Trump spews lie storm in Cincinnati

Read the list here: Trump made numerous false claims at his Ohio rally - CNNPolitics

Come on Trumpettes, how can you worship this liar? He lies & you cheer.

Then you repeat his lies here & make total asses out of yourself.

We all know oil & gas production rose under Obama but the fat asssed orange POS claimed Obama tried to end it.

Trump lies & exaggerated & lies & exaggerated some more?
He even called Warren Pocahontas which is noy only bigoted but claimed she has no Native American ancestry when she took a damn test & proved it.

I really don't know what is more pathetic, Trump or the dumfucks that go to his rallies.

BTW, Trump is off for another tax payer funded trip to one of his golf resorts. Those two and a half day work weeks are tough especially when you don;t get to the office until noon. Two campaign trips.

RealDunce spews hate storm on USMB..
So, you can't explain why do don't care how much Trump lies.
the only way you can push the democrat agenda is lie so there for you are a liar.

If that were true, you would love me. You assfucks love Trump & he lies all the time.
Fake news davie
Wait a minute. Are you saying Trump does not lie?
I'm going to say some of the things he said is to set you leftist off and it works
Some of the stuff he says is taken out of context
So now what?

So, it is OK if he lies to you ass long as it makes people pissed that he is such a lying fuck?
I get it.
After LBJ, I am used to everyday lies.
Lets look at the stats from Reagan through Trump &see which party's President does better.

You love Trump. You probably have a 4' x 6' Trump sign ion your front yard.
Why not include Carter? Why not skip Bush? Each party had some good leaders and some bad ones.

The trend since Reagan is Republicans suck. Democrats did much better.

How about we start with Truman-that's when I was born? You can't cherry pick a period and say we'll base everything on this. Beside, so far, I think Trump is doing good.

Parties change. Lets look at more recent Republicans.

Trump is doing horrible. What do you think he is doing that is good?
Tax break, judges appointed, prison reform, pulled out of bad agreements-climate, Iran, and nuclear. Making it as tough for illegals and fake asylumees to get in as possible and making us energy independent.

Tax break: Borrowed 1.5 trillion & a good chunk goes to wealthy people & well off corporations. I guess you love debt.

Appointed a woman assaulter & drunk to the USSC.

Prison reform that everyone supported & was basically done in Congress

So you are a climate change denier. Wow.

Trump put Iran back on the path to a nuke, why do you like this?

Stealing children. You think that is being tough?

It is legasl to come here & seek asylum.,. Your new fat assed orange buddy treats them like criminals.

The idea you call them fake proves you are just another dumbasss Trumpette. So why do you deny it?
If that were true, you would love me. You assfucks love Trump & he lies all the time.
Fake news davie
Wait a minute. Are you saying Trump does not lie?
I'm going to say some of the things he said is to set you leftist off and it works
Some of the stuff he says is taken out of context
So now what?

So, it is OK if he lies to you ass long as it makes people pissed that he is such a lying fuck?
I get it.
After LBJ, I am used to everyday lies.
No one lies more than Trump. No one. And you love it. You just keep bending over & asking for more.
Why not include Carter? Why not skip Bush? Each party had some good leaders and some bad ones.

The trend since Reagan is Republicans suck. Democrats did much better.

How about we start with Truman-that's when I was born? You can't cherry pick a period and say we'll base everything on this. Beside, so far, I think Trump is doing good.

Parties change. Lets look at more recent Republicans.

Trump is doing horrible. What do you think he is doing that is good?
Tax break, judges appointed, prison reform, pulled out of bad agreements-climate, Iran, and nuclear. Making it as tough for illegals and fake asylumees to get in as possible and making us energy independent.

Tax break: Borrowed 1.5 trillion & a good chunk goes to wealthy people & well off corporations. I guess you love debt.

Appointed a woman assaulter & drunk to the USSC.

Prison reform that everyone supported & was basically done in Congress

So you are a climate change denier. Wow.

Trump put Iran back on the path to a nuke, why do you like this?

