Trump silent on Navalny murder by Putin

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

He did state that Putin could do "what the hell he wanted" is this part of that deal ? It seems strange that he cannot find time to comment on the murder.

Leaders around the world have spoken. Trump is just selling footwear.

He did state that Putin could do "what the hell he wanted" is this part of that deal ? It seems strange that he cannot find time to comment on the murder.

Leaders around the world have spoken. Trump is just selling footwear.

Trump is selling state secrets to our enemy.

He did state that Putin could do "what the hell he wanted" is this part of that deal ? It seems strange that he cannot find time to comment on the murder.

Leaders around the world have spoken. Trump is just selling footwear.
Trump was also quiet on Obama's murder of his gay lover who cooked for him in the White House. Trump doesn't always comment on everything.

He did state that Putin could do "what the hell he wanted" is this part of that deal ? It seems strange that he cannot find time to comment on the murder.

Leaders around the world have spoken. Trump is just selling footwear.
Has Biden spoken out about the American journalist killed in a Ukrainian jail?

He did state that Putin could do "what the hell he wanted" is this part of that deal ? It seems strange that he cannot find time to comment on the murder.

Leaders around the world have spoken. Trump is just selling footwear.
Putin doesn't have to say anything or defend himself in any way.

The world knows what he is already, and now he has an American political party, its top "media" stars giving him softball interviews and its orange leader spinning for him.
Look for who's interested and who's capable. Connect the points:

  • The American government by proxy kiIIed Navalny (Putin could have ended Navalny in 2011, why now? Does this profit Russia)
  • His wife coincidentally in Munich prepared for a speech where tens of western leaders are gather.
  • The media pushes out the story 13min after the first unofficial statement, not waiting for confirmation.
  • Weirdly every western leader comments on it immediately(still not officially confirmed).
Who plotted Kennedy's assassination?
US: *can't tell

Who kiIIed Epstein?
US: *can't tell

Who took out Shirin Abu Akle?
US: *silence

Who kiIIed Gonzalo Lira?
US: *silence

Who kiIIed Alexei Navalny?
US: "Putin, it's Putin the dictator! We have to help Ukraine!"

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He did state that Putin could do "what the hell he wanted" is this part of that deal ? It seems strange that he cannot find time to comment on the murder.

Leaders around the world have spoken. Trump is just selling footwear.

Waiting until the facts come in is the prudent way of doing things.

He did state that Putin could do "what the hell he wanted" is this part of that deal ? It seems strange that he cannot find time to comment on the murder.

Leaders around the world have spoken. Trump is just selling footwear.
Of course he isn't calling Putin out, this is a power he wants for himself.
Don't worry about the elected officials.... they're a bunch of dumbfucks.... what does one of the 332 million US citizens think?

It's telling that they have that slack-jawed, drooling, 1000-yard fucktard stare at one of our citizens for guidance. What more proof do we need that the current regime is illegitimate.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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