Trump stealing money from donors

I heard that Donald Trump is going to have a Labor Day Telethon for Donnie's kids,
Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Don and Barron.

Because he has that corrupt "Trump Foundation" that pays all the proceeds out to Bill and Hillary in salaries? :thup:

Oh wait, that's the Clinton Foundation - you were just lying to make it seem like Trump does what Crooked Hillary does.

Well, lying is what you do - lying is ALL you do! :thup:
The Clinton's take no salary from their foundation. Lying is what you do.

No, but the Foundation pays all of their millions of dollars in expenses. A sweet deal for those who can afford to set them up.
What is wrong with generating more funds for the foundation? They operate at 11% well below other major charities, If you have facts of high rolling please present them.
I heard that Donald Trump is going to have a Labor Day Telethon for Donnie's kids,
Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Don and Barron.

Because he has that corrupt "Trump Foundation" that pays all the proceeds out to Bill and Hillary in salaries? :thup:

Oh wait, that's the Clinton Foundation - you were just lying to make it seem like Trump does what Crooked Hillary does.

Well, lying is what you do - lying is ALL you do! :thup:
Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger these days.


B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!
Donald Trump Jacked Up His Campaign’s Trump Tower Rent Once Somebody Else Was Paying It

What a fucking con-man scammer. The guy is too much.

The people donating money have nothing and Trump is happy to take their money, fund his faux "presidential" operation and triple the rent on "his" headquarters.

In addition to the rent for Trump Tower space in Manhattan, Trump has paid his eponymous golf courses and restaurants more than $260,000 since his campaign and the RNC struck a joint fundraising deal in mid-May, after he essentially locked up the GOP nomination. On May 18, the day the fundraising deal was announced, Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach was paid $29,715; Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida, was paid $35,845; and Trump Restaurants LLC was paid $125,080, according to FEC records. Such large payments were much rarer when Trump was self-funding.

It’s unclear from the campaign filings the purpose of the golf course and restaurant payments, although both of the Florida golf courses hosted Trump campaign news conferences in March.

The Trump campaign on Tuesday responded that it had expanded into larger quarters. “Also, Mr. Trump makes a personal contribution of $2 million per month to the campaign, obviously a much higher amount than rent,” the statement said.
You remember he funded his own primary campaign don't you? Nothing wring with getting some of it back.

Oh, BTW, why do the Clintons donate 97% of the charity donations to the Clinton Foundation? Does that seem appropriate when only 10%, if that much, goes out to charity? Who gets the other 90% of the money?
What is wrong with generating more funds for the foundation? They operate at 11% well below other major charities, If you have facts of high rolling please present them.

The foundation is a fraud. It pays out money to the well connected and trades favors for donations.

You democrats LOVE corruption, but the Clinton Foundation is little more than organized crime.
I heard that Donald Trump is going to have a Labor Day Telethon for Donnie's kids,
Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Don and Barron.

Because he has that corrupt "Trump Foundation" that pays all the proceeds out to Bill and Hillary in salaries? :thup:

Oh wait, that's the Clinton Foundation - you were just lying to make it seem like Trump does what Crooked Hillary does.

Well, lying is what you do - lying is ALL you do! :thup:
The Clinton's take no salary from their foundation. Lying is what you do.

No, but the Foundation pays all of their millions of dollars in expenses. A sweet deal for those who can afford to set them up.
What is wrong with generating more funds for the foundation? They operate at 11% well below other major charities, If you have facts of high rolling please present them.

You claimed they get no salary. That is only true to a point. The fact is ALL of the clintons expenses are paid for by the Foundation. Millions and millions and millions of dollars worth. they live large on the backs of donors.
I suggest that the OP read up on how much of the donations to the Clinton Foundation go to their travel and payments to cronies...and how little is actually spent on charitable programs.
I heard that Donald Trump is going to have a Labor Day Telethon for Donnie's kids,
Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Don and Barron.

Because he has that corrupt "Trump Foundation" that pays all the proceeds out to Bill and Hillary in salaries? :thup:

Oh wait, that's the Clinton Foundation - you were just lying to make it seem like Trump does what Crooked Hillary does.

