Trump - Sinking Like a Stone

Trump's followers feel STUPID for voting for him.

They are turning on him because he has betrayed them and they feel dumb for getting tricked by a common huckster
Have you got anything else? You pop in, jerk off then leave.
I think my comment had merit. It's not true however, because apparently you're too stupid to realize how stupid you are.
It had no merit and you keep repeating the same idiotic thing. Trump is doing what he ran on, why would a supporter abandon him for that? All you libs know how to do is lie.
Curious is it not? How Progressives, unlike most of America, consider success a BAD THING. Who really want to follow the losers known as Progressives?

JFK, FDR. Success doesn't mean you're above the law.
The raw poll were right. Hillary by 3 million votes. What was in error was how to weight the voting (electoral college) power of each voter.

That was not within the scope of what polls do. That is where the Trumptards are lying.

Besides, there is no electoral college involved in approval polls. They are 'popular vote' polls, in effect.

Even in the popular vote, as told by the election, each vote has to be weighed against its electoral college power to get a determination of how the poll would reflect an election. Trump could have 0% approval in NY and CA, and it wouldn't effect his electability.

So the polls haven't caught up to reflecting election chances.

This is ALL about the Trump supporters inventing a crutch to lean on when they deny polls they don't like.
It's nothing new btw, the Right has been a hotbed of poll denialism long before this past election.

It's a conservative thing.
More rectal facts from Rye. The polls were wrong all along, that's the fact. How you feel about it is a matter of your own opinion.

So you're taking the position that President Obama's approval never really fell below 50%,

despite what the polls might have said.

Very, very interesting.
It's interesting to you but since I said nothing about Obama in particular you created your own conversation.
LOL, libtards are still trying to use polls after they have been proven wrong.

Here's an example of how widely these polls vary. From the latest polls and average at Real Clear Politics

Polling Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Date . . Sample . . Approve . . Disapprove . . Spread
RCP Average . . . . .1/27 - 2/12 . . -- . . . . . . . 44.3 . . . . . . 49.9 . . . . . . -5.6
Rasmussen Reports 2/8 - 2/12 . 1500 LV . . . 52 . . . . . . .. .48. . . . . . . . .4
Gallup . . . . . . . . . . . .2/9 - 2/11 . 1500 A . . . .40 . . . . . . . . 55 . . . . . . . .-15

In the Sample column are the number sampled. LV stands for Likely Voter, A stands for Adult

LV is a much more reliable and more difficult to sample. A means they reached anyone over 18, not as reliable.

This is why Vlad_hombre petitioned so hard to get me banned from a tiny, far left Progressive forum from Pensacola Florida. I would always point out the lies in the progressives posts. They now seldom have more than 10-12 posters at any one time. Actually, there is usually one poster and 8-10 "visitors" who are just looking at the threads.

Keep up the good work Vlad!

Bullshit - clearly Adult sample is most appropriate one to measure public opinion. It is also most reliable exactly BECAUSE it is much simpler to sample.
Trump is doing what he ran on, why would a supporter abandon him for that? All you libs know how to do is lie.

Actually Trump isn't doing what he ran on. He isn't draining the swamp, he isn't getting Mexico to pay for the wall, he didn't do the 34 things he promised to do "on day one" . That's why we're asking, how long before the Trump voters realize he's not able to deliver even a small fraction of the things he ran on.

Ouch ...
Here's an example of how widely these polls vary. From the latest polls and average at Real Clear Politics
Rasmussen Reports 2/8 - 2/12 . 1500 LV . . . 52 . . . . . . .. .48. . . . . . . . .4
Keep up the good work Vlad!

Rasmussen is a historical right leaning poll. They add 5 points in the republicans favor.

Rasmussen had Mitt Romney over Obama in 2012 and McCain over Obama in 2008

Great track record.
Searching the internet for a poll that fits

You got another presidential approval poll that you think fits?
Did you read the article at thee link? It's not a poll. It's actually talking to the people that support him in the bell weather county of America. Kind of like if the news and pollsters would have done before the election they wouldn't have looked so dumb by giving hildabeast a 95% chance of winning.
Trump's followers feel STUPID for voting for him.

