Trump slams disgraceful Mueller over leaked questions

a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...
1. what in your opinion are these 9 questions and

2. where is the US Code that says one cannot 'collude' and please

3. Define collude such that it applies to what Trump did but not Hillary Clinton taking hundreds of thousands of USD from Russians for speaking fees, then selling Russia 25% of our strategic Uranium reserves.

4. How does that amount to a high crime if it isnt even in the US Code of criminal justice?

Dims are on a witch hunt here and it is plain enough to everyone open eyes and minds.
The President of the United States is not above the law. That you want to believe that, and obviously want that to be the case, is a rejection of everything upon which the United States of America was built upon.

But you seem to like Salem Witch Trials, lol.

There needs to be criminal charges or a criminal investigation to subpoena the POTUS.

So what is Trumps alleged crime, nit wit?

You were born in the wrong century, on the wrong continent. The English made that clear during the Glorious Revolution, and when the French People when they stormed the Bastille. I know these example are way beyond your comprehension, but maybe a reader who has studied the History of Western Civilization will be kind enough to instruct you.

This is the US, not England. They are a Constitutional Monarchy with an unwritten Constitution.

We are a Constitutional Republic with a written Constitution.

Thus the Glorious Revolution and the Bastille are as irrelevant to our laws as is the opinion of the Ottoman Caliph.
I bet the republicans leaked the questions so Meuller couldn't ambush the president in a gotcha scam. I do love it when the dems talk about the law and justice. They are the party of lawlessness and brag about people with Ds after their name getting away with anything they want. It is a badge for them to do whatever the heck they want and not be prosecuted.

I suspect that there is some merit to that suspicion.

Trump was leaning toward an interview/deposition with Mueller that would have been a trap and it makes sense for some GOP legal beagles to expose the nature of the questions to dissuade Trump. The raid on his personal attorney's office further alienated Trump from cooperating.

Mueller is biting off more than he can chew and I would not be surprised to see him and Comey facing charges of their own around 2022.
That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
Mueller has maneuvered Trump into a corner.

Let's see what happens.
Actually he's maneuvered himself into a corner. As the questions prove, there is no evidence of collusion so they're going after the "obstruction" of which no crime has even occurred. The president has a right to hire, fire, and pardon anybody he wants in the executive branch. Despite what the fake news media says.

NO, they don't!

a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...
But the vast majority are about "obstruction". LOL. Pathetic!

All they have on "collusion" is a harmless meeting between Don Jr. And the so called Russian lawyer, of which added up to nothing, nada zilch. And let's remember the same Russian lawyer first testified she had no ties to the kremlin. And besides why isn't she arrested or indicted already? Dang you guys are so fucking dumb. Just like Carter page! Epic fail.

Meanwhile it was Hillary that paid the Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to attack their opponent with, which was used criminally and illegally to spy on the Trump campaign. It was also Hillary that got 180 million from the Russians to her Foundation in exchange for our Uranium. But no questions about THAT obvious collusion. These criminal conspiracies will all be exposed, but at the right time and place and people will be locked up.

Poor Dems...always shooting blanks. Ha ha ha!
then what is Trump so afraid of....?
If those are the questions they have nothing and are trying to build an obstruction case by setting the president up in a perjury trap. Problem is you can't obstruct a crime that doesn't even exist. In fact the whole Mueller investigation needs to be shut down because of this same reason, and the fact that it was predicated by an illegal criminal leak by Comey and illegal wiretapping based on a fake dossier.
there is no perjury trap, he has the darn questions AHEAD OF TIME....sheesh!

WHY can't Trump simply answer the questions HONESTLY???

for goodness sake!
That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
So meeting with a Russian attorney who promises "dirt" on Hillary but ends up having nothing, is evidence of collusion, but Hillary paying Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to destroy Trump as candidate and later as president, then hand it off to Obama officials who used it to LIE to a FISA court in order to spy on members of the Trump campaign, isn't? Got it.
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Mueller has maneuvered Trump into a corner.

Let's see what happens.
Actually he's maneuvered himself into a corner. As the questions prove, there is no evidence of collusion so they're going after the "obstruction" of which no crime has even occurred. The president has a right to hire, fire, and pardon anybody he wants in the executive branch. Despite what the fake news media says.

NO, they don't!

a good 9 or so of those questions involve collusion...
But the vast majority are about "obstruction". LOL. Pathetic!

All they have on "collusion" is a harmless meeting between Don Jr. And the so called Russian lawyer, of which added up to nothing, nada zilch. And let's remember the same Russian lawyer first testified she had no ties to the kremlin. And besides why isn't she arrested or indicted already? Dang you guys are so fucking dumb. Just like Carter page! Epic fail.

Meanwhile it was Hillary that paid the Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to attack their opponent with, which was used criminally and illegally to spy on the Trump campaign. It was also Hillary that got 180 million from the Russians to her Foundation in exchange for our Uranium. But no questions about THAT obvious collusion. These criminal conspiracies will all be exposed, but at the right time and place and people will be locked up.

Poor Dems...always shooting blanks. Ha ha ha!
then what is Trump so afraid of....?
Does he look like he's afraid of anything. He has the right and duty to protect himself and the Office of Presidency from future witch hunts.
If those are the questions they have nothing and are trying to build an obstruction case by setting the president up in a perjury trap. Problem is you can't obstruct a crime that doesn't even exist. In fact the whole Mueller investigation needs to be shut down because of this same reason, and the fact that it was predicated by an illegal criminal leak by Comey and illegal wiretapping based on a fake dossier.
there is no perjury trap, he has the darn questions AHEAD OF TIME....sheesh!

