Trump - Sinking Like a Stone

You got another presidential approval poll that you think fits?
Did you read the article at thee link? It's not a poll. It's actually talking to the people that support him in the bell weather county of America. Kind of like if the news and pollsters would have done before the election they wouldn't have looked so dumb by giving hildabeast a 95% chance of winning.

Speaking to people that support him? Do you seriously not see a SLIGHT BIAS in that sample :rolleyes: LOL

And polls do speak to people, this particular poll asks a 1000 of them if they think Trump is doing a good job as a president. 55% say NO. 40% say Yes.
Uhh, yes. Actually going to the places that supported him to see if he's losing support is a pretty good idea. Interviewing a thousand anti-Trump idiots in New York doesn't cut it.

It's the same mistake you made leading up to the election. You go out on Time Square to interview people about who they like and it doesn't represent what the average person is thinking.

You're hoping he's losing support but what is there for him to lose that support over? Keeping terrorists out of the US, yep I voted for that. Deporting illegals. yep voted for that too. Building a wall, yep supported. Keeping jobs here, yes voted for that. Telling the left to fuck off, yes absolutely voted for that. Lefties burning up shit and breaking things in violent fits of temper, didn't vote for that but it's sure a nice side effect. You were in a huff before the election about this crap. So why would anyone that voted for him care about your hysteria over the exact same crap now? We get it, you're all just a bit emotional now and are having trouble containing yourselves. No that does't mean we care or have changed our minds.

Lol, you are firmly residing in a fantasy land. Samples are random Americans, and yes, New Yorkers are Americans last I checked.

But don't worry about it. Trump is a very popular president, just like he said he will be.

Yes, I live in that giant red part of fantasy land.

Thanks for the invaluable clarification.
Trump isn't trying to win a popularity contest. He is faced with tough issues that the last president avoided.
He is actually doing what he promised, I couldn't be happier. When the results start coming in on the economy and jobs,
the numbers will change. It's been less than a month since he took office.
As I pointed out all during the campaign, all Trump's Chumps ever cared about was Mexicans and Muslims. That's it.

And that's all Trump has done since taking office. Feeding your Mexican and Muslim crave.

He has done nothing else.

Here are two things you need to watch: The cost of health care, and the size of the national debt.

Trump hasn't done shit about either. And those are all that count.
Did you read the article at thee link? It's not a poll. It's actually talking to the people that support him in the bell weather county of America. Kind of like if the news and pollsters would have done before the election they wouldn't have looked so dumb by giving hildabeast a 95% chance of winning.

Speaking to people that support him? Do you seriously not see a SLIGHT BIAS in that sample :rolleyes: LOL

And polls do speak to people, this particular poll asks a 1000 of them if they think Trump is doing a good job as a president. 55% say NO. 40% say Yes.
Uhh, yes. Actually going to the places that supported him to see if he's losing support is a pretty good idea. Interviewing a thousand anti-Trump idiots in New York doesn't cut it.

It's the same mistake you made leading up to the election. You go out on Time Square to interview people about who they like and it doesn't represent what the average person is thinking.

You're hoping he's losing support but what is there for him to lose that support over? Keeping terrorists out of the US, yep I voted for that. Deporting illegals. yep voted for that too. Building a wall, yep supported. Keeping jobs here, yes voted for that. Telling the left to fuck off, yes absolutely voted for that. Lefties burning up shit and breaking things in violent fits of temper, didn't vote for that but it's sure a nice side effect. You were in a huff before the election about this crap. So why would anyone that voted for him care about your hysteria over the exact same crap now? We get it, you're all just a bit emotional now and are having trouble containing yourselves. No that does't mean we care or have changed our minds.

Lol, you are firmly residing in a fantasy land. Samples are random Americans, and yes, New Yorkers are Americans last I checked.

But don't worry about it. Trump is a very popular president, just like he said he will be.

Yes, I live in that giant red part of fantasy land.

