half of them were removed and got rid of the fibromyalgia pain. Good night sir, and go with God. And the next time you use the F word on me you are going to be placed on my iggy list permanently.
I have never taken an illegal substance in my entire life, and I live the most boring of lives. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes

I thought my wife and I were the only ones on earth this boring.
I used the old spelling from back when. And I realize that people who are younger than I am depend on current modern spelling. Mexican drug cartel? No. My ancestry includes people who arrived on Plymouth Rock in 1619 and includes people who greeted them. Both of my male grandparents were protestant church ministers, one ancestor rode with Teddy Roosevelt's rough riders, and others fought the battle of San Jacinto. The American Native peoples my grandmother was from were mistreated by the Mexican invasions before they made deals with the Texicans to colonize the area between the length of the Sabine River and the Rio Grande hundreds of miles west. My Father and Brother were members of the Marines, CIA, and U.S. Navy, and served 40 years combined and were retired with honors. They say my Master CPO brother could take apart and put back together a phantom jet blindfolded, and he taught others to do so in total blackness of night aboard ship without making any noise or using lights to avoid detection by enemies. I'm very proud of him, but he died 8 years ago, and his cancer likely had its origin in the kind of chemicals used to do aboard ship aeronautic maintenance in wartime. I totally miss my older brother. His favorite place was when his Admiral treated him to a posh visit to Australia when they were in the area. He got royal treatment, he confided to me, years after that happy time for him was going on. The Navy has a way of rewarding their finest with treats like that, even if they spend all their time getting grimy by making sure the airplanes were totally safe before letting one of the young airmen fly them. It was a night and day operation for sailors like my brother.

Drug cartel? Sir, I have never taken an illegal substance in my entire life, and I live the most boring of lives. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes, and I usually only take half of my prescribed medicines even when I endured 15 years of fibromyalgia pain until we moved back home to Texas where a new doctor diagnosed and set up a surgery for parathyroid surgery. They were producing too much calcium in the blood instead of monitoring it, so half of them were removed and got rid of the fibromyalgia pain. Good night sir, and go with God. And the next time you use the F word on me you are going to be placed on my iggy list permanently.

Your post reminds me of asking someone what time it is and then giving me directions on how to build a watch. Admitting your error would have been sufficient.

I am sure your brother served with honor, but someone is telling you a fish story.

The flight deck of a carrier is never dark. Flashlights would be used to see anything requiring work. If that could not be done, they would move the aircraft to the hangar bay. As far as noise goes, a flight deck is one of the noisiest places on earth. If the enemy gets close enough to see it, or hear the noise, the carrier is in big trouble.

How do I know all this? I served on two guided missile cruisers which served as the carrier's babysitter, screening out all air, surface and subsurface threats. I also did a cruise on the USS America (CV-66) carrier.
night flt deck.jpg
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I don't know anyone less like Hitler than Donald Trump!

And Hitler had no kids, unlike Trump, who not only has a Jewish daughter he adores, but Jewish grandchildren he's also crazy about.

But the Democrats say he's Hitler, and WHY would Democrats lie??? :)
It might be a good idea for Trump to run in '24.

Imo, the vast majority of Americans are totally burned out on trump. Just fucking sick of him.

He's been whining, lying, and crying for years. He just seems like a whiney little crybaby, and a total fucking weakling who can't get over his hurt feewings over losing the last prez election.

If Trump runs and loses, it might free up the GOP politicians so they can come back to life and begin thinking for themselves, for a fucking change. We need some strong, intelligent, mature Republican candidates. It's long past time to get rid of the weak, disgusting, Trump ass lickers.
Your post reminds me of asking someone what time it is and then giving me directions on how to build a watch. Admitting your error would have been sufficient.

I am sure your brother served with honor, but someone is telling you a fish story.

The flight deck of a carrier is never dark. Flashlights would be used to see anything requiring work. If that could not be done, they would move the aircraft to the hangar bay. As far as noise goes, a flight deck is one of the noisiest places on earth. If the enemy gets close enough to see it, or hear the noise, the carrier is in big trouble.

How do I know all this? I served on two guided missile cruisers which served as the carrier's babysitter, screening out all air, surface and subsurface threats. I also did a cruise on the USS America (CV-66) carrier.
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It so happens the person who delivered this story was a sailor who worked under him and respected his uncanny ability. You apparently are addicted to excoriating other human beings which is worse than using the F word and for which whatever buffoonery you have for this simple, lifelong God-fearing woman, she will neither hear nor see it.
It so happens the person who delivered this story was a sailor who worked under him and respected his uncanny ability. You apparently are addicted to excoriating other human beings which is worse than using the F word and for which whatever buffoonery you have for this simple, lifelong God-fearing woman, she will neither hear nor see it.
Read my post again, please.

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