Trump signals support for legislation easing us ban on pot

Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....
Addictive usually means physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is curtailed.
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive

You have to realize the FALSE information put out there to KEEP PPL BELIEVING this is 1. dangerous, 2, addictive, etc, etc it's all a scam and all a lie so they can keep control, make big money, and keep big pharma rich.
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....
Addictive usually means physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is curtailed.
yea for physical addiction
the word addictive means ...
(of a substance, thing, or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted to it.....relating to or susceptible to being or becoming addicted to something.....pot can be mentally addictive to many users,that "addiction" can be they just enjoy using it....and as long as those ones have things under control it doesnt seem to be a problem except for their bank accounts,but thats their business....
But wait, take that PRESCRIBED pill and you'll be addicted by the time the prescription ends....... as the commericals go on to say " please stop taking since the side effects can be " heart failure" liver failure" brain tumors or the best one " DEATH" lmfao are you fking kidding me....

side affects from pot " SLEEP" omfg the FEDS tell you this shit since the war on drugs and you've all been so indoctrinated to believe the LIES as truth you can't see why the lies were created . " IT WAS A MONEY MAKER" on many levels.

Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive

You have to realize the FALSE information put out there to KEEP PPL BELIEVING this is 1. dangerous, 2, addictive, etc, etc it's all a scam and all a lie so they can keep control, make big money, and keep big pharma rich.
i smoked for close to 30 years mind....your article is about physical that same section was this....
However, cannabis addiction can exist for some, and it can be used excessively. Smokers prone to anxiety, high levels of stress, and mental illness may find themselves dependent on pot, at least psychologically. Physical symptoms are rare but might include memory problems, trouble with concentration, anxiety, and distorted perception. Your genes also play a huge role in whether or not you can smoke a responsible amount and not get hooked. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), about 9% of weed users will become addicted. ...mentally.....
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....

I think I could agree with you though on the " possible" physically addictive. But I am on the fence about that one as well.

I know some of the studies in this article may be a little outdated but the studies were done none the less. I don't think this article is very bias because it seems to give evidence for both sides of the argument. I know it might seem that i am a weed enthusiast, I actually chose this topic out of complete randomness. With that being said, i dont think weed is a horrible drug if it is done in moderation. The drug itself is in no way addictive, to some people the " high" might be addictive, but if you read in this article you will see it is clearly not. Tell me what you guys think of the article. Please dont comment if your just gonna bash the drug and all users, be nice =).
Myth #1: Marijuana use has been scientifically proven to be really harmful.

    • Fact #1 In 1972, after reviewing the scientific evidence, the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse concluded that while marijuana is not entirely safe, its dangers had been grossly overstated.
  • Fact #2 In 1995, based on thirty years of scientific research, editors of the British journal Lancet (the British equivalent of New England Journal of Medicine) concluded that "the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health."

Myth #2: Marijuana has no medicinal value.

  • Fact #1 Marijuana has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy, stimulating appetite in AIDS patients, and reducing intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma.
Some Scientific facts about marijuana. - Science in Our World: Certainty & Controversy
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive

You have to realize the FALSE information put out there to KEEP PPL BELIEVING this is 1. dangerous, 2, addictive, etc, etc it's all a scam and all a lie so they can keep control, make big money, and keep big pharma rich.
i smoked for close to 30 years mind....your article is about physical that same section was this....
However, cannabis addiction can exist for some, and it can be used excessively. Smokers prone to anxiety, high levels of stress, and mental illness may find themselves dependent on pot, at least psychologically. Physical symptoms are rare but might include memory problems, trouble with concentration, anxiety, and distorted perception. Your genes also play a huge role in whether or not you can smoke a responsible amount and not get hooked. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), about 9% of weed users will become addicted. ...mentally.....

I can see that happening in some people.
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....
Addictive usually means physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is curtailed.
yea for physical addiction
the word addictive means ...
(of a substance, thing, or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted to it.....relating to or susceptible to being or becoming addicted to something.....pot can be mentally addictive to many users,that "addiction" can be they just enjoy using it....and as long as those ones have things under control it doesnt seem to be a problem except for their bank accounts,but thats their business....
Sure, I'm not going to argue piddly shit. But quitting pot will not cause physical withdrawal symptoms.
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

So can wearing a hat.
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive

You have to realize the FALSE information put out there to KEEP PPL BELIEVING this is 1. dangerous, 2, addictive, etc, etc it's all a scam and all a lie so they can keep control, make big money, and keep big pharma rich.
i smoked for close to 30 years mind....your article is about physical that same section was this....
However, cannabis addiction can exist for some, and it can be used excessively. Smokers prone to anxiety, high levels of stress, and mental illness may find themselves dependent on pot, at least psychologically. Physical symptoms are rare but might include memory problems, trouble with concentration, anxiety, and distorted perception. Your genes also play a huge role in whether or not you can smoke a responsible amount and not get hooked. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), about 9% of weed users will become addicted. ...mentally.....

