Trump sides with Democrats on debt ceiling

It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
You do know that it is not just those 2 spoiled political millionaires saying that, right? Liberals completely oppose getting anything done on tax cuts / tax reform...

Trump will do whatever Pelosi and Schumer allow him to do. I suspect you will see higher taxes on the so-called rich and a garbage middle class tax cut.

If Republican leadership would pull their heads outta their asses, Trump wouldn't have to call on the Democrats to help get things done. I mean, what are Ryan and McConnell doing? Saying that they don't think they'll get Tax Cuts done, is officially the end for me.

They control the bleepin White House and Congress for God sake. I have no faith in their ability to lead. They need to go immediately. They're either sabotaging Trump, or they're just the most lazy and incompetent GOP leaders ever. Either way, they're out as far as i'm concerned.

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