Trump signals support for legislation easing us ban on pot

Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .

There's been a patent on marijuana since 2003? :p

the lies are in front of your faces............. YES IT WAS LOOK IT UP.
How many a** holes does it take to say " BOOZE" was illegal oh wait but that's legal now ........
How many dumb asses does it take to NOT KNOW HISTORY ............ obviously the asses indoctrinated by the WAR ON DRUGS which worked so well we've never seen another drug to this day...........

The war on gun take down will work so well there won't ever be another murder.......

If more people knew history and the reasons behind the BS LAWQS today we might not have so many indoctrinated dumbasses who need the FEDS to tell them how to FUNCTION in daily life.,

Prohibition Repealed, But Not for Drugs

In the 1930s, the nation’s top anti-narcotics official took up the anti-marijuana cause.

Ironically, Harry J. Anslinger, a former assistant commissioner of the Prohibition Bureau who headed the U.S. Treasury Department’s Narcotics Bureau from 1930 to 1962, initially opposed federal legislation against marijuana because he foresaw it would be difficult for his agency to enforce.

However, Anslinger began to capitalize on fears about marijuana while pressing a public relations campaign to encourage the passage of uniform anti-narcotics legislation in all 48 states. He later lobbied in favor of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.

In Congressional testimony, Anslinger drew from what became known as his “gore file” of brutal murders and rapes allegedly committed by people high on pot. (That the marijuana was a causal factor for the crime was taken for granted.) “How many murders, suicides, robberies, criminal assaults, holdups, burglaries and deeds of maniacal insanity it causes each year can only be conjectured,” Anslinger wrote in a 1937 article in American Magazinetitle “Marijuana, Assassin of Youth.”

It was surely no coincidence that the scare movie Reefer Madness came a year earlier.

The 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, which regulated the drug by requiring dealers to pay a transfer tax, passed in the House after less than a half-hour of debate and received only cursory attention in the press. House members seem not to have known a great deal about the drug. In response to a question from another member, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) explained that marijuana was “a narcotic of some kind,” while another Representative John D. Dingle (D-Mich.) appeared to confuse it with locoweed, a different plant.

In hearings, the only witness to speak against the bill was a representative of the American Medical Association, who congressmen accused of obstructionism and misrepresenting the AMA’s views.

The Illegalization of Marijuana: A Brief History | Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective

So you don't have them" Imma bitch to the world "hangovers..
The big boys are starting to see way too much profit and cash flow with the legal and medical states...and the increased sales of Ding-Dongs to not want a piece of da action...

This is why you don't see it legal because BIG PHARMA knew if ppl realized the Medicinal benefits it has they would lose billions....... why do you think they want their grubby hands on it now....

“From the moment he took charge of the bureau, Harry was aware of the weakness of his new position. A war on narcotics alone — cocaine and heroin, outlawed in 1914 — wasn’t enough,” author Johann Hari wrote in his book, “Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs.” “They were used only by a tiny minority, and you couldn’t keep an entire department alive on such small crumbs. He needed more.”

Marijuana votes in five states could have national impact

Consequently, Anslinger made it his mission to rid the U.S. of all drugs — including cannabis. His influence played a major role in the introduction and passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, which outlawed possessing or selling pot.

Fueled by a handful of 1920s newspaper stories about crazed or violent episodes after marijuana use, Anslinger first claimed that the drug could cause psychosis and eventually insanity. In a radio address, he stated young people are “slaves to this narcotic, continuing addiction until they deteriorate mentally, become insane, turn to violent crime and murder.”

In particular, he latched on to the story of a young man named Victor Licata, who had hacked his family to death with an ax, supposedly while high on cannabis. It was discovered many years later, however, that Licata had a history of mental illness in his family, and there was no proof he ever used the drug.

The problem was, there was little scientific evidence that supported Anslinger’s claims. He contacted 30 scientists, according to Hari, and 29 told him cannabis was not a dangerous drug. But it was the theory of the single expert who agreed with him that he presented to the public — cannabis was an evil that should be banned — and the press ran with this sensationalized version.


The man behind the marijuana ban for all the wrong reasons
It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.
So if I take lots of this medicine... or at least take it regularly, I should be more full of vitality exuding a more 'chi' / chee, aura or something... lol My opinion is 'whatever floats your boat'... until we have an uptick in DUI's... Neighboring VT is legal as of next mo. & I'm probably going to garage my convertible and drive my truck more... ugh
To spend more money on gas to protect the oil industry?
Abso-f'n-lutely..., now that you bring it up, ... No apparently the OP doesn't know that I have an ironical / factitious streak... so shouldn't joke too much on his thread.... lol! I am actually worried about increased Cheech & Chongs on our roadways... hopefully it will be a non issue... booze is quite bad already in NH and VT by all accounts. (tell ya what 'Bart' I'll ride my bike more to offset my truck's diesel consumption) :)
The big boys are starting to see way too much profit and cash flow with the legal and medical states...and the increased sales of Ding-Dongs to not want a piece of da action...

