Trump still thinks Central Park 5 are guilty

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Another fabrication from the right

They NEVER told friends they did it and withdrew their forced confessions as soon as they were bailed out

If they didn't do, they should have fingered the Real Rapists.

Why should the taxpayers have to pony up millions and millions of dollars because these young people decided they didn't want to be Snitches?
They weren’t there
The rapist acted alone
So how did they all bring the police back to the location? “Look at all that blood, it was dark “ lol can’t rape blacks anymore so now you pay them to do it? Interesting
And yet none of that blood was on any of the purported rapists. Exactly how do you rape someone covered in blood without getting any of their blood on yourself.
Did they rape her face? Huh
Her body was covered in blood, not just her face. At least one of them claimed another one who was arrested that same night was by her head, holding her arms down.

They confessed. Some of them told friends about their involvement in the crime BEFORE they were arrested.

YOu are insane. Trump is a sane man in a crazy world.

They were awake over 24 hours without access to parents or lawyers
There stories conflicted and they were fed evidence of the crime by police. They had no knowledge of where the crime occurred, what the victim looked like or what was done

There was no evidence of the victims blood on them and they left no DNA

So what?

Manafort was kept in solitary for a year by Mueller, does that make him innocent?

I don't know if the CP 5 are innocent or guilty, but the prosecutors who handled the case are convinced they are guilty as sin as well as the people that lived in the neighborhood, like Donald J Trump.

Having someone confess after the statute of limitations has passed so they can't be touched is just a way to get money.

The prosecutors are protecting a poorly constructed case with no physical evidence linking the boys to the crime

Think about it. The woman was brutally beaten and almost bled to death. Yet none of the boys had any blood on them or their clothes or shoes.....not a drop
There was DNA on the woman but it did not match any of the 5

DNA a did match the guy who confessed in prison. The guy who actually knew details about the crime that matched the evidence

Consider this, however, when the event happened, none of the neighborhood people including Donald J Trump, shed any tears for the fate of the CP5. They were well known thugs in the area.

If they were as pure as they claimed after they were sent up the river, they would have had witnesses testifying that they had the wrong guys and what kind of boy scouts these youngsters were.
So...what we have here is the belief that it's ok to railroad innocent people into prison if people don't like them.
Only if donny says so.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
How did they rape her, or even hold her down, without getting her blood on themselves?
Her fave was bashed in at the end.. the last few bashed her head in, blood leaks out. Why do you defend this ? Because you want blacks to rape?
Your idiocy is not matched by their claims.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
How did they rape her, or even hold her down, without getting her blood on themselves?
Her fave was bashed in at the end.. the last few bashed her head in, blood leaks out. Why do you defend this ? Because you want blacks to rape?
Your idiocy is not matched by their claims.
Just a facts ,

The police also had incriminating testimony from friends and acquaintances of the defendants.

— Dennis Commedo, one of the boys who was part of the larger group, told the police that, when he ran into Richardson in the park that night, he’d said, “We just raped somebody.”

— Wise told a friend’s sister, Melody Jackson, that he didn’t rape the jogger; he “only held her legs down while Kevin (Richardson) f—ed her.” Jackson volunteered this information to the police, thinking it would help Wise.

— Two of Wise’s friends said that, the next day, he told them, “You heard about that woman that was beat up and raped in the park last night. That was us!”

— Another boy arrested for the attacks, but not the rape, told the detectives on videotape that he overheard Santana and a friend laughing in the park about how they’d “made a woman bleed.”

The defendants also knew facts about the attack that only someone who had been there could possibly know. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.

Wise told the detective interviewing him that someone he thought was named “Rudy” had stolen the jogger’s Walkman. The officer’s notes state: “persons present when girl raped. … Rudy –- played with tits/took walkman.”

At that point, the jogger was still in a coma. Police investigators had no way of knowing that she’d been carrying a Walkman. Thirteen years later, the sixth rapist, Matias Reyes — the only rapist, according to Hollywood and former District Attorney Robert Morgenthau — told police that in addition to raping the jogger, he’d stolen her Walkman.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
Making shit up again
Both boys claimed the rape happened near the Reservoir which was nowhere close to the actual site
They confessed. Some of them told friends about their involvement in the crime BEFORE they were arrested.

YOu are insane. Trump is a sane man in a crazy world.

They were awake over 24 hours without access to parents or lawyers
There stories conflicted and they were fed evidence of the crime by police. They had no knowledge of where the crime occurred, what the victim looked like or what was done

There was no evidence of the victims blood on them and they left no DNA

So what?

Manafort was kept in solitary for a year by Mueller, does that make him innocent?

I don't know if the CP 5 are innocent or guilty, but the prosecutors who handled the case are convinced they are guilty as sin as well as the people that lived in the neighborhood, like Donald J Trump.

Having someone confess after the statute of limitations has passed so they can't be touched is just a way to get money.