I can see that happening in some people.
i know for a fact it has happened to a few....
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....
Addictive usually means physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is curtailed.
yea for physical addiction
the word addictive means ...
(of a substance, thing, or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted to it.....relating to or susceptible to being or becoming addicted to something.....pot can be mentally addictive to many users,that "addiction" can be they just enjoy using it....and as long as those ones have things under control it doesnt seem to be a problem except for their bank accounts,but thats their business....
Sure, I'm not going to argue piddly shit. But quitting pot will not cause physical withdrawal symptoms.
never said it would....
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

So can wearing a hat.
big difference billy....and if you have smoked pot for any length of time im sure you would agree....
Anything can be mentally addictive. There's no real point to saying something can be mentally addictive.
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....
Addictive usually means physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is curtailed.
yea for physical addiction
the word addictive means ...
(of a substance, thing, or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted to it.....relating to or susceptible to being or becoming addicted to something.....pot can be mentally addictive to many users,that "addiction" can be they just enjoy using it....and as long as those ones have things under control it doesnt seem to be a problem except for their bank accounts,but thats their business....
Sure, I'm not going to argue piddly shit. But quitting pot will not cause physical withdrawal symptoms.
never said it would....
I'm the one who said it wouldn't. That's all.

It's good to agree, no? :)
the word "addictive" has a maybe mindwars should have specified not physically addictive....
Addictive usually means physical withdrawal symptoms occur when use is curtailed.
yea for physical addiction
the word addictive means ...
(of a substance, thing, or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted to it.....relating to or susceptible to being or becoming addicted to something.....pot can be mentally addictive to many users,that "addiction" can be they just enjoy using it....and as long as those ones have things under control it doesnt seem to be a problem except for their bank accounts,but thats their business....
Sure, I'm not going to argue piddly shit. But quitting pot will not cause physical withdrawal symptoms.
never said it would....
I'm the one who said it wouldn't. That's all.

It's good to agree, no? :)
it is good......
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

So can wearing a hat.
big difference billy....and if you have smoked pot for any length of time im sure you would agree....

1966 to 1996. Haven't indulged since 1996. Better to avoid legal entanglements.

When I did, I controlled it the same as I do alcohol intake. A couple of hits after the work is done, okay.

Six or seven joints a day? You've got a problem, same as if you down a quart of bourbon every day.

If it becomes legal, I will again indulge. :113:
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

So can wearing a hat.
big difference billy....and if you have smoked pot for any length of time im sure you would agree....

1966 to 1996. Haven't indulged since 1996. Better to avoid legal entanglements.

When I did, I controlled it the same as I do alcohol intake. A couple of hits after the work is done, okay.

Six or seven joints a day? You've got a problem, same as if you down a quart of bourbon every day.

If it becomes legal, I will again indulge. :113:
i hear ya....its legal here and since i am retired and dont have to be anywhere unless i wanna be there....
Trump signals support for legislation easing US ban on pot
LOS ANGELES (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was inclined to support a bipartisan effort in Congress to ease the U.S. ban on marijuana, a proposal that would dramatically reshape the nation’s legal landscape for pot users and businesses.


Bout dam time this has been a scam ever since the war on drugs started. They used to to build fear, they used it to generate money, they used it to control you, they used it and lied to you and those of you who claim " addition" BULL F N S>>>>>T. Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.

It is medically proven to be medicinal and again the FEDS LIED TO YOU, as there's been a patent on it since 2003.

Research WHY IT even became illegal those who aren't to dam lazy to do it will be surprised at the bs lies they fell for .
Pot is not addictive it is medically proven.
pot can be mentally addictive.....that has been proven....

New Study Proves Marijuana Is Not Addictive

You have to realize the FALSE information put out there to KEEP PPL BELIEVING this is 1. dangerous, 2, addictive, etc, etc it's all a scam and all a lie so they can keep control, make big money, and keep big pharma rich.
Do you really think that greenrushdaily is reliable?
Don't hold your breath. Trump always goes with whatever the last person he talks to wants.

You are a fool....

Trump is a political genius.

Group by Group he is picking your Dumb Ass

liberal base apart…..

Admit it, he just keeps out smarting your dumb asses.

I am having so much FUN watching him make

Fools of all his detractors….

He is getting stronger and stronger every day and you

Can’t do a damn thing to stop it.

Life is sooo very very good.

He hasn't outsmarted anyone. He's a spoiled brat with more authority than he is mature enough to handle. His crap will come to an end, and the right will have to pick up the pieces of what he destroyed.
His crap will come to an end
how many times have i heard that over the last year.....yet he is still the Pres....

fFor now.
Don't hold your breath. Trump always goes with whatever the last person he talks to wants.

You are a fool....

Trump is a political genius.

Group by Group he is picking your Dumb Ass

liberal base apart…..

Admit it, he just keeps out smarting your dumb asses.

I am having so much FUN watching him make

Fools of all his detractors….

He is getting stronger and stronger every day and you

Can’t do a damn thing to stop it.

Life is sooo very very good.

He hasn't outsmarted anyone. He's a spoiled brat with more authority than he is mature enough to handle. His crap will come to an end, and the right will have to pick up the pieces of what he destroyed.
His crap will come to an end
how many times have i heard that over the last year.....yet he is still the Pres....

fFor now.

For the foreseeable future.

It's funny. For all the calls of idiocy and incompetence and madness coming from the Democrats and their media cohorts, Trump is essentially directing both domestic and global events, and succeeding at it. For all the complaints of allied and enemy governments accustomed to a former president who grabbed his ankles at their every behest, they are moving rapidly to cooperate.

The Democrats have nothing to run on. November will tell just how tired the American people are of the failures of the past, and the cultural nonsense the Left has foisted upon us.

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