Trump should not run again in 2024

The Trump fanatics are a party of lunatics who will literally believe anything their Orange Messiah says. As Trump said early on, he could go out and shoot somebody for no reason on 5th Avenue and they will defend him and still vote for him. He knows exactly how naive and gullible they are.
Is it ironic you chose a username of one of the biggest propagandists and hypocrites in US history?
trump is absolutely not the best thing for our country.
I think you need to read what I wrote again and really understand what I said. I said that he's the best on offer. I asked who would be better than Trump but you did not answer.
He has coalesced all the far right crazies into a dangerous force,a great threat to this nation. A good and honest leader that wants the best for our nation would not do this. A good and honest leader doesn't lie all the time.
You are responding in a way that insinuates Biden isn't any of those things. AGAIN, I am asking you to consider who is better.
A good and honest leader doesn't take top secret papers and who knows what he's done with them.
So far, this story hasn't even been proven. It has all of the earmarks of a white wash and it remains to be seen if that's what it is.
Remember this is the guy that praised Putin.
Be serious. Do you not praise Hitler for improving the economy of the German people? You should. Does it mean you are a Nazi sympathizer? Maxine Waters made a big stink about Trump "wrapping his arms around Putin". Do you buy that as proof of anything at all? Pretend that you are a world leader. Would you not shake hands with each and every other world leader? As far as embracing a leader from Russia or bowing to one from Japan, removing your shoes inside a mosque, covering your head in a synagogue, etc. Think.
Doesn't any of this make you wonder about the guy I mean come on get real here. He's a no-go for me. And it's personal he hurt my mother's cousins in New Jersey when he created the Atlantic City fiasco. If he had one the last election our nation would be totally bankrupt by this time already.
The biggest problem in the US is the political mafia. Republicans and Democrats have nothing to do with it. Men like Bush and Biden are highly paid dupes. They don't run the country. American presidents are not supposed to run the country. According to people like you and I and Democracy, they SHOULD run the country but according to the status quo all they do and say is what is dictated to them - and the ones who are dictating are not the American population. Trump is the only real man standing. Unless you can name someone else? But please do not say "Biden" because you know it's not true. In fact, your input so far is pretty much proof that you know it's not true.

So, back to the real issue: Between Trump and Biden it is Trump who's the better man. If you don't like Trump you'll have to name someone better.
No! I am not saying that everybody else is lying. A person who lies knows that he is not telling the truth. "The rest of the people" are mostly people who believe in a lie. What they say is not true but they believe that it is.
LOL, did you ever hear of Ochman's Razor ? The simplest answer is most probably the correct answer. So you are trying to say now that everyone is not just lying some of them are just plain ignorant to the truth only trump knows the truth. I hope you realize how idiotic that sounds.
President Trump is working to expose the lies that have been propagated by MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the fake news propagators.
That's right. Trump won the presidency by popular vote, something the powerful never thought was possible. Remember all of the "He has no chance of winning". That was a cheap orchestration of election manipulation but this time they are going full tilt to ensure that Trump gets his legs pulled out from under him.

The MSM isn't Democratic. Are we supposed to deny it?
LOL, did you ever hear of Ochman's Razor ? The simplest answer is most probably the correct answer. So you are trying to say now that everyone is not just lying some of them are just plain ignorant to the truth only trump knows the truth. I hope you realize how idiotic that sounds.
Wrong again! A lot of people know that President Trump is telling the truth. It is not just him. You are the one sounding idiotic.
Trump is better than any Democrat who might run against him ..... other Republicans might be just as good, but they are as yet, unknown.
That's what I am saying. But I'm saying more than that. I am saying that there might be other politicians (Republicans or Democrats) who are better than Trump, but ..... where are they? Who are they? The bottom line is that Trump is the best man standing.
...... So you are trying to say now that everyone is not just lying some of them are just plain ignorant to the truth only trump knows the truth. I hope you realize how idiotic that sounds.
Wrong again! A lot of people know that President Trump is telling the truth. It is not just him. You are the one sounding idiotic.
The issue here is the numbskull's argument most often expressed, "Everybody knows ....". I don't know who they think "everybody" is but they don't exist.

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