Stealing children. You think that is being tough?

It is legasl to come here & seek asylum.,. Your new fat assed orange buddy treats them like criminals.

The idea you call them fake proves you are just another dumbasss Trumpette. So why do you deny it?
Last post by me-I want to watch Watters World. I think there is climate change-its just carbon is not causing it. Iran is doing what they were going to do anyway-no point in helping them. Don't know USSC. The tax break helped me a lot. Prison reform was LED by him. Not tough enough on children-send them to a Mexican orphanage where they speak the language. The asylum process is supposed to start in the first country-not OUR country. I have no sympathy for those 93% fakes or the criminals who help them. I am not a Trumpette-I think Trump is doing a good job, but I don't like him personally. Now a lesson for you-you may disagree with all my points, but they are MY points-we both have a right to our own opinions without name calling. Good Night.
The trend since Reagan is Republicans suck. Democrats did much better.

How about we start with Truman-that's when I was born? You can't cherry pick a period and say we'll base everything on this. Beside, so far, I think Trump is doing good.

Parties change. Lets look at more recent Republicans.

Trump is doing horrible. What do you think he is doing that is good?
Tax break, judges appointed, prison reform, pulled out of bad agreements-climate, Iran, and nuclear. Making it as tough for illegals and fake asylumees to get in as possible and making us energy independent.

Tax break: Borrowed 1.5 trillion & a good chunk goes to wealthy people & well off corporations. I guess you love debt.

Appointed a woman assaulter & drunk to the USSC.

Prison reform that everyone supported & was basically done in Congress

So you are a climate change denier. Wow.

Trump put Iran back on the path to a nuke, why do you like this?

Stealing children. You think that is being tough?

It is legasl to come here & seek asylum.,. Your new fat assed orange buddy treats them like criminals.

The idea you call them fake proves you are just another dumbasss Trumpette. So why do you deny it?
Last post by me-I want to watch Watters World. I think there is climate change-its just carbon is not causing it. Iran is doing what they were going to do anyway-no point in helping them. Don't know USSC. The tax break helped me a lot. Prison reform was LED by him. Not tough enough on children-send them to a Mexican orphanage where they speak the language. The asylum process is supposed to start in the first country-not OUR country. I have no sympathy for those 93% fakes or the criminals who help them. I am not a Trumpette-I think Trump is doing a good job, but I don't like him personally. Now a lesson for you-you may disagree with all my points, but they are MY points-we both have a right to our own opinions without name calling. Good Night.

If you don't think carbon is causing climate change, then you are a denier. Its called science.

Iran was not working on a nuke as sjown by the inspectors. The agreement was working.

Prison reform bill almost passed in 2016 but blocked by Tehran Tom Cotton.

Tax break helped pu & you don't care in was put on the credit card

Trump took children from their families, a practice that evidently support 93% are not fakes.

Your opinions are based on lies.
What democrats propose amounts to open borders. No one has to say the literal words "I want our borders opened up" in order to achieve that goal. It's the old leftist tactic of interpreting everything literally in order to deny everything.
They want the US to be the Greyhound bus station and soup kitchen-flop house of the world.

Fighting tooth and nail to deny a security wall is a great example of how the left feels about secure borders.
They are really not in favor. Don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do.
This is supposedly one of the issues in which CNN says the president lied. The voters know who the real liars are.

True, and that is why Trump will not win the popular vote next election, either.
Obama meant very little of what he said.


This "but....but....but...Obama" excuse you assfucks give for explaining Trump's lies is pathetic.

Bite me. I am not defending anything Trump did. Trump is a worthless individual. Trump is president in large part because Obama was not who he promised to be.

I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama proposed. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.
Wow, like what?

1. Ending the wars.

2. Starting new wars.

3. Not doing anything about his promise to prosecute the bankers.

4. His lie about banning lobbyists.

5. Letting the insurance and pharmaceutical companies write Obamacare.

6. His routinely lying about many things (he won lie of the year twice)

7. His support of the spying on citizens.

How many more do you want? I can continue.

