Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.

US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks and fake news stories planted on social media.
At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.

US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks and fake news stories planted on social media.
still not what you claimed. well, we're waiting.
At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.

US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks and fake news stories planted on social media.
Trump has alternate facts for that.
Hey dumbshit...

Our intel people have stated that Russia hacked the 2016 election.

Putin says they didn't

Trump believes Putin
I see nothing that shows that....but either way, that has nothing to do with NATO, and topic of the thread

It was Trump that got NATO stronger, it was Germany and Xiden that weakened it.

Stay on topic, I get deflection from the truth, and the consquences of your Dear Leader Joey Xiden's policies are hard to swallow....but they are real
There is tons of evidence for that, turd.

Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

It's encouraging for the nation to see Trump toadies finally weening themselves off the Cry Baby Loser, and getting behind the President as he leaded an international response to Putin's savagery.
Then you have your eyes closed...deliberately

It was YOUR deflection...debunked
I just looked at your link, and quoted it for you.

What am I deflecting? This thread is about NATO....and I provided the facts, Trump got NATO countries to spend MORE money for their defense, which strengthened's your leaders, and the CURRENT President that undid his sanctions against's your Dear Leader that's in office when Putin invaded.
Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

Poor pitiful democrats. Lame propaganda.
Trump got NATO countries to spend MORE money for their defense
I have seen nothing that shows that to be true. You on the other hand have shown yourself to be a liar.

yes...since the invasion NATO countries have been beefing up their defense.

Show us a link that shows Trump's attacks from two years ago caused them to increase the rate of defense spending.
If Putin helped Trump it was because he hated Hillary, not because he loved Trump.
Putin conspired to help Trump and hurt Clinton because he had a clear preference, and knew which would better serve Russia's agenda.

The Cry Baby Loser continually crapping on NATO must have assured Putin he had made the right choice.

Trump's "savvy genius" had underestimated the U.S.-led international coalition of democracies now opposing him, obviously.
Grasping at bullshit democrat straws?
In 2016 no US voter gave a fuck what "Guccifer 2.0" posted. You and Hillary still looking for excuses? Try the truth, "In 2016 US voters preferred Trump to Hillary, she is more unpopular even today".

Matters not if they cared about Guccifer, they cared about the email dumps. The leaked emails split the Democratic party to where many Bernie voters felt disenfranchised by their own party and refused to vote for Hillary where they otherwise would have.

And no, the 2016 voters did not prefer Trump over Hillary. The electoral college did. More of the 2016 voters voted for Hillary than for Trump.
Putin conspired to help Trump and hurt Clinton because he had a clear preference, and knew which would better serve Russia's agenda.

The Cry Baby Loser continually crapping on NATO must have assured Putin he had made the right choice.

Trump's "savvy genius" had underestimated the U.S.-led international coalition of democracies now opposing him, obviously.
Had Germany split from NATO almost nothing sanction wise would have happened and Germany would still be sending them money for oil. Remember Trump's treatment of Merkel? It appears from outside Trump intentionally caused harm to the alliance.
Matters not if they cared about Guccifer, they cared about the email dumps. The leaked emails split the Democratic party to where many Bernie voters felt disenfranchised by their own party and refused to vote for Hillary where they otherwise would have.

And no, the 2016 voters did not prefer Trump over Hillary. The electoral college did. More of the 2016 voters voted for Hillary than for Trump.
Exactly. Few people knew or cared that Guccifer 2 was Russian GRU...they only "cared" about what the weaponized e-mails stolen by Russian GRU (military intel) said
Matters not if they cared about Guccifer, they cared about the email dumps. The leaked emails split the Democratic party to where many Bernie voters felt disenfranchised by their own party and refused to vote for Hillary where they otherwise would have.

And no, the 2016 voters did not prefer Trump over Hillary. The electoral college did. More of the 2016 voters voted for Hillary than for Trump.
The Electoral College is a representative function of the democratic process. The popular vote is just that...a popularity contest. In a representative democracy elections aren't "winner take all".
I have seen nothing that shows that to be true. You on the other hand have shown yourself to be a liar.

yes...since the invasion NATO countries have been beefing up their defense.

Show us a link that shows Trump's attacks from two years ago caused them to increase the rate of defense spending.
i’m maybe you should check their burgers

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