Thanks for the invaluable clarification.
Anytime you need some help I'm here for ya.
Trump isn't trying to win a popularity contest. He is faced with tough issues that the last president avoided.
He is actually doing what he promised, I couldn't be happier. When the results start coming in on the economy and jobs,
the numbers will change. It's been less than a month since he took office.
As I pointed out all during the campaign, all Trump's Chumps ever cared about was Mexicans and Muslims. That's it.

And that's all Trump has done since taking office. Feeding your Mexican and Muslim crave.

He has done nothing else.

Here are two things you need to watch: The cost of health care, and the size of the national debt.

Trump hasn't done shit about either. And those are all that count.
So the two things obie created and doubled over eight years should now be used to gauge how well Trump has done in a month.
In October of 2011, Obama had approval ratings UNDER 38%.

Based on snowflake logic, Obama's was a MASSIVELY FAILED PRESIDENCY!

Right, snowflakes? Based on the criteria you are using for Trump's approval ratings, Obama should have resigned in October of 2011.

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
From what website/source are you getting that graph?

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
The same Polls that gave Hillary Clinton a 90% chance to be President. LOL.

Tell me, how does it feel to hold on to your Butt Hurt so long after the Election?

More people trust Trump than they trust where you get your news from.

And that's a fact.
Fact: all polls during the election never gave Hillary a 90% chance of winning, not a matter of fact, it showed time and time again, Trump closing in on Hillary with numbers so close, with not more than a 3 point lead. Anyone with a working brain cell, would never believe a pussy grabbing, wanna fuck his own daughter, outsourcing jobs racist would win...but then again, Hitler got votes too....nuff said
From what website/source are you getting that graph?

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
The same Polls that gave Hillary Clinton a 90% chance to be President. LOL.

Tell me, how does it feel to hold on to your Butt Hurt so long after the Election?

More people trust Trump than they trust where you get your news from.

And that's a fact.
Fact: all polls during the election never gave Hillary a 90% chance of winning, not a matter of fact, it showed time and time again, Trump closing in on Hillary with numbers so close, with not more than a 3 point lead. Anyone with a working brain cell, would never believe a pussy grabbing, wanna fuck his own daughter, outsourcing jobs racist would win...but then again, Hitler got votes too....nuff said
Oh man were we way off. You have my greatest heartfelt apology. It was only 89%.

Clinton vs. Trump: Election Odds for Nov. 7

How Forecasts Compare
NYT Upshot: Clinton 84%, Trump 16%
FiveThirtyEight: Clinton 66.9%, Trump 33% (Polls-Only)
PredictWise: Clinton 89%, Trump 11%
Daily Kos: Clinton 87%, Trump 13%

BTW- Very first fricken link in a google search.
Trump isn't trying to win a popularity contest. He is faced with tough issues that the last president avoided.
He is actually doing what he promised, I couldn't be happier. When the results start coming in on the economy and jobs,
the numbers will change. It's been less than a month since he took office.
As I pointed out all during the campaign, all Trump's Chumps ever cared about was Mexicans and Muslims. That's it.

And that's all Trump has done since taking office. Feeding your Mexican and Muslim crave.

He has done nothing else.

Here are two things you need to watch: The cost of health care, and the size of the national debt.

Trump hasn't done shit about either. And those are all that count.
Trump is still trying to get his cabinet picks through the process being held up by the left.
He's only been in office for 4 weeks.....come on now, get real.
His pick for the Supreme court is an outstanding choice, one that actually believes
in the Constitution.
His ideas for business tax reform and individual tax cuts seems like a winner.
Both, small and big business will have some positive benefits. At least the stock market
is factoring it in. Like I said, he's been in for 4 weeks.
The cost of healthcare started the day obamacare was passed and is now in a death spiral
Trump was handed a boondoggle with that one so......
I know you are all butt hurt about our border, but.....I could care less what you think about it
It is part of the job of our governments job to protect the border and who comes into this country.

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