Trump spokesman says Ryan may not be fit to be Speaker

So he is anti-Hispanic and Muslim, and not just against illegal migration altogether?

If I was wanting to make America great again wouldn't I first stop buying Chinese made products and importing visa workers?

If so why hasn't Trump attempted to do this?
Apparently you can't read either, as he isn't anti-Hispanic or muslim!

No, I used your own words and you wrote he was anti-Hispanic illegal immigration and Muslim immigration, and I just wonder why he is not just against illegal migration altogether.

Why just focus on the Hispanic and Muslim part like you just did?
One is a criminal, the other is a terrorist, do I need to post stories of each?

Holy fucking shit you are fucking dense I swear to fucking God!

You wrote Caesar Trump was anti-Hispanic illegal migration and anti-Muslim migration, and all I am asking why he is not against all illegal migration no matter where they are from?

You would believe you would understand this and yet your dense ass double down on stupidity as usual.

I can link Asian crimes by illegal immigrants, so why is he not focused on stopping that?

Let me guess he enjoys happy endings like you!

Perhaps he is, he hasn't mentioned any other illegals, just the ones that do the most harm, I'm sure he's against anything illegal, as most conservatives are! But you can vote for the Hildebeast as your ONLY alternative to Trump, your decision, lefty!

1. Do not ever tell which candidate I should vote for and the fact is I am voting for Gary Johnson and I know ignorant waste of life like you will not understand why because you enjoy slurping at the penis of your Caesar Trump.

2. True Conservatives would focus on those hiring the illegals and not building a damn wall that will do little to stop the illegal migration. Progressive Retards like you believe that wall will keep the Cartel out of this country when in fact they will build the tunnel system that will allow illegals to flow in right under that damn wall.

3. Caesar Trump is as conservative as you are sane, and neither is true, so once you discover your boy is lying please remember he is the Truest CONservative since McCarthy which is telling me how ignorant and stupid you really are!
There are plenty of rich New Yorkers who didn't suck up to the Clintons. You tards are buying the lamest excuses. Why is that?

Where they building buildings.....:ahole-1:
Please explain how the Clinton Foundation helps people build buildings, retard.

It's amazing how credulous you are.

Your stupidity continue to amuse me! :ahole-1:
I asked you to explain how donating to the Clinton Foundation gets buildings built in New York, Chump.

Especially ones which were built before the Clinton Foundation existed, and before Hillary ran for the Senate.

So go ahead. Keep digging your hole, Chump. I'm enjoying you proving your gullibility and stupidity. :lol:
Why would all these countries DONATE to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation? Do you know, or even have an idea in that pea sized brain?

You poor guy. Still trying to push that silly old Limbaugh line. That's about like wearing bell bottoms and a nehru jacket.
You mean the 10.5 MILLION people that voted for Trump are ALL WRONG????

Yes. Please look into his track record, it's all out there. 68+ years as a D and suddenly, over night, he's a conservative? No.

Even now he holds liberal positions. Look at health care ... he has stated he is all for universal health care. Conservatives do NOT want gov't run shit, obamacare was fought by conservatives ... and now you're voting for a guy who is all for uhc because he SAYS what you want to hear? Please do some research on Trump, V.
Because you buy your Pizza from Pizza Hut does not mean you know someone.

Also because Caesar Trump has connections to the families ( you are the one that brought it up ) mean he is not as conservative nor is he someone that should be President.

Of course you have no problem with him and his " Mafia " connections as long as he is running as a Republican...

Oh, John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy knew family members too, and how well did that work out for them?


I am not making any threat but you are pointing out the fact Trump is dirty...
Man was a BUSINESSMAN until a year ago, and didn't LBJ have mafia connections....why YES he did!

So did the Kennedy's, well they were the Irish family at the time...

Now you are comparing Trump to LBJ?

Damn, I did not know you were a Progressive Liberal!

That's Romney, I'm a logical conservative, while you're a dumb bastard!

Dumb bastard?