Well, lying is what you do - lying is ALL you do! :thup:
The Clinton's take no salary from their foundation. Lying is what you do.

No, but the Foundation pays all of their millions of dollars in expenses. A sweet deal for those who can afford to set them up.
What is wrong with generating more funds for the foundation? They operate at 11% well below other major charities, If you have facts of high rolling please present them.

You claimed they get no salary. That is only true to a point. The fact is ALL of the clintons expenses are paid for by the Foundation. Millions and millions and millions of dollars worth. they live large on the backs of donors.
Like I said, saying it is one thing, having proof is another. Please show me the proof.
Because he has that corrupt "Trump Foundation" that pays all the proceeds out to Bill and Hillary in salaries? :thup:

Oh wait, that's the Clinton Foundation - you were just lying to make it seem like Trump does what Crooked Hillary does.

Well, lying is what you do - lying is ALL you do! :thup:
The Clinton's take no salary from their foundation. Lying is what you do.

No, but the Foundation pays all of their millions of dollars in expenses. A sweet deal for those who can afford to set them up.
What is wrong with generating more funds for the foundation? They operate at 11% well below other major charities, If you have facts of high rolling please present them.

You claimed they get no salary. That is only true to a point. The fact is ALL of the clintons expenses are paid for by the Foundation. Millions and millions and millions of dollars worth. they live large on the backs of donors.
Like I said, saying it is one thing, having proof is another. Please show me the proof.

Here's some. They are very good at hiding what they spend their money on.

"The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation."
Trump has been caught pilfering donor money, and all his Chumps can do is whine, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

The Clinton's take no salary from their foundation. Lying is what you do.

No, but the Foundation pays all of their millions of dollars in expenses. A sweet deal for those who can afford to set them up.
What is wrong with generating more funds for the foundation? They operate at 11% well below other major charities, If you have facts of high rolling please present them.

You claimed they get no salary. That is only true to a point. The fact is ALL of the clintons expenses are paid for by the Foundation. Millions and millions and millions of dollars worth. they live large on the backs of donors.
Like I said, saying it is one thing, having proof is another. Please show me the proof.

Here's some. They are very good at hiding what they spend their money on.

"The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation."
Here is an honest view of what transpired.

"Fox Business Network’s Gerri Willis, for example, also claimed only 6 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s 2013 revenue “went to help people.” Willis claimed that charity experts have looked into whether the Clinton Foundation “wisely spen(t) charitable dollars” and weighed in with a “resounding no.”

“Charity Navigator … [has] placed the Clinton Foundation on a watch list,” Willis said. “They think there are problems with this nonprofit. They don’t like the way it runs itself. They say the money is not spent wisely.”

She said Charity Navigator concluded the Clinton Foundation “does not meet their criteria as an organization that does charitable work.”

But that’s not what Charity Navigator said.

Here’s what the Charity Navigator site actually states:

Charity Navigator: We had previously evaluated this organization, but have since determined that this charity’s atypical business model can not be accurately captured in our current rating methodology. Our removal of The Clinton Foundation from our site is neither a condemnation nor an endorsement of this charity. We reserve the right to reinstate a rating for The Clinton Foundation as soon as we identify a rating methodology that appropriately captures its business model.

What does it mean that this organization isn’t rated?

It simply means that the organization doesn’t meet our criteria. A lack of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment by Charity Navigator.

We spoke by phone with Sandra Minuitti at Charity Navigator, and she told us Charity Navigator decided not to rate the Clinton Foundation because the foundation spun off some entities (chiefly the Health Access Initiative) and then later brought some, like the Clinton Global Initiative, back into the fold. Charity Navigator looks at a charity’s performance over time, she said, and those spin-offs could result in a skewed picture using its analysis model. If the foundation maintains its current structure for several years, she said, Charity Navigator will be able to rate it again.

The decision to withhold a rating had nothing to do with concerns about the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work. Further, Minuitti said citing only the 6 percent of the budget spent on grants as the sum total spent on charity by the foundation — as Willis and Fiorina did — is inaccurate.

