Trump should not run again in 2024

That is the STATE legislature's business and none of yours.

Why can't women who want abortions just travel to Oklahoma?
Aren’t Republican legislatures trying to crack down on abortion tourism and the shipping of morning after and abortion pills?

The man has too much baggage.....

Why relive the past 6 years?

Do you want Sharpton/Stone/BLM back?

In reality, there should be a third party running for president....both parties suck..
I was hoping that a third party candidate would rise up in 2016 because both Trump and H. Clinton were so polarizing. It didn't happen.
Donald is your best bet republicans. As a Democrat I’m wery wery scared of this man running again. Please don’t throw us in the briar patch and run Trump again. No!!!!!!!

We are living at a time when there is our greatest threat to democracy - democrats. We should not let them abuse their power by purposely eliminating someone who they have a great fear will win the election and be president. If these kangaroo investigations are allowed to stand and accomplish their goal of influencing elections and suppressing the votes of tens of millions of people, our democracy will be over. This includes democrats colluding with the MSM to influence elections and suppress votes. And, I'm saying this as a person who doesn't particularly even like Trump but we need to get our democracy back because it is under attack.
And the FBI says the far right is the greatest threat to our nation. I'll believe them, not your contrived gibberish.
And the FBI says the far right is the greatest threat to our nation. I'll believe them, not your contrived gibberish.
The far right is but a small group of people, as is the far left. You paint everyone on the right as being MAGA Republican semi-fascists. Of course the far right are a threat, just as the far left Antifa is a threat.
That would be impossible.
I am assuming that you are American? If so don't you want what is best for your country? It doesn't even matter if you like Trump or not. Biden isn't a living, breathing human being. Everything he says or does comes from a script written by the people who don't give a shit about the country. THOSE are the ones you should be fighting against. So between the two Trump without any doubt the best. Your dilemma (if you don't like Trump) is to suggest someone who is better than him. Well?
I am assuming that you are American? If so don't you want what is best for your country? It doesn't even matter if you like Trump or not. Biden isn't a living, breathing human being. Everything he says or does comes from a script written by the people who don't give a shit about the country. THOSE are the ones you should be fighting against. So between the two Trump without any doubt the best. Your dilemma (if you don't like Trump) is to suggest someone who is better than him. Well?
trump is absolutely not the best thing for our country. He has coalesced all the far right crazies into a dangerous force,a great threat to this nation. A good and honest leader that wants the best for our nation would not do this. A good and honest leader doesn't lie all the time. A good and honest leader doesn't take top secret papers and who knows what he's done with them. Remember this is the guy that praised Putin. Doesn't any of this make you wonder about the guy I mean come on get real here. He's a no-go for me. And it's personal he hurt my mother's cousins in New Jersey when he created the Atlantic City fiasco. If he had one the last election our nation would be totally bankrupt by this time already.
trump is absolutely not the best thing for our country. He has coalesced all the far right crazies into a dangerous force,a great threat to this nation. A good and honest leader that wants the best for our nation would not do this. A good and honest leader doesn't lie all the time. A good and honest leader doesn't take top secret papers and who knows what he's done with them. Remember this is the guy that praised Putin. Doesn't any of this make you wonder about the guy I mean come on get real here. He's a no-go for me. And it's personal he hurt my mother's cousins in New Jersey when he created the Atlantic City fiasco. If he had one the last election our nation would be totally bankrupt by this time already.
Oh by the way the failed committee's peace plan was the work of Jared kushner. But of course Trump took total credit for it. He does things like that most of the time, takes credit for things given or things that he never put in your hard work into.
What the fuck does Omeurta mean? I have asked repeatedly and you refuse to answer. Why is that? Are you sure you didn't make it up?
Omeurta means secrets to the death in some societies, chiefly criminal ones.

It's not that I refuse to answer. One of my very good friends is in the hospital fighting for his life. He has emphysema and caught pneumonia that caused him to cease breathing. I left here quickly when it was my turn to visit. I had to look up directions and drive 30 miles to the hospital facility he is at earlier. Also, I pray frequently for him and others, as my loving friends at church have prayed for me in times of illness.
I like Trump, but Trump, being re-elected in 2028 is impossible by reason of Constitutional Amendment XXII. Even if he could, he will be 86 years old by January 2033.
Trump had the election stolen from him. He deserves to have back what was wrongfully taken.

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