Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.

The guy who is parroting a false conservative talking point, is suggesting that this student is having words put in her mouth. Oh the irony!

Just because you only regurgitate what you’re told doesn’t mean others are incapable of thinking for themselves.

You should try it. It’s very liberating.
She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
No guns it will be the best. Ask dozens of countries who don't have thrm or have a small of them.
America should stop acting like thry are better in everything. When it comes to gun violence we are one of the worst and we should take other countries as an example and don't play the Shu born and stuck up game.

Ok, you're the president.

How do you get 300,000,000+ firearms turned in?

How do you get gangbangers and other criminal types to give up their firearms?

How do you get Congress to pass a bill making it mandatory to turn in their arms?

How do you get the repeal of the Second Amendment passed?
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president. But Americans as a whole need to change their mentality about gun ownership, vote out pro gun nuts, and walk towards sanity and a safer country.
One major terrorist attack and we spent billions of dollars to stop other attacks from happening, along of dozens of security measures and legislations, that even goes into violating some civil liberties that this country was founded on...thousands die each year from gun violence and we still can't do anything tangible to stop the blood bath.
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president.

I'm well aware of that.

takes a lot of people and states to get it repealed.


answer the question.

How do you, as the newly appointed president, get the ball rolling?
Someone else not this mental we have now. By admitting that we have a gun problem and not just blame it on mental illness. For a starter.
Someone else not this mental we have now.

what do you not understand about the statement, "you are the president"?

We arent' talking about Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

What will YOU do?
Tune in next week when liberals claim we should put high school students in charge of U.S. foreign policy decisions and our nuclear arsenal. :cuckoo:
After 10pm, going to movies with grandson and son-in-law tomorrow.

(and need my beauty sleep):bigbed:
Passionate, articulate, intelligent. She's the anti-Trump.

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.
She did blame the shooter. Said that they had been warning people about him since middle school. Said that they had been criticized for ostracizing the shooter. She is telling you and you are still not listening. You're too busy making your own political statement.


I heard her a couple of times, and no mention of the shooter.

But she was sure pissed at the NRA.

(Wonder why she's pissed at the NRA? They didn't put the gun in the boys hands, despite claims of the Left)

Think maybe CNN edited it?
You're not listening. You are still playing politics.

Those kids are looking at this society that we have created for them and are lashing out. They deserve that at the least.

You're criticizing them for not knowing the answer to a problem of why society has let them down, a problem that you helped create and that you yourself have no answer for.

no, I'm not playing politics.

I'm pointing out how naïve they are, and how they are using worn out talking points that have been the mainstay of gungrabbers for a couple of decades now.

and as long as they look at it emotionally, they're only going to repeat those failed talking points.
Given time they might get over the emotion of being gunned down in their place of learning.

In the meantime why don't you stop being a dick for ten seconds.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

This girl need to run for office, as soon as she's age eligible. She's a fuckin' rock star!!!!!!!!!

Passionate, articulate, intelligent. She's the anti-Trump.

Yes, passionate.

and by blaming the NRA, Trump, the governor, the FBI, the gun, etc, instead of the shooter.

She's a perfect democratic candidate.

She rightfully blames them for inaction.
Tune in next week when liberals claim we should put high school students in charge of U.S. foreign policy decisions and our nuclear arsenal. :cuckoo:

Don't blame us, we didn't vote for the eternal 10 year old.
No guns it will be the best. Ask dozens of countries who don't have thrm or have a small of them.
America should stop acting like thry are better in everything. When it comes to gun violence we are one of the worst and we should take other countries as an example and don't play the Shu born and stuck up game.

Ok, you're the president.

How do you get 300,000,000+ firearms turned in?

How do you get gangbangers and other criminal types to give up their firearms?

How do you get Congress to pass a bill making it mandatory to turn in their arms?

How do you get the repeal of the Second Amendment passed?
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president. But Americans as a whole need to change their mentality about gun ownership, vote out pro gun nuts, and walk towards sanity and a safer country.
One major terrorist attack and we spent billions of dollars to stop other attacks from happening, along of dozens of security measures and legislations, that even goes into violating some civil liberties that this country was founded on...thousands die each year from gun violence and we still can't do anything tangible to stop the blood bath.
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president.

I'm well aware of that.

takes a lot of people and states to get it repealed.


answer the question.

How do you, as the newly appointed president, get the ball rolling?
Someone else not this mental we have now. By admitting that we have a gun problem and not just blame it on mental illness. For a starter.
Someone else not this mental we have now.

what do you not understand about the statement, "you are the president"?

We arent' talking about Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

What will YOU do?
You missed my answer I guess. I said foe a started recognize its a gun issue and not just mental illness.
"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker."
President Reagan

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

The Organ Grinder's Monkeys.

