Trump sides with Democrats on debt ceiling

Schumer and Pelosi are driving the bus. Trump is just a passenger.
If they want to drive the bus then maybe they should follow Obama's advice and 'Go out and win some elections'. :p

They are driving the bus. Trump caved in to them and gave them everything they wanted despite their minority status.

Sadly, the GOP is blowing a truly golden opportunity. It's flushing all of its numerous recent historic wins right down the toilet. The Party doesn't have credible competent leadership at this point. And Trump fully understands that. Now he's gonna see if the Democrats are willing to work to get things done. I can't blame the man. His Party is completely rudderless.

The party does have incompetent leadership however the problem is the incompetence is in the White House. It's easy to make a deal when it is a 1 way street. McConnell and Ryan got more money for border security, what did Trump get?

I recommend new Republican leadership, or else. The current leadership is a very sad embarrassment. I couldn't believe i actually read the other day that they "weren't sure" they could get Tax-Cuts done. I mean, WHAT?? If you can't even get Tax-Cuts done, what the hell good are ya? It's such a damn mess. I can't blame Trump for seeking alternatives.

You think the Democrat6s offer alternatives? The Democrat liberal alternatives are worse that doing noting especially NY liberal Schumer and California liberal Nancy Pelosi. It is made more difficult because Trump has no plan. He has had months to do this.

Are you kidding? Of course I want Trump to create fissures in the GOP and lose to a united Democratic party. The beauty of it is he's only shooting his party in the foot.
Therein lies the F*ed up problem with the Democrats - they continuously do everything for self and party, not country. Democrats are EAT UP with mega partisanship. It's ALL about the Liberal ideology and agenda - F* America - they can come along for the ride but, like Republicans, they are going to have to sit in the back of the DNC bus.


Schumer and Pelosi are driving the bus. Trump is just a passenger.
Schumer and Pelosi lol! Both them marxist clowns are too stupid to get a CDL. And you're too stupid to realize how stupid they are. In other words, liberals are morons.

You are STUPID!! Pelosi and Schumer played Trump like a fiddle. They know Trump's weakness and know how to take advantage of it.
For the good of the American people, President Donald 'Art of the Deal' Trump crossed the aisle, teaching the GOP how to get things done and teaching both parties how to engage in bi-partisanship in the process.

Art of the deal? Trump wins big for disaster aid, Pelosi-Schumer pact - Hot Air

"It didn’t take long for Congress to act on Donald Trump’s deal with Democratic leaders. After an 80-17 win in the Senate yesterday, the House passed it by more than a 3:1 margin."

Not long ago some USB snowflake was claiming Trump was not a good leader because he could not lead / get Congress to get anything done. Bwuhahahaha......


Giving the Democrats everything and getting nothing in return is easy. Any moron can do that. A good leader has a plan as a starting point. Reagan had a tax plan which could be used as a starting point. The only reason that Trump did it was because he wants the media to say good things about him. Ryan and McConnell got more money for border security from the Democrats. What did Trump get? All the vote shows is that Republicans are cowards.
It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
You do know that it is not just those 2 spoiled political millionaires saying that, right? Liberals completely oppose getting anything done on tax cuts / tax reform...

Trump will do whatever Pelosi and Schumer allow him to do. I suspect you will see higher taxes on the so-called rich and a garbage middle class tax cut.
This bitching about the debt ceiling is so ridiculous.

I saw a Republican talking about how a family can't just keep putting stuff on a credit card, and that it's time to stop doing that.


So I guess the question is, does he not know that, or is he being intellectually dishonest and just putting on a show for the base?
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Are you morons saying that Trump should have denied federal aid to Harvey's victims? Because that's how it sounds.
No. He should have demanded a clean bill. You know, like the Democrats are saying about DACA.

A CLEAN BILL that deals with Harvey ONLY.

But I'm not really surprised by this. It is one of the reasons I would never vote for Trump. He's already 65% left wing. We see that in a crisis, he'll go the other 35%.
the GOP hasn't backed him since day fking one.

Is that their job? To back the President? Who knew.
hmmm I thought if they asked him to be loyal that would be returned in like. Not sure I follow you. I was under the impression the GOP won the presidency. hmmm what country you in?
This doesn't make sense. The GOP is NOT synonymous with conservative and much of it is actually liberal. That is why I refer to them as 'the establishment'. Anyone who thought that Trump was going to govern from a conservative perspective, is just fooling themselves.
Is that their job? To back the President? Who knew.
For the previous 8 years, up until now the republicans job was to obstruct what the president wanted to do. How can you expect the party of obstruction to suddenly learn how to lead?

Democrats aren't even in charge, and they're taking the lead, and getting things done.
You're assuming I expected anything from them. I did, however; expect them to keep their 7 years of promises, even though I knew they wouldn't.
This bitching about the debt ceiling is so ridiculous.

I saw a Republican talking about how a family can't just keep putting stuff on a credit card, and that it's time to stop doing that.


So I guess the question is, does he not know that, or is he being intellectually dishonest and just putting on a show for the base?
No, you are looking at that the wrong way. Yes, the money is already spent. The debt ceiling is to borrow MORE money.

If we cannot pay the payments on the debt, then we need to cut spending elsewhere until we can make those payments.
You're assuming I expected anything from them. I did, however; expect them to keep their 7 years of promises, even though I knew they wouldn't.

You voted republican because you knew, but didn't care, they were do nothing liars.
The politics of low expectations, you'll never be disappointed, and keep voting for them
You're assuming I expected anything from them. I did, however; expect them to keep their 7 years of promises, even though I knew they wouldn't.

You voted republican because you knew, but didn't care, they were do nothing liars.
The politics of low expectations, you'll never be disappointed, and keep voting for them
I did not vote Republican for the Presidential race. I voted against My Republican Representative and instead, voted for the independent in the race.
I did not vote Republican for the Presidential race. I voted against My Republican Representative and instead, voted for the independent in the race.

So you were afraid of Trump too. Good think you don't waste your time trying to defend or even explain the actions of the great orange clown.

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