Trump slams disgraceful Mueller over leaked questions

This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The H. of Rep. Republican Caucus Obstructed Justice. That's clear to everyone but a trumpanzee. IMO Nunes needs to be arrested, detained and tried for Obstruction of Justice.
This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The HOUSE investigation aka Devin's Traveling Clown Show?

:lol: :laugh2::lmao:
Trump doesn't do well...
Actually, Trump isn't doing so well with the PUBLIC interviews, since his PUBLIC admission to Lester Holt that he fired Comey to stop his investigations and Fox Freaks that Cohen represents him against Stormy Daniels after all the hoopla of not knowing her and all that garbage about the NDA.

Besides, the investigation will be public after the fact. Like all proceedings, there will be court-like recordings. Mueller will report to Congress and the recordings will be revealed along with Mueller's documented conclusions so Congress can decide to act or not. But you of all folks, because you like him, should NOT want him to be officially interviewed in PUBLIC. He can't complete a sentence or even a thought without drifting into his next babble, he is so self-complimentary maggots gag, he embellishes the truth beyond recognition, he lies like a rug, and he can't shut up.

And Mexico ain't buying no WALL either!
This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The H. of Rep. Republican Caucus Obstructed Justice. That's clear to everyone but a trumpanzee. IMO Nunes needs to be arrested, detained and tried for Obstruction of Justice.

Impressive level of stupidity in that post. Well done!
This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The H. of Rep. Republican Caucus Obstructed Justice. That's clear to everyone but a trumpanzee. IMO Nunes needs to be arrested, detained and tried for Obstruction of Justice.

Impressive level of stupidity in that post. Well done!

The truth hurts don't it?

President Trump slammed Special Counsel Robert Mueller as ‘disgraceful’ Tuesday after a list of 48 questions to Trump’s legal team were leaked to the media.
Trump Slams ‘Disgraceful’ Mueller Over Leaked Questions

The fact that this was even done is sickening, this should never be done to any President even that pos Obama. If you can't trust your own staff that is really sad.

Trump’s legal team leaked the questions. This White House leaks like a sieve. Not one leak has happened with the Mueller investigation.


And yet, you folks have "known" for months everything that Mueller has and is investigating. Were you guys lying then or are you lying now?
They are not, but you may be very mistaken.

Mueller's investigation does not leak.
This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The HOUSE investigation aka Devin's Traveling Clown Show?

:lol: :laugh2::lmao:

Oh look your heroes........ typical clinton / Obama ass licker who worships criminal governments


Snopes Finally Exposed As CIA Operation

President Trump slammed Special Counsel Robert Mueller as ‘disgraceful’ Tuesday after a list of 48 questions to Trump’s legal team were leaked to the media.
Trump Slams ‘Disgraceful’ Mueller Over Leaked Questions

The fact that this was even done is sickening, this should never be done to any President even that pos Obama. If you can't trust your own staff that is really sad.
So...who released the questions? Why weren't they released until after the questions got to trump's attorneys?
:clap2: good question. Could it of been trump himself?
This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The HOUSE investigation aka Devin's Traveling Clown Show?

:lol: :laugh2::lmao:

Oh look your heroes........ typical clinton / Obama ass licker who worships criminal governments

View attachment 191087

Snopes Finally Exposed As CIA Operation

View attachment 191088

I'd accuse MindWars of being an agent provocateur, but no one would hire someone so intellectually challenged. He seems to be nothing more than an unhappy tool seeking attention. I give him the attention he desperately needs by reminding him conspiracies without evidence are only fantasies..
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I'd accuse MindWars of being an agent provocateur, but not one would hire someone so intellectually challenged. He seems to be nothing more than an unhappy tool seeking attention. I give him the attention he desperately needs by reminding him conspiracies without evidence are only fantasies..

Believe it or not MW is apparently a chick.:)

I'd accuse MindWars of being an agent provocateur, but not one would hire someone so intellectually challenged. He seems to be nothing more than an unhappy tool seeking attention. I give him the attention he desperately needs by reminding him conspiracies without evidence are only fantasies..

Believe it or not MW is apparently a chick.:)


That does not change my opinion, male or female, born that way or not, all people are equal and deserve to be treated equally well, as well as equally open to criticism. Gender does not absolve those who are captious, self righteous and/or hypocrites.
This is not the first leak by Mueller and his goons and it won't be the last. He's now getting desperate because the House has concluded with a NO COLLUSION verdict and he knows he's got nothing to show for either, so he threw this piece of red meat out there for his bosses in the Deep State and Democratic Party to chew on.

The HOUSE investigation aka Devin's Traveling Clown Show?

:lol: :laugh2::lmao:
Unlike the witch hunting Democratic morons who have no proof for their BS fake allegations, and keep whining about Trump still being president?
President Trump slammed Special Counsel Robert Mueller as ‘disgraceful’ Tuesday after a list of 48 questions to Trump’s legal team were leaked to the media.
Trump Slams ‘Disgraceful’ Mueller Over Leaked Questions

The fact that this was even done is sickening, this should never be done to any President even that pos Obama. If you can't trust your own staff that is really sad.
Maybe there is a ready the staff thinks it is their duty to country that is more important?

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