He ended the war in Iraq. He did not run on ending afghanistan, he ran on waging it.

He started no new wars. Don't tell me you are so stupid as to think targeted Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen, etc is starting a war.

Bankers actually did nothing illegal. That is why Frank Dodd was written.

He did have a couple lobbyists but most were not.

Insurance companies & Pharmaceuticals helped with certain sacrifices to help the ACA & Exchanges.

Don't tell me you think "You can keep your doctor" is a lie. Perhaps you can point out where in the ACA does it set coverage networks. The ACA had a grandfather clause that started any policy in effect at the bill's signing could be continues. If you lost your policy, not the fault of the ACA.

He supports "spying" when [people need to be spied upon. Like stealing government information or communication with certain Russians.

The NSA program that Edward Snowden leaked about.

Running a program like what was ran by the NSA should never be accepted, so why would you?

Had this been released when Bush had been President you would have went nuts!

Also Obama failed to secure Immigration Reform when he had the House and Senate.

The War in Iraq did not really end because we then had too deal with ISIS/ISIL.

Using drones in a country like Yemen should not be encouraged ever because we are not at war with Yemen.

So let be factual you supported Obama bloody ways because he is a Democrat!

As for Trump lies, well yes he does lies and I promise like in 2016 I will not vote for him but I will not vote for the trash is running on the left!
Fake news davie
Wait a minute. Are you saying Trump does not lie?
I'm going to say some of the things he said is to set you leftist off and it works
Some of the stuff he says is taken out of context
So now what?

So, it is OK if he lies to you ass long as it makes people pissed that he is such a lying fuck?
I get it.
After LBJ, I am used to everyday lies.
No one lies more than Trump. No one. And you love it. You just keep bending over & asking for more.
You lie to yourself if you think you are fair minded or open minded. I don't defend Trump, and watch your language-your not talking to a beer buddy.
How about we start with Truman-that's when I was born? You can't cherry pick a period and say we'll base everything on this. Beside, so far, I think Trump is doing good.

Parties change. Lets look at more recent Republicans.

Trump is doing horrible. What do you think he is doing that is good?
Tax break, judges appointed, prison reform, pulled out of bad agreements-climate, Iran, and nuclear. Making it as tough for illegals and fake asylumees to get in as possible and making us energy independent.

Tax break: Borrowed 1.5 trillion & a good chunk goes to wealthy people & well off corporations. I guess you love debt.

Appointed a woman assaulter & drunk to the USSC.

Prison reform that everyone supported & was basically done in Congress

So you are a climate change denier. Wow.

Trump put Iran back on the path to a nuke, why do you like this?

Stealing children. You think that is being tough?

It is legasl to come here & seek asylum.,. Your new fat assed orange buddy treats them like criminals.

The idea you call them fake proves you are just another dumbasss Trumpette. So why do you deny it?
Last post by me-I want to watch Watters World. I think there is climate change-its just carbon is not causing it. Iran is doing what they were going to do anyway-no point in helping them. Don't know USSC. The tax break helped me a lot. Prison reform was LED by him. Not tough enough on children-send them to a Mexican orphanage where they speak the language. The asylum process is supposed to start in the first country-not OUR country. I have no sympathy for those 93% fakes or the criminals who help them. I am not a Trumpette-I think Trump is doing a good job, but I don't like him personally. Now a lesson for you-you may disagree with all my points, but they are MY points-we both have a right to our own opinions without name calling. Good Night.

If you don't think carbon is causing climate change, then you are a denier. Its called science.

Iran was not working on a nuke as sjown by the inspectors. The agreement was working.

Prison reform bill almost passed in 2016 but blocked by Tehran Tom Cotton.

Tax break helped pu & you don't care in was put on the credit card

Trump took children from their families, a practice that evidently support 93% are not fakes.