They are turning on him because he has betrayed them and they feel dumb for getting tricked by a common huckster
Have you got anything else? You pop in, jerk off then leave.
I think my comment had merit. It's not true however, because apparently you're too stupid to realize how stupid you are.
It had no merit and you keep repeating the same idiotic thing. Trump is doing what he ran on, why would a supporter abandon him for that? All you libs know how to do is lie.
He's doing some of what he ran on except for his cabinet picks who are mostly billionaire swamp creatures, his ridiculous wall that will never get built and he's keeping Obamacare and the Iran agreement among other things. This is why Trump supporters are abandoning him in droves. They feel cheated but they aren't admiting it in public.

PS - Linux is a liberal operating system developed by liberals based on a liberal philosophy associated with the GNU. Iceweasel is OK but SeaMonkey is much better

Free software, freedom-respecting software, or software libre[1][2] is computer software distributed under terms that allow the software users to run the software for any purpose as well as to study, change, and distribute the software and any adapted versions.[3][4][5][6][7] Free software is a matter of liberty, not price: users, individually or collectively, are free to do what they want with it, including the freedom to redistribute the software free of charge, or to sell it, or charge for related services such as support or warranty for profit.[8]
Trump's followers feel STUPID for voting for him.

They are turning on him because he has betrayed them and they feel dumb for getting tricked by a common huckster
Have you got anything else? You pop in, jerk off then leave.
I think my comment had merit. It's not true however, because apparently you're too stupid to realize how stupid you are.
It had no merit and you keep repeating the same idiotic thing. Trump is doing what he ran on, why would a supporter abandon him for that? All you libs know how to do is lie.
He's doing some of what he ran on except for his cabinet picks who are mostly billionaire swamp creatures, his ridiculous wall that will never get built and he's keeping Obamacare and the Iran agreement among other things. This is why Trump supporters are abandoning him in droves. They feel cheated but they aren't admiting it in public.

PS - Linux is a liberal operating system developed by liberals based on a liberal philosophy associated with the GNU. Iceweasel is OK but SeaMonkey is much better
I'm using Firefox since I switched away from Debian back to Mint. Linux is a liberal idea? Linus actually sounds pretty conservative to me in the interviews.

The corporate heads are not the swamp creatures, they are people that know their respective fields, not government lackeys looking to enrichen themselves.
Here's an example of how widely these polls vary. From the latest polls and average at Real Clear Politics
Rasmussen Reports 2/8 - 2/12 . 1500 LV . . . 52 . . . . . . .. .48. . . . . . . . .4
Keep up the good work Vlad!

Rasmussen is a historical right leaning poll. They add 5 points in the republicans favor.

Rasmussen had Mitt Romney over Obama in 2012 and McCain over Obama in 2008
LIE, please point out where there is any mention, whatsoever, of a president owning property. George Washington, perhaps you know the name, was one of the richest men in America when he became the first president. You know, just like President Donald Trump.

Curious is it not? How Progressives, unlike most of America, consider success a BAD THING. Who really want to follow the losers known as Progressives?

There is nothing wrong with the president owning property, or making money from his property, as long as it's in the USA. The founding fathers wanted to make sure the president wasn't influenced by foreign powers, so they forbid the president from taking any emoluments from foreigners. It's in the constitution, and lawsuits have already been filed that you'll be reading about as they work their way up to the supreme court.

Interesting interpretation. Is that from the DailyKOS or The Nation?

As you know, he has relinquished his ownership of his properties to his kids.

Once again, why do you prefer being led by people who have accomplished...nothing?
Searching the internet for a poll that fits

You got another presidential approval poll that you think fits?
Did you read the article at thee link? It's not a poll. It's actually talking to the people that support him in the bell weather county of America. Kind of like if the news and pollsters would have done before the election they wouldn't have looked so dumb by giving hildabeast a 95% chance of winning.

Speaking to people that support him? Do you seriously not see a SLIGHT BIAS in that sample :rolleyes: LOL

And polls do speak to people, this particular poll asks a 1000 of them if they think Trump is doing a good job as a president. 55% say NO. 40% say Yes.
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Searching the internet for a poll that fits

You got another presidential approval poll that you think fits?
Did you read the article at thee link? It's not a poll. It's actually talking to the people that support him in the bell weather county of America. Kind of like if the news and pollsters would have done before the election they wouldn't have looked so dumb by giving hildabeast a 95% chance of winning.

