Trump signs exec order to limit immigration from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan & Libya

"We want to ensure that we're not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas." Amen. About time.
91% or refugees on welfare
58% want criticism of Allah banned
38% agree with ISIS
51% want Sharia
25% agree with attacking us
It is crazy. On TV all kind of Middle East turds are butthurt right now! Get these pieces of shit the fuck out of my country!
here's 1 of the butthurt folks:

MORE HYPOCRISY: Obama Banned all Iraqi Refugees for 6 Months in 2011 - Liberals SAID NOTHING!
Trump's looking out for Americans. And we haven't seen that from an American President in a long time. So long, that many are actually shocked he's doing this stuff. They've become so accustomed to their leaders screwing them.

My only problem with this is that he's calling for 'Limiting' the Immigration. I prefer he temporarily halt 'all' Immigration from known Terror-Haven nations. Only 'Limiting' it, scares me. I think he needs to go a step further. But hey, at least he's doing something. I'm actually shocked this wasn't done a long time ago.
Neocons: Let's overthrow Assad
Us: That's insane
liberals: Oops, war, bring everyone here
Us: That's insane
And, Trump has alienated the only friend we have had in Iraq since the Shah. Iran has already retaliated, and banned US citizens. Too bad about that oil industry that we went to war over. It isn't going to ship over here.

Still, you have to hand it to Trump. He has accomplished in just 2 weeks the main objective of ISIS for the last 20 years, which is that no American citizen remain in Muslim territories. Today, Iran! Tomorrow the Entire Middle East!
So much goodwill for Trump to destroy. So little time. But, have no fear. If he gets 8 years without giving himself a stroke during a temper tantrum, we will be as liked and respected by the nations of the world, as N. Korea is today....

we have to be tough. we have to be strong. we have to be kind. but we have to be smart, so we have to put america first.

Tell me liberals: How and why is a restriction on immigration going to cause terror from people that have "nothing to do with terrorism"
And, Trump has alienated the only friend we have had in Iraq since the Shah. Iran has already retaliated, and banned US citizens. Too bad about that oil industry that we went to war over. It isn't going to ship over here.

Still, you have to hand it to Trump. He has accomplished in just 2 weeks the main objective of ISIS for the last 20 years, which is that no American citizen remain in Muslim territories. Today, Iran! Tomorrow the Entire Middle East!

Iran & its leaders scream"Death to America", hang gays, stone women/transgenders. Why would anyone want to go to Iran?
there's some famous iranian director who won't be able to attend the oscars due to trump's ban.

...just wanted to make libs mad! :p
NBA has two players from the banned countries. Both Thon Maker and Luol Deng from South Sudan.

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