Your opinions are based on lies.
Your arguments are getting weaker. You call me a denier-I call you a chicken little-does that settle it? Iran hid their progress-don't be naive-besides they sponsored terror. Reform bill was passed with TRUMP'S signature. Don't get the next sentence, but yes tax break helped me, but I have no credit card debt. Trump never took children from anybody, but border agents separated them just as they did under Obama. And yes 93% are fakes. Please don't argue just to be argumentative-I would rather exchange new ideas with open minded people.

This "but....but....but...Obama" excuse you assfucks give for explaining Trump's lies is pathetic.

Bite me. I am not defending anything Trump did. Trump is a worthless individual. Trump is president in large part because Obama was not who he promised to be.

I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama proposed. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.
Wow, like what?

1. Ending the wars.

2. Starting new wars.

3. Not doing anything about his promise to prosecute the bankers.

4. His lie about banning lobbyists.

5. Letting the insurance and pharmaceutical companies write Obamacare.

6. His routinely lying about many things (he won lie of the year twice)

7. His support of the spying on citizens.

How many more do you want? I can continue.

He ended the war in Iraq. He did not run on ending afghanistan, he ran on waging it.

He started no new wars. Don't tell me you are so stupid as to think targeted Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen, etc is starting a war.

Bankers actually did nothing illegal. That is why Frank Dodd was written.

He did have a couple lobbyists but most were not.

Insurance companies & Pharmaceuticals helped with certain sacrifices to help the ACA & Exchanges.

Don't tell me you think "You can keep your doctor" is a lie. Perhaps you can point out where in the ACA does it set coverage networks. The ACA had a grandfather clause that started any policy in effect at the bill's signing could be continues. If you lost your policy, not the fault of the ACA.

He supports "spying" when [people need to be spied upon. Like stealing government information or communication with certain Russians.

The NSA program that Edward Snowden leaked about.

Running a program like what was ran by the NSA should never be accepted, so why would you?

Had this been released when Bush had been President you would have went nuts!

Also Obama failed to secure Immigration Reform when he had the House and Senate.

The War in Iraq did not really end because we then had too deal with ISIS/ISIL.

Using drones in a country like Yemen should not be encouraged ever because we are not at war with Yemen.

So let be factual you supported Obama bloody ways because he is a Democrat!

As for Trump lies, well yes he does lies and I promise like in 2016 I will not vote for him but I will not vote for the trash is running on the left!

That NSA program was started in 2007. Did it really spy? Did someone actually read these transmissions???

Obama had the Bush recession & wall street & healthcare to deal with those two years. Trump had two years with both houses & all he did was whine about a stupid wall & steal children.

Using drones to attack terrorism is fine with me. Do you think we should just allow terrorists it sit in a country & kill people?

Evidently, you think it i OK when Trump does it or arms & funds the Saudies to bomb the crap out of civilians.
Bite me. I am not defending anything Trump did. Trump is a worthless individual. Trump is president in large part because Obama was not who he promised to be.

I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama proposed. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.
Wow, like what?

1. Ending the wars.

2. Starting new wars.

3. Not doing anything about his promise to prosecute the bankers.

4. His lie about banning lobbyists.

5. Letting the insurance and pharmaceutical companies write Obamacare.

6. His routinely lying about many things (he won lie of the year twice)

7. His support of the spying on citizens.

How many more do you want? I can continue.

He ended the war in Iraq. He did not run on ending afghanistan, he ran on waging it.

He started no new wars. Don't tell me you are so stupid as to think targeted Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen, etc is starting a war.

Bankers actually did nothing illegal. That is why Frank Dodd was written.

He did have a couple lobbyists but most were not.

Insurance companies & Pharmaceuticals helped with certain sacrifices to help the ACA & Exchanges.

Don't tell me you think "You can keep your doctor" is a lie. Perhaps you can point out where in the ACA does it set coverage networks. The ACA had a grandfather clause that started any policy in effect at the bill's signing could be continues. If you lost your policy, not the fault of the ACA.

He supports "spying" when [people need to be spied upon. Like stealing government information or communication with certain Russians.

The NSA program that Edward Snowden leaked about.

