Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

Trump supporters are so petty and pathetic that they are willing to support Russia when the political narrative suits them. Any other narrative sees them as the enemy. It’s the kind of childish hypocrisy that is part of the fabric of who they are. They don’t have actual principles. They are hollow, simple minded people.
coming from the party of abortion..ya, ok.
Enabling Putin to deal with a criminal state like the Ukraine that is abusing it ethnic minorities, stealing oil, and attempting to put nukes on the Russian border, is a good thing.
Just like the US did not accept nukes in Cuba, Russia should not accept the Ukraine joining NATO and getting nukes.
Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
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How were we supposed to leave 2,500 troops there when Trump made a deal to withdraw all of our troops?
It was simple. Probably why it was beyond the capability of the Biden administration.

President Trump was working with the Taliban. If they did "X", we would do "Y". If they did not do "X", we would not do "Y" until they did "X". That's why the withdrawal had been delayed several times. That system was working extremely well. Of that, there is no dispute.

President Biden and his handlers came in like bulls in a china shop. Within the first week or ten days, they trashed and destroyed everything that was working, just because Trump had hurt their feelings. Essentially by simply showing Democrats up by showing that a lot of things could be accomplished very easily.

Now Biden and his handlers, still have Americans in Afghanistan along with thousands of people who aided us for decades along with women who were now educated. Now the Taliban is going door to door collecting weapons and killing those who helped us. What a plan!

Now too, we have Americans trapped in Ukraine. Another great plan.
I will refresh the memories of all those that said Trump never tired to weaken NATO.

"President Donald Trump has long criticized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, frequently bellyaching that the international military partnership has been “very unfair” to the United States, and castigating American allies as deadbeats for, in his eyes, failing to pull their weight. However, it appears Trump’s attacks on NATO are more than bluster. Citing senior administration officials, The New York Times reported late Monday that at several points in 2018, Trump discussed withdrawing the U.S. from the international organization, a move that would effectively doom the 29-nation alliance and empower Russia, which has spent years seeking to weaken it."

The only reason Trump failed in his plans to abandon NATO was because there were GOP and Democratic congress members that rebuffed Trump.

If not for them, Trump would have sold our the NATO alliance to Putin in a heartbeat.

NATO should have been disbanded 30 years ago.
Lol, she was born a commie, she was raised a commie then daddy Putin married her off to be Putin's private Presidential puppet's wife and it worked out perfectly now the republican party supports Putin, shits on NATO, divided the country, wants to do away with schools, and believe pedophile vampire lizard people run the world. REALLY need to lay off the crack.
No, it's well documented. Sorry. Stop embarrassing yourself and move on to a different topic.
Well Documented? Again you just keep going---the russians did not help Trump, it is well documented that the Clintons corrupted DOJ lied, perjured, falsified evidence for political purposes. Trump didn't affect NATO other make them mooch less off the US--and yet you lie and claim that Trump somehow stopped Nato from being able to stop PUTIN?

Libs lie and manipulate over and over and over and over again...and then they try smears and double down on lies when snagged lying. Its crazy stupid...but I see people catching on...I don't even like the republicans but I am forced to support them over the far worse dems. Absolutely no morals from the entire group--NONE.
The agreement was to remove the troops. Trump removed all but 2,500. Biden removed the rest. So yeah, that was a part of the agreement Biden followed.
The entire world knows that it was perhaps the largest military clusterf*** in history.

Yet you are so hoodwinked that you still defend the action? WOW, JUST WOW!
Bullshit. The emails the Russia released caused a split between Hillary Democrats and Bernie Democrats. It's not believable the animosity that caused did not cost Hillary votes.
Link please. That's a new claim for me. What emails?? You seriously believe ANY democrat would not vote for Hillary when Trump is running?? I call bullshit.
The entire world knows that it was perhaps the largest military clusterf*** in history.

Yet you are so hoodwinked that you still defend the action? WOW, JUST WOW!

What does your addled brain tell you I'm defending? I've said for some time now that Biden fucked up the withdrawal.

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