This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

----------------------------- buncha emotional KNOW NOTHING kids , feck'em Hazelnut !!

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

The Organ Grinder's Monkeys.

This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

The Organ Grinder's Monkeys.

This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.
She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
No guns it will be the best. Ask dozens of countries who don't have thrm or have a small of them.
America should stop acting like thry are better in everything. When it comes to gun violence we are one of the worst and we should take other countries as an example and don't play the Shu born and stuck up game.

Ok, you're the president.

How do you get 300,000,000+ firearms turned in?

How do you get gangbangers and other criminal types to give up their firearms?

How do you get Congress to pass a bill making it mandatory to turn in their arms?

How do you get the repeal of the Second Amendment passed?
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president. But Americans as a whole need to change their mentality about gun ownership, vote out pro gun nuts, and walk towards sanity and a safer country.
One major terrorist attack and we spent billions of dollars to stop other attacks from happening, along of dozens of security measures and legislations, that even goes into violating some civil liberties that this country was founded on...thousands die each year from gun violence and we still can't do anything tangible to stop the blood bath.
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president.

I'm well aware of that.

takes a lot of people and states to get it repealed.


answer the question.

How do you, as the newly appointed president, get the ball rolling?
Someone else not this mental we have now. By admitting that we have a gun problem and not just blame it on mental illness. For a starter.
She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
No guns it will be the best. Ask dozens of countries who don't have thrm or have a small of them.
America should stop acting like thry are better in everything. When it comes to gun violence we are one of the worst and we should take other countries as an example and don't play the Shu born and stuck up game.

Ok, you're the president.

How do you get 300,000,000+ firearms turned in?

How do you get gangbangers and other criminal types to give up their firearms?

How do you get Congress to pass a bill making it mandatory to turn in their arms?

How do you get the repeal of the Second Amendment passed?
Is not something that can be done by just the sitting president. But Americans as a whole need to change their mentality about gun ownership, vote out pro gun nuts, and walk towards sanity and a safer country.
One major terrorist attack and we spent billions of dollars to stop other attacks from happening, along of dozens of security measures and legislations, that even goes into violating some civil liberties that this country was founded on...thousands die each year from gun violence and we still can't do anything tangible to stop the blood bath.

According to Gallup, most Americans want stricter gun laws. Only 28% of Americans are in favor of a complete gun ban, 71% don’t want a ban. So you have no chance of keeping pro gun advocates out of office, even Democrats are not for a total ban. This is a pretty in-depth poll on Americans on the gun issue.

I know you want to blame an inanimate object for the choices real people make, fortunately most Americans think deeper than that.

Again, it is culture, it is parents not disciplining or making their kids take responsibility for their actions. It is parents not spending quality time with their kids. It is parents blaming teachers and others for their child’s behavior instead of taking responsibility for them and the raising of their own children. It’s coddling kids, it is trying to treat children like adults and letting kids make adult decisions.

We need to train our children to make good decisions when they are young when the penalty for mistakes are minor. Let kids that mess up pay the consequences for their decisions, so as they get older they are more apt to make good decisions.

We are failing our children, gun violence is a result, not the cause and until we quit trying to shove the responsibility off on some inanimate object and take responsibility for what is going on, we are doomed to more violence.

Can we tighten who does and doesn’t get guns, sure. Can we do more and more extensive background checks, sure. Can we ban guns, sure. None of those will cure the REAL problem and that is no one wants to take responsibility, we want to blame someone, anyone else. It is our fault.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

The Organ Grinder's Monkeys.

This girl saw her friends killed, you fucking asshole.

And she's been ill-trained to rationally handle it, through no fault of her own.

She's got more balls at 17 than you could ever have in your entire, shit-hole lifetime.

An typical empty statement, since you know nothing about me.

Well let’s get these kids training on how to rationally handle watching your friends gunned down at school so they don’t lose their shit because your society thinks the right to own AR15’s is more important than their safety.

People like you are training them. I would change that.

Nobody is training them. They are having a natural reaction to a horrific event.

After the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA said they’d be OK with banning bump stocks. Nothing has been done.

Since Columbine there have been hundreds of school shootings. Children now have mass shooting drills. This school had the drills, armed guards in the halls and a report the shooter was in the building was called in before a single shot was fired. 32 people were shot and 17 have died.

Nothing has been done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Nothing has been done to ban guns which aren’t hunting weapons and have no purpose other than to kill other people. Large clip magazines are still available. You’ve done nothing to protect your citizens.

One guy has explosives in his shoes and people around the world have to take their shoes off to get through security at the airport.

You don’t even see the hypocrisy in this.

Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."

It appears the little boy has been thoroughly indoctrinated and has all the regressive talking points down pat.

They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

He's not thinking, he's parroting talking points.


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