Running a program like what was ran by the NSA should never be accepted, so why would you?

Had this been released when Bush had been President you would have went nuts!

Also Obama failed to secure Immigration Reform when he had the House and Senate.

The War in Iraq did not really end because we then had too deal with ISIS/ISIL.

Using drones in a country like Yemen should not be encouraged ever because we are not at war with Yemen.

So let be factual you supported Obama bloody ways because he is a Democrat!

As for Trump lies, well yes he does lies and I promise like in 2016 I will not vote for him but I will not vote for the trash is running on the left!

That NSA program was started in 2007. Did it really spy? Did someone actually read these transmissions???

Obama had the Bush recession & wall street & healthcare to deal with those two years. Trump had two years with both houses & all he did was whine about a stupid wall & steal children.

Using drones to attack terrorism is fine with me. Do you think we should just allow terrorists it sit in a country & kill people?

Evidently, you think it i OK when Trump does it or arms & funds the Saudies to bomb the crap out of civilians.

The courts ruled the spying Unconstitutional. Period.
Parties change. Lets look at more recent Republicans.

Trump is doing horrible. What do you think he is doing that is good?
Tax break, judges appointed, prison reform, pulled out of bad agreements-climate, Iran, and nuclear. Making it as tough for illegals and fake asylumees to get in as possible and making us energy independent.

Tax break: Borrowed 1.5 trillion & a good chunk goes to wealthy people & well off corporations. I guess you love debt.

Appointed a woman assaulter & drunk to the USSC.

Prison reform that everyone supported & was basically done in Congress

So you are a climate change denier. Wow.

Trump put Iran back on the path to a nuke, why do you like this?

Stealing children. You think that is being tough?

It is legasl to come here & seek asylum.,. Your new fat assed orange buddy treats them like criminals.

The idea you call them fake proves you are just another dumbasss Trumpette. So why do you deny it?
Last post by me-I want to watch Watters World. I think there is climate change-its just carbon is not causing it. Iran is doing what they were going to do anyway-no point in helping them. Don't know USSC. The tax break helped me a lot. Prison reform was LED by him. Not tough enough on children-send them to a Mexican orphanage where they speak the language. The asylum process is supposed to start in the first country-not OUR country. I have no sympathy for those 93% fakes or the criminals who help them. I am not a Trumpette-I think Trump is doing a good job, but I don't like him personally. Now a lesson for you-you may disagree with all my points, but they are MY points-we both have a right to our own opinions without name calling. Good Night.

If you don't think carbon is causing climate change, then you are a denier. Its called science.

Iran was not working on a nuke as sjown by the inspectors. The agreement was working.

Prison reform bill almost passed in 2016 but blocked by Tehran Tom Cotton.

Tax break helped pu & you don't care in was put on the credit card

Trump took children from their families, a practice that evidently support 93% are not fakes.

Your opinions are based on lies.
Your arguments are getting weaker. You call me a denier-I call you a chicken little-does that settle it? Iran hid their progress-don't be naive-besides they sponsored terror. Reform bill was passed with TRUMP'S signature. Don't get the next sentence, but yes tax break helped me, but I have no credit card debt. Trump never took children from anybody, but border agents separated them just as they did under Obama. And yes 93% are fakes. Please don't argue just to be argumentative-I would rather exchange new ideas with open minded people.

I have science on my side. CO2 is driving climate change & man is at fault. SCIENCE

The agreement had to do with nuclear programs. It was working.

Trump signed a bill is not the same as writing it or pushing it when the votes were already there.

Your tax cut was just added to the debt.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump changed the policy & separated families.

93% are not fakes. They are here legally seeking asylum.

You evidently are not very well informed.
Bite me. I am not defending anything Trump did. Trump is a worthless individual. Trump is president in large part because Obama was not who he promised to be.

I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama proposed. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.
Wow, like what?