The prosecutors are protecting a poorly constructed case with no physical evidence linking the boys to the crime

Think about it. The woman was brutally beaten and almost bled to death. Yet none of the boys had any blood on them or their clothes or shoes.....not a drop
There was DNA on the woman but it did not match any of the 5

DNA a did match the guy who confessed in prison. The guy who actually knew details about the crime that matched the evidence

Consider this, however, when the event happened, none of the neighborhood people including Donald J Trump, shed any tears for the fate of the CP5. They were well known thugs in the area.

If they were as pure as they claimed after they were sent up the river, they would have had witnesses testifying that they had the wrong guys and what kind of boy scouts these youngsters were.
So...what we have here is the belief that it's ok to railroad innocent people into prison if people don't like them.

Of course you are full of crapola, just like The Duke was at the time of his death. As everyone knows, they found 41 pounds of decayed feces in his colon during his 1977 autopsy. Donald J. Trump and the other nearby neighbors to this horrific crime wanted the REAL perpetrators arrested and taken off the street. His old lady and his children slept in his apartment adjacent to the crime scene.

Thinking that Trump just hates black people and wasn't concerned about this crime is sort of a stupid thought, just saying.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
Making shit up again
Both boys claimed the rape happened near the Reservoir which was nowhere close to the actual site
Two took them right to the location,, did they do to?
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
No. the dna proved that the rapist was telling the truth. Lack of dna proves that the 55 were not involved,outside of your lurid fantasies.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
Making shit up again
Both boys claimed the rape happened near the Reservoir which was nowhere close to the actual site
Two took them right to the location,, did they do to?

The sexual deviate who copped to the rape in the joint was in the same unit as the CP5. He was able to get details about the crime from the actual perps
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
No. the dna proved that the rapist was telling the truth. Lack of dna proves that the 55 were not involved,outside of your lurid fantasies.

DNA isn't as perfect as you are inferring.

Remember the OJ Simpson case, and how it was explained that the police could just frame someone with phony DNA evidence.

It would be easy enough, if the powers that be wanted to glorify the Central Park 5, to tamper with the evidence.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
No. the dna proved that the rapist was telling the truth. Lack of dna proves that the 55 were not involved,outside of your lurid fantasies.

DNA isn't as perfect as you are inferring.

Remember the OJ Simpson case, and how it was explained that the police could just frame someone with phony DNA evidence.

It would be easy enough, if the powers that be wanted to glorify the Central Park 5, to tamper with the evidence.
There was no dna evidence. 5 kids could not beat up and rape a woman without leaving dna. Not possible. Case closed.
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
No. the dna proved that the rapist was telling the truth. Lack of dna proves that the 55 were not involved,outside of your lurid fantasies.
DNA was primitive in 1989,, question why do you want rapist in the black community, do they deserve to live protected? Answer that question
One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
Making shit up again
Both boys claimed the rape happened near the Reservoir which was nowhere close to the actual site
Two took them right to the location,, did they do to?

The sexual deviate who copped to the rape in the joint was in the same unit as the CP5. He was able to get details about the crime from the actual perps
Yup and he was already doing life
How did these children manage to gang rape this woman without leaving any dna at the crime scene. 5 of them supposedly present and no dna. How did they manage that ?

One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
No. the dna proved that the rapist was telling the truth. Lack of dna proves that the 55 were not involved,outside of your lurid fantasies.
DNA was primitive in 1989,, question why do you want rapist in the black community, do they deserve to live protected? Answer that question
DNA had been in use for a few years. You are just pissed because it disproves your loony, racist theory.
One of them stated that he only felt up her tits, while the others raped her. Another stated that he only helped hold down her legs while the others raped her.

Do you understand how that would make them rapists, while not leaving behind dna?
It doesnt explain the lack of any dna on her or any traces on them. If they were holding her down while another one was raping her then his dna would be present. It wasnt. The only dna was that of the rapist. You are spouting this shite because you are a trumptard and these kids are black.
All you have is forced confessions and a big bag of lies.
The DNA was primitive in 1989 just facts.. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred.
No. the dna proved that the rapist was telling the truth. Lack of dna proves that the 55 were not involved,outside of your lurid fantasies.

DNA isn't as perfect as you are inferring.

Remember the OJ Simpson case, and how it was explained that the police could just frame someone with phony DNA evidence.

It would be easy enough, if the powers that be wanted to glorify the Central Park 5, to tamper with the evidence.
There was no dna evidence. 5 kids could not beat up and rape a woman without leaving dna. Not possible. Case closed.

The District Attorney for the County of New York, Leftist Robert Morganthau, thought it wasn't a problem and neither did the 12 angry men who heard the case. Maybe the defense should have moved the case to Cattaraugus County?
And in a related theme, Blow Job Clinton is still impeached. AND a rapist, and our Manchurian muslim, Surrender Monkey still gave Iran $150 BILLION to promote their terrorism around the world, that he didn't have to.....which has more effect on the world?
A rapist? Where were the indictments? The convictions? Oh, are lying again.
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