Yeah, and now that those pos losers want to dip their fingers into now , they will taint it in ways that it never was before.

Why, so that more ppl will trust getting it from them , big pharma. So by making the little people who sell it in lets say dispensaries end up with bad crap, ppl won't trust them and will want the big pharma crap.

Loaded with pesticides and gawd knows what else the bastards will put in it.
The big boys are starting to see way too much profit and cash flow with the legal and medical states...and the increased sales of Ding-Dongs to not want a piece of da action...

Yeah, and now that those pos losers want to dip their fingers into now , they will taint it in ways that it never was before.

Why, so that more ppl will trust getting it from them , big pharma. So by making the little people who sell it in lets say dispensaries end up with bad crap, ppl won't trust them and will want the big pharma crap.

Loaded with pesticides and gawd knows what else the bastards will put in it.
Start the 'Grow Your Own' movement... I can see it now sort of... something to do with your moniker of Mind Wars... 'don't let the Fed's taint your high...'
The big boys are starting to see way too much profit and cash flow with the legal and medical states...and the increased sales of Ding-Dongs to not want a piece of da action...

Yeah, and now that those pos losers want to dip their fingers into now , they will taint it in ways that it never was before.

Why, so that more ppl will trust getting it from them , big pharma. So by making the little people who sell it in lets say dispensaries end up with bad crap, ppl won't trust them and will want the big pharma crap.

Loaded with pesticides and gawd knows what else the bastards will put in it.
Start the 'Grow Your Own' movement... I can see it now sort of... something to do with your moniker of Mind Wars... 'don't let the Fed's taint your high...'
No Fear.
The big boys are starting to see way too much profit and cash flow with the legal and medical states...and the increased sales of Ding-Dongs to not want a piece of da action...

Yeah, and now that those pos losers want to dip their fingers into now , they will taint it in ways that it never was before.

Why, so that more ppl will trust getting it from them , big pharma. So by making the little people who sell it in lets say dispensaries end up with bad crap, ppl won't trust them and will want the big pharma crap.

Loaded with pesticides and gawd knows what else the bastards will put in it.
This rebel has and will continue to have a green thumb.
It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.
So if I take lots of this medicine... or at least take it regularly, I should be more full of vitality exuding a more 'chi' / chee, aura or something... lol My opinion is 'whatever floats your boat'... until we have an uptick in DUI's... Neighboring VT is legal as of next mo. & I'm probably going to garage my convertible and drive my truck more... ugh
To spend more money on gas to protect the oil industry?
Abso-f'n-lutely..., now that you bring it up, ... No apparently the OP doesn't know that I have an ironical / factitious streak... so shouldn't joke too much on his thread.... lol! I am actually worried about increased Cheech & Chongs on our roadways... hopefully it will be a non issue... booze is quite bad already in NH and VT by all accounts. (tell ya what 'Bart' I'll ride my bike more to offset my truck's diesel consumption) :)
Killer, man..
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .

There's been a patent on marijuana since 2003? :p

the lies are in front of your faces............. YES IT WAS LOOK IT UP.

That is not a patent on marijuana. It is more specific than that. ;)
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .

There's been a patent on marijuana since 2003? :p

the lies are in front of your faces............. YES IT WAS LOOK IT UP.

That is not a patent on marijuana. It is more specific than that. ;)


What Patent No. 6,630,507 means to the marijuana industry


US6630507B1 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - Google Patents

Not that this does any good ............ to those who don't get the political crooks

Family: US (1)EP (1)JP (1)CA (1)DE (1)WO (1)
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .

There's been a patent on marijuana since 2003? :p

the lies are in front of your faces............. YES IT WAS LOOK IT UP.

That is not a patent on marijuana. It is more specific than that. ;)

View attachment 197459

What Patent No. 6,630,507 means to the marijuana industry

View attachment 197461

US6630507B1 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - Google Patents

Not that this does any good ............ to those who don't get the political crooks

Family: US (1)EP (1)JP (1)CA (1)DE (1)WO (1)

Just as I said: more specific than simply a patent on marijuana.
Don't hold your breath. Trump always goes with whatever the last person he talks to wants.

You are a fool....

Trump is a political genius.

Group by Group he is picking your Dumb Ass

liberal base apart…..

Admit it, he just keeps out smarting your dumb asses.

I am having so much FUN watching him make

Fools of all his detractors….

He is getting stronger and stronger every day and you

Can’t do a damn thing to stop it.

Life is sooo very very good.

He hasn't outsmarted anyone. He's a spoiled brat with more authority than he is mature enough to handle. His crap will come to an end, and the right will have to pick up the pieces of what he destroyed.
His crap will come to an end
how many times have i heard that over the last year.....yet he is still the Pres....
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.

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