1. Ending the wars.

2. Starting new wars.

3. Not doing anything about his promise to prosecute the bankers.

4. His lie about banning lobbyists.

5. Letting the insurance and pharmaceutical companies write Obamacare.

6. His routinely lying about many things (he won lie of the year twice)

7. His support of the spying on citizens.

How many more do you want? I can continue.

He ended the war in Iraq. He did not run on ending afghanistan, he ran on waging it.

He started no new wars. Don't tell me you are so stupid as to think targeted Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen, etc is starting a war.

Bankers actually did nothing illegal. That is why Frank Dodd was written.

He did have a couple lobbyists but most were not.

Insurance companies & Pharmaceuticals helped with certain sacrifices to help the ACA & Exchanges.

Don't tell me you think "You can keep your doctor" is a lie. Perhaps you can point out where in the ACA does it set coverage networks. The ACA had a grandfather clause that started any policy in effect at the bill's signing could be continues. If you lost your policy, not the fault of the ACA.

He supports "spying" when [people need to be spied upon. Like stealing government information or communication with certain Russians.

The NSA program that Edward Snowden leaked about.

Running a program like what was ran by the NSA should never be accepted, so why would you?

Had this been released when Bush had been President you would have went nuts!

Also Obama failed to secure Immigration Reform when he had the House and Senate.

The War in Iraq did not really end because we then had too deal with ISIS/ISIL.

Using drones in a country like Yemen should not be encouraged ever because we are not at war with Yemen.

So let be factual you supported Obama bloody ways because he is a Democrat!

As for Trump lies, well yes he does lies and I promise like in 2016 I will not vote for him but I will not vote for the trash is running on the left!

That NSA program was started in 2007. Did it really spy? Did someone actually read these transmissions???

Obama had the Bush recession & wall street & healthcare to deal with those two years. Trump had two years with both houses & all he did was whine about a stupid wall & steal children.

Using drones to attack terrorism is fine with me. Do you think we should just allow terrorists it sit in a country & kill people?

Evidently, you think it i OK when Trump does it or arms & funds the Saudies to bomb the crap out of civilians.
Obama was OK and so is Trump-don't knock EITHER of them.
Wow, like what?

1. Ending the wars.

2. Starting new wars.

3. Not doing anything about his promise to prosecute the bankers.

4. His lie about banning lobbyists.

5. Letting the insurance and pharmaceutical companies write Obamacare.

6. His routinely lying about many things (he won lie of the year twice)

7. His support of the spying on citizens.

How many more do you want? I can continue.

He ended the war in Iraq. He did not run on ending afghanistan, he ran on waging it.

He started no new wars. Don't tell me you are so stupid as to think targeted Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen, etc is starting a war.

Bankers actually did nothing illegal. That is why Frank Dodd was written.

He did have a couple lobbyists but most were not.

Insurance companies & Pharmaceuticals helped with certain sacrifices to help the ACA & Exchanges.

Don't tell me you think "You can keep your doctor" is a lie. Perhaps you can point out where in the ACA does it set coverage networks. The ACA had a grandfather clause that started any policy in effect at the bill's signing could be continues. If you lost your policy, not the fault of the ACA.

He supports "spying" when [people need to be spied upon. Like stealing government information or communication with certain Russians.

The NSA program that Edward Snowden leaked about.

Running a program like what was ran by the NSA should never be accepted, so why would you?

Had this been released when Bush had been President you would have went nuts!

Also Obama failed to secure Immigration Reform when he had the House and Senate.

The War in Iraq did not really end because we then had too deal with ISIS/ISIL.

Using drones in a country like Yemen should not be encouraged ever because we are not at war with Yemen.

So let be factual you supported Obama bloody ways because he is a Democrat!

As for Trump lies, well yes he does lies and I promise like in 2016 I will not vote for him but I will not vote for the trash is running on the left!

That NSA program was started in 2007. Did it really spy? Did someone actually read these transmissions???

Obama had the Bush recession & wall street & healthcare to deal with those two years. Trump had two years with both houses & all he did was whine about a stupid wall & steal children.

Using drones to attack terrorism is fine with me. Do you think we should just allow terrorists it sit in a country & kill people?

