Trump smashes Nixon's almost 50 year old national oil production record.

that is so cute, I will ask you the same thing I asked the OP....Have you ever thought about giving the private entities doing the oil production credit instead of giving your god the Government credit?

Nobody is crediting government, they are crediting president Trump who took government's boot off the necks of the oil industry. Good job Trump :eusa_clap:

Uhhh...I know that you have the IQ of a head of cabbage...but President Trump is the government you moron.

President Trump is the anti-government.

then why in Hell is he ballooning deficits?
You do know that the US government doesn't OWN the oil that's produced...right? Duh?

Conservatives are happy seeing a company that employs workers and provides goods that others willingly purchase hard at work producing goods and stimulating the economy. We don't feel overcome with greed and envy and start arguing about who owns the goods that others produced. Most importantly, we would never want the government to own the product of the worker's labor.
Thanks Obama.

Thanks Obama indeed, without Obama this wouldn't be possible.

Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.
Your ignorance of Senate rules and why Dem's are able to block spending cuts is astounding.

Like I said Trumpo didn’t have to sign a single Bill. The veto is his weapon. Trumpo should have had better he tax cuts paid for by spending cuts. Trumpo does not care about the deficit.

Trumpo can’t negotiate worth a shit because his only source of a understanding the ecomy is building hotels and casinos on other people’s money and going bankrupt.

You he gets his other ideas from Fox an idiots Sean and Rush. None of which are good negotiating advisers.

So he’s a loser that used racist dig whistles and perhaps real crimes to gain the White House. And he has corrupted his Office like no other.
Thanks Obama.

Thanks Obama indeed, without Obama this wouldn't be possible.

Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.

That statement applies to Trump’s two years of plopping his fat but in the Oval Office. Right?

The increase has been steady for the past ten years. Nothing changed two years ago. If you want to credit Trumpo for setting a new high since Nixon you have to credit Obama the same.

That’s all I ask of Pukes. Be freakin honest about something.
All this increased drilling makes a man proud, in that we are finding faster and faster ways to deplete our nonrenewable energy resources before our grandkids time. Also, as Trump said at CPAC, he has saved us from having to turn off the TV when the wind stops blowing, as he predicted would happen if we depend on wind energy.

Thats what was said back in the 1970s....that we're depleting our reservoirs and oil would be gone by now. Now, we're finding record volumes within our own country. The permian is huge and will have us surpassing russia and saudi as the top producer this year. We havent even looked at the cline formation yet. Anyhow, many don't consider.....we drained saudis first. We knew about this decades ago.

Right. Petroleum is infinite. As more dinosaurs die, more keeps forming....

99.99999 percent of hydrocarbons came from microscopic plants and organisms in deltaic systems, ie oceans. They absorbed energy from the sun stored as carbon molecules. Dinosaurs died, decayed, and the only thing left were their bones.

...and we need to drill as much as possible and burn it up, quickly, before the oceans create more and drown us all in new petroleum....
Conservatives are happy seeing a company that employs workers and provides goods that others willingly purchase hard at work producing goods and stimulating the economy

So you are equally happy that 7 out of 11 years Rapid increase in oil production happened when Obama was President. Are you willing to say that in public.
The previous record for oil production in one month was 308 million barrels in October 1970 under Richard Nixon. Donald Trump has improved the process so much that the US drilled 372 million barrels in January 2019. He smashed Richard Nixon's record by over 20%. The Energy Department is estimating that peak months in 2020 will eclipse 400 million barrels of oil. MAGA!

U.S. oil output to hit new record above 13 million bpd in 2020: EIA | Reuters
More cancer deaths
Do you have any pictures of Trump drilling the oil? Or a list of the processes that he changed?

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The power of the pen is mightier than the drill.

Donald Trump Signs Executive Order Easing Offshore-Drilling Regulations

Can you list where he is helping us?
1. Obama was losing 750000 jobs a month when he came in
2. Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than trump did in his first 2?
3. our trade deficit is the worst in the countries history?
4. The deficit is the worst in history?
5. The world hates the cowardly ugly American 5 deferment fat boy?
Your butthurt over the historic tax reform bill is noted. :itsok:

Only workers are butt hurt you idiot Trumpo dildo.

“The Dow Jones, S&P 500 index and Nasdaq composite opened sharply lower Friday, signaling a fifth straight day of stock market losses, as the February jobs report showed a gain of just 20,000 jobs. “

Dow Jones Tumbles As Jobs Report Fans Global Growth Fears| Investor's Business Daily

That tax cut was a stupid move.

I got to keep thousands more of MY money. You mooching deadbeats are butthurt. :auiqs.jpg:
I got to keep thousands more of MY money. You mooching deadbeats are butthurt. :auiqs.jpg:

My wife and I saved thousands too. No mooches here. Were in an upper bracket. Cl ya the boy ok if it reduces the debt like Trumpo promised. But he lied and the impact of deficit will negate the value of the tax savings today.

Why dining you be a conservative like me and oppose them.
I got to keep thousands more of MY money. You mooching deadbeats are butthurt. :auiqs.jpg:

My wife and I saved thousands too. No mooches here. Were in an upper bracket. Cl ya the boy ok if it reduces the debt like Trumpo promised. But he lied and the impact of deficit will negate the value of the tax savings today.

Why dining you be a conservative like me and oppose them.

By all means cut a check for $10,000 and send to the government today to reduce the deficit. Lead by Yeah we thought so, disappear phony :itsok:
Thanks Obama.

