Trump slams disgraceful Mueller over leaked questions

Mueller has maneuvered Trump into a corner.

Let's see what happens.
Actually he's maneuvered himself into a corner. As the questions prove, there is no evidence of collusion so they're going after the "obstruction" of which no crime has even occurred. The president has a right to hire, fire, and pardon anybody he wants in the executive branch. Despite what the fake news media says.
Mueller has maneuvered Trump into a corner.

Let's see what happens.
Actually he's maneuvered himself into a corner. As the questions prove, there is no evidence of collusion so they're going after the "obstruction" of which no crime has even occurred. The president has a right to hire, fire, and pardon anybody he wants in the executive branch. Despite what the fake news media says.

NO, they don't!

a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...
LOL! Team Trump leaked the questions!
And the Lying Douche Spews!

Mueller has maneuvered Trump into a corner.

Let's see what happens.
Actually he's maneuvered himself into a corner. As the questions prove, there is no evidence of collusion so they're going after the "obstruction" of which no crime has even occurred. The president has a right to hire, fire, and pardon anybody he wants in the executive branch. Despite what the fake news media says.

NO, they don't!

a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...
But the vast majority are about "obstruction". LOL. Pathetic!

All they have on "collusion" is a harmless meeting between Don Jr. And the so called Russian lawyer, of which added up to nothing, nada zilch. And let's remember the same Russian lawyer first testified she had no ties to the kremlin. And besides why isn't she arrested or indicted already? Dang you guys are so fucking dumb. Just like Carter page! Epic fail.

Meanwhile it was Hillary that paid the Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to attack their opponent with, which was used criminally and illegally to spy on the Trump campaign. It was also Hillary that got 180 million from the Russians to her Foundation in exchange for our Uranium. But no questions about THAT obvious collusion. These criminal conspiracies will all be exposed, but at the right time and place and people will be locked up.

Poor Dems...always shooting blanks. Ha ha ha!
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Just imagine, after a year and millions of dollars, all they have on collusion is a legal and very typical opposition research meeting in a hotel room between Don Jr. where he was offered dirt on Hillary but the Russian lawyer ended up having nothing. Wow!
If those are the questions they have nothing and are trying to build an obstruction case by setting the president up in a perjury trap. Problem is you can't obstruct a crime that doesn't even exist. In fact the whole Mueller investigation needs to be shut down because of this same reason, and the fact that it was predicated by an illegal criminal leak by Comey and illegal wiretapping based on a fake dossier.
roudy denied that any of the questions were about collusion

care4all said: a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...

then roudy admitted care4all was right: But the vast majority are about "obstruction". LOL. Pathetic!

Yes, roudy, Mueller is investigating collusion, despite what you first said then admitted.
President Trump slammed Special Counsel Robert Mueller as ‘disgraceful’ Tuesday after a list of 48 questions to Trump’s legal team were leaked to the media.
Trump Slams ‘Disgraceful’ Mueller Over Leaked Questions

The fact that this was even done is sickening, this should never be done to any President even that pos Obama. If you can't trust your own staff that is really sad.

Trump’s legal team leaked the questions. This White House leaks like a sieve. Not one leak has happened with the Mueller investigation.

Mueller hands the questions to Trump’s lawyers and within 24 hours they’re being published in the New York Times.

This can’t be blamed on Obama’s holdovers. Obama’s didn’t have a legal defence team in the White House. Trump’s staff has been leaking everything they get their hands on.

Between hiring wife beaters, people with criminal records and other people who can’t get security clearance, and endlessly leaking stuff to the press, there’s never been a White House that was so corrupt or dysfunctional.
Mueller's former assistant says grammatical errors prove leaked questions came from Trump

I think Trump leaked them as well..Trump courts chaos as a strategy:

"Michael Zeldin, a CNN legal analyst and former assistant to Robert Mueller, said Tuesday he believes President Trump leaked the list of nearly 50 questions the special counsel allegedly wants to ask Trump.
“I think these are notes taken by the recipients of a conversation with Mueller’s office where he outlined broad topics and these guys wrote down questions that they thought these topics may raise,” Zeldin said on CNN's "New Day."
“Because of the way these questions are written ... lawyers wouldn’t write questions this way, in my estimation. Some of the grammar is not even proper," he continued. "So, I don’t see this as a list of written questions that Mueller’s office gave to the president. I think these are more notes that the White House has taken and then they have expanded upon the conversation to write out these as questions.”
Zeldin worked as special counsel to Mueller in the early 1990s, when he served as the assistant attorney general of the Justice Department's Criminal Division.
His comments come after The New York Times on Monday reported that it had obtained a list of questions Mueller plans to ask Trump as part of the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
Some questions focus on Trump's communication with his campaign staffers and Russia, while others discuss Russian hacking during the election and Trump's past business dealings. "
At some point the left will get it that the NYT is full of shit in just about everything they print. "His attempts to fire Mueller" they say, except there are zero attempts; only the bullshit that /they/ made up to get /you/ dumb asses on the left to click and pay their bills...