Well at least I am not voting for someone that has ties to the Mafia, only want to stop Hispanic illegal migration and no other illegal migration, hates Muslims, has been sued for discrimination and lost, and act like a fucking clown on stage while debating those he is running against...

So if I am a Dumb Bastard then you're a ignorant inbred of a fool!
Try Google Clinton Mafia.....

I am not voting for Clinton, so why should I care?

It is you that brought the families into this discussion and now want to excuse Trump connection by claiming other politicians were connected or are connected so why can't he?
Apparently you can't read either, as he isn't anti-Hispanic or muslim!

No, I used your own words and you wrote he was anti-Hispanic illegal immigration and Muslim immigration, and I just wonder why he is not just against illegal migration altogether.

Why just focus on the Hispanic and Muslim part like you just did?
One is a criminal, the other is a terrorist, do I need to post stories of each?

Holy fucking shit you are fucking dense I swear to fucking God!

You wrote Caesar Trump was anti-Hispanic illegal migration and anti-Muslim migration, and all I am asking why he is not against all illegal migration no matter where they are from?

You would believe you would understand this and yet your dense ass double down on stupidity as usual.

I can link Asian crimes by illegal immigrants, so why is he not focused on stopping that?

Let me guess he enjoys happy endings like you!

Perhaps he is, he hasn't mentioned any other illegals, just the ones that do the most harm, I'm sure he's against anything illegal, as most conservatives are! But you can vote for the Hildebeast as your ONLY alternative to Trump, your decision, lefty!

1. Do not ever tell which candidate I should vote for and the fact is I am voting for Gary Johnson and I know ignorant waste of life like you will not understand why because you enjoy slurping at the penis of your Caesar Trump.

2. True Conservatives would focus on those hiring the illegals and not building a damn wall that will do little to stop the illegal migration. Progressive Retards like you believe that wall will keep the Cartel out of this country when in fact they will build the tunnel system that will allow illegals to flow in right under that damn wall.

3. Caesar Trump is as conservative as you are sane, and neither is true, so once you discover your boy is lying please remember he is the Truest CONservative since McCarthy which is telling me how ignorant and stupid you really are!

Yes, another THROWN AWAY vote from a dumb bastard, there are so many dumb bastards in here, on both sides!
Man was a BUSINESSMAN until a year ago, and didn't LBJ have mafia connections....why YES he did!

So did the Kennedy's, well they were the Irish family at the time...

Now you are comparing Trump to LBJ?

Damn, I did not know you were a Progressive Liberal!

That's Romney, I'm a logical conservative, while you're a dumb bastard!

Dumb bastard?

Well at least I am not voting for someone that has ties to the Mafia, only want to stop Hispanic illegal migration and no other illegal migration, hates Muslims, has been sued for discrimination and lost, and act like a fucking clown on stage while debating those he is running against...

So if I am a Dumb Bastard then you're a ignorant inbred of a fool!
Try Google Clinton Mafia.....

I am not voting for Clinton, so why should I care?

It is you that brought the families into this discussion and now want to excuse Trump connection by claiming other politicians were connected or are connected so why can't he?

Did I say he was, I simply said I knew some people and I assume he does also. Is English your second language?
You mean the 10.5 MILLION people that voted for Trump are ALL WRONG????

Yes. Please look into his track record, it's all out there. 68+ years as a D and suddenly, over night, he's a conservative? No.

Even now he holds liberal positions. Look at health care ... he has stated he is all for universal health care. Conservatives do NOT want gov't run shit, obamacare was fought by conservatives ... and now you're voting for a guy who is all for uhc because he SAYS what you want to hear? Please do some research on Trump, V.
Trump twice registered as a democrat, three times as a Republican.
"Trump spokesman says Ryan may not be fit to be Speaker"

And Ryan believes Trump isn’t fit to be president – of course, Ryan lacks the courage to come out and say it.
Exactly what the fuck is the criteria to be a RINO retards?

Obviously, being "very pro choice" isn't.

Obviously, being pro assault weapons ban isn't.

