Trump spokesman says Ryan may not be fit to be Speaker


Before Trump registered as a Republican, he was on record as being “very pro-choice”, right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. “I am pro-choice in every respect.”

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:

TAPPER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

TRUMP: Right. I'm Pro-Choice.

TAPPER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

TRUMP: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

As those of you who have been on this forum a while know, I am pro-life, and always have been. Let me ask all of you pro-lifers out there something. Have you EVER in your life accidentally identified yourself as pro-choice?

Me, neither.

And was it a Freudian slip when he apologized for being pro-life? “I’m pro-life. I’m sorry.”

Having been “very pro-choice” all his life, it was not surprising this huckster a few months later completely fumbled a fundamental question about the abortion issue. When asked if women should be punished for getting an abortion, Trump gave five different answers in three days!

Face it. On the abortion issue, Donald Trump is a far left liberal faking he is pro-life…and you know it.


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:

Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.

  1. Donald Trump Explains Conversion to Pro-Life Side...
    Donald Trump Explains Conversion to Pro-Life Side on Abortion. National. Steven Ertelt Apr 8, 2011 | 10:38AM Washington, DC. Share this story: Business ...

If there is one thing which the Democrats are known for, it is their craven desire to “tax the rich”. This is a bedrock principle of every Democrat, almost without exception. And it is a bedrock principle of every Republican to defy higher taxes on the rich. Every right winger has expended metric tons of energy explaining how the rich pay more than their “fair share” of taxes already.

So which side does Trump come down on? The Democratic or Republican side?

Donald Trump: My Tax Plan Is Going To Cost Me A Fortune. You can bleev that only if you bleev Trump has as high an income as he wants you to bleev.

Donald Trump: Tax The Rich More

The man sounds like Elizabeth Warren on this point!
Good, tax those making hundreds of thousands of dollars while he CUTS taxes on those making under $250K....seems logical!
I'm going to give away the retards' secret.

They overlook Trump's Democratic bloodline for one reason, and one reason only: He pretends to hate Mexicans and Muslims.

That's it.

The racists have flocked to Trump, and are willing to overlook the fact he is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, solely because of his anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rhetoric.

If you aren't a racist like the retards, you are a RINO in their book.

He's anti ILLEGAL Hispanic, and wants Congress to stop muslim immigration until the FBI, CIA and HS can devise a way of vetting these criminals and terrorists..... nice try!

So he is anti-Hispanic and Muslim, and not just against illegal migration altogether?

If I was wanting to make America great again wouldn't I first stop buying Chinese made products and importing visa workers?

If so why hasn't Trump attempted to do this?
Apparently you can't read either, as he isn't anti-Hispanic or muslim!

No, I used your own words and you wrote he was anti-Hispanic illegal immigration and Muslim immigration, and I just wonder why he is not just against illegal migration altogether.

Why just focus on the Hispanic and Muslim part like you just did?

The Right invented a perjoriative term for anyone on the Left who suggested we abandon the field of battle and leave Iraq: "Cut-and-run". Remember that? It was a rhetorical shortcut created for the bumper sticker intellects. If a right winger wanted to end a conversation with a liberal of the Cindy Sheehan variety, they just sneered "cut and run" and called it a day.

Here's Trump:

"Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

For all of you who vilify Obama for demobilizing in Iraq and causing the creation of ISIS, check out Trump:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war. And it's gonna go to Iran, and its gonna go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. By the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway, its all gonna blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man (and it will be man, it will not be a woman. That we understand. People will say, "Oh gee, you didn't give the women a chance. It will be a man.) compared to the person who takes over for Saddam Hussein. He will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy. And he will have one thing, one thing. He will hate America, and he will use it to flame.

So Trump's foreign policy in 2007 was WORSE than Obama's, using the right wing yardstick.

The "cut-and-run" perjorative is still slung at Obama to this very day as an explanation for the rise of ISIS: Obama Did a 'Cut and Run' From Iraq and We're Seeing the Result
That sounds like a threat!

I am not making any threats and just basing my opinion of how those like Ryan, Bush and Romney feel about Caesar Trump...

You do know he could end up like Ted Kennedy or Gary Hart when this is all done with, but Hail Caesar Trump, right?

The same way you could...if the stars are just right!

What in a sexual scandal?

Or are you wishing for more against me because I do not believe in the nonsense Caesar Trump is spewing?

His political enemies are many, and when you cross the Bush and Romney camps the way he did, well ask Ross Perot how well that worked out for him after he crossed George H.W. Bush?

Trump comes from NY where the Mafia still corners a market.... If I know some people, I'm sure he knows some people!

Because you buy your Pizza from Pizza Hut does not mean you know someone.

Also because Caesar Trump has connections to the families ( you are the one that brought it up ) mean he is not as conservative nor is he someone that should be President.

Of course you have no problem with him and his " Mafia " connections as long as he is running as a Republican...

Oh, John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy knew family members too, and how well did that work out for them?