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is invented.
Mueller has maneuvered Trump into a corner.

Let's see what happens.
Actually he's maneuvered himself into a corner. As the questions prove, there is no evidence of collusion so they're going after the "obstruction" of which no crime has even occurred. The president has a right to hire, fire, and pardon anybody he wants in the executive branch. Despite what the fake news media says.

NO, they don't!

a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...
But the vast majority are about "obstruction". LOL. Pathetic!

All they have on "collusion" is a harmless meeting between Don Jr. And the so called Russian lawyer, of which added up to nothing, nada zilch. And let's remember the same Russian lawyer first testified she had no ties to the kremlin. And besides why isn't she arrested or indicted already? Dang you guys are so fucking dumb. Just like Carter page! Epic fail.

Meanwhile it was Hillary that paid the Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to attack their opponent with, which was used criminally and illegally to spy on the Trump campaign. It was also Hillary that got 180 million from the Russians to her Foundation in exchange for our Uranium. But no questions about THAT obvious collusion. These criminal conspiracies will all be exposed, but at the right time and place and people will be locked up.

Poor Dems...always shooting blanks. Ha ha ha!
you couldn't spill more bull crud and fake news in that post if you tried....!!! :lol:
What questions on the list do you think the President should not answer?

Is there a problem with him simply answering all of the questions?
Trump probably could not refuse Mueller subpoena to answer questions

Like anyone whose testimony is sought by grand jury subpoena in a criminal case, the president could cite his Fifth Amendment right not to testify against himself. Such a move, however, would carry significant political risk.

The White House has given no indication that the president would refuse to answer Mueller's questions. Trump said in June that he was "100 percent" willing to give Mueller his version of events. "I'd be glad to," the president said when asked at a news conference.

But suppose he changed his mind. Could he decline to respond to a subpoena from Mueller on some other grounds? The answer, in a word, seems to be no.
Wrong again, "probably" as an opinion by Leftard NBC fake news reporter just doesn't cut it. There is a reason for executive privilege. To protect a president from EXACTLY what the left is doing now.
What executive privilege? E/P is only granted if the topic is about government policy that the president and his administration or other advisors discuss....

There isn't a single question on that list that involves government policies.

At some point the Nation will realize that the Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) is full of shit in just about everything they print.
roudy denied that any of the questions were about collusion

care4all said: a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...

then roudy admitted care4all was right: But the vast majority are about "obstruction". LOL. Pathetic!

Yes, roudy, Mueller is investigating collusion, despite what you first said then admitted.
Yawn, it's obvious they have nothing on collusion. Their few questions about collusion are previous publicly known dead ends like the meeting with the Russian lawyer. Instead they want to know what the president's "thoughts" were at different times. LOL. In other words the collusion case is a hoax perpetrated on the American people in order to launch a witch hunt on the president.
Yawn, you admitted, roudy, that some were about collusion.

Your arguments are dead ends, as you well know.

The witch hunt against Mueller will end up with the witches in jail.
At some point the left will get it that the NYT is full of shit in just about everything they print. "His attempts to fire Mueller" they say, except there are zero attempts; only the bullshit that /they/ made up to get /you/ dumb asses on the left to click and pay their bills...

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is invented.
It's worse than that, the Left and Hillary conspired with the Obama administration, FBI and CIA officials, and of course the media to first destroy Trump as a candidate and then as the president. This criminal conspiracy involved colluding with Russia, and criminal fraud on the FISA court. They now accuse Trump of "colluding" as a tactic to hide and divert attention from something that they themselves are clearly guilty of.
Yawn, you admitted, roudy, that some were about collusion.

Your arguments are dead ends, as you well know.

The witch hunt against Mueller will end up with the witches in jail.
You must mean justice will be carried out and McCabe, Comey, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Hillary, Lynch, Yates, etc. will end up in prison? That's more like it. :clap2:
What questions on the list do you think the President should not answer?

Is there a problem with him simply answering all of the questions?
Those aren't even questions. "What did you think at the time..." Is not a question. Besides they have no right to ask him those questions having to do with him carrying out his job as president anyhow.
At some point the Nation will realize that the Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) is full of shit in just about everything they print.
And you think CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NY Times, WAPO are not fake media? Ha ha ha! They've been caught lying so many times it isn't even funny. All they have left is Trump bashing 24/7. They should all remove the "news" label from their titles. They have zero journalistic integrity left.

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