Evidently, you think it i OK when Trump does it or arms & funds the Saudies to bomb the crap out of civilians.
Obama was OK and so is Trump-don't knock EITHER of them.
So you support Trump lies. You support his running up the drbt. You approve of his stealing children, you approve of his rhetoric.

I have news, being a liar, fraud, business cheat, amoral person is not OK.
Tax break, judges appointed, prison reform, pulled out of bad agreements-climate, Iran, and nuclear. Making it as tough for illegals and fake asylumees to get in as possible and making us energy independent.

Tax break: Borrowed 1.5 trillion & a good chunk goes to wealthy people & well off corporations. I guess you love debt.

Appointed a woman assaulter & drunk to the USSC.

Prison reform that everyone supported & was basically done in Congress

So you are a climate change denier. Wow.

Trump put Iran back on the path to a nuke, why do you like this?

Stealing children. You think that is being tough?

It is legasl to come here & seek asylum.,. Your new fat assed orange buddy treats them like criminals.

The idea you call them fake proves you are just another dumbasss Trumpette. So why do you deny it?
Last post by me-I want to watch Watters World. I think there is climate change-its just carbon is not causing it. Iran is doing what they were going to do anyway-no point in helping them. Don't know USSC. The tax break helped me a lot. Prison reform was LED by him. Not tough enough on children-send them to a Mexican orphanage where they speak the language. The asylum process is supposed to start in the first country-not OUR country. I have no sympathy for those 93% fakes or the criminals who help them. I am not a Trumpette-I think Trump is doing a good job, but I don't like him personally. Now a lesson for you-you may disagree with all my points, but they are MY points-we both have a right to our own opinions without name calling. Good Night.

If you don't think carbon is causing climate change, then you are a denier. Its called science.

Iran was not working on a nuke as sjown by the inspectors. The agreement was working.

Prison reform bill almost passed in 2016 but blocked by Tehran Tom Cotton.

Tax break helped pu & you don't care in was put on the credit card

Trump took children from their families, a practice that evidently support 93% are not fakes.

Your opinions are based on lies.
Your arguments are getting weaker. You call me a denier-I call you a chicken little-does that settle it? Iran hid their progress-don't be naive-besides they sponsored terror. Reform bill was passed with TRUMP'S signature. Don't get the next sentence, but yes tax break helped me, but I have no credit card debt. Trump never took children from anybody, but border agents separated them just as they did under Obama. And yes 93% are fakes. Please don't argue just to be argumentative-I would rather exchange new ideas with open minded people.

I have science on my side. CO2 is driving climate change & man is at fault. SCIENCE

The agreement had to do with nuclear programs. It was working.

Trump signed a bill is not the same as writing it or pushing it when the votes were already there.

Your tax cut was just added to the debt.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump changed the policy & separated families.

93% are not fakes. They are here legally seeking asylum.

You evidently are not very well informed.
Your science is like old time religion-it relies on one set of beliefs only. You saying working-do you REALLY think they stopped their work-did they lay off the scientists? I say they were cheating. Trump could have stopped it, but did not-he deserves credit-get off your hate machine. No, the tax cut is in MY pocket-not Pelosi's. And just what did Obama do? I think 100% are fakes, but I defer to government figures for the 93%. And if YOU are well informed, it is only with your own opinions.

Doesn't the use of CNN actually make you wonder how cann anyone be so utterly fkn stupid after all the proof of CNN being caught in lie after lie video footage and all to prove it. These are your real really stupid fkrs there man. Anyone who uses CNN as their " soul source" is beyond a gawd dam fkn idiot". CNN is equivalent to the onion they're that full of it.
1. Ending the wars.

2. Starting new wars.

3. Not doing anything about his promise to prosecute the bankers.

4. His lie about banning lobbyists.

5. Letting the insurance and pharmaceutical companies write Obamacare.

6. His routinely lying about many things (he won lie of the year twice)

7. His support of the spying on citizens.

How many more do you want? I can continue.