Obviously, being pro socialized medicine isn't.

Obviously, wanting to cut and run from Iraq, leading to the creation of ISIS isn't.

Obviously, wanting to impeach Bush for invading Iraq isn't.

Orange is the new Black. Or is it, Black is the new Orange?
  • Paul Ryan’s primary opponent: I’ll support Trump
    Politico ^ | 5/6/2016 | Nolan D. McCaskill
    When House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday he wasn’t ready to support Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, his Wisconsin primary opponent saw an opening. Following the Trump campaign’s lash-out on Friday, Paul Nehlen seized that opening, suggesting he will do what Ryan won't: support Trump.
  • Paul Nehlen: ‘Paul Ryan’s Elitism is Showing,’ ‘Disdain for the American Electorate Is Breathtaking’ ^ | 5/6/16 | Dan Riehl
    Asked about what Politico reported as Paul Ryan “ditching” presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, “It was stunning,” Ryan’s primary challenger Paul Nehlen told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon. “I couldn’t believe it,” continued Nehlen. “I don’t know where you get off…” pausing to read from, then direct listeners to a new Nehlen campaign press release on the subject, “Paul Ryan’s elitism is showing. He’s apparently decided that the American electoral process of a representative republic isn’t good enough. His disdain and disrespect for the American electorate is breathtaking.” The release continues: “It doesn’t matter whether Speaker Ryan...
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Watching the human pretzels is a real hoot.

Trumpery is more liberal than the idiots the RWNJs call rino's.

But, by gawd, they will twist themselves every which way in order to vote against their own best interests.
Exactly what the fuck is the criteria to be a RINO retards?

Obviously, being "very pro choice" isn't.

Obviously, being pro assault weapons ban isn't.

Obviously, being pro socialized medicine isn't.

Obviously, wanting to cut and run from Iraq, leading to the creation of ISIS isn't.

Obviously, wanting to impeach Bush for invading Iraq isn't.

Trump’s obviously not a democrat or ‘liberal,’ either.
  • GOP’s fear of Trump exposes the party’s abject corruption
    Fellowship of the Minds ^ | 05/02/2016 | Fred Reed
    I love it: Donald Trump’s campaign reveals the establishment for what it is, a swamp of corruption as fetid as those of Latin America. It is better entertainment than Vaudeville. The frantic scramble to rig the primaries, change the rules, and thwart the voters–anything to defend their cozy entanglement of political tapeworms–makes absurd any pretense of democracy. This morning in the Drudge Report: “Trump Highest Number of Republican Voters in History“. Whom do the Republicans want to get rid of? Trump. On the same page a poll reports Trump tied with Hillary nationally. Whom do the Republicans want to get...
Watching the human pretzels is a real hoot.

Trumpery is more liberal than the idiots the RWNJs call rino's.

But, by gawd, they will twist themselves every which way in order to vote against their own best interests.
It’s about republican partisan politics; facts, logic, and the truth be damned.

It’s solely about putting an ‘R’ in the WH – with little understanding or concern as to who that ‘R’ is, his position on the issues, or what he stands for.
Ryan is a true conservative. I cannot agree with him on everything, but he is a true conservative. Trump is.....well......a Lunatic.

No he's not, apparently you are gullible.

If you are allowing Trump to define conservatism, you are changing the conservative mindset and principles for the last 50 years. You are blind to reality.

As a rule I ignore liberal advice on conservatism.
You mean the 10.5 MILLION people that voted for Trump are ALL WRONG????

Yes. Please look into his track record, it's all out there. 68+ years as a D and suddenly, over night, he's a conservative? No.

Even now he holds liberal positions. Look at health care ... he has stated he is all for universal health care. Conservatives do NOT want gov't run shit, obamacare was fought by conservatives ... and now you're voting for a guy who is all for uhc because he SAYS what you want to hear? Please do some research on Trump, V.
Trump twice registered as a democrat, three times as a Republican.

Look at his track record on policies and pols he favors. He is not what he claims.

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