Thanks Obama indeed, without Obama this wouldn't be possible.

Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.

My point isn't that Obama increased oil production himself (but he didn't suppress it), the point is presidents in general have little to do with the boom and bust cycles in the oil patch. The increased production isn't going to Americas energy needs anyway, it's going out the door because the industry can now export it.
Thanks Obama indeed, without Obama this wouldn't be possible.

Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.

My point isn't that Obama increased oil production himself (but he didn't suppress it), the point is presidents in general have little to do with the boom and bust cycles in the oil patch. The increased production isn't going to Americas energy needs anyway, it's going out the door because the industry can now export it.

people like this guy always give the government credit for what the private sector does.
I got to keep thousands more of MY money. You mooching deadbeats are butthurt. :auiqs.jpg:

My wife and I saved thousands too. No mooches here. Were in an upper bracket. Cl ya the boy ok if it reduces the debt like Trumpo promised. But he lied and the impact of deficit will negate the value of the tax savings today.

Why dining you be a conservative like me and oppose them.

By all means cut a check for $10,000 and send to the government today to reduce the deficit. Lead by Yeah we thought so, disappear phony :itsok:

Blues only hate deficits when there is a Dem in the White House, when there is a Repub he gets down and kisses their ass and ask for more deficit next year
Thanks Obama indeed, without Obama this wouldn't be possible.

Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.

My point isn't that Obama increased oil production himself (but he didn't suppress it), the point is presidents in general have little to do with the boom and bust cycles in the oil patch. The increased production isn't going to Americas energy needs anyway, it's going out the door because the industry can now export it.

While neither Obama nor Trump created the oil boom, Obama restricted companies from drilling in wildlife refuges and enacted other environmental protections and red tape that hindered it somewhat. Trump has eliminated a lot of them and has been making progress against the EPA. He has been fighting to defund the EPA since day one because he loves the country. Congress has been fighting him every step of the way while he has been trying to defund climate research as well.
Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.

My point isn't that Obama increased oil production himself (but he didn't suppress it), the point is presidents in general have little to do with the boom and bust cycles in the oil patch. The increased production isn't going to Americas energy needs anyway, it's going out the door because the industry can now export it.

While neither Obama nor Trump created the oil boom, Obama restricted companies from drilling in wildlife refuges and enacted other environmental protections and red tape that hindered it somewhat. Trump has eliminated a lot of them and has been making progress against the EPA. He has been fighting to defund the EPA since day one because he loves the country. Congress has been fighting him every step of the way while he has been trying to defund climate research as well.

Trump has not cahanged the steepness of the line of the increase one iota. The steady upward trend is set by available fracking equipment and the market and a few other variables.

All you say about Obama and Trumpo is a bunch of hooey.

If you want to give a Trumpo any credit at all he gets a quarter and Obama gets the rest while protecting the environment on his watch regardling Federal lands.

Trumpo could protect the us nvurinment and get the same result.

We are where we are pretty much without Trump or Obama.

Just sick of hearing that Trumpo did it all as if it was flat since Nixon and Trumpo shows up and records are set.

That’s a lie. You shouldn’t encourage lying for any reason.
Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.

My point isn't that Obama increased oil production himself (but he didn't suppress it), the point is presidents in general have little to do with the boom and bust cycles in the oil patch. The increased production isn't going to Americas energy needs anyway, it's going out the door because the industry can now export it.

While neither Obama nor Trump created the oil boom, Obama restricted companies from drilling in wildlife refuges and enacted other environmental protections and red tape that hindered it somewhat. Trump has eliminated a lot of them and has been making progress against the EPA. He has been fighting to defund the EPA since day one because he loves the country. Congress has been fighting him every step of the way while he has been trying to defund climate research as well.

The bill that create ANWR was signed in 1980. Since then Republicans have tried 50 times to open it for drilling. They finally succeeded with they added it as a provision to the continuing spending resolution known as the tax cut so they didn't have to pass it as legislation. Which mean they didn't have to meet the 60 vote threshold in the Senate to pass it like normal legislation.
The previous record for oil production in one month was 308 million barrels in October 1970 under Richard Nixon. Donald Trump has improved the process so much that the US drilled 372 million barrels in January 2019. He smashed Richard Nixon's record by over 20%. The Energy Department is estimating that peak months in 2020 will eclipse 400 million barrels of oil. MAGA!

U.S. oil output to hit new record above 13 million bpd in 2020: EIA | Reuters

Winning! ( but not tired of it yet)
Blues only hate deficits when there is a Dem in the White House, when there is a Repub he gets down and kisses their ass and ask for more deficit next year

Golfing Gator only trolls when...well lets be honest no matter who's in the White House. :itsok:
Thanks Obama indeed, without Obama this wouldn't be possible.

Your name here is sarcastic...isn't it, Thinker! Anyone who believes that Barack Obama was responsible for a spike in the production of any fossil fuel is laughably ignorant!

Really!? You need to pay attention, if Obama hadn't suppressed oil production Trump wouldn't have been able to spike oil production.

Yeah, well except for the fact that oil production increased significantly during Obama's 8 years.

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

It increased despite Obama, mostly because of improvements made in hydraulic fracking.

My point isn't that Obama increased oil production himself (but he didn't suppress it), the point is presidents in general have little to do with the boom and bust cycles in the oil patch. The increased production isn't going to Americas energy needs anyway, it's going out the door because the industry can now export it.


How Obama Is Choking Off U.S. Oil Production | National Review

Fact check: Oil and natural gas production under Obama - CNNPolitics

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