Trump should STAY AWAY from Virginia

Youngkin is NOT a Trump Pub. He is a moderate.
He's trying to [pretend to be that but he's anything BUT that.

He's right there with Trump on pandemic issues(vaccines, kids, name it) and right there with Abbott on abortion.

I hear Trump IS going to come to VA to campaign for him.

Good. People need to see him kiss Trump's fat orange ass
He is too polarizing and could energize the woke brainwashed sheep in NORTHERN VIRGINIA.

PLus, Terry McClinton was trying to tie YOUNGKIN to Trump.

Youngkin is NOT a Trump Pub. He is a moderate.

Youngkin can defeat mcAuliffe....he needs to repeat what McAuliffe said about parents having no say in their children's education.


It is on video.

Bringing in Trump would be like using a tank to kill a cockroach. More damage could be done and the roach may live.
unlike the dem on the ticket Youngkin doesnt need help from former or current POTUS to win .... the moderates and independents in Virginia have been stricken with buyers remorse in just 9 months of Biden rule ! McAliffe represents everything the radical left and the Biden admin stand for .... the coming election on tuesday is a forecast on the 22 and 24 elections . if the election is even close it is a bad sign for dems from a state that Biden won by 20 points .
Wingnuts: Trump is SO popular with Republicans, he'll only blow it by appealing to Republicans to vote for the Republican running in Virginia.

Certainly Biden and Obama campaigning for McAwful will assure him the win.

McAuliffe’s campaign has advertised the fact that Youngkin is Trump, endorsed by Trump, a wolf in Trump’s clothing, and ironically, that’s a double-edged sword because he’s motivating the GOP base

That base anger is also productively being directed at Joe Biden and Democrats on the ballot
Democrats, by contrast, have failed to excite their own base voters, especially in northern Virginia.
McAuliffe is leaning into partisanship, leaning into nationalization, a bet that Virginia is just too Democratic

Youngkin is saying, ‘No, it’s purple,’ and you do that by winning the suburbs with his campaign painting him as a non-scary Republican
Youngkin will take advantage of an electoral ennui brought on by Biden and congressional Democrats' inability to enact a slew of campaign priorities.
Youngkin has 80 percent enthusiasm with the GOP voters, his opponent is only at 65 with Dems

Trump probably will stay away --------------------------------

Though you can never tell, with Trump.

The main thing for me is that poll watchers (Republican) are thronging the election venues right now (mail-in voting), and I feel better because of that. This election corruption business is very worrying.
Trump should sta away but he's too deranged not to.
Yeah, that's the basic thing. Things were going well with Trump, however colorful he was, but Biden is a walking catastrophe. Like Carter, one of the worst presidents ever.
The orange babboon certainly was colorful with his makeup & orange/yellow hair.
Each night they dream of their orange neon God. He floats in, floats out .. and sometimes they dream that they had to change his diaper which means a WET dream! :)

This is how one proves he can't be taken seriously

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