WHY can't Trump simply answer the questions HONESTLY???

for goodness sake!
Those are opening questions having nothing to do with facts or "COLLUSION"
Meeting a Russian attorney, who is an operative for Russian intelligence, does not send off bad signals, Roudy?
That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
So meeting with a Russian attorney who promises "dirt" on Hillary but ends up having nothing, is evidence of collusion, but Hillary paying Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to destroy Trump as candidate and president, then hand it off to Obama officials who used it to LIE to a FISA court in order to spy on members of the Trump campaign, isn't? Got it.
Meeting with 4 Russian agents, not just one Russian "informant" at Tramp Tower, who promises dirt on Hillary FROM THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT who wants to HELP Tramp, who only LIARS who cot caught lying, first about the meeting, then lying about the topic of the meeting, then lying about no follow up to the meeting, who say the Russians had no dirt.
Hillary never paid Russians anything and never met with Russians and nobody lied to a FISA court. Those are all Limbaugh Lies you are STUPID enough to mindlessly parrot.
Meeting a Russian attorney, who is an operative for Russian intelligence, does not send off bad signals, Roudy?
Paying a Russian spy 12 million to create a fake dossier on Trump does not send off bad signals, Jakey? Sounds like your antenna is having problems with receiving signals.

One act is Don Jr. not knowing who a person is, promising dirt on Hillary, and coming up with nothing. The other Hillary KNOWINGLY paying 12 million in other words engaging in an actual transaction with a Russian spy for false information to engage in a conspiracy to destroy an opposition candidate. No bad signals? Wow.
Meeting a Russian attorney, who is an operative for Russian intelligence, does not send off bad signals, Roudy?
Paying a Russian spy 12 million to create a fake dossier on Trump does not send off bad signals, Jakey? Sounds like your antenna is having problems with receiving signals.

One act is Don Jr. not knowing who a person is, promising dirt on Hillary, and coming up with nothing. The other Hillary KNOWINGLY paying 12 million in other words engaging in an actual transaction with a Russian spy for false information to engage in a conspiracy to destroy an opposition candidate. No bad signals? Wow.
Conspiracy theory nonsense.
That Trump colluded with Russia is a false premise and so far nothing has shown up that would indicate the opposite.

And of course you can bring up Hillary and the fact that she clearly colluded with the Russians
Sure, the Tramp campaign met DIRECTLY with 4 Russian operatives in Tramp Tower but that is NOT collusion, and Hillary NEVER met with any Russians and THAT IS "clearly" collusion. :cuckoo:
So meeting with a Russian attorney who promises "dirt" on Hillary but ends up having nothing, is evidence of collusion, but Hillary paying Russians 12 million to create a fake dossier to destroy Trump as candidate and president, then hand it off to Obama officials who used it to LIE to a FISA court in order to spy on members of the Trump campaign, isn't? Got it.
Meeting with 4 Russian agents, not just one Russian "informant" at Tramp Tower, who promises dirt on Hillary FROM THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT who wants to HELP Tramp, who only LIARS who cot caught lying, first about the meeting, then lying about the topic of the meeting, then lying about no follow up to the meeting, who say the Russians had no dirt.
Hillary never paid Russians anything and never met with Russians and nobody lied to a FISA court. Those are all Limbaugh Lies you are STUPID enough to mindlessly parrot.
Wong again, Hillary knowingly engaged in a transaction paying 12 million to a British spy who paid a Russian spy for a fake dossier. Those are undisputed facts. Whereas Don Jr. simply took a meeting with somebody that promised dirt on Hillary, something that goes on thousands of times in every campaign and at every level. It's called opposition research.
Respond with questions...............

When were you aware that the DNC paid for the Dossier?

Was the Dossier proven to have enough evidence to get a FISA Warrant?

Did the FBI charge McCabe for lying under oath?

Why under the Obama Administration did the FBI refuse to hand over documents to the IG on fact finding missions?

Why did the FBI conduct raids on Conservative Groups applying for non profit?

Where you aware that Comey was a Board member for HSBC bank who gave the Clinton Foundation over 90 million dollars?

Did the FBI see NO LAWS violated by the destruction of evidence by Hillary Clinton?

Did the FBI find that Clinton had Classified Documents on a server outside of control of the State Dept.?

If did you report to the DOJ any crimes for the mishandling of Classified Documents?

When did you know that Clapper leaked documents of an internal investigation to CNN and later was hired by CNN?

Is it a violation of FBI rules to leak information to the press on ongoing investigations?

After Comey was fired he leaked information to the press of ongoing investigations in the FBI. No longer being employed by the FBI who gave him permission to leak this information that is confidential information of an ongoing investigation?

and many many more...............
Paying a Russian spy 12 million to create a fake dossier on Trump
Never happened except in the imaginary "Conspiracy Theory" world of mindless DittoTards.
Ha ha ha. Not even Comey and the FBI deny that Hillary and the Dems paid 12 million for a fake dossier which put into motion a series of dominos that led up to the FISA warrant. You are simply full of shit, or yourself.
Wong again, Hillary knowingly engaged in a transaction paying 12 million to a British spy who paid a Russian spy for a fake dossier.
Repeating you Limbaugh Lies does not make them any less of a lie. Hillary paid nothing to a British spy.
Notice how the liar went from Hillary paying the made up sum of $12 million to "Russians" to Hillary paying the imaginary $12 million now to a "British spy."

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