Trump signals support for legislation easing us ban on pot

Addicts don't care they will pay less and buy from the reliable dealer they always used.

It's expensive in the shops, to be sure. And it's legal here for anyone to grow 6 plants at home. I personally can't imagine spending money on weed. That would be like an Eskimo buying ice.

Yet, consumer demand is increasing. Cowen Washington Research Group estimated that the legal California market will grow from $6 billion to $50 billion by 2026.
Of course. An addicted and impaired people is an easily controlled people. The addict will do anything for that drug. They will sell or kill their children for that drug. They become ....

This is what they become

Aren't you proud of yourself making money like this? I know I would be.
Addicts don't care they will pay less and buy from the reliable dealer they always used.

It's expensive in the shops, to be sure. And it's legal here for anyone to grow 6 plants at home. I personally can't imagine spending money on weed. That would be like an Eskimo buying ice.

Yet, consumer demand is increasing. Cowen Washington Research Group estimated that the legal California market will grow from $6 billion to $50 billion by 2026.
Of course. An addicted and impaired people is an easily controlled people. The addict will do anything for that drug. They will sell or kill their children for that drug. They become ....

This is what they become

Aren't you proud of yourself making money like this? I know I would be.

I am proud of myself when I get more than 2 pounds of A-grade buds per light testing out at 24% or higher THC content.
If you are going to dope out people do it right.

That's why dopers need to be shot on sight.
And just like that, the left are against legalization of pot.

They are pathetic, aren't they?
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
This is one issue I will agree with trump on! Time to take marryjo off the schedule one list!

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