Speaking to people that support him? Do you seriously not see a SLIGHT BIAS in that sample :rolleyes: LOL

And polls do speak to people, this particular poll asks a 1000 of them if they think Trump is doing a good job as a president. 55% say NO. 40% say Yes.
Uhh, yes. Actually going to the places that supported him to see if he's losing support is a pretty good idea. Interviewing a thousand anti-Trump idiots in New York doesn't cut it.

It's the same mistake you made leading up to the election. You go out on Time Square to interview people about who they like and it doesn't represent what the average person is thinking.

You're hoping he's losing support but what is there for him to lose that support over? Keeping terrorists out of the US, yep I voted for that. Deporting illegals. yep voted for that too. Building a wall, yep supported. Keeping jobs here, yes voted for that. Telling the left to fuck off, yes absolutely voted for that. Lefties burning up shit and breaking things in violent fits of temper, didn't vote for that but it's sure a nice side effect. You were in a huff before the election about this crap. So why would anyone that voted for him care about your hysteria over the exact same crap now? We get it, you're all just a bit emotional now and are having trouble containing yourselves. No that does't mean we care or have changed our minds.
Searching the internet for a poll that fits

You got another presidential approval poll that you think fits?
Did you read the article at thee link? It's not a poll. It's actually talking to the people that support him in the bell weather county of America. Kind of like if the news and pollsters would have done before the election they wouldn't have looked so dumb by giving hildabeast a 95% chance of winning.

Speaking to people that support him? Do you seriously not see a SLIGHT BIAS in that sample :rolleyes: LOL

And polls do speak to people, this particular poll asks a 1000 of them if they think Trump is doing a good job as a president. 55% say NO. 40% say Yes.
Uhh, yes. Actually going to the places that supported him to see if he's losing support is a pretty good idea. Interviewing a thousand anti-Trump idiots in New York doesn't cut it.

It's the same mistake you made leading up to the election. You go out on Time Square to interview people about who they like and it doesn't represent what the average person is thinking.

You're hoping he's losing support but what is there for him to lose that support over? Keeping terrorists out of the US, yep I voted for that. Deporting illegals. yep voted for that too. Building a wall, yep supported. Keeping jobs here, yes voted for that. Telling the left to fuck off, yes absolutely voted for that. Lefties burning up shit and breaking things in violent fits of temper, didn't vote for that but it's sure a nice side effect. You were in a huff before the election about this crap. So why would anyone that voted for him care about your hysteria over the exact same crap now? We get it, you're all just a bit emotional now and are having trouble containing yourselves. No that does't mean we care or have changed our minds.

Lol, you are firmly residing in a fantasy land. Samples are random Americans, and yes, New Yorkers are Americans last I checked.

But don't worry about it. Trump is a very popular president, just like he said he will be.
Searching the internet for a poll that fits

You got another presidential approval poll that you think fits?
Did you read the article at thee link? It's not a poll. It's actually talking to the people that support him in the bell weather county of America. Kind of like if the news and pollsters would have done before the election they wouldn't have looked so dumb by giving hildabeast a 95% chance of winning.

Speaking to people that support him? Do you seriously not see a SLIGHT BIAS in that sample :rolleyes: LOL

And polls do speak to people, this particular poll asks a 1000 of them if they think Trump is doing a good job as a president. 55% say NO. 40% say Yes.
Uhh, yes. Actually going to the places that supported him to see if he's losing support is a pretty good idea. Interviewing a thousand anti-Trump idiots in New York doesn't cut it.

It's the same mistake you made leading up to the election. You go out on Time Square to interview people about who they like and it doesn't represent what the average person is thinking.

You're hoping he's losing support but what is there for him to lose that support over? Keeping terrorists out of the US, yep I voted for that. Deporting illegals. yep voted for that too. Building a wall, yep supported. Keeping jobs here, yes voted for that. Telling the left to fuck off, yes absolutely voted for that. Lefties burning up shit and breaking things in violent fits of temper, didn't vote for that but it's sure a nice side effect. You were in a huff before the election about this crap. So why would anyone that voted for him care about your hysteria over the exact same crap now? We get it, you're all just a bit emotional now and are having trouble containing yourselves. No that does't mean we care or have changed our minds.

Lol, you are firmly residing in a fantasy land. Samples are random Americans, and yes, New Yorkers are Americans last I checked.

But don't worry about it. Trump is a very popular president, just like he said he will be.

Yes, I live in that giant red part of fantasy land.

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