I am not making any threat but you are pointing out the fact Trump is dirty...
Man was a BUSINESSMAN until a year ago, and didn't LBJ have mafia connections....why YES he did!
Pro abortion.

Pro gun control.

Pro socialized medicine.

Pro tax the rich.

Pro cut and run from Iraq, leading to the rise of ISIS.

Thought Clinton was best SecState ever.

These are rock solid credentials for a LIBERAL, you dumb fucks.

We had SEVERAL real conservatives up for nomination, but we picked Trump. Why? Ben Carson has more conservatism in his little finger than Trump has in his entire fat fuck body.

You picked him because he's a bigot.

That's. It.

You picked the oldest, richest, most racist, white guy.

I'm going to give away the retards' secret.

They overlook Trump's Democratic bloodline for one reason, and one reason only: He pretends to hate Mexicans and Muslims.

That's it.

The racists have flocked to Trump, and are willing to overlook the fact he is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, solely because of his anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rhetoric.

If you aren't a racist like the retards, you are a RINO in their book.

He's anti ILLEGAL Hispanic, and wants Congress to stop muslim immigration until the FBI, CIA and HS can devise a way of vetting these criminals and terrorists..... nice try!

So he is anti-Hispanic and Muslim, and not just against illegal migration altogether?

If I was wanting to make America great again wouldn't I first stop buying Chinese made products and importing visa workers?

If so why hasn't Trump attempted to do this?
Apparently you can't read either, as he isn't anti-Hispanic or muslim!

No, I used your own words and you wrote he was anti-Hispanic illegal immigration and Muslim immigration, and I just wonder why he is not just against illegal migration altogether.

Why just focus on the Hispanic and Muslim part like you just did?
One is a criminal, the other is a terrorist, do I need to post stories of each?
I am not making any threats and just basing my opinion of how those like Ryan, Bush and Romney feel about Caesar Trump...

You do know he could end up like Ted Kennedy or Gary Hart when this is all done with, but Hail Caesar Trump, right?

The same way you could...if the stars are just right!

What in a sexual scandal?

Or are you wishing for more against me because I do not believe in the nonsense Caesar Trump is spewing?

His political enemies are many, and when you cross the Bush and Romney camps the way he did, well ask Ross Perot how well that worked out for him after he crossed George H.W. Bush?

Trump comes from NY where the Mafia still corners a market.... If I know some people, I'm sure he knows some people!

Because you buy your Pizza from Pizza Hut does not mean you know someone.

Also because Caesar Trump has connections to the families ( you are the one that brought it up ) mean he is not as conservative nor is he someone that should be President.

Of course you have no problem with him and his " Mafia " connections as long as he is running as a Republican...

Oh, John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy knew family members too, and how well did that work out for them?


I am not making any threat but you are pointing out the fact Trump is dirty...
Man was a BUSINESSMAN until a year ago, and didn't LBJ have mafia connections....why YES he did!

So did the Kennedy's, well they were the Irish family at the time...

Now you are comparing Trump to LBJ?

Damn, I did not know you were a Progressive Liberal!
Pro abortion.

Pro gun control.

Pro socialized medicine.

Pro cut and run from Iraq, leading to the rise of ISIS.

We had SEVERAL real conservatives up for nomination, but we picked Trump. Why?

Because he's a bigot.

That's. It.
So you're saying that OVER 10.5MILLION Americans that voted for Trump so far are all BIGOTS?...... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1::banghead:
The same way you could...if the stars are just right!

What in a sexual scandal?

Or are you wishing for more against me because I do not believe in the nonsense Caesar Trump is spewing?

His political enemies are many, and when you cross the Bush and Romney camps the way he did, well ask Ross Perot how well that worked out for him after he crossed George H.W. Bush?

Trump comes from NY where the Mafia still corners a market.... If I know some people, I'm sure he knows some people!

Because you buy your Pizza from Pizza Hut does not mean you know someone.

Also because Caesar Trump has connections to the families ( you are the one that brought it up ) mean he is not as conservative nor is he someone that should be President.

Of course you have no problem with him and his " Mafia " connections as long as he is running as a Republican...

Oh, John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy knew family members too, and how well did that work out for them?


I am not making any threat but you are pointing out the fact Trump is dirty...
Man was a BUSINESSMAN until a year ago, and didn't LBJ have mafia connections....why YES he did!

So did the Kennedy's, well they were the Irish family at the time...

Now you are comparing Trump to LBJ?

Damn, I did not know you were a Progressive Liberal!

That's Romney, I'm a logical conservative, while you're a dumb bastard!
I'm going to give away the retards' secret.

They overlook Trump's Democratic bloodline for one reason, and one reason only: He pretends to hate Mexicans and Muslims.

That's it.

The racists have flocked to Trump, and are willing to overlook the fact he is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, solely because of his anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim rhetoric.

If you aren't a racist like the retards, you are a RINO in their book.

He's anti ILLEGAL Hispanic, and wants Congress to stop muslim immigration until the FBI, CIA and HS can devise a way of vetting these criminals and terrorists..... nice try!

