Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

I slready showed you in the links I gave. Not my problem you dysfunctional brain can't absorb what your read.
Your links are a joke. You can’t show a single vote that was changed, Clown.
the dembots are truly showing their cult status…trump weakened nato by getting nato countries to pay their agreed share! wow they actually paid more for their defense and it somehow weakened them! hahah dembots are funny
The head of NATO said Trump made it stronger.
At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.

US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton, with a state-authorised campaign of cyber attacks and fake news stories planted on social media.
No link. Hilarious.
Your links are a joke. You can’t show a single vote that was changed, Clown.
yep, crusaderfrank had the post of the forum for Putin's lazer that changed votes. Hilarious. Still waiting on a demofk to out do him.
exactly Ukraine is not a NATO partner. Still raises the question, why no one from NATO is stopping Putin?

What is clear however, is NATO does not care for human life. Must be why they don't divvy up their money to care for nations in trouble.
NATO is helping.
Your links are a joke. You can’t show a single vote that was changed, Clown.

I showed you Bernie supporters felt burned due to the revelations in the leaked emails and that many wouldn't vote for Hillary. You've been baying at the moon ever since.
Hillary would have let that dog lie (if she was even aware of it) in order to ingratiate herself with the EU and the NATO pact. As a result they would have been less prepared for this crisis.
I was unaware that Clinton had appointed you her spokesperson. It is as easy to say, "Clinton's understanding of the importance of international alliances would have insured that Trump's 'savvy genius' would not have miscalculated so abysmally and invaded Ukraine.

Trump has a long history of denigrating NATO. As president, he discussed removing the U.S. from the alliance, but has now falsely claimed credit for its existence. He’s also braying that he had supplied Ukraine with weapons, despite having withheld vital military assistance unless it contrived fake criminal charges to smear Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election.

The record is far to well documented to swallow the current self-serving lies - except for the weird worshipers of one dude, of course.

What's wrong with supporting Putin over democrats and our own president and wishing he was our president instead? My republican friends honestly want to know.
Link to them saying the election was hacked?

You really are as dumb as dirt, Dumbfuck. How do you not know this...?

Mueller Report

Beginning in March 2016, units of the Russian Federation’s Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) hacked the computers and email accounts of organizations, employees, and volunteers supporting the Clinton Campaign, including the email account of campaign chairman John Podesta. Starting in April 2016, the GRU hacked into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Matters not if they cared about Guccifer, they cared about the email dumps. The leaked emails split the Democratic party to where many Bernie voters felt disenfranchised by their own party and refused to vote for Hillary where they otherwise would have.
And no, the 2016 voters did not prefer Trump over Hillary. The electoral college did. More of the 2016 voters voted for Hillary than for Trump.
In 2016 we had the "Never-Trumpers" splitting part of the Republican party too.
Inter-party squabbles need to end on election day.
I still have a hard time seeing democrat women not voting for Hillary.

Anyway, that's ancient history, 2022 and 2024 are what's important.
There is no popular vote for president, only the EC votes matter.
That's like me saying, just look at the land area we had in 2020, Biden lost.
I was unaware that Clinton had appointed you her spokesperson. It is as easy to say, "Clinton's understanding of the importance of international alliances would have insured that Trump's 'savvy genius' would not have miscalculated so abysmally and invaded Ukraine.

Trump has a long history of denigrating NATO. As president, he discussed removing the U.S. from the alliance, but has now falsely claimed credit for its existence. He’s also braying that he had supplied Ukraine with weapons, despite having withheld vital military assistance unless it contrived fake criminal charges to smear Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election.

The record is far to well documented to swallow the current self-serving lies - except for the weird worshipers of one dude, of course.

You should read "The Art of the Deal".
You should read "The Art of the Deal".
I shall immediately add it to my "must read" list, right after Pedro Carolino's eminently erudite O novo guia da conversação, em portuguez e inglez.

The association of "Trump" and "book" is a fanciful one, indeed.

The author, Tony Schwartz, has admitted that he regrets writing it.
Link to them saying the election was hacked?
In a January 2017 assessment, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the F.B.I. and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence concluded that Russia interfered in the election. Officials across the intelligence community have affirmed the findings in the report, while Mr. Trump has questioned them.
What's wrong with supporting Putin over democrats and our own president and wishing he was our president instead? My republican friends honestly want to know.
The question answers itself
In a January 2017 assessment, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the F.B.I. and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence concluded that Russia interfered in the election. Officials across the intelligence community have affirmed the findings in the report, while Mr. Trump has questioned them.
interfered how?

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