She referred us to page 10 of the 2013 990 form for the Clinton Foundation. When considering the amount spent on “charitable work,” she said, one would look not just at the amount in grants given to other charities, but all of the expenses in Column B for program services. That comes to 80.6 percent of spending. (The higher 89 percent figure we cited earlier comes from a CharityWatch analysis of the Clinton Foundation and its affiliates.)

“That’s the standard way” to measure a charity’s performance, Minuitti said. “You have to look at the entirety of that column.”

Minuitti said it is also inaccurate to assume all money spent on travel and salaries does not go toward charity. Depending on the nature of the charity, she said, travel and salary could certainly be considered expenses related to charity.

It’s true, as Willis said, that Charity Navigator put the Clinton Foundation on its “watch list,” but not because of concerns about insufficient funds going toward charity. Mainly, it was put on the watch list due to questions raised in the media about foreign donations to the foundation and the potential for quid pro quo when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. The site also linked to a story about the abrupt resignation earlier this year of the foundation’s CEO. (Go here to see a full list of articles that led to the decision by Charity Navigator to place the foundation on its watch list.)

According to the Charity Navigator site, it “takes no position” on the allegations raised in the media reports, nor does it “seek to confirm or verify the accuracy of allegations made or the merits of issues raised.” Minuitti said the watch list was more like “news to know” for potential donors.

None of the articles cited by Charity Navigator has anything to do with a low percentage of funding going to charitable work.

Another philanthropy watchdog, CharityWatch, a project of the American Institute of Philanthropy, gave the Clinton Foundation an “A” rating.

Daniel Borochoff, president and founder of CharityWatch, told us by phone that its analysis of the finances of the Clinton Foundation and its affiliates found that about 89 percent of the foundation budget is spent on programming (or “charity”), higher than the 75 percent considered the industry standard.

By only looking at the amount the Clinton Foundation doled out in grants, Fiorina “is showing her lack of understanding of charitable organizations,” Borochoff said. “She’s thinking of the Clinton Foundation as a private foundation.” Those kinds of foundations are typically supported by money from a few people, and the money is then distributed to various charities. The Clinton Foundation, however, is a public charity, he said. It mostly does its own charitable work. It has over 2,000 employees worldwide.

“What she’s doing is looking at how many grants they write to other groups,” Borochoff said. “If you are going to look at it that way, you may as well criticize every other operating charity on the planet.”

In order to get a fuller picture of the Clinton Foundation’s operations, he said, people need to look at the foundation’s consolidated audit, which includes the financial data on separate affiliates like the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

“Otherwise,” he said, “you are looking at just a piece of the pie.”

Considering all of the organizations affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, he said, CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013, he said.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work." Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?
Since the man is a billionaire I doubt he has to steal from anyone.

Jesus you are one dumb gullible fuck. think rich people don't steal?

Now why would a man with more money than God steal from a donor??

Common Sense 101

See Trump University

See the Clinton Foundation.

We can. We can actually SEE their list of donors. You can't see the list of donors to the Bush's charitable foundation, they're all secret. Where's the outrage?
Trump bragged he was funding his campaign himself.

Ordinarily, a politican will reimburse their expenses directly from their campaign funds. This is legal and done all the time. Most politicians don't claim they will self-fund their campaigns. Many do take out big loans to get their campaigns started, and then reimburse themselves later when donations start coming in.

But Trump said he IS self-funding, and now he is using a much more underhanded way to cover up that lie by hiking up the rent which is paid from donations to the campaign.

He's been caught, and his Chumps are tossing out as many red herrings as possible to excuse yet another flip flopping lie told by Trump.

Is there ANYTHING Trump has claimed since Day One of his campaign which has not turned out to be a raging lie?
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Trump has been caught pilfering donor money, and all his Chumps can do is whine, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"


until Clinton whips his ass in the General. Then it will be

but the media
but voter fraud
but ...............
Since the man is a billionaire I doubt he has to steal from anyone.

Jesus you are one dumb gullible fuck. think rich people don't steal?

Now why would a man with more money than God steal from a donor??

Common Sense 101

See Trump University

See the Clinton Foundation.

We can. We can actually SEE their list of donors. You can't see the list of donors to the Bush's charitable foundation, they're all secret. Where's the outrage?

BUT she's obviously hiding something


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