He ended the war in Iraq. He did not run on ending afghanistan, he ran on waging it.

He started no new wars. Don't tell me you are so stupid as to think targeted Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen, etc is starting a war.

Bankers actually did nothing illegal. That is why Frank Dodd was written.

He did have a couple lobbyists but most were not.

Insurance companies & Pharmaceuticals helped with certain sacrifices to help the ACA & Exchanges.

Don't tell me you think "You can keep your doctor" is a lie. Perhaps you can point out where in the ACA does it set coverage networks. The ACA had a grandfather clause that started any policy in effect at the bill's signing could be continues. If you lost your policy, not the fault of the ACA.

He supports "spying" when [people need to be spied upon. Like stealing government information or communication with certain Russians.

The NSA program that Edward Snowden leaked about.

Running a program like what was ran by the NSA should never be accepted, so why would you?

Had this been released when Bush had been President you would have went nuts!

Also Obama failed to secure Immigration Reform when he had the House and Senate.

The War in Iraq did not really end because we then had too deal with ISIS/ISIL.

Using drones in a country like Yemen should not be encouraged ever because we are not at war with Yemen.

So let be factual you supported Obama bloody ways because he is a Democrat!

As for Trump lies, well yes he does lies and I promise like in 2016 I will not vote for him but I will not vote for the trash is running on the left!

That NSA program was started in 2007. Did it really spy? Did someone actually read these transmissions???

Obama had the Bush recession & wall street & healthcare to deal with those two years. Trump had two years with both houses & all he did was whine about a stupid wall & steal children.

Using drones to attack terrorism is fine with me. Do you think we should just allow terrorists it sit in a country & kill people?

Evidently, you think it i OK when Trump does it or arms & funds the Saudies to bomb the crap out of civilians.
Obama was OK and so is Trump-don't knock EITHER of them.
So you support Trump lies. You support his running up the drbt. You approve of his stealing children, you approve of his rhetoric.

I have news, being a liar, fraud, business cheat, amoral person is not OK.
Listen to yourself- or no one else is going to. The same things could be said about Lincoln at one time or another. You seem especially bent about kids, where as I have no sympathy for them at all-I give more to a raped woman who should not have made the trip. I don't support his lies or exaggerations-I support his actions if I judge them as good. And, check the math, most of the debt is not his.
Read the list here: Trump made numerous false claims at his Ohio rally - CNNPolitics

Come on Trumpettes, how can you worship this liar? He lies & you cheer.

Then you repeat his lies here & make total asses out of yourself.

We all know oil & gas production rose under Obama but the fat asssed orange POS claimed Obama tried to end it.

Trump lies & exaggerated & lies & exaggerated some more?
He even called Warren Pocahontas which is noy only bigoted but claimed she has no Native American ancestry when she took a damn test & proved it.

I really don't know what is more pathetic, Trump or the dumfucks that go to his rallies.

BTW, Trump is off for another tax payer funded trip to one of his golf resorts. Those two and a half day work weeks are tough especially when you don;t get to the office until noon. Two campaign trips.

RealDunce spews hate storm on USMB..
So, you can't explain why do don't care how much Trump lies.

Imagine if RealDunce and the Nazi fucks of the press applied the standards they use on Trump to real life..

Normal - "It's colder than a witch's tit out there"
RealDunce - "You sexually assaulted a wiccan and you're lying, wicca is the bestest religion and you should be killed cuz the breasts of witches are the warmest and most comforting of all"

Normal - "It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk"
RealDunce - "LAIR (homage to dunce's prior incarnation) and you are exploiting hens, but not WHITE hen's"

Normal - "He's all over him like white on rice"
RealDunce - "RACIST and Liar. Rice is white and should be outlawed as racist."

Normal - "You're giving me a splitting headache"
RealDunce - "LAIR - your head isn't splitting - you're just using racism to further your agenda"

Normal - "No, I mean that you're dumb as a brick"
RealDunce - "LIAR - bricks are smart"

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