Trump solves infection increase

Stop testing !!!


My pearls are at maximum clutchness. :th_smileysw2wqa:

I am not sure how you folks in the beans for breakfast world are counting your numbers, but one of the problems we have here in Merica Damn It is that there is no reliable information for how many people have active infections and how many people are free and clear. The result is that our numbers always appear to be going up up and up. Even in terms of "new cases" we have no idea how many are old cases diagnosed by antibody tests and how many are people freshly victimized in the Walmarts bloomers section.
Of course, your rotten health system has no such means.

You still sheltering at home while your government officials are zipping around shagging their mistresses?
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
you asume to much!
All one has to do is see what you are saying. The media knows you won’t go to actual factual sources. You’ll fall for their twisted take rather than check for yourselves.
Does he sometimes make remarks there is no need for? Yeah, but most are twisted by media so it is taken out of context.
trumps an idiot plain and simple. plenty of video of making stupid remarks the media does not need to sensationalize this idot what so ever. I look forward to the day the republican party has some ting better to offer.
He’s not an idiot. He may not speak eloquently, not be a seasoned politician, but his policies have been a net positive.

Stop testing !!!


My pearls are at maximum clutchness. :th_smileysw2wqa:

I am not sure how you folks in the beans for breakfast world are counting your numbers, but one of the problems we have here in Merica Damn It is that there is no reliable information for how many people have active infections and how many people are free and clear. The result is that our numbers always appear to be going up up and up. Even in terms of "new cases" we have no idea how many are old cases diagnosed by antibody tests and how many are people freshly victimized in the Walmarts bloomers section.
Of course, your rotten health system has no such means.

You still sheltering at home while your government officials are zipping around shagging their mistresses?
You still working hard and dying in aggression wars while your government officials are shagging your kids in lolita express, Epstein island and who knows where else?
What a clown. Now you will cheer him again as he defeats Covid by stopping tests.
He didn’t say that
“But the testing on the other hand is very good because we find out where it’s going, how it’s going, who it’s going to, and we take care of it. So with that, I’ll just say that we are fighting for seniors.”
I can´t find the quote on the web.
Of course not! They don’t want you to.
Donald Trump: (05:10)
Click the time to hear him say it.

What a clown. Now you will cheer him again as he defeats Covid by stopping tests.
He didn’t say that
“But the testing on the other hand is very good because we find out where it’s going, how it’s going, who it’s going to, and we take care of it. So with that, I’ll just say that we are fighting for seniors.”
I can´t find the quote on the web.
Of course not! They don’t want you to.
Donald Trump: (05:10)
Click the time to hear him say it.

OK, please excuse my mistake. The quote is completely taken out of context.

See here:
What a clown. Now you will cheer him again as he defeats Covid by stopping tests.
He didn’t say that
“But the testing on the other hand is very good because we find out where it’s going, how it’s going, who it’s going to, and we take care of it. So with that, I’ll just say that we are fighting for seniors.”
I can´t find the quote on the web.
Of course not! They don’t want you to.
Donald Trump: (05:10)
Click the time to hear him say it.

OK, please excuse my mistake. The quote is completely taken out of context.

See here:
Don’t believe 3/4’s of what you read in media or social media.

Stop testing !!!


Did you read your beloved China is dealing with a new wave of the virus!?!

Damn you Trump why didn't you cure the World seeing Tommy blame you for Covid-19!?!

Oh, testing more will result with more positive tests which mean more people have been infected and did not die from the virus.

I know this will hurt your little rant about how Trump want testing to stop but fact is more you test the more positives you will have.

In the NBA the Nuggets coach was confirmed to have had the virus in March, and it is just coming out about it and the virus was spreading way before China came clean and they knew they unleashed a pandemic onto the World, but you focus on Trump now and let not get upset about reality...

Stop testing !!!


Did you read your beloved China is dealing with a new wave of the virus!?!

Damn you Trump why didn't you cure the World seeing Tommy blame you for Covid-19!?!

Oh, testing more will result with more positive tests which mean more people have been infected and did not die from the virus.

I know this will hurt your little rant about how Trump want testing to stop but fact is more you test the more positives you will have.

In the NBA the Nuggets coach was confirmed to have had the virus in March, and it is just coming out about it and the virus was spreading way before China came clean and they knew they unleashed a pandemic onto the World, but you focus on Trump now and let not get upset about reality...
They should stop testing and it would clear up straight away.

Stop testing !!!


Did you read your beloved China is dealing with a new wave of the virus!?!

Damn you Trump why didn't you cure the World seeing Tommy blame you for Covid-19!?!

Oh, testing more will result with more positive tests which mean more people have been infected and did not die from the virus.

I know this will hurt your little rant about how Trump want testing to stop but fact is more you test the more positives you will have.

In the NBA the Nuggets coach was confirmed to have had the virus in March, and it is just coming out about it and the virus was spreading way before China came clean and they knew they unleashed a pandemic onto the World, but you focus on Trump now and let not get upset about reality...
They should stop testing and it would clear up straight away.
Or Governors should have stopped sending covid patients into nursing homes. Probably would have half the deaths we have...
And any increases in death will be fake news.
As long as the Dems want to protest, any upticks are their responsibility.
ya, we know nothing is ever trumps responsibility.
And in your view nothing is Dems fault...
you asume to much!
All one has to do is see what you are saying. The media knows you won’t go to actual factual sources. You’ll fall for their twisted take rather than check for yourselves.
Does he sometimes make remarks there is no need for? Yeah, but most are twisted by media so it is taken out of context.
trumps an idiot plain and simple. plenty of video of making stupid remarks the media does not need to sensationalize this idot what so ever. I look forward to the day the republican party has some ting better to offer.

Too bad the Dems don't.
Why is everyone acting like this is the first time he's said something like this?

From May:


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