So he is anti-Hispanic and Muslim, and not just against illegal migration altogether?

If I was wanting to make America great again wouldn't I first stop buying Chinese made products and importing visa workers?

If so why hasn't Trump attempted to do this?
Apparently you can't read either, as he isn't anti-Hispanic or muslim!

No, I used your own words and you wrote he was anti-Hispanic illegal immigration and Muslim immigration, and I just wonder why he is not just against illegal migration altogether.

Why just focus on the Hispanic and Muslim part like you just did?
One is a criminal, the other is a terrorist, do I need to post stories of each?

Holy fucking shit you are fucking dense I swear to fucking God!

You wrote Caesar Trump was anti-Hispanic illegal migration and anti-Muslim migration, and all I am asking why he is not against all illegal migration no matter where they are from?

You would believe you would understand this and yet your dense ass double down on stupidity as usual.

I can link Asian crimes by illegal immigrants, so why is he not focused on stopping that?

Let me guess he enjoys happy endings like you!
What in a sexual scandal?

Or are you wishing for more against me because I do not believe in the nonsense Caesar Trump is spewing?

His political enemies are many, and when you cross the Bush and Romney camps the way he did, well ask Ross Perot how well that worked out for him after he crossed George H.W. Bush?

Trump comes from NY where the Mafia still corners a market.... If I know some people, I'm sure he knows some people!

Because you buy your Pizza from Pizza Hut does not mean you know someone.

Also because Caesar Trump has connections to the families ( you are the one that brought it up ) mean he is not as conservative nor is he someone that should be President.

Of course you have no problem with him and his " Mafia " connections as long as he is running as a Republican...

Oh, John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy knew family members too, and how well did that work out for them?


I am not making any threat but you are pointing out the fact Trump is dirty...
Man was a BUSINESSMAN until a year ago, and didn't LBJ have mafia connections....why YES he did!

So did the Kennedy's, well they were the Irish family at the time...

Now you are comparing Trump to LBJ?

Damn, I did not know you were a Progressive Liberal!

That's Romney, I'm a logical conservative, while you're a dumb bastard!

Dumb bastard?

Well at least I am not voting for someone that has ties to the Mafia, only want to stop Hispanic illegal migration and no other illegal migration, hates Muslims, has been sued for discrimination and lost, and act like a fucking clown on stage while debating those he is running against...

So if I am a Dumb Bastard then you're a ignorant inbred of a fool!
He's anti ILLEGAL Hispanic, and wants Congress to stop muslim immigration until the FBI, CIA and HS can devise a way of vetting these criminals and terrorists..... nice try!

So he is anti-Hispanic and Muslim, and not just against illegal migration altogether?

If I was wanting to make America great again wouldn't I first stop buying Chinese made products and importing visa workers?

If so why hasn't Trump attempted to do this?
Apparently you can't read either, as he isn't anti-Hispanic or muslim!

No, I used your own words and you wrote he was anti-Hispanic illegal immigration and Muslim immigration, and I just wonder why he is not just against illegal migration altogether.

Why just focus on the Hispanic and Muslim part like you just did?
One is a criminal, the other is a terrorist, do I need to post stories of each?

Holy fucking shit you are fucking dense I swear to fucking God!

You wrote Caesar Trump was anti-Hispanic illegal migration and anti-Muslim migration, and all I am asking why he is not against all illegal migration no matter where they are from?

You would believe you would understand this and yet your dense ass double down on stupidity as usual.

I can link Asian crimes by illegal immigrants, so why is he not focused on stopping that?

Let me guess he enjoys happy endings like you!

Perhaps he is, he hasn't mentioned any other illegals, just the ones that do the most harm, I'm sure he's against anything illegal, as most conservatives are! But you can vote for the Hildebeast as your ONLY alternative to Trump, your decision, lefty!
Trump comes from NY where the Mafia still corners a market.... If I know some people, I'm sure he knows some people!

Because you buy your Pizza from Pizza Hut does not mean you know someone.

Also because Caesar Trump has connections to the families ( you are the one that brought it up ) mean he is not as conservative nor is he someone that should be President.

Of course you have no problem with him and his " Mafia " connections as long as he is running as a Republican...

Oh, John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy knew family members too, and how well did that work out for them?


I am not making any threat but you are pointing out the fact Trump is dirty...
Man was a BUSINESSMAN until a year ago, and didn't LBJ have mafia connections....why YES he did!

So did the Kennedy's, well they were the Irish family at the time...

Now you are comparing Trump to LBJ?

Damn, I did not know you were a Progressive Liberal!

That's Romney, I'm a logical conservative, while you're a dumb bastard!

Dumb bastard?

Well at least I am not voting for someone that has ties to the Mafia, only want to stop Hispanic illegal migration and no other illegal migration, hates Muslims, has been sued for discrimination and lost, and act like a fucking clown on stage while debating those he is running against...

So if I am a Dumb Bastard then you're a ignorant inbred of a fool!
Try Google Clinton Mafia.....


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